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The Persian Primer, geing an ~Iementarw Treatise on Grammar, with ~x'8rcises

Sorabshaw Qyramji Doctor







llegi8Ured acetmling to Act XlCY.' 0/1867- and right of.'T~latitm 'I"~,

cfut,,at ::

PRINTED' A.'ll'TreE'




When the University of Bombay, some years ago, gave an impetus to the study of Persian, by recognising it as a "classical" language, and it . was consequently introduced in our Schools and Colleges, the want of a good Persian Series, like Mr. Bhandarkar's excellent Sanscrit Series, was much felt. With the hope of supplying this want to some extent, I published in 18.71, conjointly with Mr. N arahar Gadadhar Phadake, a First Book of Persian;' and subsequently a. Second Book of Persian. Both these books found great favour with the students of Persian and were sanctioned by the Director of Public Instruction for use in his Department. Subsequent experience, however, showed me that there was still room for much improvement, and that the books could be written on a. much better plan. Therefore, when recently the First Book was out of print, I determined, instead of publishing a Second Edition of it, to write a new book altogether on what I considered an improved plan. How far I have succeeded in the attempt, I leave the public to judge.



The present work contains 20 lessons, each, illustrating an important rule of Grammar. Toeach lesson is appended a Persian-English and English-Persian Voeabulary, Mid" this: is, fellowed by a series of Persian and English senseaeee as exercises in translation. The prcnunaiation of every Persian word occurring for the first ilime i. a lesson is given in Roman Characters aeeording to the J onesian system of transliteration.

I should be wanting" in my duty if I concluded this Preface without expressing my best thanks to Messrs. Peile and Chatfield, the Directors of Public Instruction for the support they have given to my publications.

Surat, 20tk June 1879.




Alphabet: Alphabetical Table 1

Kumerals 3

L Vowel letters & vowel sounds. 4 Single letters accented with single

short vowels... 5

II. Two letters joined together under the

operation of short vowels 8

III. Orthograpbical signs 13

IV. Verbs: Indicative Mood: Present teRse: Personal Terminations ... 15

" Class I. II. 16

V. " Class III. IV. 18

" Class V. ••. • .• 19

VI. J' Class VI: Irregulars of the first

six classes ... 21

VII. Noun: Substantives; Gender: Number

and case •••

... 23

Declension ... 25

Syntax: Rule I. to V. •. 27

VIII. Verbs: Class VII. 80

" Class VIII. IX.... 31

IX. Adjectives 85

Syntax: Rule VI. to IX. . .. 87

X. Verbs: Class X. . .. 40

" "XI. 41

Syntax: Rule X. XI. 43

XI. Compound verbs: Personal Pronouns 46

Syntax: Rule XU. to XIV. ... 52

XII. Imperative Mood: Past & Imperfect

tenses: The Article ... 55

Syntax: Rule XV. XVI. • .. 58


XIII. Demonstrative, Relative, Interroga-

tive, & reflexive pronouns '" 61

XIV. Participles: The Perfect & Pluperfect 67

Syntax: Rule XVII. to XIX. 69

XV. The Future & Future Perfect 72

XVI. The Subjunctive Mood: The Passive

Voice. • .. 77

Conjugation of l:J~ ••• ... 77

Irregulars of the last five classes.s, 78

XVII. Verbs:- Causals. ... 83

XVIII. Numerals: Dllys of the Week

Syntax: Rule XX. to XXI r. 87

XIX. Selections for Exercise. Story 1 to 5 In XX. Do. Do." 6 to 9 93

a. Stands for adjective.
ad», " " adverb.
compo " " comparative.
con. " " conjunction.
inter. " " interjection.
werrog. " " in terrogative.
pl. " " plural.
pos. " ,t positive.
prep. " " preposition.
II. " " eubetsntive,
ling. " " singular.
8'IIperl. " ,. superlative.
v. " )t verb. PERSIAN PRIME'R.

ALPHABET. ~~ Ul\ alii be.

The Persians write their characters from the right hand to the left.

The Persian Alphabet eonsiste of 32 letters, differently shaped, according to their position at the Beginning, middle, or end of words; the names, the order and figure of which may be seen in the following Table. '


Forms of Letter
" Name
Finals. Medials I~~tials. Detached (as pronounced.j
Connected Con. Ooanected fonn. ~. ,
. "
\ \ . , . 1 ~ alif -:.
'-:-" ~ . ~ :"-:J ',' be
~ ,~ " ~ ,', '--' )~ pe
'. ..
~ J: . 'i '-=-' te
~, ~ .. I.!.>
J S6 ' ,
€" ~ ,_
~, 7!:' JIm"
tf" ~ >- 1l' . ch,~;
• .. '-
f:" ~ c0- t: ,he- .
e- , .. cio. f: khe "

Forms of Letters.
Finals. Medials. , Initials. Name
Detached (as pronounced.)
Connected Con- Connected form.
~ ~ ~ ~ dal
~ ~ J J ZaJ.
.J J ) J re
) ) .; ; ze
• I • " .. zhe
va" .... ... v: sin
.. .. .. shin
va" - .... ~
i0oi'" .a til ,_,p swa.d
v4 ..a ~ ~ zwad
b 1s » » toe
l2. 1:1. S; S; zoe
~. II ~ e lLin
I: • t e ghain
u i j ....., fe
V 1 :; J kaf
~ r- s I.!S kaf
..s. to t I.!S gaf
&J ~ s ~ lam
t- ... .. r mim
\;oJ JI , ~ nun
J waw I
J , ,
I. 't' • , he
.." '" i ~ ye
1 1 J J t M.m-alif Every' letter should be connected with that which follows it, e%cept the following seven; viz :'~JJ';j&,.

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The following eight letters are borrowed from Ar&bic and &l'e never met with in any word purely Persian. 'Vu:- ~ e ~...; »~f & J

The letters ~ 11 j and ~ are peeuliae to P.raian and Me never used in Arabic.


1 , 11 " 21 t'l 81 1""1
yak, yizdab, bist-o-yak, si-o-yak,
2 t' 12 1 t" 2'2 t' t' 82 "'t"
do, duwM.dab, blat-a-do, si-o-do, .
SfA' UIJAI 23 t't-" 33 t-"fU
seh~ llillldab, hist-o-seh, M-O-!Kfh
4JC 14 tJC 24 t"f 84~
cbehar, ehebirclah, . btst-o-chehir. "'-o·chehir,
6 I) 15 '0 25 t'1) 85 fAlO
panj, panzdab, bist-o-panj, si-o-panj,
6 'f 16 , 'f 26 t' '1 36 fA''f
abash, shanzdah, blBt-o-shaeh, st-o-shash,
7 V 17 IV 27 t"·V 871""V
halt, hiftdab. bist-o.halt, ai-o-haft,
8 /\ 18 '/\ 28 t'/\ 38 t-"/\
hasht, hishdah, btst-o-hasht st-o-hesht,
9 'I 19 ~q 29 11'1 39 1"''1
noh, nusdah, btst-e-nch, ai-o-nob,
10 r· 20 .,. 80 1"'. 40 ~.
dab. bist, ai, ehehel,
Digitized by Coogle PERSIAN PRIMER.



There are three long vowel letters in Persian, viz. " & ~; but they have no determined sound of their own, and their pronunciation therefore . depends on the short vowels by which they are rendered vocal.

The short vowels are expressed by small marks " two of which are placed above the letter and one below it. They are called (_') zabar or fatha, ( r: ) zer or kasra,. and ( _,_) pesh or zamma, and represent the shorb a, e or i, &; u or 0, respectively.

. .

When \ is marked by the short a or zabar, in the

beginning of a. word it is pronounced short; when marked by the short i or zer, it assumes the same sound; and when marked by the u or pesh, it also assumes that" sound; as '" a, } i or e, '" u or o. But in the middle or end of a word, it always retains its long sound; as}~ ba», 4 bel.

, t can be rendered expressive only by its own short vowel, and has distinct sounds; the one like Q in bore and the other like u in rule.

~ t is also rendered expressive only by ita own short vowel, and has two distinct sounds, the one like e in there and the other like 1; in seen,

·It should be observed that these vowel signs are seldom written, and therefore a difficulty is presented at first to the learner, which, however, will Boon be sufficiently overcome.

t, and ~ are often used &8 consonants like the English 10 I\; ,.

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Single letters accented with lingle Ihort vowell.

Zabar or, a.


, , ,
I....J Y ,
.. ,
pe zabar pa be zabarba ali! zabar a
, , --
~ I.!J &.:J
jim zabar ja .se 'zabar 'sa te zabar ta
i: t! Tt"
&he zabar kha " heaabar ha ohe zabar ch.
'J J ~
,. ~-
re zabar ra ' ziil zabar za dil zabar da
~ j ;
Bin aabar 811 zhe zabar zha ' ze zabar za
I.P U" U'"
swiet zabar za • swiid zahar sa ' shin zabar aba
e 1; ~
ain zabar l zoe zabar za toe zabar til
, ,
J ~ e
kifzabar ka fe zabar fa ghain zabar gha
J , d
lim zabar Ia gaf zabar ga. kiifzabar ka
, U) r'
wiw zabar wa nun zabar na lllim zabar rna
J ,
.."s ¥
lim aHf zabar Iii ye zabar ya. he mabar ha ~ '-' y l
te, .. ti pe zertH be:zer bi :alifur i
e- 1:f ~ . :J.!.t
. r
ne zer hi che zer chi jim zerji se zer si
.J J J t;
. ,
1'e zer ri z&l zer zi dil zer tli khe zer khi
.. A
'-!' V' ) j
Ihin z~r shi sin zer si zhe zer shi ze zel' si
» » ~ ~
, ,
zoo zerzi toe zer ti zwad zar zi swid ser ai
J U .~ e
, ,
kat Bel' ld fa zer Ii ghiin zer ghi &in Zel' I
,r J ~ cs
mim llel'mi- lam zer Ii gitzergi kar ser-ki
~ , , w
16 ser yi he zer hi waw zar wi niin zer ni '''nBar.O PltDlD.


Puh=u or o.

~ y ~ ,
tepethtu ,,'pe pesb pu be pesb bu alifpesb 'U
... i: ~ . ~
be pesh hn abe pesh ehu jim peshjn . Be pesh III
f ' ,
;' ..s ~ C
repeeh ru Zil pesh sn dil pesb du kbe pesh khu'
.. u" ..
V' J ;
Ibin pesh sbn sin pesh au zbe pesb shu ze pesh zu
, "
» ~ J: t,J'J
zoe peah ztl , toe pesh tn ZWM pesb ztl swid pesh 811
J U e e
kif ,peab ltn fa pesh fn ghiinpeshgbn ain peth u
, ,
r J r.J ~
mim pesh mn li~ pesh In gifpesb gn kif pesb ku
~ r , W
1e peah yu he pesb hn wiw pesh wn nun pesh nu •




.' ,
y} • \1 *
y\' aUf be zab"r, ab, aUf alif !Z~a.r e:
y~ aUf be ser, ib. - or \
y1 ,alif be peak, ub. alif mad/t, a.
" " .
..,). ·tr~
..,\' aUf soi zabar,: ad . tr\' alif jim zabaf., a.j.
~~ H " zer, Id, E> " H zer ij.
peeh, ud, ~ peeh, uj.
" " tr H " "


)1' alii re eabo», ar. )\ " " zer, ir. } " " peeh, ur.


v='\' alif 8'UJCi.d eoba», as.

~~ " " eer, is.

v-' " " peak us.



E" alii ain z"bar ad.

E'} " " zer, id.

~ " " pesk, ud .



J\' alif zal zabar, u.

., .

~{" " eer, lZ.

H " peeh, UZ.



,-",I' alii 8Vn zabar, as,

1,)"> '" " eer, is.

U"'"' " " peih, us.

. "


l »\' alii toe zabar, at. »), " " zer, it. b\ " H peek, ut.

• '!a thie cue ~ lervea the purpose of the IeOOnd IllY.






JI' alif leaf za~ar, ak. Jl " " ~er, ik. J1. " ,. peak, uk.



~I' alif gaf, ago ~l " " zer, ig. ~ " " peak, ug.



rl' alif mim zabar, am.

, .

r" " " zer, lID.

r"" ,. peak, um.



l alif wdw, zabar, aw.

, .

J'" " " zer, rw,

J' " " peah, uw.


~\' aUf ya zabur, aye. ~} " " ze», i

~, " " pe8k, uye.

.\ U ...

&...iI' alif fe zabar, &f.

ul rr " zer, if.

u 1. " " pesh, uf,


dl' alif leif zaba», ak. ~~ " " zer, ik.


~ \ " " pesh, uk.



Jl' aU,j lam !labar, aI. J~ " " zer, iI.

Ji " " puh, ·ul.



~I' alif nun eober, an.

~\ " " eer, in.

~ 1." " peak, un.

, ,



II' alif he zabar, ah, Il " " zer, ih.

,1 " " pesh, uh.




