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Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219

The 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services (TESConf 2016)

Analysing the Cumulative Energy Demand of Product-Service Systems for

wind turbines
G. Merta*, B.S. Linkeb, J.C. Auricha*
Institute for Manufacturing Technology and Production Systems, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of California Davis, USA

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-631-205-4225; fax: +49-631-205-3304. E-mail address:


Many wind turbine manufacturers offer services for their products. The integration of products and services, so called Product-Service Systems
(PSS), are intended to support customers over the life time of a product and to ensure a long and successful customer relationship. Besides of the
requirements of customers, wind turbine manufacturers have to consider requirements of the government and society as well. Sustainability in
all three dimensions, economy, environment, and society, is increasingly relevant in engineering. PSS providers have the possibility to improve
sustainability of their products and services over the entire life time and supply chain. For this purpose, novel methods need to be provided to
support PSS providers to evaluate and improve PSS sustainability.
In this paper, an approach to analyse and reduce the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) of PSS is presented to improve economic and
environmental sustainability. The approach is explained on a wind turbine including training as service. In the approach three subgoals are
addressed: First, CED of PSS is investigated. Second, the impacts of changes in the CED of PSS will be analysed, potential levers will be
identified and measures derived. Third, strategies based on the measures will be generated which enable a reduction of the CED of PSS.

2016TheTheAuthors. Published
Authors. by Elsevier
Published B.V. This
by Elsevier an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the Programme Committee of the 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services
Peer-review responsibility of the scientific committee of the The 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services (TESConf 2016)

Keywords: Product-Service Systems; Cumulative Energy Demand; sustainability; wind turbines

1. Introduction “total quantity of primary energy which is necessary to produce,

use and dispose a product” [3]. The CED in its existing state is
Changed requirements of customers caused a trend from not suitable to evaluate a complex system consisting of
technology providers to service providers. Customers are products and services as it is the case for PSS. It needs to be
interested in complete and sustainable solutions. Product- adapted and enhanced due to the PSS-specific characteristics.
Service Systems (PSS) aim to achieve sustainability and Therefore, the paper demonstrates an approach to analyse and
customer satisfaction by systematically providing various reduce the CED of PSS. The first part starts with the state-of-
services for products [1]. PSS offer life cycle-oriented services the-art about CED, followed by the state-of-art of PSS and the
to support customers over the entire life time of their product. relevance of services for wind turbines. Based on the existing
PSS are strongly customer-oriented and it is assumed that PSS research work, the need for a PSS-specific approach for
provide the ability to reduce environmental impacts. However, determining the CED is explained. The main part of the paper
it is not guaranteed [2] and not proven on any use cases. For an is dedicated to the approach which is developed in a research
evaluation of environmental impacts of PSS, an ecological project. It presents how to enlarge the current CED method so
assessment is needed. The Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) that it is adaptable for PSS in respect of wind turbines. Finally,
is an opportunity to assess and evaluate the sustainability of a the paper ends with a conclusion and further research work on
single product or a service based on energy. It describes the the approach.

2212-8271 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the The 5th International Conference on Through-life Engineering Services (TESConf 2016)
G. Mert et al. / Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219 215

