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Using apostrophes to show possesion

Folosirea apostrofului pentru a arata posesia

An apostrophe is used to show possesion ( something belongs to someone). The most

common way it is used is in the apostrophe + s combination on the end of a person’s name.
The cat belongs to Susan. It is Susan’s cat. The dog belong tp Dennis. It is Dennis’s
1.Read the first sentence. Finish the second sentence using the possessive
apostrophe + s.

1. The lunch belongs to Bob. It is Bob’s lunch.

2. The pencil belongs to Dave. It is ………………………….

3. The game belongs to Lisa. It is ……………………………

4. The folder belongs to Ann. It is ……………………………

5. The shoes belong to Jill. They are …………………………

6. The milk belongs to the cow. It is cow’s milk.

7. The report belongs to a stundent. It is …………………..

8. The pen belongs to my cousin. It is ……………………..

9. The book belongs to the library. It is ……………………

10. The desk belongs to the school. It is …………………..

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