I , " , , , ,
, , , , , I ~
~I ~ ~, .J~, .lol, ~, '-:-4,
, I I , , .'~ " ,
I , , .- , ~'
r~, ~, ~ ~. ~ ~ ~,
I , , , I
I, , , ',.
I .
~, ~ Pi I.:P,
. ;,.. , , . . ~
V" . ~ ~ ~ .p. ~
~ ..:s-~ , , ' , 6>, ,
J~ ~ ? "'~
, , , , , ~
~ ~ r.-- ~ ~ ~, U"J, ),J" _ ~,J, ~; '-:J'" , \oJ'
f.!$..J 4.!J,J N..J 'J ~,J I »..J VO'" ,
, " ~, Io.J , .-
~..J I..J ,J, L:J..J .I r..J, _J..,
, • .I I I
, - , r. ,
1:IJ ~) .. ,J) '-:JJ ')
...rJ t".,rJ )J ~J
, , , , ,
fo::S, IJ 'J L:JJ r.J JJ ~ ~.J JJ ...;) ~,)
• , \.:...
V"""!' v- ~ ~ €-' ~
~ cs: , , ~
v- -....i.... c..a VI-
, ~
y- '- r' o: f"'" POSIAN PRI1ID. 101
._,... v- 0LJ- ~ ~ ~ ""r'"- ,",,'
, , ,
~ J.. ~ &.!.S ... V'" u... ~ 1:w
, ,
~ w r: ~
. , , , , , , , ,
~ l:d; '"""' v-» ;:, ~ tf.l7 ~ ~
, , , , , , , , f ,
~ IJ:J~ o~ f"" J1, ~ UJ, ~ -'»
~ , , , . , , , \c
~ ~ r ~o ~ f!.'J!
, , ~ ~o ..:.s.l:. , ,
.:r ~ ~ v~ ~
. , ,
~ ~ ,c
-.; ~o vai L"; .} .» &. ~ \i'
, , ,
~ 4.i °t. ,J ~~ ~~ u.~1-U
, . , • , , , , , , , , , , "

~ bS'vrS vaS}'» ~o~"

"" '" , 01'

~ 4 J J f JS ~ ~ US oJ



JA t:-o 1:.... ~ V". r oM 1f'.A ~.A \..'

, ",,,, "

~M'" I:J"~J..~~~

, , , , , ., , ,

, , , r , , . , ,
.._;.l ~ hi ~1 vuJ ; ~ ~ 1..:-1 ~
, , , , , ,
~ ~ " I.:J~ ~ Jt ~ UJ OS , . I , , ,,- .u",~ , , ,.
~ boA ~ ~ , ..... ~ ~
, I , ., , ., ~~ , ..
ylt~ ~ '~ '~ ~. , iF' VA L.H; ~ ~'J.I. ~

(', ;, I ~ l~ , ,




The orthographical marks are " madddh, • hamza, III tashdid, (" ., ,,) tanwin, fa 0 eakun 01' jazm, and ~ wasla. Madddh above an lgives it a broad and long sound- Hamzij is placed over, and s.,.? and points out that the syllable in which they occur is to be considered as distinct from the syllable which precedes it, -Tashdid shows that the consonant over

which it is placed must be doubled. Tanw{n is that in which the vowel marks are doubled, and take the sound.of an, in and un. Sakun or jazm cuts away the vowel sound, and the consonant combines with the one following it. Wasla joins two substantivee together or sometimes a preposition and a substantive causing the alif of the definite article to be redundant.



y\ alif mad" a, y sakin == y\ ab, Water.


"",'\...0 mim alif zabar III d, ham za ya zer i, = mai, Aquatic.





~ ..... mim pesh mo, he mim zabar ham,

mim dal zabar mad, = Mohammad.


,.~~ Khe zabar kha, swad waw pesh su, swad alif do zabar san, = khaS11san Especially.


~I~I alif min zabar an, dal alif zabar da, khe sakin, te "mokrif = anda,klLt, he threw '.



~~ Be lam zer bil, kaf lam pesh kul,

= bilku.l, Entirely.


" ..
..:.-:.} ~~ 1.:.I...lS ~.> .)~ ~I
iwrlAac .ad/a. lealima~ Awtti hawwcu abjad
~ ~
zangA .a~ LESSON IV.

VERBS. (J~I dj~l)

The Persian Grammarians arrange the' verbs under eleven classes, there being no verb in this language but what has one of

• ...;:j,.. JlolW/ comee with a SakUD letter after it.

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the following eleven letters preceding the sign of the infinitive, 'V·iz:- 't); V' J. ~ r L:J , and-~.

The invariable signs of the infinitive are ~.J dan and J tan.

The seven of the eleven letters abovementioned, viz:- I),; r w , and 'rfS always precede the syllable w""; and the remaining four viz:- t !oJ" V. and ~ precede the J of the infinitive.

The Persian verbal system is founded upon the second person singular of the imperative which isthe most radical portion of the verb.or the "'aorist which is its most congenial mood.

The Persian verbs have but one conjugation and but three changes of moods and tenses ; viz. the Imperative, the Aorist, and the Past.


The Present tense is formed by prefixing the particle ~ mi to the aorist.


Singular. Plural.

1st (' am I

2nd 'rfS i thou

3rd "" ad he, she, it ~

im we ill you and they.

• The aorist is here used in the leD" of the Bubjuncti'Ye ill Kugtiah and the Conjuncti'Ye in FJench.

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N. B. In forming the Aorist ({J\.A.o mwra) of.all ~he verbs the. signs of the infinitive should be first rejected.

CLA.SS I. When \ precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is rejected in forming the aorist.


w.J\.A.!\ ujtii.dan to fall, happen.

u.Ju_.,·1 istii.dan II stand.

~.J""r nihiidan II place, apply.

w.J\Jw.) firistadan I) send.

Class II. When i:: precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is changed for; in the aorist.

.. . . .


. ,;:>.t}\ (ljralrJi,tan . to exalt. ~,~, andukktan II aequire, ~1~.\ andakhtan II throw. ~~F ang~kb,tan "excite. ~~,}, afrfikhtan " kindle. ~~ amu1chtan II learn, teach.

~~, amUihtan " mix, unite.

~~" aw£khtan II hang.

~Jli, ahikhtan II draw.' .

~\~ bakhtan " play, lose.

~~I.Jft pardcikktan.1I accomplish.

~ pukhtan II cook, ripen.

~ pSkhtan It sift, shed.

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PDSUN Pili.1m .

. ~~ ~ parh/tTd!uan to beware,

~t; tdkhtan "run.· .

~i tUlchtan " collect.

~,~ dukhtan " sew.

~'.J ,.{kkCari.· "pou.

~\... sdkhtan ~, make; pftpiare~'

~,.. sUkhtan " bum. . .. '

~} gurflchtan "flee •.

~,~ guddkhtan ,; melt. .

~,~ nllwd,khtan " play, careas, eialt ..


~''''''''' ~~ ~)~fl""" .~~.}~
r-.j~ " .»;,... ." ri~'" " \~jt.(l' "
t.J.\.. " t.J.\.,.s " ~j\"';' " -. ~,~ "
.. ~ .. :I
r-Ji " rr..j " . ~:r..lbft " r·~ .. 1 "
~)~ " .»~ " ~)f»' " ~~ "
r-'J'''»' " ~Jt. " ~;')' " .,. t,if»~ " SENTENCES.

(They) draw.(l) play •. '~

(We) hang. (Thou) pourest.

'(1) teach. (You) thi-,O:'iY~

(Thou) makest. (They) exalt.'

(You) mix. (1) prepare.

(Thou) aequirest. (H6) cooks. '

(He) rnns. (It) burns. ' .: ; .

(He) Iearns, (He) teaches.

(1) sew. (/') malht.

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(They) cook. (We) flee,

(You) sift. (We) caress.


CJass III. When the letter J precedes the infinitive sign, it is retained in forming the aorist.


W~J)\ azurdanJ• ·toaftlict.

1:1~ ~1 ajshurdan, " squeeze.

w~ ~1 aj~lJ,rdan, " congeal.

. w.J"wl aJshardan, " speak idly.

W~fl burdon, " carry.

w·~ rJt pazhmurdan, " fade. \:)~_"A parwat'dan, "n9urish.

W~J'-:>' khurdan,· " eat, to drink.

W~)s... sitwrd«n, " shave.

w~~ sipurdan, " entrust.

w~~ sMmurdan, " number.

W~) \.:,.; fishardan, " squeeze.

woJ;1,iS guzardan, " perform.

W~)J: .... ~ gustardan. " spread.

Class IV. When the letter) precedes the sign. of the infinitive, the letter w is placed a.fter )to:form the aorist.

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• In the eumplea of the third c1au both the .omt and the ,_ .. oouiIt of the .... letten. but are aooantecl cWl'enIltl,.

·W"'; zadan to strike.
~j~ y" .lll; .."..,. : .. ~_r!o~ ...
"';ooJ1 " .J))\ " oJ)'.! "
..u;" " . rJl " _.;;t> "
~'J' " .,)~.~ " ¥; ,.,
~J;\ I, ..u}tJ\ " ~JW "
("Jr' " ,.~).m " l:fS)t> "
r#' " ~; " rJ" " SENTENCES.

(They) squeeze. (They) fade.

e You) carry. (He) numbe.s.

(It) congeals. (They) perform.

(It) spreads. (You) speak idly.

(We) .eat. (We) perform.

(He) nourishes. (1) eat.

(I) bring. (Thou) spreadest.

(Thou) entrustest. # (He) shaves.

Class V. When the letter &...w precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is rejected to form the aorist; V' is sometimes changed for I, ~

or , and ."s. '

~ is rejected.

~'i tau:anistan to be able.

~'''' danistan " know.

• Thil iI the 0011 verb comiag aa4_ tIUa rule.

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~.J zUta1t ~} gir'tSt~'" r-.~ nigrlstan

to liTe. " weep.

" behold.

. IJ is changed into M.

- ~ jastan to leap.

~'_,> t khiistan " desire.

d-J rastun " escape.

~\S ka8lan. " lessen.

vtis changed into ~.

~lJ1 ti~ta'n } to adorn. ~"-'..r~& pa~ra8tan

v- is changed into, and ~.

~ justun to search.

~J rustan " grow.

~ shustan " wash.

(>I.''':' ~ ~;~ ~'.r- ~ ..
~~y-e ~.'~yA .JJ;!J
. ,."....
y,~~ ~\S ..."... ... >~
~It> ..,. ~.'J""'" .~'J) ~
~;~ ~_,:. ~ ~.Il~
~J~ ~"J ~ ",,'1; '\ .." .. S&BTB~C:l8.

(They) weep (1) search.

(You) behold ,It) .grows.

t, ia .ueut before \ or ."s.

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(He) desires. (I) leap. (They) escape. (We) adorn. (They) leap. (We) search.

( You) wash. (They) desire. (Thou) beholdest. (It) lessens. (Thou) weepest. (I) live.


OI8.8s VI. When v- precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is changed for) in the aorist.


~~ •. ambashtan ~~\ angashtan ~I~ pt·ndashtan ~t~ dashtan ~ \S kashtam. ~\~ guzashtan ~~ gwzashtan ~\..t.r gumashtan

. .;.:. \Q nigashtan

to fill.

" suppose.

" suppose, think. " keep, have.

." so,v.

" quit.

" pass.

" loose, dismiss . " pai n t, write.

Irregulars of the first six classes.


~\ ((Tcktan to dra w a sword-s=I akhad.

~\)I ajriishtan to exalt. ..I)}\. ajriUad.

~\z>p barkhtula."" rise ..I.r.:>ft ba."khizad

• When ~ p ..... ~ it h.., the Bound of r.

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I:f'~ bastan to bind .J~ bandad.

;;)J;..,;,:~. paiwastan 11 join ""~~ paivawJad

L:JolIol dadan " give ,u.J dehad.

L:Jol~ zcidan " give birth to ~1; zii.yad.

L:J~ sh'Jdan "be "",:' shaved,

;:);:e.. U":' sha'niilchtan "underst.and.l.. u..:. ,ha"llasad. o,;}~j) .titrtikhtan " sell ~,} jarUshad.

L:JolW kvehada» "open. ~1. \.:.$ ku8hayad •

..:Jolt kardan " do, make ~ 1cunad

o,;}~) kushian. " kill ~ kushad.

o,;}J;~....! !/u, .. sikhtan. "break ~ gusZad.

o,;}~s gash tau "turn .J.J; gardad.

1,;;}"",r4 murdan "die ""Jot .. m~1'ad.

~j nawishtan" write ~J) nawisad.

J-t..l nashistan " sit ~; niahl€nad.

~ hishtctn " leave ~ hilad.

(")\.0\ """ ... ~·fY" .. ~.."..
~.'w " rt)''''' " ~,:. "
~jt>-JI " '»J~ " ~ "
.J..i.A.J ~,;... " o.llJ~' "
~!';',j " ~u..:. " ~;\~ "
""~~ " t-:'lA " ..u.,..~ "
~ ~>, " r.J'/; " SK!iTENCBS.

(They) are. (I) die.

(I) aID. (they) join.



(We) quit. (Thou) keepest (You) sell.

(I) write. (They) paint. (We) bind.

(It) breaks. <You) sow. <You) dismiss.

(Thou) killest. (You) break. (We) understand. (They) turn.

(He) does.

(They) loose. (We) break. nVe) think.

(.He) writes.



In Persian, Substantives have no difference of terminations to distinguish genders.

All inanimate things are neuter, and animals of different sexes either have different names, or are marked by the words) na1', (male) and 'oJ\.. madah, (female) respectively.

NUMBER. ..J~ (ddad.)

The plural of substantives, (animate and inanimate), is formed by adding 1;)\ an and \.At hd respectively to the singular.

CASE. ~b COOlat)

Persian nouns undergo no change of termination corresponding to the various Cases of Greek and La.tin.·


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The Genitive or possessive Case is formed by the juxta-position of two substantives; where the regimen, or thing possessed comes always first, having its final letter sounded with the vowel ser (i) called ~\,.;, izajc,trelationship; as)~.1 ",;-' 'the horse of(my)father.' If the governing word ends in the 10Dg vowels I or , instead of these letters being followed by the ze,' (or short i) the letter ~ majhul, (unknown) with the mark kamza ( • ), or the hamza alone, with the zer (expressed or understood) is used; as oJ,,'" ,-".~ or oJr/~ 'the foot of the man', .J""'i. I.,!""J or J""''' "J the face of the boy.' I f the governing word ends with the obscure I or the long vowel ~, the mark .hwlIlzel, with the vowel kasra (expressed or understood) is used; as oJr .~~ 'the house of the man.'

