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Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

Final activity 2: Describing what people are doing

Instructions: In a word document write 10 sentences describing what people are

doing. Include an image for each sentence. Upload your file.

To upload your file click on the "Add submission" button. Then, press the “Add”
button to select your activity file. Finally, click on "Save changes".

1° Carlos is playing soccer in the park.

2° Susana is fed to her dog

Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

3° Rosita and Maria are eating ice cream

4° Fred is swimming in the pool.

Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

4° Pedro is cleaning his bedroom

5° Juanita is learning speaking English

Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

6° Raquel is listening to pop music.

7° Alejandra is singing at the concert.

Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

8° Diana is playing the guitar

9° Ricardo reading the favorite book.

Nombre: Diana Yeraldi Molina Esparza

Asesor: Alejandro Neocochea Ponce

United 3

10° Graciela is giving history classes.

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