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1. Comment on the approach to HR strategy adopted at Welland Water ?

-The HR strategy adopted at Welland Water is that they use tangible values and implementation
values in the company. The next strategy that is adopted is that they do lots of top board
discussions which tends to be concerned with cultural based issues.
The Director of Operations also indicated that the organization develops its HR strategy
through evolution. In their original HR strategy they tried to encompass the emerging values
and principles that they felt should determine how they should conduct their business in terms
of people. They rely on team effort working with the line colleagues in whatever they do. They
use another strategy of intranet to flash ideas round to groups of managers and thus build up
draft policy papers. An intranet is a private network accessible only to an organization's staff.
In its simplest form, an intranet is established with the technologies for local area networks
(LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

2. What lessons can be learnt from this?

Based on the case study the lessons that can learn from this are the company have
been improve the service year by year. Next is the company also give their commitment to
involve the customers like provide the annual report to them. Welland Water also carry out
frequent tracking research to shows that the customers' perceptions of the company are
improving, on occasions despite a contrary trend in the national water industry. The
company also does a survey to get employee satisfaction. We can see that from the
company use consultant to carry out periodic employee surveys and discuss with everyone.
We also can learn from their company strategy that use top-down and bottom-up style that
can give advantage to their company which is can increase the morale of their employee
and commitment. With this also the employee know what to do next. So the company
will know the employee who stay tune with what’s happening throughout the
organization. Besides that, Welland Water also uses the tangible values and the
implementation values in their company. The next strategy that is adopted is that they do
lots of top board discussions which tends to be concerned with cultural based issues.
The Director of Operations also indicated that the organization develops its HR strategy
through evolution. In their original HR strategy they tried to encompass the emerging values
and principles that they felt should determine how they should conduct their business in terms
of people. They rely on team effort working with the line colleagues in whatever they do. They
use another strategy of intranet to flash ideas round to groups of managers and thus build up
draft policy papers. An intranet is a private network accessible only to an organization's staff.
In its simplest form, an intranet is established with the technologies for local area networks
(LANs) and wide area networks (WANs).

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