The Dative is formed, by prefixing to the noun the particle ~ 'to~·or'for.' The Accusati ve Case is generally the same as the Nominative, and can be known as such from its situation in the sentence. In some instances it is necessary to add the termination I) ra to distinguish the accusative, as oJ," 1.:)) 4~ I) yu.s , he gave the book to the woman.'

• Ia praetice, however, when the ~ ,itt employed, the hCJ~ M ,enerally IUPP...-ed ; as oJ r ~~, ~ ~'.J'

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The Ablative is formed, as in English, by prefixing the preposition jl az 'from' or 'by' )oJ dar 'in,' to the nominative; as, ~; .. )1 'from the man.'

The vocative is formed, as in English, by placing some interjection before the N ominative; as, oJ; .. yl 'Oh man t' In poetry and also prose compositions denoting prayer and supplication, the Vocative is frequently formed by adding I to the Nominative; as,~

.. ~j karima,. 'Oh beneficent God.'

The cases of the plural number are formed exactly in the same way, the plural terrainations being superadded.

DECLENSION. '-'_ r (asp) a horse.

~ .


Nom. __ .... \ a.p, a horse.

Gen. ~I ,- i asp, of a horse.

Dot- ~I ~ bah flSp, to a horse.

Acc.~lort},....1 a.p-rei or asp, a horse,

.Abl. ~I;I az aep, from a horse,

Voc. ~I ~I aya a8p, oh horse!


Nom. l:)~1 alp<in, horses.

Gen. l:)~1 ,- i a'J>(in. of horses •. Dat, w~\ '" bah <upcin., to hers.ea,


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ACe. L:.I~' or 1}~1 aspcinm or aspcin, horses. Abl. L:.I~',;I az aspdn, from horses.

Foe. ~l.).....1 ~, aya aspO.n, ob horses!

y~ (bab) a gate.


Nom. y\~ biib, a gate. _

Gen. y'~ J- i bab, of a gate.

Dat. y4 c4 bah bab, to a gate. Ace. I)~~ or y~ bab or babra, a gate. Abl, y4 ;I az bob, from a gate. Yoe. y~ ~I aya bab, oh gate!


Nom. ~~~ babka, gates.

Gen. ~4 J- i babM" of gates.

Dat, ~~ ~ bah babka, to gates.

Acc.~~~ or \e4 bdbka or bdbhard gates.

abl. ~~4)1 az babhd, from gates.

VOC. ~~ ~I aya babka, oh gates!


y1 db water, lustre, dignity. ~'\ atash or dtish fire .

.J~I obr a cloud.:

L:.I~I ihsdn an obligation, favour. r~\ aram rest, health, repose. ylJa\ djtdb the sun, sunshine .

.,,4 bad wind, air,

~IY-A paklamn a hero.




)~. tabos: an axe .

. .)J") r mazdur a labourer. ~~ bagh a garden.

t.:.l4-i~ biighbiin a gardener. ~fl pari a fairy.

~ a boy, son. ~..,~ ba.dah the wine.

~~;. turbat a tomb, earth. c:i' tan a body. .

~~ pil ail elephant.

e.,:/)j· tarikh the history, date • . ~ shab a night.

~ palang a. leopard.

IJ l:n pyalah a cup. r.~ pir an old man.

_r..;, ski,;' milk, SM,r a tiger.

J'J roza day.

&lJ\t:/I. khiima. a house, drawer.

J::' , amir a nobleman •

..,\;: 1 ustdd a maste-r.

~) ra8m custom. ~-, adab respect. ~ a/at calamity:

J..,.l::;-. jama a robe, garment.


Rule I. In a simple sentence, the nominative is put first; next the object; &, lastly, the verb.

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Ru'k II. A verb must agree with its nominative;: in number & person.

R/uZe III. That a transitive verb does, as

a. general rule, require, that its object should have the termination I) of the accusative case, whenever any ambiguity would arise from its omission.

Rule IV. If the accusative necessarily require I; the dative must be formed by the preposition-c.

Rule V. Prepositions govern the objective




a mark, effect }1 asar.

a load )~ bar,

a leaf ~ ba1'Y,

the hand ......,_ oJ dast.

'~YJ I,:S''' ¥",~, .~~~~~ ,,).,t,.u.s ,."... y\f

,,",;\... ~ f4 I.:>\-!,i\~

. 't·


,.)J;~ ~~ ~'y4 • .»S ~ ~') '\ ;::'''1 .'"'r- ..".., Jj) .~'\~~,

,~,:. .".,. t:i ~ '.,»)J"'" ~ I)·~I,::;. Voi'i .~ ,."... ') ~ ~IN . ~) 4J 1 y..o 1,1\:,\

'u L\\6.

.o,).J.i .. .."... "V"

.~ """ .. ~\!l.4 ''"'ir'\ ..".. Y.,)\ .,) ~, .,J~ I."f'''~ yuH ,.ll) ~ * )j.J r

, .1

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a brother a mother a tree

an animal life,· soul a child

Ii place

a spy

a jewel, gem an enemy,

a sword

a pond

a lesson'

a work

a story

a. daughter a. woman an uncle

a schoolmaster a pupil.

a learned-man a poet

a husband an error

a paper knowledge a book

a seed


,! .•

)..,\)~ bi'iada)'. )...It.. madar. ~)...l dirakht )f~ janwar. wI.=;-- ian.

~ tijal.

b- ._

.. ' Ja.

V'Y" \=;-- idsUs. .,rIb1,,:;-- jawdhit·

~.., dmhman ~ kJullm~ .x~ shamshir, '8'i tegh. yJ\r talii.b.

V'-'" dare, Vi- sabok, ) IS kii.r.

~,~ hikdyat, 1w:J~ kiss(t.: r>") dukhta·l'.

wi zan. ~ dm

III d'

I.J").M mu arrts,

.,)}L!J shagird.

rl~ alim. _rU shatr. ;IJ":' shouhar, \k~ kluita. ~~ kii.ghaz. ~ tlm.

to.,.J~ kitab. ~. tukhm.



(A) woman sews (her) robe. I.Jabourers carry (their) loads. (My) brother writes (a) book. Tigers kill horses,

Leaves of (the) tree are fading. Children commit errors.

(A) poet drinks wine.

(Tlie) hand catches (a) sword. (A) 'daughter weeps.

(She) washes (he1') garment.

(The) water of (the} pond congeals. (She) adorns (he?-) body with jewels. (An) enemy kills (the.) spy.

(The) schoolmaster teaehes (his) pupils. (My) friend sows seeds.

(My) mother binds (the) hands of (her) daughter.

(Hts) uncle makes (a) garden.


Class. VII. When the letter u precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is sometimes changed for Y or , in the aorist and sometimes it is retained.


u is changed into Y , 1:l)U\ dBhultan, to be a.ngry, disturb.

• I

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c.:Jj;jl; ia/tan, d;,; "ii/tan, e,:).oU:..:. 8hitdjta'nj ~} fan/tan, ~; kU/tan,

.. \

~~. yo/tan,



to twist, glitter. " sweep.

" hasten, run. i, deceive,

;, bruise, beat . ;, find.

'-' is changed into ,. to go.

" hear.

" deceive. 11 dig.

~J:;) raftan, ~ shinuftan, ~ 8M/tan, ~\S kdjtanr

~ is retained.

~4 bdftan, to weave.

e,:)J.i- suftan, " bore.

~:\!!. shigaftan, " split.

c.:JliC.!. shiguftan, " blow, bloom.

Class VII 1. When the letter r precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is changed for ~ in forming the aorist.

f L:)'JI..O\ amaaan, to come.

Class IX. When the letter i.:J precedes the infinitive sign, it is retained in forming the aorist.

INFINITIVES. i.:J~ afganda_n, to throw.

~l..:.i\ a,f8hiindan, " diffuse, sprinkle.

t There' is only one verb of thii deemp4lion:

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~"»I~ ldtandan, to read, sing, call.
~.,)JI" randan. " drive.
~~\.i .. sitii.ndanJ " take.
~..l..iS kandam, " dig.
~.).j L. mandan, .
H remain.
~..t.i\..!.l nishandan, " rest. VOCABULARY.

~)u.,. ba8hd~'at, 8. } d

goo -news, ~.JjAl muzhda, 8.

j~ eMkar, •. a servant.

) or;' az 01' ze, prep. from, than, of, by, with.

Mo":'~ ehashrna, spectacles, a. spring.

v:l~ khalk, 8. people, mankind.

~J) \~ jaffib, 8. a broom.

~\~ ehiii, 8. tea.

,""I.J~~ ehiii-dan, 8. a teapot. ~~ jang, 8. battle, war, :fight. )~ dar, 8. a gate, door.

).J dar, prep. in, into.

1.:.14).J dar-ban, s. a door-keeper. oJ;.J duzd, 8. a robber.

~~ chaehsn, 8. the eye, hope. r~ hajjam, s. a barber.

~r mard, 8. a man, a hero. ,~ banda, e. a slave, servant.

Ji nur, 8. light, splendour. ~ . mu,lk, 8. a kingdom, country. ':';"l... malik ,''':'' iIw.h, I. a king.

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~1" rahat, •• comfort, repose, ease.

I~ chehra,8. face .

..wl.. manand, 8. resemblance, like. 4.)\!;~ tdziyana, 8. a whip.

4.foI.J risk, 8. beard.

~~ chah, 8. a well • . .J} gard, 8. dust. ~1,., dana, 8. grain.

~ ~:: } prep. with! to, in, possessed of.


• """.r- "-1?'" ')'\'~ "'_"" .IllWl ~ 1.)1,., }~

.~IJ "-1?'" IJ\:>. ~ ')~, . ..I} "-1?o'O l.Jr u~

.,)~\... ~ ~'JJ~ ~' .Ill; ..,.... 4.)~}.i' ~.J";'"

"').r>"-1?"'M-~;'~'{ ~ .~ ~ ~~ /"

'''''"vl ~ "u~ ,,;;J.,.' .~ "-1? .~ L:,I'J,,.I..r-

..uJl_r> ~ Ji 1~1.ff\j.n ~.;") ~ ~1", ~~ JtJ ~ ,'»I,="- ~ y\p ~ o,1J."J y.., ~')~ ~ '.r..~ .oJ)~ ~ ~.) r~ .~f Y-OJ'" ~4).J V OCABULAR¥.

the world 8.

a stick •• argument 8. enchantment ••. a wound I,

a bird 8.

ruin 8,

\.:J~ jahd,1, \:-~,J dunyii. yt:'" chob,

~I.", sau,

,~l:;o- jadu,

~; zakhm, ";"1.; resh, ~-»fo parandeh, ~". tnurf/k.

I \.i' t-' -'

.,; J .. am,,',

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a girl, 8. the end, 8.

a philosopher, 8. education, 8.

a WIse DIan, 8. a lover, 8. wisdom,8.

a letter, 8·

the death, e.

a life, s.

a fruit, s,

a fool, 8.

on, upon, over, above,

near, prep.

for H


.r>.J dukhta1'.

;- saT, r ~\ anjam. -....i~ fUsUf.

t..::··":N)j· tarbiyat.

Ji~ dkil. l,;\.J dana. v;.:. U: ashek.

~ ... ~>- hikmat.

k> khat.

I.:;.J".. masu, ~ ~ n~a1'9.

I..,.?'i \!.J.l) zindagani.

MJ~ mewa,) 4 ba," Yj, I..,.?'~ bi-wakuf.

} p,'ep. ~ bar .

.Jp nizd, ~.} ka1'rb. ~\Jl ba1'dyi.

SENTENCES .• (A) boy opens (a) book.

(A) girl' washes (her) face WitII water. (A) philosopher hears (the) argument. (A) bird sings on (a) tree.

(They) write letters to (their) brothers. Fruits fall on (the) ground.

(A) fool throws (a) stick.

(My) mother washes (her) wound. (He) finds (tke) end of (the) world. ,( lYe) are going near (his) house.

(4) king keeps (his).eyes oy~r (h·is)enewie.s ..

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Gardeners sow seeds in (the) garden. Fools fall into (a) wells

Tre~s have leaves.

(He) sends (a) horse for (his) master.


ADJECTIVES. ~ij.., sijat.

In Persian, adjectives undergo no change but in. the degrees of comparison.

The comparative suffix is .i tar, and that of the superlative is !:I-/i ta·rtn.

Arabic adjectives, when applied to the Persian language, frequently fall under the same rule.

When an adjective is used as a substantive, it forms itsplural just like a substantive.

ADJECTIVES. • good, fair. bad.

old, big. strange. pure.


Yy> khub, ~ bad,

r...S ~ buzarg, JJ ~ biganah, d~ pak,

~' talkh,

• h"

• 1:T',r..... s trm,

~\ci. khds, Lf'=' khwh, ~ buland,

sweet •

noble, peculiar. pleasant. sublime, high.

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r\.t.j· tamam, entire, all •

. jii tez, sharp.

oJ),=> khurd, small.

~)oJ durast right.

~u Babit, firm.

1~ iudd, separate.

Pos. Compo Superl.

y,=> good. j.l,:;" better. !:I')~'=> best.

~ bad. j~ worse. I:T-.i~ worst.

~!S big. J~lS bigger ~~lS biggest.

f little )MS less. vI·j$.,.5 least.

~ high. jj'~ higher ~I.i~ highest. ~ blunt }3..tJS more blun~. ~;~ most blunt



Ist.r' am, 2nd. ~, i, 3rd.~1 aBt,

L:)oJJ~ to be

I am. (>!.1 im,

Thou art. IJI,!.\ u,

He is. .1l1 and,


We are. You are. They are .:


p.rU tasw{r, B. a picture, portrait.

,;l.J dar')" B. medicine.

I.!.SJ~ chalak, a. active.

t::'r mizaj, s. temper, disposition.

~I>- hazir, a. present.

