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Muscle Origin Insertion Nerve supply Action

Clavicular head:
-Anterior surface of medial - Clavicular head:
half of clavicle. Flexes the arm from an extended position.
Lateral lip of the
Sternocostal head: Lateral & Medial - Sternocostal head:
Pectoralis Major - Anterior surface of
Extends the arm from a flexed position.
sulcus in Humerus pectoral nerves
sternum. (Bicipitalgroove)
-First seven costal - 2 heads acting together:
cartilages. Flex, Adduct and Medially rotate the
-Anterior abdominal wall. arm at the shoulder joint.

Coracoid process
Pectoralis Minor Anterior surfaces and of scapula Medial pectoral - Protracts the scapula

superior borders of ribs 3-5 . (medial border and nerve - Depresses the lateral angle of the scapula
upper surface) (tip of the shoulder)

From the first rib at the - Pull the shoulder down by depressing the
Subclavius junction between the rib and Subclavius groove Nerve to subclavius clavicle

its costal cartilage. - Stabilize the sternoclavicular joint by
pulling the clavicle medially.
Anterior border of the lateral
1/3 of the clavicle. -Anterior fibers: Flex the arm
Deltoid -Lateral border of the Deltoid tuberosity -fibers: Abduct the arm from 15-90
Axillary Nerve.
acromion. of the humerus. degree.
- The inferior margin of the -Posterior fibers: Extend the arm.
crest of the spine of the

Sub-Scapularis Medial 2/3 of subscapular Lesser tubercle of Upper and lower - Medial rotation of the arm at the
fossa the humerus subscapular nerves shoulder joint

- Rotator Cuff Muscles
The most superior
Medial 2/3 of supraspinous - Abducts the arm from zero to 15 degree
Supra-Spinatus fossa and from the deep
facet of the greater Suprascapular
fascia covers the muscle
tubercle on the nerve - (Rotator Cuff Muscle)

The middle facet

Medial 2/3 of infraspinous - Lateral rotation of the arm at the
Infra-Spinatus fossaand from the deep
on the greater Suprascapular
shoulder joint
tubercle of the nerve
fascia covers the muscle - (Rotator Cuff Muscle)

The medial lip

the bicipital
Teres Major Oval area on the back of the groove Lower subscapular Medial rotation &extension of the arm at
inf. angle (intertubercular nerve the glenohumeral joint
sulcus) of the

The upper 2/3 of flattened

- Rotates the arm laterally at the
Teres Minor strip of bone on the back of Inferior facet on
Axillary nerve glenohumeral joint
the scapula, adjacent to the the greater tubercle
- (Rotator Cuff Muscle)
lateral border

Medial side
of the

Coracobrachialis Apex of coracoid process mid shaft of the
Flex the arm at the glenohumeral joint

- Long head: - Powerful flexor of the forearm at the

Biceps Brachii Supraglenoid tubercle
Radial tuberosity
Musculocutaneous elbow joint
- Short head: nerve - Supinator of the forearm
Apex of coracoid process - Accessory flexor of the arm at the
glenohumeral joint
Brachialis - Anterior aspect of the -Musculocutaneous
humerus(medial and lateral Powerful flexor of the forearm at the
Ulnar tuberosity nerve

surfaces) elbow joint
- Intermuscular septa - Radial nerve

-Long head:
Infraglenoid tubercle
-Lateral head:
- Extension of the forearm at the elbow
Posterior surface of the Superior surface of
Triceps Brachii humerus superior to the Radial nerve joint

olecranon process
radial groove
 of the ulna - Long head can also extend and adduct
the arm at the shoulder joint
-Medial head:
surface of the humerus
inferior to the radial groove

- The front of the med.

 Rough area on the
Pronator Teres - The medial supracondylar lateral surface of
The median nerve Pronation for the forearm
ridge the mid shaft of the
- The medial side of radius
coronoid process of the ulna

The anterior
Flexor Carpi surfaces of
The front of the med. the bases of the
Radialis epicondyle
The median nerve Flexion + Abduction of the wrist
2nd and 3rd
metacarpal bones

The front of the med. - The flexor - Assists in wrist flexion

Palmaris Longus The median nerve
epicondyle retinaculum - Assists in gripping
- The palmar

-The front of the med. -Pisiform bone

Flexor Carpi Epicondyle bone

Ulnaris -The olecranon process and - Base of 5th The ulnar nerve Flexion + adduction of the wrist
the posterior border of the metacarpal
ulna - Hamate bone

