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Chapter III


This chapter represents the procedure utilized in conducting a study.It includes the

research design,respondents of the study,research locale,data gathering procedure and

statistical treatments of data.

Research Locale

This research will be at St. Augustine School Of Nursing and Gulang-Gulang

National High School. This research locale of the study included students of Grade 12

levels are composed of 6 sections only namely Information and Communication

Technology (ICT), General Academic Strand (GAS), Hummanities and Social Sciences

(HUMMS), Home Economics (HE), Accountancy Business and Management (ABM),

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). Including 78 students of

grade 12 from Gulang-Gulang National High School due composed of 4 sections namely

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), General Academic Strand

(GAS), TVL and Accountancy Business and Management (ABM).


The respondents of the study where the students of ICT Grade 12 section 2 in St.

Augustine School Lucena Senior High school. This survey will be students of Gulang-

Gulang National High School.

Research Design

This study will use qualitative approach of research A comparative study of having

online education students of grade 12 students of Gulang-Gulang National High School. It

describes with emphasis what actually result such as current conditions between online

education and traditional way of learning. The researches opted to use this method in

discussing the comparative the comparative study of having online and traditional way of

education of the both grade 12 students of St. Augustine School of Nursing and Gulang-

Gulang National High School.


The data gathering instrument of the researchers were from questionnaire (close-

ended), the questionnaire was in a form of rating scale to gather necessary information that

would help to assessment of determining the comparative study of having online education

to traditional way of learning of grade 12 students, the instrument was composed of ( ) items

that been answered by respondent of the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers personally distributed and collected the questionnaires. Then,

finally the data was collected and computed by the researchers.

Statistical Treatment

The researchers used the standard tools in analyzing the data collected and gathered.

The data gathered were tabulated and analyze according to the purpose of the study. The

responses were treated statistically, particularly through the use of the frequency and

The following statistical tools were used:

For the sub-problem number one on the demographic profile, percentage used with

the formula

P=F/n x 100

Where P= Percentage


N= total numbers of responses

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