) ~r gu,'Mhgdr, •• criminal, sinner.

oJJ IS kard, ,. a knife.

~)\; tank, a. dark.

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J'" a'WCiZ,. tJ.;,J dard 8.

I:h~ jawan, a. l;\.i tiizah, a. l:,I\lS 'calan, a. ~ 8hab,8. ~.,)i admi.8. ~J. 8kalch8, 8. f\...,,) dimilgh, 8 «, '.;~ hujrah, 8. ;,) kU1', a.

~ 8hi/a,·8. ~ kumd, a. ~\~.,) daita1i, 8.

p zafa», $. '"'jY'» biltooa, a. ~J zinn,8.

Y. ya conj.

sound, noise. pain.





a human being. a person, body. the brain.

a chamber. blind.



the mouth.


fruitless; in vain. memory, genius.

or, inte?'j. oh 1 and.

,wa "

~ nah ad». no, 'not, neither, nor:

40.1 ,~l, ,,,:.i .. -t1 conj. lekin, uialekin, balkah, but.


Ruie VI. As a general rule, adjectives follow the substantives which they qualify, and the substantive on such circumstances takes the mark of the ilZa/at. as in the forma. tion of the genitive case; hut on the contrary when the adjective precedes the Bubstantive, the ilZii.fa.e is Dot Ueed ;"t aU.


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Rule VII. The word than, after the comparative degree, is expressed in Persian by;\.

Rule VIII. The adjective 1.1 bah I good' is often used in the positive form when denoting Comparison.

Rule IX. The superlative degree, when used, governs the genitive, as in English.



• '-=-- I y,::> U"').M fl.~

.,u.,) y" \i..:. I).,))~\ ,)1") .r.-'i \~ .lj,S .,)) \S

I •. t , • .,);.,) ~ L;,",_f>.t! jA,

'.,)J' ....,. ... ~\.!. ;~;; 1))~ . ..:.s,,;. ~j' ~l ;'i ~ .. $'J\~ ~',;. ,.Ff. .rl'i-:> ~ ~ ),I~ rW 1.;1''» .~ 4. ~-, ..:..s..'.) U' 4...:-"":' .~ y. ~).,) , ,\S ~,j if'i • .,)./'" ,oAl\t ~ ;,w ~~~ ;.,) I.:J',L..~ ."),.:. y~ 1.J....~ ~,!. } I.:Jj . .,)jt; .. -.,),,'il fl....,) • .)J'oJ ~ ~ \,c;.. ";~ )")1, f Al\,c$. .,u ~ ..:.-al:.f ~.:::'\ .I:)~u t:f-tJ ~'t:},~ .")_re

a palace ,.

a river, •. rain, •. colour, •. sickness, .•.

a butcher, I.



~ ka,r. ~)_, dar'Oa.

~') 4 lxhan; ~) rang. ~) 4u Mmari.


yl=j lca88fib.

a cow, ,. ,~ gaw.

white, a. ~;_ sufed,

a physician, I. '-:--'::Y» tablb, ~ kaktm.

light. 8. . y;'':', I r08kni.

darkness, 8. ~) \i la.·riM •.

cruel, a. red, a .•

r' '» za.lim. i::.r IV-1·M.

green, a. .r.- eabs, 'yellow, pale a. v» eard,

blue, . a. oJ,)5 kabUd.

opposite, a.. uU> Mila,.

truth, •• ~lJ rQ,8ti.

:& liar, 8. ". f')oJ dar-ugk-gu.

memory. I, ~1.,).,)~ ',

reaaon.ceuse,e. ~ sabab ~,.. m1'ijab:

a turban, •• ,Jv...,.,) da8tar.

a goat 8, jl buz

. a city, 8. ."....:. shaker, ~ balacl.

that, conj. ~ lee.

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(The) king lives in (the) highest palace of

(the} ci_ty.

White is (the) colour of truth.

(The) water of (the) river aRpe~rs blue. (The) butcher kills (a) cow and (a) goat. Light is opposite to darkness. .

(A) physician knows (the) cause of sickness. (The) tree has fresh and green leaves:

(His) brother's face is more pale than (his) daughter's.

(I) see (a) cruel man sleeping. _(My) turban is red and yellow.

It is better that (you) open (your) mouth. (A) liar has no memory.


CLASS X. When the letter ,precedes the sign of the infinitive, the aorist is resrularly formed in some instances,but the letters' &; ...s are used in the place of, in others.

,=-,.)y buda,n to be.

I,:).)'J.J darUdan " reap. 6.:J.)~ da,nudan " heal'. l:J')Ji.t. ghanudan" slumher.

The, is changed into \ &; ~. '=J.),r' cilUda"" to pollute.

~.J"'" cisudan n rest.

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CLASS XI. When the letter ~ precedes the sign of the infinitive, it is dropped in forming the aorist.

~~ '\ a8idan. u""!Jr'\ omu1'z''ida'lt andl,~Mdan L.:)').~J)tlCrz~dan ,~~)~ bdridan

L.:J.Jo.t~ bakhsMda'l't

L.:J"":!-~ b1~8!dan L.:J~)1 burl-dan L.:J~'~~ pa!tlCnduron L.:J~':' fo . pu,kWan

L.:J~~AJ, parAb\da'll L.:J..A:'- J\ pur~n L.:J~"~ pa'll~kW"'Il L.:)~ ... i para,.tU/",n

L.:J..l,t<>ii az·mUdan L.:J..lJ~' andUdan L.:J.J"j1 a!#'Udan

L.:J.J.rt'='~ paimudan L.:J.Jy.) rabUda'll L.:).JJ.Jj zadudan L.:J..l,J- sitiidan L.:J.Jr') !aTmudan I,;).J,...} !ar~an L.:J.J_,.:.5 lCCf,skudan

L.:J.J_,..s namudan

to try, attempt.

.. " incrust.

" increase. " measure. " carry.

" polish.

" praise.

" order.

" be worn out. " open.

" show.

to grind. " forgive. " think.

" estimate.

" rain.

" grant.

" kiss, rot.

" cleave, cut. " approve.

" wear, cover. " abstain.

" ask.

" taka refuge, " worship.

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. W~~ ~chidan W"':I.,i- pandan w.).~ ~ pdBhtdan w"'~· ',~ poida1lo w~ I;' tarciBhidan w~"'.J tarsMan, w~~,:-- josMAALn, w·.J.dJ:j.~ janrfidan, w~~.r.- cha"idan,

. ~oJ.!t-~ chaepidan, L:)oJ.~::- cha8Mdan, I;J~':' , ... ~ khamU8hi(la,n, WoJ./ . .JJ.:;' khandtda'Tl,.

L:JoJ..~'Jo.. lchat-UsMdan,.

C:J¥ ~ Mall,dan, l.:JoJ.:"'~ khamtdc,n,.

w l.!.;=> kha,·(;dan,. ~oJ.!~',..,;. kltcibtdan, ~~:>.J.l darakhshtdan,

L:).lo.~'...o.l damidan,
w"'!. J.l darid(£n,
&,:)oJ..' . .lj.l duzUdan,
woJ.,:'-!o J.l d·u,shUan.
w~" , '1'Uidan,
&,:).lo._ .... J ra8i:lan,
&':)~J ranjidan,
\:J~ '; zdrUan.
w.l.o;'~ ,a~i'dan, to twist • " fly.

" sprinkle.

" run.

" peel.

" £eal":

" boil.

rr fight.

" pasture.

" stick, grapple • ,., taste.

" silence .. " laugh. " cry out.

,., prick, pieree, rr be crooked. " purchase.

rs sleep.

,., glitter, shine; n. blow.

" tear, rend .. " rob, steal. " milk.

" grow.

. .

" arrive, receive,

" grIeve.

" cry out.

" weigh ..

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R?Jk X. When tbe object is in a state or construction with another noun, or with an adjective, & from its nature requires 1; that sermination is added to the latter noun or adjective.

Rule XI. When a verb governs an Accusative, & at, the same time a Dative case, the termination ') is seldom added to both eases; thus if the Accusative case bJ"lndefi-


nite does not necessarily require ';, then the-

Dative has the l; added.

\,i;..:.U nashtii. I. .)J zar, 8. u-~ liM8, s: ~ sag. 8.

, ~~ pa.ya. '8'. ...:..-J, uakt, 8. ~ bas. a.

y)., bali. i'R.cerj. ru'!'.,J dU8hniim,8. v,.,J liiyak. a.

, 1dI laf», 8.

) '}~ bazar. 8. lj.- lam. 8.

"""J t'Ui, II


breakfast. gold .

a dress. a dog. a foot . time. enough. yes. abuse.

fit. suitable. a word.

a market. punishment.

a face, mouth.

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.J y .... l bi3yar, a. 'r.S\~ pakf/zah, a. ~. tang, a.·

, o.:J~~ chopan, s, )~ bohar, s, "",'...01..) damad, I. d.iJ lang (h J'· taiyar a, ~~. nan s,

(,.I garm a. r='l nfm s,

,.s kam. a.

J~ dkl s. ~~ sakht, a.

~,- sui, prep. ,.ft- husain

much. many. clean. narrow.

a shepherd. sprmg. son-in-law. lame. ready.

a loaf, a bread. warm.



sense. strong. towards.

a proper name.


• .Jj_' ~ ..)~ ,..)41 orr> y'" J~~ jt ~\i

.~,~"""" Ij.iS~ ,V"41 ~'~j,l'J~~'y"l¥ ."'.!.,,., r..r' ,-",\$ ~\~.t:" • ..l;t; ..." .. ""'ye ~~ ~

• ..uioS ~ J\:;'S ~ ''''''J'''''' ,_"., .• ~ JU f:1!~

.1oAA"'" ~ }\::-1.1); .~1)~ r} ,Y'

• ..::.- .... 1 ~I ~ "'" .• 1. ~t ~ i U:.:.u ~:~

, ~",. • •. J ,J

o~.~ ~ ,4\Sft '.foil ~!~'~~.r""'j'

o""'}~ '-:r"4J ~'J~ )11 '~.J ~ ""'\""'''''''I.~\:i.. :~p

'r fl·) ~ yl"':' '''''-f~ .~, ~ ~ u ~~ I; ~ .~' .u ~ ,v,.U ~, ~rJ ~,..~,;. .4.)\6.


PZUIAlf raUl"!'.


the nightingale 8. J..J.l bulbul.

a sentence s. ,)U .fi1crah

a question 8. JI,.... sawal.

an answer 8. YI,~ jaU?ilb.

oil •. t:f'J ,·ogha'fl..

the tongue } t. b

I 8. w ... j za an.


a. vessel 8. ,_;_;' zerf

full a.,1~ pur.

the morning 3. ~ subh:

the evening 8. r \.:, s'ham.

a horse-doctor s. }h::,~ baita».

numerous a. )~ bishumiir.

universal a. r ~ dm. .

Insolent a. t~ shokh,

beautiful a .. ~;,'-·Y,:> khub-surat.

massacre s. &JJ: katl,

SENTENCES, (The) nightingale flies.

(He) is (a) bad and stupid boy. (My) father asks (me) (a) question. (The) boy gives (an) answer,

Men are laughing and WOD}en are crying. (A) horse-doctor gives medicine ..

N umerous people are in (the) garden. (The) time of morning is pleasant. (They) make (a) universal massacre.

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(You) write (a) good sentence. (The) vessel is full of oil.

(An) old man moves (his) head. (He) is very insolent.



The Persian verbs are compounded either with substantives and adjectives, or with prepositions and other particles.

The verbs chiefly used ill the first sort of eomposition are I;).J}, I;).J);\. ~j:':".J, I;)S;>\..' 4:,J"",..}, I;).J:,>, l;).Jj I;).J)~, I,:).J~, ~.i..:S, ~" L:I~ . .Jt ,.;.;;, and ~t,. .•

PRONOVNS. (;.'.~ zamiiyir).

Personal pronouns are sr" man I" i tu thou, ,I iZ he, she, or it; \..e ma we, ~ shumd you, and 1,:)t..:.,..1 ishan they.


First Person, Singula'1'.

nom. ~ mct1l. I .

aee. dat. 1".. or ~ baman 0)' mara, me.

abl. ..,.;1 az man, from me.

"Th.particl. ~ of ~ preaent teuae it prefixed to the !'OK .of the verb.

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;rmtSU.1I PRIJlD.


'Rom. l. ma &:1\t,\.. ma~'an, we. (ICC. dat. 1; \.. ma1'a, \.e.~ bama, us. able \...cj\ az ma, from us.

fJeco114 Person, 8infJ'UZar. fWm, i tu, thou.

ace. dat. Ii. tu,l'a,,~ batu" thee. able ii' az tu, from thee.


nom. \.e..!. 8huma, you~

ClCC. da'. I; ' .... o!. 8humal'a or \.t...!.~ baMumc1 you. «bl. \.t...:i) az 8hurrui, from you.

Third Person, 8ingu,w/r.

" u, ."s, wai, he, she or it. 'J,I ura, ,'1oJ bau, him.

,I J' az u, from him.


'Rom. &:1\":'~.l i8Mn, they,

acc. dat, ,;~, i .. hanrii, &:1\":"''''' ba iBhc1n them. "bl. &:1 \,!,~,1;' «z i8ha'n, from them.

The last letter of every Persian word is quiscent or unaccented, but in composition when it is either the governing noun, or a noun qualified by an adjective the last letter is accented with "1'; ~:- .

'Rom. ace. date able

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PBUU.lf PBI.E •.


~ .,~ pielari man my father.

;; ~~ " tu thy father.

,I 'J~ II 11. his or her father.



\.. J~ pidari ma our father.

\.t.!. ~~ "shu'rYta your father.

~~I >l.~ "ishein their father.

The genitives of these pronouns are also expressed in poetical compositions and common conversation, for the sake of brevity, by the pronominal suffixes ~, ..:;.) & J., preceded by zabar in the singular,and L:)t. man, L:)\3 tan and L:)t.:. shan, preceded by zer in the plural,



r)~ pidaram my father .

