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The Relation Parenting and Learning Habits with Learning Outcomes of Social Science

Subject Grade IV
Desi Irkham Alfiyani, Dra. Munisah, M.Pd.
Elementary Education Department
Science Education Faculty
Semarang State University
RT 02/RW 08, Kalisabuk, Kesugihan, Cilacap, Jawa Tengah

The study aims to examine whether there is positive relation and significant between
parenting and learning habits with the learning outcmes of social science subject grade IV or
not at Gugus Diponegoro Elementary school in Kesugihan, Cilacap. Quantitative research and
correlational approach carried out in this study. The technique to collect the data was used
questionnaire, documentation, and interview. Pre-test used normality, linearity, and
multicollinearity. Data analysis technique was done by descriptive analysis and hypothesis
analysis. The results showed that there was a positive relation and significant between
parenting and learning habits with the result study of social science subject indicated by
correlation coefficient R count bigger than R table 0,705 > 0,195 was in strong criteria. The
contribution of parenting and learning habits was 49.7%. It can be concluded that there is
positive relation and significant between parenting and learning habits with the result study of
social science, which is categorized strong.
Keywords : relation, parenting, students’ learning habits, learning outcomes

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