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Minimalism: A Documentary about the Important Things

Presented by: Diego Alejandro Rojas Gavilan

In this documentary we can analyze how human beings focus on consumption

whether it is unnecessary or of little importance, its main objective is to be

updated or in the era of globalization where it only matters to have the last

article of the market and first that other people.

the goal of minimalists is to reduce consumerism and leave only what is most

necessary in their lives, without eccentricities seeking not to enter the era of

excessive globalization and only conforming to what is necessary, trying to lead

life as calm as possible.

In my opinion it is necessary to take into account these tips and get to share

them to improve the ideas of consumerism and increasingly have and have more

unnecessary things that what they do is waste money and in some moments the

time we can devote to the family.

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