..:;.))~ pidarat thy father.

u:.)~ pidarash his or her father.

Plural .

. ~ .... )~ pidari man our father.


L:) 'U' J""" "tan your "

'~\.:o 'J~ ,,3han, their"

Substantives ending in 'silent, take an 1 acoented with ~bar, and in those that end in , or ,the letter ~ is inserted, before the pronominal suflixes ; as :-

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r' 4I.H'> ~11J\:>

U!' ~\O.


khanah. am my house.

" at thy"

n ash his .,

~\... .~\> klui.nai man our house.
~\:i .~\=!.. " tan your "
~ \..!. • o!.) \.> " shan their " \t po. (>~. ~ payam, ~.~ pa.yat ~. ~ payash

foot. Singula'r. my foot.

thy "

his "


~t...~4, payi-man our foot.

~\;~'~ "tan your"

~IL:.~'~ ,~ shan their"

,1'\ at« a. plum. S~ngular.

r,._,lT aluyam my plum.

~~,r\ " yat thy "

~.,I\ - "yash his "


aliii-man .. tan " shan

our plum your " their "

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i.:J¥.r'" .urfida,n, to cough.

~I \t- .igalldan, " think, suspend.

i.:J.,),} .• ',,- .arayidan, " SlDg.

L:)~""":' shamida'n, " smell.

L:)~~ shalciMdan, T1 have patience.

~ talabUlans " call.

L:)~ tapidan, rr agitate,. flounce.

L:)~~.;t. ghurridan, .. roar.
L:)",J.:,~ /ahmfilan, " understand.
L:)".,),/.,; garvidan, 71 attract, attach,
4:.J~' oJ'; gardidan, " turn.
L:)".,),~.JS ga~UJ,a,n, 11 bite.
L:)~jU laghflUan, " slip.
4:J~';} larzidan, " tremble.
i.:J~ makidan, " suck.
L:)~l\ •• malidan, " rub.
L:)~~ noshidan, " drink.
L:)~IU ncilida,n, 11 lament.
4:.J~';' wazidan, " blow.
I;)w..j), warfli'dan, .. accept.
I;)~l.t- hariis£dan 1 " be frightened. VOCABULARY.

~ hi prep. without.

~1;~ baraga " for, because.

1;)~.JoJ darmiyan " between.

~ pel'" " before.

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J~j.falmr p"~p.adf}. above.
.JI) eer prep. adfJ. below, under .
jjj." daftar 8. a register, record
rU ncim " name, honour.
r~ ghu,lcim " a slave.
~,.J dost " alriend
~;:..,." closti " friendship.
~ l> kh41iitar " ashes.
,~ khuai " God.
~ kadd " stature.
v.,.. mUsk, " a. mouse.
'£:i jauj " army, multitude.
4:)4~ biyaban " a desert.
&.::,..o~jl angusht " finger, toe.
~1)r surcikk , . a hole.
..1\...0 sdl ~, it yea.r.
)JW4 bista» ,., a bed.
.~ rail, ~, a way, path.
...,s J,r. buzurgi " greatness.
~} gurbah ,t a eat.
ft·~ 'wazfr ,. a minister.
~I ablah " a fool.
~u...J dihkdn " a villager.
r:. khar " an ass.
~'... sahib " a master.
~.:.> ~hamgin a. angry.
f:'~ az-Cm " large, greaf.
;,'" dar " distant, far. -' Digitized by Coogle


.. ~) jarbah a. fat.
_IS s kutah short, brief.
oj "
.)I.MU namdar " . eminent .•
~ol..i ziit{ " natural. .
))'" dm'az " long.
~ kaj " crooked.
. r} narm " soft, gentle .
CJ"'j JJ~ kabl1l-k. 1·. to confess.
l:)"'.r. oJ.__ hasad-b. " » envy.
~:i.!.I_'~ ajab-d. - " ". wonder.
l:)"'; -~ n(J,ra-z, , " cry out.
l:).M\)'" dar-a. " " enter.
'I.:)"'''''}~ hukm-j. " " order.
l,;)"''; ~ mahv-k •. " " erase. SY~T AX :--"'CONTINUED.

Rule XII. When the terminations r, ~, v., are joined to the persons of a verb, they correspond with the Dative or Acousatlve case of the personal pronouns.

Rule XIII. Nouns of multitude, denoting rational beings, follow the same rule in Persian as in English; hence the verb is some- 0 times in the singular and sometimes in the plural, according to the unity or plurality of the idea conceived in the mind of the speaker,

. Rule XIV. When. the object ofa Tranaitive

verb$ is a Personal pronoun, or its substitute ,!j> kk{u the termination I.) is always used.

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• .Jro ....". .. I;)f~ r-u&'.r. ~.\.., ,.J).J ~ ttl ~~)\ ,,;.s.1. l ~~ ,~~'t> ~ ~ t.:J'.J""{ J ~)) ..",.. ;I'~' ",1.i.A"; ,~.\ ~).J )~ ,J.J)1 ~ ,,'f!:..f

~ - u

" ....,.,. """~JoJ y.J' . ~

.oJ}..» y.o ~~ t.:J'h~ ,)1& )',' . r f) ,.".... )"» 1ft .~ \.> ..",- ~ ,oJ;' ..". .. ~ ..,.: )\;;; ,~~ ;l ~} .~,

, ~~, A I. V.)\ I A . \

• )-!~ V''':N, t.:J ~ • ~ , '.J t.:J'-:'.

'. ~l ,.".... ~ J"".~ ) IlS \.t..:. .~\ ~~ i:.'),- ~).J ,II,) ,¥S ~ ,... ;jj.J j\ Ull.1.t\ ~~U .J'~ IJ c..::.-\ Jhl ~fl .~'\J • ._.,.j.....:..J ~E ~ ~ ,.;,...

·r} ~l>;\ ~I A. r} .~ V OOABULARY,

very, a. ~ li-) 'ltiha.yat.

well, ad». Yj~ lch'1b.J!Z> lchai1'

To begin, 'l'. I,:),J} 1:,;' ,hu'1"l1-lcardcm.

" complete, v. I,:).J} rW tamam-lc •

. " fil], V. I,:).J}){ pur-lee

" design, v. I,:).J} ol.oa; kasd-k:

, " remember, v. I,:).J)J' .J\~ yad-a.

" grieve, v,' t.:J.J),:>. r~ gham-kh.

" swear, v. t.:J.J)~ '»!',.... 8Ogand-kh.

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·DSU.N .allo •.

a corner, I. . Cop gfJ,3hfl.

poison, •. ;II; zaAr •.

a prtson, I. w1,,).ij zindtin.

a judge,.. ,_,.;,U kui v...t... mlU/Mif

an executioner, 3. ..,1=;0- jalldd.

judgment, I. ~ .. malulhar.

a prisoner, I. r.-1 aftr.

a stone, .,. ~ ,ang •

. the honey, la ~ Ihahd.

a camel, I. .J~ mutar.

silver, •• t!- .1m.

burden, lQad~ }~ bar.

a back, Ie ~ puaht.

a goblet, •. r\::;"- jam.

a thing, I. jt~ chiz.

another, a.. J.!i . .J d{gar.


He remembers his lesson well. They put him into the prison. ( A) bad boy eats poison.

He grieves for (the) death of his uncle, Criminals are afraid of (the) judge. Honey is sweet.

(The) camel carries (a) burden on his back. They sit in (the) corner of (the) house.

He Iwears by God in vain.

(Th~) lover fills (the) goblet with wine, He stands between u ...

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pnSUN P_I ....

He completes (a) thing before he begins another.

(The) king orders (the) exeeu_ioner to put (the) prisoner to death.

(The) day of judgment is far off. Your daughter is very sharp.


Tu. I)[PERATIT~ MOOD (rt amr).


The imperative. is formed by rejecting the third personal sign J from the aorist; as ~, 'fall thou'.

The putt tense (~ ~t. mcizi mutlak.) is formed by rejecting tIJ from any infinitive; as oM '\ I he came'.

The imperfect tense (Ir,SJ~"'w\ ~l. mcizi' i3tamniri). is- formed by prefixing y'" mi or ~ haml ~() the pas-t tense of a verb; as, ..1 .. , ~ 'he was coming'.


The indefinite article, a or an, expressed by affixing the letter Ir,S to a noun, denotes a single object indefinitely. In absenee of the termination t..J tbe noun conveys a eollective

idea. ". "

* The letter ~l. oftea prefixed to the illlper.atin, and th. iDlperatin i. JDade ,FOhibitiTe by prefixing the letter r .. co.ntH with nbar, .. ~ cio DOt,

t It ia often UHd .. a tipificant noua,

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The Persian language is wanting in the definite article; but it can be supplied by the demonstratives ~ cin and "",.\ in or by two nouns put in construction.

When a noun ends in " the mark • kamzci is used to denote the singular nnmber r as .~ 'a spring.' Whenever I is placed before , at the end of a nouns the idea of unity 1&

expressed by ~, as ~"'J raM, 'a way.' The ~ of unity being recognized both, as a or an, or the according to the circumstances. Sometimes the ~ 'majhut added to a noun gives jt the sense of excess or universality; as~-

. .. . 1

I.".S' .... \\~ dlimt 'the whole world.


~I akhtO/T' 8. a. star, good omen.

) \.tJ1 amMr JJ a heap.

~loJ'.:;-- judd; " separation •

.u~I..J danishmand" a wise man.

J 01 d11 ;, heart, mind.

}j,.,!"" dinar I. dinar, a Persian coin-

~Jr.-- 8abWri ,i patience.

~.~ taiflt i, company: gaDg.

~~ tull1 " rising, (of the sun).

~,~ ghuruo "setting, (of the sun) .

. ~ zulm " oppreSSIon .

. JlJ: l1zr 'i pardon, excuse.

J\~.c dtW,'l' " a perfumer.

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I.l.!. ij fayadak s. profit, advantage.

V',.J} jirdo" "paradis,e .

..;} farz " duty.

~ falale " sky, sphere.

I.).~. U kdUa " rule, custom .

._;;; kar~ " debt.

~ kae .. any body, a person.

'i koh " a mountain,

~,s kui " a. street.

Iw...~ S kUa " a bag.

~ ga'llj " treasure.

~1,r gawah II a witness.

~ lakab "surname, a title.

r ~ lagq,m, ",a bridle,

JU .. misal "example; likeness.