Humero ulnar head: - 4 tendons for the

- The front of the medial 4 fingers

Flexor Digitorum med.epicondyle
 - They are inserted -Flexes the metacarpophalangeal joints
- The medial side of the into the palmar and the proximal interphalangeal joints of
Superficialis coronoid process of the ulna surfaces of the
The median nerve
the medial 4 fingers

Radial head: middle phalanges -Flexes the wrist joint

-Anterior oblique line of of the medial 4
radius fingers

- 4 tendons for the

medial 4 fingers
Flexor Digitorum -Anterior and medial
- Into the palmar nerve
- Flexes the metacarpophalangeal,
surfaces of the ulna proximal and distal inter phalangeal joints
- Anterior surface of
surface of the nerve (anterior
of the medial 4 fingers and

distal phalanges of interosseous
interosseous membrane - Flexes the wrist joint
the medial 4 branch)

- Lateral epicondyle
 The lateral surface From the deep Supinates the forearm
Supinator - Radial collateral ligament of the radius branch of the radial
- Annular ligament
 superior to anterior nerve (posterior
- Supinator crest oblique line interosseous nerve)
- Into the Palmar
Flexor Pollicis - Anterior surface of the
surface of the
Median nerve
 (anterior Flexes the interphalangeal and the
Longus - Anterior surface of
of the distal
interosseous metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb
phalanx of the
interosseous membrane branch)

Pronator The oblique ridge on the Distal anterior

Median nerve
Quadratus anterior surface of the lower surface of the
Pronation for the forearm
end of the ulna radius

- The uppe part of the lateral

The lateral surface
supracondylar ridge of the
Brachioradialis humerus
of the distal end of
The radial nerve
Accessory flexor of the elbow joint when
the the forearm midpronated
- The lateral intermuscular

- The lower part of the

lateral supracondylar ridge The dorsal surface
Extensor Carpi of the humerus of the base of the
-The lateral intermuscular The radial nerve Extension & abduction of the wrist
Radialis Longus septum
 2nd metacarpal
- Lateral epicondyle of the bone

Extensor Carpi - The lateral epicondyle of The dorsal surface

the humerus
 of the bases of the Deep branch of the
Extension & abduction of the wrist
Radialis Brevis - Lateral intermuscular 2nd & 3rd radial nerve
septum metacarpal bones
-The muscle is
divided into 4
Extensor -Lateral epicondyle of the tendons for the
 medial 4 fingers
 The posterior - It extends the medial 4 fingers
Digitorum -Lateral intermuscular - Each tendon joins interosseous nerve - It extends the wrist
septum the extensor hood
of the medial 4

Extensor Digiti - Lateral epicondyle of the

Its tendon joins the
 The posterior
extensor hood of It extends the little finger
Minimi - Lateral intermuscular
the little finger
interosseous nerve

- The lateral epicondyle of Into tubercle on

Extensor Carpi the humerus the medial side of The posterior
Extension + adduction of the wrist
Ulnaris - The posterior border of the the base of the 5th interosseous nerve
ulna metacarpal bone

The posterior From the radial

surface of the nerve through the
Anconeus From the lateral epicondyle
olecranon and the nerve to medial Accessory extensor of the elbow joint
of the humerus
proximal posterior head of triceps
surface of the ulna muscle

Abductor pollicis longus The lateral side of the base The posterior interosseous Abduct the thumb at carpo-
Abductor Pollicis muscle of the 1st metacarpal bone nerve metacarpal joint
- The posterior surface of The dorsal surface of the The posterior interosseous Extends the - thumb
Extensor Pollicis the radius distal to the base of the proximal nerve (carpo-metacarpal - &
Brevis origin of ABPL phalanx of the thumb metacarpo- phalangeal
- The back of the joints)
interosseous membrane

- The posterior surface of The dorsal surface of the The posterior interosseous Extends all joints of the
Extensor Pollicis the ulna base of the distal phalanx nerve thumb (carpometacarpal,
Longus - The back of the of the thumb metacarpophalangeal and
interosseous membrane interphalangeal)

- The posterior surface of - Into the extensor hood of The posterior interosseous Extends the index finger
Extensor Indicies the ulna distal to EPL
 the index finger nerve
- The back of the
interosseous membrane

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