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Actividad de aprendizaje 4

Evidencia 2: ‘’Business meeting workshop’’

Can you guess the last line of the story?

Mr. Kane was a tough but successful businessman. Ten year ago, he started a
Small business. One day his son, Peter, came to him and said that he wanted to
be a businessman like his father. Mr. Kane told him that you had to be tough to
succeed in business. He wanted Peter to go to university and become a lawyer, a
teacher, or a doctor. However, his son was stubborn and refused. He only wanted
to be a businessman and urged his father to help him.
“Please, Dad. Teach me how to be a successful businessman.”
Reluctantly, Mr. Kane agreed to his son’s request.
“Okay, Peter. First of all l want you to walk down to the wall at the bottom of the
Peter looked at his father and said, “But what has that got to do with business,
“Don´t ask questions. Trust me and do what l say,’1 he replied. Peter was puzzled
But he walked to the wall. His father continued, “Now climb up the ladder and
stand on top of the wall.” Again Peter protested, “But l don´t see how this will help
me to be a businessman.”
“Don´t ask questions. Trust me and do what l say, ” Mr. Kane said.
Peter climbed up the ladder and stood on top of the wall. It was six metres high
and Peter felt his legs begin to shake.
“Now. Jump down into the garden,” his father said.
“But l can´t. l´ll injure myself,” Peter protested.
“Do you want to become a successful businessman or not?
“Yes, of course,” Peter cried.

If l want to be a successful business man like your dad, But as l told you this is too
high for me, and l can hurt myself, but if to be a businessman you have to do this,
I´ll do it if that´s what that you want dad, said Peter.
Son do not do it, that was a test that l put you to know how far you are able to get
when you propose something. With what l just saw, l realize that when you propose
something, you do not give up until you get what you want, and with that you have
shown me that if you can be a great businessman like me, Mr. Kane said.
1. Peter learned to be a businessman like his father?
Yes, with the help of his father.

2. Can Mr. Kane forbid his son what he wants?

No, because he wanted to be like him.

3. It was very hard Mr. Kane with Peter?

If it was very hard.

4. Mr. Kane helped your son?

I help him, because he saw him very excited about business.

5. Could Mr. Kane believe in his son?

If he could help.

6. Do you trust Peter in your father?

If l trust his father.

7. Peter went to college?

No, he decided to be a business man like his father.

8. Peter wanted to listen to his father when he said no?

No, he did not want to listen.

9. Peter went to college the way his father wanted?

It was not, because he wanted to follow in his father´s footsteps.

10. Mr. Kane agreed with the decision your son made?
I did not agree at the beginning but saw the desire l had, to be a business
man and support him.

11. Did you trust Mr. Kane to your son?

If he had confidence and taught him to become a businessman.

12. Why did not Peter want to be a professional as his father wanted?
Because, he called more attention the business world.
Good Morning!

Good afternoon!


Until the next meeting

I hope to see you again

It was good to see you again

Have a nice day

How have you been?

How are you?


How are you doing?

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