y&-oM muddat "a plain tiff.

~~~ 'YfJ,q,ah,ik "the east.

~;.,. 'lYW.ghrib, I, the w~st,

rp.. ma~,lum a, oppressed.

~ I.t.. 7ltakan S.' abode) residenes,

~ nishat "relationship.

\';, wa/a "fidelity,.'

fi-!~ h~arn "fuel.

J \,I. yar II a friend,

.,::...-...\,U kiY<imat II day of resurrection.

J,' awwal a. first.

~l~.N b'&gVr~n ..oJ boundless, much.

}i tar " dark.

\..IA. 8J.~t';", 1 e '

)'" ~ ,c,u." " c ev r,



Mo" kama a. all.
birun out. "
4.:J,r.J prep.
~.J; \oJ' ada-k. 11· to discharge, pa.y.
~.J),\ ~ bar-a. t. " fulfil.
~~,;S u:..n atuk-g. " ., set fire. SYNT AX :-CONTJNUED.

Rule XV .. When the object is qualified by a relative seatenee, the object is placed before the verb, and the qualifying phrase after it..

Rule XVI. Words applicable to the whole sentenee, and not to any particular member of it, are placed first of all.


-. ..J~ \y.}k~ J~'..J ,~ ~~,,., ,~1 I.).,I,\j ~'ft I~\i .'-!oJ';"';l y,;i, ~, J~",;' y\J:j\ IE~ .~I ~\.,!::'l ,~ ~)~


.,j.~ I.", J,I ...; } ,...; j

.'f':N'" ~\ A·1.Cl }I.::- ~t .. I.:.--~l .,;.-.~ ~ \/ ') ~ ,"') oJ • .JJ~) ~ .. '\.!...J~ ,rl.» ;t ~; ,Io,;..ooj\\ ..... )\~ 1../",');5 ,~ )14 ,.,.).~,.;, J~ I:)'wp ... ,J., ,"'r.,j.j.~ ~,,, ~; ,;M .r. 1:)1"),;,-, .a,.,u.. .~,r ~..J .~)\:>. ~}'> ,~':').J ~

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. ~./;.I' VrSi .r)tlb IJ~ .~;;, ~\: ,.J} 1; }rU ,I'; ~~~ .. • ~ ..llt.J ;",1; ~, w~ .~ .. \';, ~j ,l:J'J'f~ 1;~~


an anvil 8. ~l..u.... aindan ..

a blacksmith " Ju.. '\ dhangar.

a goldsmith" .f)j zarga'1'.

a calf H 4 '-y gmdla.

cold " ... .r. baret

~ tabaka.

~'.f> khardbi ~..l~ bade.

r~ ta4m

~~j neH.

. - .

\:J' 6,t:;.

~\ }S


"".~ J~

a class ".
evil "
food J1
good ,., grass rr

hand writing, n .

lron rr

matter, business e. a. month, moon 8. a neighbour 8. the north " the south

pole poetry

prose "

a. pupil "

root, origin "




gaya.. khat.

a.han. hir. mdh.

hamsayah. .himdl.

j1.£nub. kutb.

na~m. naIr. .hdgird. bekh.



shame a shop a tailor taste teeth winter fine

some, little ,J

sour worldly to acquire

" contrast " cut short " detain

" mind

" obey

" open


. " .

r;:' wi)."

»~ ~.ll

w\~.J l..;-



3ha1"m. dukcW. khayya.t • lazzat; dandan. sarma.. khu8h. kadarl. tursh. dunyawi. ikhtiyar-k. mukdbala-k. i1chtw,·-k. wapa3-d. nigiih-d. mutU-sh. ooz-k.


There is an extreme cold at the north' and

south poles.

A tiger killed a. calf and a cow.

The grass is green. '

The taste of the fruit is sour.

Bring some food for me that I may eat it. The teeth of the dog are sharp.

Do you know my residence 1

Cut the matter short.

It is the month of winter.

. J' -





" ~~." 'lJ1lJ.JJ~ J~\ " ,; .~~u....

" ,,}~1 ,,~''''V'''~1, l\J:l

" ,,-

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He was an eminent philosopher. Do good to your neighbours. They went to the tailor's shop. Mind your own business.

The love of money is the root of all evil I am the first boy in the first class.

Do not detain him for a long time.

It is better to acquire patience in all affairfS Did you receive my letter?

He does not write a fine hand.

Open the door, you fool, and let me go out, The blacksmith strikes the iron on the


A good pupil obeys his master.



I,:}/.I (in) tliie, and \:,1i (ci~) that are demonstrative pronouns. They are declined as follows:-

!.I.1 (i'n) This.
Sing'ular. Plural.
Nom. d".1 r I,:JU",1 or ~.,
Obli. 1; 1:)".1 ,_,w~\ Of '}t'~1 We lllay decline I.:J" in the saDle ~al by 6

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replacing it instead of t:.f. \ in the above declension.

The pronoun 1.:1~'\ when placed before a substantive so as to form one word is frequently changed into r~; as)Jr~,~\ to-night, J~I this year.

The relative pronouns are 45 (ke) who, and -e- (ehe) which. They are also used interrogatively.

45 (ke) who.

Nom. 4S I oiu. \}.

-e- (ehe) which.

Nom. ~ I oiu. I~.

The last letter r (silent) of the above-mentioned pronouns" when joined to the verb ~I is changed into ":fS which assumes the sound of a long vowel; as I..,;;.;""':!'t::' (cMst) what is it 1 and~:;'S (Mat) who is it 1

. The words ,JJe.. (khud), ~.y> (khish), '_;',Jy:>* (khudash) and 1.:1j:,~,e.. (kM,shtan) stand for the reflexive pronouns (own and self) and are applicable to all persons and sexes. .

Nom. oJ,e.. I oiu. 1;,J,e...

When we wish to express the reflexive idea, we subjoin oJy> (khud) or any of ita aynonymes to the personals as :-

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oJJ> ~ (mankll,ud) myself.

oJ~ ~ (ta kll,ud) thyself,

oJJ> ,\ (a kll,ud) himself.


oJ,> \.. (rna khud) ourselves. oJ,> \.e..!o (shumakhud) yourselves. oJ,> ~~.I (ishankhud) themselves.

oJJt> and its d.erivatives . are also joined to every person of a. verb; as ~J oJ~ I I went , myself.'

r'''» (kudam) which, is an interrogative pronoun.

The English (soever' is expressed in Persian by;4 (har) or ~\r' (haran) prefixed to the relatives ; as A)jb (harke) ~\)A (haranke) U:-.Jb (harche)and ~\) .. (ha1'dnche) whosoever, whatsoever. They are declined like all other



I~J:I\ ibtida s. beginning.

l..1 imla "spelling.

)u=.~1 inteear " expectation.

ft bar " bosom

r:'~ tdl~m " instruction •

. "-";.....).,).jJ tandurusa 8. health.

I.i Ij> kho,Zana 8. treasure. '~-.)'J dariche " a window.

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~.,;})ursat " leisure.

J) fark: " difference.

'-:-"-~ mohtasib" a censor. r-)'" mausim " season.

y..o ma~ "WIne.

pj naza'l' " sight.

t,:).J.> 1, wa-k. v. to open.

ttlr> mimj, 8. disposition.

rJ> khurm.m,a. pleasant, cheerful,

~ .... sahl, ", simple.

~,. ~ ghaib, " concealed.

l:a~ ghalat, ., wrong. t,:)~ (,Y-- mdlum-sh. 'll. to appear.

('.J\ adam, s. mankind.

~~ ... 111\ ahieto, ad». gently, slowly.

~.r.~ banaba'i'tn,,, on this account, therefore.

~ kuja, ado, whither 1 where 1

f-t~ neku, a. good.

,.J;A hardo, a. both.

;'~~ baddae, ad», after, afterwards.

~~ kishti," a ship, vessel,

J.J dil

kU; rukelv ~; zam~n ~:;\. ... sakt iv!.;!-.!. shseha ;4&. ghubar


s. heart.

" a note, letter.

" the earth, ground. " a cupbearer.

" glass, a bottle. " dust.

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,~., ~\;. ~~ ,.,;~ ~ ~ 1:)' ~ .,.J )4 \) ~)..J J .,J1J \)JIIt .,.)~ y'" J~f )\.,I..c; ..J; ~JA ~-'),,) ..:;..:.~ (t;r>, v.;':!:.. u;\.....Jr M.~ ,'l;:'}-' l.) ... " ..... ,..).a .,.;~ ..J,.:...., .. ("~ .• ~ ('4M~ 1~1~"'~~>\... ~.\.4.) ~ Jyowa ~)~ r~ ~ .r)..J ~ ~~~ ~} ,.~:J .~>~~, )IIJ(".,)\ \~ .~ J:J!'''))~ ~ "\ '.J ~ .~~ ~~ \.c 1~ ,jiJJ it ~ .. \,.. ~ ~) • . ~I~-~1 ~=,: ~ .4Jlj~ ~_).)J.S . ~}~ ~)~ '';'~ ....?.J'; klA lQil 1:)\ ~~ .:;..- .... :-S IJL:> ,W;)oJ.l\ ~ ")')1") 4.~ ~ ....... ~ .~~ ~ ,r~ ~~r!''''')~ \;y,\ .... . .,).~i 4J ,~ vr .~:;) ,~1~ l.e..,:. . ..J)..t.l UL--..:.I.l.S ".-!) ,r~ cIS t.;)1,)~;

.,.)}..J.,I.\~* ,.,~ ') ,"'Jib Y' .... }j , ~j~,)'O, ~J~ ...


. 1f, con}. .J gar; )~\ aga1'.

favour, s. ~ ~)'\'~ mihrban7l,.

address, 8, ..... \i r sarntima.

last-night, s. ~~'" d!tshab.

SIr, s. ~ .... 8ahib,'»)I~d.lchudiiwa'nd

·The verb ~~. \~ 'to be necessary' is generally used im. personally, in the third person siDgular of the Aorist or Pelfint.

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paUUN P~I10L

scene, I. ;u.. manzar I.:oW ta'ftUi8ha.

eonflagration, s« ~.,~t atish~adag •• large, a. wlS kalan, ~ dWm. splendid, a. ;1.J.1j'J raunalcdar. mansion". ~!~ hawailt, w~ makan. compliment, I. rJ..... 8a,lam.

never, ad». ~.F.Jb hargiz-nah.

amid, prep, w~.J.J darmiyan.

shade, 8. ~ \..or 8o,ya, ~.; U' tar'M.

forest, 8. ~ jangal.

affectionate, dear a, r..r alii s;

counsel, advice, 8. ~ na,ihat, ~ pand, parent, 8. J~ ~ )",\..0 madar yo. pidar.

any, a. ~ hich, ~ kaai.

to delay, v. w"';)i.,J der-k,

~, reply,v'w"'..,y1.r:-- jawab-d, " follow, v. ~J V"" paM' .. " request,v'w"'}~r arz-lc.

" lose, v. ~~ ~ gum",h.

every, a. Jib har, ~.j1b har .. yek.

habit, 8. c..:.J",\.I: adat, r> khu.

none, a. 4J~ hich-nah.

there, ad», ~\ anja.


Please.send your letter to my address inSurat. Sir, I request you to grant me a favour.

,1 rose and went to the scene of conflagration, which was a. large and splendid mansion.

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Give my best compliments to your father and


I never saw her before.

The tree casts a large shadow in the forest. To whom shall I give these books 1

Listen to the affectionate counsels of your parents.

He became angry with his servant without any cause.

I do not know why he delayed replying to my letter.

Leave off every bad habit. ..

A woman was walking, and a man looked at her and followed her.



The gerund is formed by the addition of the syllable !.p (preceded by zer) to the imperative; as c,;......;t asking.

Most ofthel'ersian verbs form their present participle (~U --' ismi-faU) by subjoining w\ an or ¥~ nad~h to the imperative. as, wl.....)~

or ~.l.j....,~ asking. .

The past participle (J~ J~' ismi-maf71l) is derived from the infinitive by substituting ¥ for its final w; as ¥~""j~ asked,


The perfect tense (io...:-""l) "",,~l-o maZl, lcar1,b) is formed by adding the persent forms of ~.Jp I to be' to the past participle of a verb; as;-

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II_IAN PRiittil. 8ing~lar. r' '.MI iimaddh-dm

~I ,.M\ ;l ,

~,,~, ;, ast


1 have come. Thou hast" lie has "

~".L!~ amadah-l,m We have come.

~, ".M\ " td You have "

.1l\ 6~\ II and They have ,;

The pluperfect tense (~I.,:I''';\ e. raaz~-bakl) 18 formed by adding the past forms of ~.J~ , to be' to the past participle of a verb; as:-


~,JJl u ... "\ amadah·b1J,dam

t.:-?.Jp '-M \ . j, budib

1 had. come. Thouhadst coma


bud He had come. plural.

1"'.' . .J_f. .~\ ",=, . .J~ ',)...0\ ~.J_j .~,

amd,dah~bud'tm bMW



We had come. You had " They had ;;


iJk chi-guna; ad». how? of what kind 1

.J} gird;.. round, circuit.

4J.l>. halka, •. a circle, a ring.

£> r .. . .

.. .1 g~nya, 8. cry-mg, weepmg .

.A.\.w~ maenad, 8. a throne.

l:;"\ akii, 8. master, owner .

...,._u dkab, adv. behind, after.

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V',;>- khara«, 8· C)4.~~ birydn, a.

r.; ar, s:

C)\.t.S kaman, 8.

cU \..tJ nishana, 8. J.f gosh, s.

~~ btni,8. rill guft-gu, s.

V'''U&t uio», s,

)~ bar, s. 1..r-'}2~ mut1'ib, s. ¥.\) nd-Mna, a. ~lw' tdUa, a.

a cock. roasted. an arrow. a bow.

a mark; a butt. the ear.

the nose.

conversation.discourse. a peacock.

time, once.

a mueicran.


the most high.


Rule XVII, When adjective pronouns \iJd and ~T precede their substantives, they are generally put in the singular.

Rule XVIII. If, in a, simple sentence, a per9 son al pronoun, in an accusative case be required, and if it be of the same person with the nominative of the sentence, the place of such a pronoun must be supplied in persian, by the reflexive pronoun.,Jj>.

Rule XIX. When the name of an irrational being, Of of an inanimate object, lIM beep. mentioned, and reference is made to it afterwards by a pronoun, as it or they, ...,:.1 and ....,1 with their plurals, are gellerall~ used, st:ldom

I' or \iI~t.'! ._ .

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~I}fi rJ,y\ -~I l.Mi)~ ~\,ij\-~.r. )..llr. .~~ ~')'~,) ~\"".r> ~~')::;.. ~,s. ~.Y~ ~"u" ~ .~.J /i ~ ,t~ ;!~., ~;::,.o

),) J~.J,}~ .,~ w\ JI i.S ..Jp} I~ JI..>~' r\.!...l~ .,J y.> ~.o ~.J»~ ~~\:,~ ji I~\j

J-r> )~ r.--I ~ ~~."J"'" ~?~~ wu.;.. ~~\j ,~i="" . "",,~'.t> ~ ~-~:, .... )~. I~

I~:> ~'!~ Y'~\: ~I ~S oJ} vCr 1,;)\.i.S ~~.~ ,~JU~; .~'~ J~


Iff 1ft ,)~~.. 1:.1 \" .J r> ~ 15 V" ~;O oJ,..} L....;->\,p .('oJy. ~~~),J ~

JI.J Y'.J~ ,1~·1 """,,,~i..c ;11;;-- ;--\3\ ~I ~="""A~; 'r'l~ ~~ ij;. 4S1).;-~"~"", ~~w~r. ~'I J~ \) w\'''''';;> ,)~-~ ~ .. ft ~iS' l.Jl." v+~.J)oJ(~""~~ .J.t>,wW ,_r.;,r.MI

.~p 4J\.W .

1t1\~)-w~~ ~I.I J-JLl:)~~ ~',;. ~-;-- JslW'~I~ e,.Slr '-="~~ -w.J),t>- ~I;. L;)I~~..I - r.;;;;i!" ~I~ wi..c-~.JI.J ~'J1 ~.J-¢;) ~';. .".s~ -~~~

,..,,_...., I~.}\ !,;1~~; i;rSI.If

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a sister; s. ;A'r> khahar; .;!-~ hamsMra.

appointment, s, ~ mansab, .~.c uhda.

past, last, a. ~.)S guzashta.

several, a. ~ chand.

uncovered, a: ~y, r'~ M-sar-po.h.

flock, s, MJ rama.

sheep, s. ~ m7tsh.

a meadowy s. J~er' rnarg-zar; .\!lr. charaghii..

WIse, a. .l.M.a.c dkalmand; U\., dana.·

