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(Ek Vaada Sacha Sa)

In a world of mature people, innocence still exists in the eyes of little children who embrace
hope for a secure world which they create with their parents as pillars of strength. This pure
innocence of children can only be reciprocated and protected with the trustworthy aura of a
mother and her promise to be there for them. This is what it was reminded of through
Aashirvaad Atta in the ad.
The Aashirvaad Atta ad shows a heart touching scene of a mother of an innocent girl wets in
the rain to keep her promise given to her daughter when she went to school, which gives the
impression that the connection between mother and child has nothing much to do with atta or
with rotis, the underlying idea of providing the best, even during the most adverse of situations
is the recall the audience takes in their minds. The attention paid to the precision with which
the brand promise is conveyed is extremely heart rendering mainly because of the connection
suggested between mother and child. Taking the viewers back in time to their own childhoods
where they remember the minor joys mothers have given up, these sacrifices are what reassures
the audience that just like their mothers’, Aashirvaad Atta as a brand will also forfeit personal
gain in order to fulfill its promise made to customers of quality atta.
This is the kind of promise that Aashirvaaad whole wheat atta offers. It is sourced, packed and
delivered hygienically because every relation deserves purity and honesty and this reflects the
brands love and respect for its consumers.

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