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The Effect of Adding Iron Powder Waste to The

Concrete Compressive Strength and Flexural

Strength fc 25
First A. Agung Setyo Prabowo, Second B. Yunita, Third C, Riska Indriani

Abstract— Concrete is one of the choices as structural material in

the construction of buildings, bridges and tunnels Concrete are most
economically and technically to compared with steel polymer and
other construction. Construction uses concrete because it has some
advantages, including, use in construction is quite easy, the price is
relatively cheap, and has good strength as the main material for
structural construction. In recent years, the utilization of iron powder
waste has not been carried out properly, this has cause environmental
pollution due to the lack of utilization of iron powder waste. As a
consideration, it is necessary to do research on iron powder waste to
increase the strength of the concrete. In this research one additional
material was used in the form of iron powder. This research uses
experimental methods with total of 25 pieces of specimens. For
cylindrical compressive strength with a diameter of 15 cm and a height
of 30 cm as many as 15 pieces. For flexural strength in the form of
beams with a size of 15 x 15 x 75 cm with variations in the content of
iron powder waste 0%, 3%, 7% and 10% of the cement weight of the
entire concrete age of 28 days with a sample number 2 for each
variation. An increase in compressive strength in concrete with a
mixture of iron powder waste 0%, 3%, 7% and 10% of normal 0%
concrete, at a level of 10% there was an increase in maximum
compressive strength in concrete with a mixture of iron powder waste.
There was an increase in flexural strength in concrete with a mixture
of waste iron powder 0%, 3%, 7% and 10% of normal concrete 0%.
The best flexural strength when compared to other samples, the
maximum flexural strength occurs at the level of 3%. The result is
when compared to other samples, the maximum flexural strength
occurs level of 3 %.

Keywords— Concrete, Iron Powder waste, Compressive Strength,

Flexural Strength.
Conference Title—International Conference on Concret
Engineering and Technology
Conference Location— Paris, France
Conference Dates—September 19 – 20, 2019

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