to resign, v. 't:).J)Sdj tark-k-

to inform, v. 't:).J\.J)I':::'" khabar-d.

office, •. ~ dmaZ.

to employ, v. 't:).J) J,.~ mashghul-k.

prayer, s. JW namaz.

whilst, adv. ~U' tiiki.

t..t..: .<I_L=.

supper, s, UJlK.C

leave, s. \.pJ ram; ~j\::;--I ija~at.

skin, s- ~~ post, rr:- chirm.

useful, a. )~ bakar, ~ '~!.\,; faida-mand.

dangerous, a. ~ P> khatarnak.

painful, a. .)J....JJ.J dardmand.

ill,. sick. a. J~ bVm(ir •


From whom was that information received. My father, mother and sister have gone to

Bombay. .

I have held this appointment for the last. five years.

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t saw several men sitting with their heads uncoverd ..

We saw a flock of sheep grazing on the meadow.

Poetry is contrasted with prose.

A king had a wise minister, who resigned his office, and employed himselfin worshiping God.

One is standing up to evening prayers, whilst the other is sitting down wishing for his suppen

The skin of the goat is more useful than that of the sheep.

It is my painful duty to inform you that your dear Iittle girlis most dangerously ill.



The future (~ij;""""", mustakbil) prefixes, to the third person singular of the past, the word .,ulJ> khQ,had,. the aorist of ~..i....I.t> khastan . 'to desire,' and takes the personal terminations at the end of this prefixed word in other inflections; as:-

Singular. oM, ~'.t> khaham-amad .;M, y.'.r:- khaki' " .;M\ ~~ khakad .,

I will come • Thou wilt ..

He will '.

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oMl r=''''J~ khahim-arnad We will come . .>...\ ")':,"',0. klw.hid " You will " M\ ~I,o. khahand" They will "

The future perfect (~UM Y'~\.. maz'. rnutaihaki') is formed by adding the aorist forms of L:J.J.~~ bashi:dan 'to be' to the past participle of a verb; as :-


~!o~ 1M\' dmadah-basham I shall have come: ~~ I~' " bashi Thou shalt" "

..t..!o \~ 1M I " bsehad. He shall '" "


~ ~ IoMl amadah-biishim We shall have come

~\~ 10M, " bQ.shid You" " "

~\~ 10M' ,. bashand They" " "


~~ nabdt, s. vegetable; sugar.

~\). .. munakaiha,~. dispute, contention.

I~" hargah, ado- Whenever; since.

J\.. mal, 8. property .

.,)~ ehand, adj. how many 1 how much 1 lome, a few.

power, strength.

a moment.

a boy, youth. tomorrow . .ex.cupJiQD, tour.

~} MA-Wat'-8. ~ lahza,8. ~.J,s kodak, 8. \.J) jarda,adv. ;1::- .,ai,-, M.


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~ md, prep. with, together.

u..::-} kucha,k, a. small, little.

y'~1 a,ngmhta,1 .... 8. a. ring.

I:).J) ~\j tdb£-h., '11. to subject, subjugate.

;is 1 a,'k.a,r, ad». generally, frequently •

I:)IF.I t ran, 8. Persia.

I.,.. ha,w, •• wind, air; vanity.

V1~ mukhalif, a· opposite, adverse.

~ tumd, a. furious, severejfast

I:)~ J~ gha,rk-sh. to be drowned.

~ gung. a. dumb.

;. ka», a. deaf ..

" " ..

",.,M ma,da,d, 8.

a widow. mercy, pity.

at last, finally •.

the end, future state assistance, aid.

,,!~ beuia. •• ~) ralimat,». ~\.&:: akiba,t, ad»,


• ..,\.J ~1~ "'M fNlb 1; \....:. ~ • ..:,...i~. ~I_,:> lj-..,j "=,,AI_,:> I.J,J\M ,\ ~ }\~ )~j, JL. ~.~ ,.J;Jb \.. .IJ'~ 15 ~ . ..,,~ l..,j Jy.J J,\ \....:. ."'fi ~Jbl_,:> ~).J w1 J.J) r....S.J§ 1:)' - ~)~ ~I ~~ j\ IMI .u ~. ~ ~ ''''''!-)

• ..:,...i) ~\~ dJ:-} ..w\)"'1fl ~ ~:J'" ,~ rUa).J \.J} . .J} ~I,:::.. .J~.lj ~'" ~',:::.. I_;- J~~l M\r~ .~.J~ .",j ~U 1)lftl ~ ~ ~~.J Ai l)U~

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~~ j:!S , ~ AS uJ~ 1;:S1,.. ~~ ~ jJS' .,J~ 103~ fl" UI,Jl.J 1;:Sr.:-1; Jy.. , ~, ~ , l;:S,u:'Ju J" .~I ~I._ ~~ ,J\S I:)""} ~; w.>u.~., .~,) ~1t>.~ ~ I,,,,, 1;:S1,;.,Jr' ·4.l1y..)&.:f-11.J} 4. ;,,,.\

.~ ~Ib't> yt> ¥~ ~; .. . .M:.4 ~~,,} I; &.:.J~ , ry. .. '-!J\ .);4 ...,.. w.>~~ w.i:'" ~, u;> ~;~&.:.J;I; Jw,\ I:)~..s ~\.J ~.~ .J~ 'Jl~' )J; ~.~~ 4. ),;~ ~ ~1.4 ~4 r~ ~~

·.J)P~ ~j ~~, ~~,


piety, 8. l~Jl; takwa, ~'~.J diyanat.

virtue, _. ~l nekt, '-t:"1fa khubi.

whole, a. r'....i tamdm.

h_appy, a. v-t> khwh, ..,\.:t ,had.

wolf, 8. ~ f gU/l'g.

to accompany, '11. I.:,I~ .,;.t..b hamrah-sh.

to believe, 'IJ.w .. };,4 bawar-k. w"';1"'~1 itikdd-b.

weak, a. w'i\i natawan.

powerful, a. ;, i),) zordwar.

to spare, v. 1:)""'; -.i~ muaj-k. w"') P ctju.-k. safe, a. li~ mahjuz.

because, as, conj . ..sly..,.; zi,.ake.

a.dversary,.. ro) (/.ulJhman.

desperate, a. ~:, .. '\l na-umid.

lion, I. ~ babar.

unless, adv. IJ II agar-na, ;... maga,', JI illa

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some one, 8. y-S kcuf.-

to point out, 'I!'W.J_r) namadan;

defect, 8. ~.c a,ib,),..u ka.ur.

correct, a. ~).J dUT'UBt, e-i.:s.'!" saki'h. agreeable, a. -UoW{ pasand, ~u..... tnunasib.

orator, 8. J--SI;J~ sukhungu.

approbation''''I;J~~i taM?: n. diligence, •. ) \$,j,& iahd-'U-kar.

SENTENOES. - ~Where Rhall we stop?

How long will it sleep t

Piety and virtue will make our whole life happy.

We shall be happy if you will accompany us. Whenever I shall IDee it with my own eyes I shall believe it.

Shew not mercy to a weak enemy, for if he becomes powerful he will not spare you.

In the day of battle consider not yourself safe, because your adversary is weak; for he who becomes desperate will take out the lion's brains.

Unless some one points out to an orator his defects, his discourse will never be correct.

I have now given you leave to write as often as you please, as I hope all your

letters will be agreeable. .

The scholar's diligence will secure the tutor's ap:probatio~.

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'i:RSUN PluMEtt.


The Subjunc~iv. Mood (f;\.&. mU.fciri) The past forms of the Subjunctive are, in modern times, supplied by the imperfect or the indicative mood.

The Passive Voice.

The Passive Voice is formed by affixing aU the inflections of the verb L:)~ {to be,' to the past participle of a verb.

. Conjugation of w..t..!. {to be:


Singular. PLUlUL.

(tr-...,... I am ~.,.:. ~ We are.

~,.:. ~ Thou art tA!.,.!. r..r" You are •

.. ,.:. ...r He is ~ro ~ They are.

~ I was ('

~~ Thou .l':' He was


f!~ We were. ..).~.~ You" ~~ They"


r*~~ I wa.s becoming j+#.~~" W .\Vere becoming

~~ Thou was\ " ~'~"="" You " "

~ "="" H. was "..).)~ ...,..... They " " PERFFCT .

. r\¥~ I have been (t~II""':' We have been ·¥~or~I'~ Thou hast" ~".....:. 1:" ou j, '"

~, ¥~ He has " ..N\ ¥~ They;, "

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PlIll!U.N PIUlIE:&.


r..JjJ"~ I had been ~ . .JJ?,"~ We had been.

~..JJ~ ¥~ Thou hadst., "";I • ..JJ~ .. .).!. You" "

..J~ ¥~ He had " ~.J~ ¥~ They" "


~.:. ~lJ> I will be oJ..:. ~="Af.rL We will beoJ..:.~"l,> Thou wilt be I.l.!o~A1_t> Yon" " ..,.,,:. .u,_r;.. He will be .J<.!. ~1~ They" ,:1


~~ Let us be.' ~,,:. Let you be. ~,.:. Let them be.

,.:. Be thou oJ":' Let him be


r":' I be rw..':' We be.

~,.:. Thou beest ~,.:. You be' .

..J":' He be ol1_,.t They be.


~~ To be I ~.Jfl"~ To have been


4,:)1":' or I':' Being .. ~ Been .

.. ..1i,:. One who becomes.



~~ khuftan to sleep ~ khu'pad. u;~ .'Uft~n to bore, ~ m!ad or ~ 8'l£mbad. ~~.Jr glraft(l,'1f, , to take ~ _r..! girad.

yJ)JS guftan to say, speak ~,~ gUll"a.

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"'~ ,..i"uftan.o hide ~i 'lI.ihupad,

"=-'~ 31umidan" hear """w shanw"fl .


",,~,,;t didan ;, see ~I b"71Ctd.

I,:)~.~ guzida1J, ;, choose ~.~ gusrtnacl. w~.":,, eM-d",n "g .. ther .,) cM-nlJd. w",,:,.j' afrUl(j1J, "create ~}\ a.frinai.,


~,,)'-!.) jar'1lo,dt, ,. a plaintiff,
~"'" 8Ukhun, B. speech, language.
!.-S~ I andg"k; a' little, small, few.
IJ) .... ; ~amcin; s, time, fortune, world,
t4J""'; ~ p(Uand~k. tI. to approve, choose.
1o:J~};t... tair-k .. til to take the air, to walk, travel. pleasure, joy. a cup, gla;ss, .

way, road, manner • the- whole, amount, a sentence.

easy, simple, plain ..

_p) a~o<zt',' by heart.

IJ\,t; ziya.da, (I. more, excessive ..

j- '''far, B.

. ~~ djeiib, G, wonderful, strange.

IJ.Al\.:... m'U8ha.had',3. sight, vision.

I,;}""} ~'1...malamat-k.v. to reproach, blame. ~)~,.. ho,h-ya.".", I. prudence, discretion. )fy..\" milM-gir, I. a fisherman.

)J.J"" ,ttr'lir; 3,
'C~ kadah, 8.
V!.;' ttJ'T"''', ••
~=:-- jumla, II.
~ BtJU,. ~. Digitized by Google



s. a fish.

~~ mdhi,

• .)J; ~inda, ~.-\S gcjhi, ~; kablj ~~ mj,

adv. Cldv. $.

1:11.)) .a1'''n; c:u

~iA,.. m<tshakkat, 3. tui»,

"'-r)~ janib; ~ ... ~ ki,m&t;

~.J- hi"" J.A\ahl;

alive, living .

at anytime; sometime before.

a crown;


labour, pains. towards. s. Side.

s. tate, lot, share.

s, avarice, ambition.

s. people. d. fit, worthy. s, labour, exercise) dif ...


y\:;~ gaf'k-ab; 3; a whirlpool.

du halakj I. destruction, ruin.

c.::.Jl:-; najat, s, freedom, escape.

'r.J~ jazira.; $, an island.

'~ra ,harmanda, a. ashamed, bashful.

w..J'; ~ ha,ju:,·k. 'tI. to spell.


~ mihnot;

• ~J ,.).!. 111M_":' ~ 4:)';' 1r,S.J\.>.} .~! . .l "'-r.!t .. ~ ~, ~-vl 4:)~; d.JJ1).J L:J'""j.,) .~.J ~ Ii' ,j-t3 ~~ ~ \.J )\l1 r'~ ~·u\ J ),,r' I) J"" 4:)~II.::S'~ ~).,) JUS r.- rU' e+: }l

I ,

.~.I;i:-~ J~ I) ~

.til.J ~ ""~ 'oJ);' .Jr>-\1 .s x-.!t;I ~ c.J..j vc~.:. IU\ VIi ~I,; .~ 4:).)JI,::i. lr&il s 4:).J} ~ J\ik\ '~;A . .J..).i,..\!-~ ~:,l... .~ .4:J~\~ ,~.)~

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"".r> ~~ ,)l-.J)l ;ll}.p#l ~ I:J~.I ol}\":' ~, .~~ ~ ~\!;"-~f ~~ ft JI.J)~ 1:J~1 u!-I),):l ';J,~ ~.I ~~ oil.)· .... ' .~j\~ "",..,,~ 'r- ~~ 'oJ"'-) t.>. rS 1.;...-..t.!31 ~j:'';-- I.o:""f.\~ j..w.)ol 1.5 ""}~It>" L:)\~ ,r-- 1,;)" ."",.=t ~"" .~\~ ,,,,,.? ~!... }!~ .~ IJolt>" J~j~ ;-t J.,)~

.~JI.).i Ji.c , ~J l~,1b ')~ ;;_~;S .J~~ CI\;\-~,;} .~) J~\" ~. ~)~ ~\.., 1.,o,S)" . .Jy. '..M~ ,I ;t..::,. ... ~ 1;)1;1 J.t.: y-1b1J 4.Slflj .).,!, v-r> I~\i' , rl ,. ;t~.~ ,~,,J \:1"-~\.i..!. y-;t.l Ir ,S

I-·\ .. ·ZA •• ,. lI.,;

.f" 1.).&>, .... ~ ...... L:) ,d,;)

~)'> V"'~-(,,!!..,.-.\'')''!' ~1fJw,.:; \~ ,~~)I Y),J}I .~~~ ~I)li ,yG;i:. JI )~~ ,I.:,..l.~ ... ~~, ,~~I ~..,s ~, \ .. . ~."wl y-M~ ".P~ 1.jJ\,I. ~~l I.!-<!~


value, $. ~ Hmat, Iyl baha.

a ruby, s. ldl, ~;\~. yiikut.

difficulty, s. I.;.;.'.~ mus~bat, Y'~ lakht~

on that account ~)'\'~;I asbeharche. .

double, a. lr,.J do-ta, 4jf,.J dogilna.

business, I~ J~ kar, ~~ mudmala,

a.t last, adv. (")~J liijarum.

to intend, v. L:).J} • .JI;I irade-.k. to prepare, ". 't:'~ J~ ta~ar·$lt,

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to hope, v. Buch, a. machine, s. as, like, conj.

~\.J ~ .. , um,id-d. ~J.; fu,lan. ~I auu.


a clock, 8. ~£\.... sadt. merely, only adv. hti fakt .

. parliament.s . ..rl=:.J~\J: ,ch~.~ diwani-dm wakhds.

lords, s. ~~ khti.8.

commons, s. r~ dm.

once, a. ~}, bar", ."s;'J rozi,

gentle, a. r!'~~ hau'm, ~ .. .j;. ghari'b.

obedient, a. ).J~ ~\..o} fas-man-bardar,

family, s, ~'~l\:i. kharula,n.


Glass is found evuy where, and therefore is of no value; ruby is obtained with difficulty, and on that account is precious. lJe who thinks himself great, has been COm" pared to one who sees double.

A friend whom yau have been gaining during your whole life, you ought not to be displeased with in a. moment,

'fl~e business iii, a\ last, completed: but long ago, [ intended to do ii.

We shou ld always prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.

)f~1). is not such a machine ~s a clock or q,

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watch, which moves merely as they are moved.

The British parliament is composed of King, Lords, and Commons.

When the elephant is once tamed, it is the most gentle and obedient of all animals.

The dog is said to be the only animal who always knows his master, and the friends of his family.



The Causals are formed from the primitive by adding to the 2nd person singular of the imperative the syllables L:)~~' anidan or L:)~' andan; as:-


L:)~ flo to ask L:).,).;,l \.,. ~ pur8anidan.

L:)~J " dance \:)~j\"QjJ rak8an{dan.

L:)~.J " fear 1:oI¥\-j" tar8anUlan.

~.).~J~ " cry out \:)~~I)~ zuranidan.

~~J~ ,. graze L:).,).:,~I.r.-- charanidan.

~~ . .JJ! " turn L:)..l::'ll.J}' garddn{dan.

L:)~JJ' " estimateL:)¥~;l arZdn.£dan.

L:)~.)~\ " forgive L:)~~~_""i amurzan(dan. L:)~"'\ " mingle L:)~j'r....\ amizanidan.

L:)~I..).l1 "throw \:)~~~~, andiizanUlan.

~~\ II excite '=J¥~' ang'lzanida/'h

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J>J:.'l_AN P)UlIEll.

C)~,i to hang ~~llft,l awizdnida'n.

~~!,~y+> to be silent~¥ lchamusJut'nidHn

~~~~ " fight 4:)~:llt.i.:;-- janganUlan ..

1:1.I:A:;" " sleep . l:J¥\~.1_,:> khabanidan.

~)" sit l:J~\..:.J niahdndan.

l:J~.!o~ "cover { I:)~~'~ poshdndan. £:J~t \.!o,~ posMnUlan.

l:J~ "move {l:J~~~ jumbandan.

l:J~1~j,~ jumbanidan.

let down l:J~fn .. ~ hildnidan.

pass I:)~~~ guzra11/idan.

flee, run I:)~:,l!r..}, gurizan(dan.


r~' td.zim,3. respect, honour.

y-''; kur8i, 8. a chair, a stool.

1:)''> lchun, 8. blood, murder.

~_,.> kkuni,.. murderer, a. bloody.

~-')~-'.J ru-ba-ru, 8. presence; ado. face to face.

• ,,)~~ amm-zada, ,. ~ ... i asiya, 8.

J~.)':> har~r ,8.

tl..).)1 g,nddm, 8. Jp\; tamur, IJ

~.} jc&rlk, 8.

~ chu.nin, ct. ~., inja, ad'll. l:J~' Q,lcnun adv.

paternal uncle's son . a mill.


a body. a doll. a class.

such, like this. here.


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~ jur;, conj except.

~; garcM or } conj. thou h.

~_}\agarc1I.e, . g

~Jb harchand or} I h'

~.JJ.>.~ h h dk " a tough .

• .r: ~TC an e.

't:!.) ~ claf'igk or }. . Al , ~:.J~ darigh6.; 'tner;. as .

it ilk, interj. ah ~

~., -&nak, inteTj. behold !


~}.r.~' ~ ,~u....,..\ ¥~~ t.,,' ~\d.. ,~>'-.~w

~\"'.Jr ~Jr.JJ J., ~,o. r.~;' ~:;, I:)\.u .u • ..1::'~\.wJ ~ .~\""'>.~ ,t 'l~'j ('to J ~ ~~ ~ .~~1')1; '.J ~}\:$. ,w\,o~r ~ ~ r .~~ ~ I; ~,,\!, v--J:vo .~J I:)~";-. .~1~; ~ J)A..,,_;}a~ 1.J':-11_,A .~')~, 4.lh y"\ ~ 'J&;)iJ) ~ ~l.i:'~r.~ ~ '.r.i

·wu~ ~ ~\.», ~ p.» .&.~~

.~u,~.o \.r.\ .~\ ,,_;_;' J") .~\..:UJ ~". ~J~ ,..::...-.,) ~ 'J ),...u- ,\ .~Ur\=:.. L ("oJ ,~j .l:J'~p.:. ;' ~.s ~\..; .. ~ ~~ "~/I:)~~r ~.J,) .~w\ ~j.Po (!Sri ~~) ~t\

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a wrestler, •. J~ ~ kU,8hti'-baz. a table, 8. »-0 mez.

a grandfather, 8. ~ [add,

to satisfy,v.w"'; ~1; razt-k. w",} ~Jr>khu,8h-k. an angel, B. ~} jirishta, UJ..o malak.

a company, 8. V"'~ majlia, ~ Bul1.bat.

a demon, B. J!.'" deu, 1:Je:a jinn.

terror, 8. . V".r' hirii.B, ~", dahshat.

perfidy, 8. ~~ khiyanat,~U,~ bi-wafai

deceit, 8. ~} faritb, ~ mak»,

surprise, s, ~ tdjju,b, ~\..r.,I-> haira",,,.

a crow, 8. f~ zagh. .

same, a. w~ haman.

8. cage, 8. ~ leafas.

a lane, B. ~; kucha,h.

a bell 8. 1Jr.: jamB.

a lock, B, ~ kufl

a key, 8. ~lS kiUd.


The Raja made the wrestlers fight. They made them .sit on the table.

He caused him to stand up on the chair. You made him write a letter to his grandfather. How do you mix water with oil 1

Silence them and make them sit down.

If anangel should keep companywith a demon, he would learn terror, perfidy and deceit.

Whyis it surprising that a nightingale does Dot sing when a crow is in the same cage !

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e, 50 ..,. 60 V. 70 1\. 80 q. 90 ".100 panJa 8haBt hajtad hiBhtad nawa'd sad:>

, ... 1000 I" ••• 2000 , •••• 10000 , ..... 100000

hazar do-hazar dah-hazar lak.

The ordinals are formed from the cardinals by the addition of t preceded by , pe!Jh. ~ naMuBt or ~ nakhusti'n,first.

J,' awwal first. ("oJ dwwam second.

("'t- Bium third, (')~ cheharum fourth. ~ panj'l."m fifth. ~ BhaBhum sixth. r.:iiA haftum seventh ('~ haBhtum eight.

~ mohsum: ninth. ~.J ~humtenth.

If express number distributively, the cardinal numeral is repeated; as, ~ .t~ ~ yak ba yak, one by one.

The multiplicative suffix is}~ as, )\~~: once. ) 4,.) twice.


~ Bhambah Saturday.

4,1-~~~. ya'k,.Bhambak Sunday.

~,.J dO-Bhambah Monday.

~ W ee-eluumbuh. Tuesday.

~ )ly~ chehar,.Bhambah Wednesday. ~ panj-Bhambah Thursday. ~~ or ~.; '\ adtnah or jumd Friday.

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'-"o\&. pat, t. the twelfUt part of an

~, cine •. anna, [anna.

~\:>~ ghair-hd.$ar, a. absent.

~~ hairdn, a. dispersed.

~ tldj. s. remedy.

~ mohammad, a proper name. ~ chera, int6TTog. why, wherefore.

~4 bash, stay. let it be.

4llS:;.)~ tijdrat-khanu,8.a factory.

Ai- sana, 8. a year.

I;)Jj);.,. mukarar-k., tI. to establish ..

~~ bakhil, 8. a miser. [called.

~') rupfya. s, arupee, a coin so

(;)~} J.J darn-le •• v. to bury.

~,_,... siwaya, prep. except, besides.

;'J rdz, 8. !Io secret.

r\i..!ooJ dushndnn, s, abuse.


Bule. XX. When numeral adjectives precede the substantive to which they belong, they are generally put in the singular number.

Bule. XXI. If a noun denotes a rational being, and be the subject of a. verb, the verb is put in the plural.

Bule. XXII. Irrational animals, & especially inanimate things, generally take the verb in tlte singular.

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'''J~ ~ ~\ cs; ~)~fo\ ~.~ roJ),~ .oJ,r. ~ ~J~.~' ~~.._ ~ u::U"" ~.:.~ .r' roJ~ ~b. _xf. j,))~ .~ ""I.').J t:r .~I ~:: ... w. •• ::'t '?~I...:,......t~' ~ t.......:. ~~ , ~_oJ)~

~ ~~ ~I )~)~ ~ ,oJ)oJ)' u:.)~ .oJ,r. ~) r.).,..~ 'fNJb .»S ~


~.:r ~4 ~'q -~,r.-o WI,oJ ~ ~ ..

. ~;) ~\y> ~oJ roJ;',.J.;1

', r.:-:SJ~ w \il ~~ .• ..1i J\rt ,'-:-'I.r.'- 1:d,.; ~)oJ \_,oJ,r> 4.)~)~ ~)r')oJ w'p.fl'

. .~} );;..0 ~ , ~ ,~ ~ y,f'O ,..Ij ~'J )JIb ,J~ AS ~ ,)~,,.) ~~ t:i~ ~ ,l:JJJ't~ I;\Y:-~,,; ~J 4 ~1~ -~,

. ~;S ;1; ur-.\ ,-"...s \1 ~ ~~ J (is


to expect V. woJ,) ) 1J:aj,)\ i'nti~tir·k.

Instant a. Jl»~ dar-hill.

room . a. r\i.ct 'Ifl,ukdrn, .~ ja.

commodiousa .• ..>\.:..5. k~k(J.da,. E-!'-.rf/alt. to study v. _ ~,tC'\,.~ .£lm-a~ .:

surely adv. t:Jt1t yakin.

examination s, w~l imtihiln.

_ a vulture a. ~} kargq" ..

foot s, ~ kada4fi,.

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a. beak, bill, s. ) \u... minkar.

tail, end, s. ('.J dum.

a pound, 8. Jb,) ratl.

kind, a. ~4,.rVA1 meherbiin, -Jot;.!. shafi'k.invitation, s. c,.)JC-.J dawat, C).J\ izn.

next, a. )..u".1 ayande.

to trust, v. C).J.r. .J\i~\ Uikad-b.

favourable,«. ~\~.rr" meherbdn, ~_u.. m'U'Ylcisib faithful, a. ;\.lJ ..... ~" imandar, )~\! . .J diyanatdtir. the name of the} .,.J..!. su -

city of Persia. '):r.- '/,raz.


I shall expect you at my house on Monday, the 19th instant at 7 o'clock.

The room is very commodious, and in which about one. hundred scholars are taught.

I have been studying English for six years and three months, and my master says that I shall surely pass in the coming examination.

The vulture is about four feet and a half long, from the end of the beak to the end of the tail, and generally weighs about four or jiye pounds.

We sha.ll have much pleasure in accepting your kind invit~tion for Tuesday next.

Trusting that I may have a favourable answer from you tomorrow.

I told him thrice to keep quiet but he did not.

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PSBllA.N Pll.IlIElt.


I have ten servants, one or whom is veri faithful and useful to me.

Shaikh Saadi t was born' in 1066 in the city of Shfraz.



uF'; z~n, s, a saddle; .

p\ii' tajakhttr,so boasting. [fabulist,

~\ lukman,s.prop. a famous eastern f.:).J} j".A!)\parhez-k., v. to abstain.

, ~; g08pund, s. a sheep, a goat.

IIJ~; ~J eobh-k., v. to kill; to slaughter.

, -»;\.:> khfiwind; s. Lord, master.

u,r:3 tasarruf, s. possession, use.

Jr>-\"" makhuz, a. taken seized.

j.:J...o, munkir, part.act. denying. ,

~I.f>' hauala, s, charge, possession.

l:;~ mahsa« a. glad, delighted-

~ .... siU, s, a slap.

J~i:i takSlbr, 8. fault, crime'.


. J,I II..:-,l.~

;.:/J r. ~ ,'-=--ji. IS ~.~ \J ~I,,~ ~ )~1. ~.\ ~ ~ -...::.J.r.!'-" )~\;j:} ~l~\ .JJ~ I ~I ~ ~l,rd-.J ~ .JJ.J:..:.1,w ~ ,r.;;.-~ )~ ') ~ .... ,~

• ~ \..., ,J.Jb ',=-

~oM.- ~ t Shailch SlUidi was one of the most oe~br .. ted f1l Persian writere.



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