2. State-of-the-art The process chain analysis is a micro-analysis where the

product flow is classified into individual processes according
2.1. Cumulative Energy Demand to the production process. Originating from the final product
each step from the production to the disposal is analysed which
Cumulative Energy Demand is a part of the Life Cycle is necessary for the process chain. The first step starts with an
Assessment (LCA). CED enables to evaluate and compare analysis of the production of the assemblies. In the next, more
products and services with respect to energy criteria. Hereto, detailed step the production of the semi-finished products and
the primary energy demand, all energy carriers that are found raw materials are considered. For this method, the amount of
in nature, will be calculated for the entire life time of the data is high and it may reach its limits of practicability. For the
investigated product. CED is the sum of the cumulative energy determination of CED a step-wise approximation, using a
demands for the production (CEDP), for the use (CEDU) and for combination of micro-analytical and macro-analytical
the disposal (CEDD) of the economic good. [3] approaches, is recommended. [3]
The macro-analysis is based on values of input and output
‫ܦܧܥ = ܦܧܥ‬௉ + ‫ܦܧܥ‬௎ + ‫ܦܧܥ‬஽ (1) flows of products of homogeneous production areas. The
energy input-output analysis is based on national data on
The VDI guideline 4600 suggests a method for determining economic interdependence and energy use. It is not suitable for
CED of products and services [VDI4600]. For the calculation the determination of the CED of individual products because of
of CED the sum of cumulative energy consumption (KEV) and the degree of aggregation and reference to monetary values. [3]
the cumulative non-energy demand (KNA) are necessary. The For the determination of the CED of PSS the typical
KEV includes all the final energies for heat, energy, light and characteristics of PSS need to be known, analysed and adapted
other forms of effective electricity generation which are valued into the new approach. The next section presents the most
as primary energy. The KNA defines the sum of all non-energy important characteristics of PSS.
purposes and the inherent energy of working materials which
are also valued as primary energy. [3] 2.2. Product-Service Systems
An important basis for the calculation of the CED is the
definition of the balancing boundaries and the balance-sheet Product-Service Systems are defined as consumer-oriented
items. For this purpose, the material and energy flows have to solutions consisting of a technical product which is supported
be defined and quantified. The boundaries can be defined and enhanced over its entire life time with different services
according to local, temporal and technological criteria. A [4]. Services can be classified according to the life cycle phases
determination of all pre and incidental process chains is not or by their functionality into six types [4]: technical, qualifying,
possible and the systematic limitation is a challenge because of process-oriented, logistical, informational and financial.
the complexity and multiplicity of the interactions of individual Technical services like maintenance are focused on recovering
processes. Therefore, the delimitation between relevant and not the functions of a product. Qualifying services improve the
relevant process chains is important. To this, delimiting criteria quality of work of customer employees, e.g. operator training.
exist. In an ideal case the balance space is from the raw material Process-oriented services optimise the production process of
of the deposit to the final disposal. A redefinition of the criteria the customer and logistical ones support spare part supply.
for the boundary setting has to be done because the balance Informational services are reports and the supply of
boundaries are defined based on facts and circumstances at the information for the customer. Financial services help
beginning of an analysis and might change over time. customers by providing leasings.
Furthermore, a sensitivity analysis with varying balance PSS have a customer-oriented perspective instead of
boundaries is necessary during the calculation of the CED to product-oriented. They have a comprehensive life cycle
assess the impacts of different balance boundaries. [3] compared to a single product as they contain life cycle
Methods for balancing are the process chain analysis used perspective of the manufacturer as well as of the customer (see
in form of a material balance analysis, a micro- and macro- figure 1). The manufacturer and customer have a cooperation
analysis as well as an energy input-output analysis. during the usage of the product. Both act as external and
internal production factors during the whole work process [4].

Perspective of Designing Implementation

manufacturer End-of-Life
Planning Development Production Service

Perspective of Decision Buy

customer Usage End-of-Life

Figure 1: PSS life cycle from the perspective of manufacturer and customer [4] FBK/016_012
216 G. Mert et al. / Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219

Because PSS cannot be independently created and delivered by for each component. The critical components with high
a single provider, the manufacturer cooperates with the replacement costs are the rotor blade, the pitch, the gear and
extended value-added network [5, 6]. The extended value- generator. Noncritical components which have the first
added network defines the suppliers and service providers breakdown after twelve years are the transformer, the tower and
which are a part of the supply chain of PSS [7]. PSS represents the foundation. In the study of [12] the frequency of failure and
a “knowledge-intensive socio-technical system” and is the period of time were demonstrated for each component in
characterized by the integrated and mutually determined connection with the time for repair. It underlined that electrical
planning, development, provision and use of product and systems fail often but have a short down time. Expensive parts
service shares [7, 8]. It is characterised by the interaction like the gearbox, generator, drive train or rotor hub have a low
between the usage of the product and the service process and failure frequency but need much more time for repair [12]. This
consists always of material and immaterial results during the knowledge is important in relation to optimize the CED of
realisation phase [7]. services. For critical components, services are more relevant
PSS are common in many industrial sectors, as it is the case and might have a higher impact on the CED of PSS. Therefore,
for wind turbine sector. Their relevance for wind turbines and for the approach a use case of rotor blades and service control
service relevant components will be explained in the next part. of their cracks might be interesting.
Currently, each wind turbine is remotely monitored by a
2.3. Relevance of services for wind turbines SCADA-system (System Control and Data Acquisition). It
collects data over status messages about the condition of the
The wind turbine industry is a growing industry and plant and failures, revenue parameter as well as operating
especially for China, USA and Germany of interest when parameters like rotational speed, performance, wind speed and
considering the new installed capacity in 2015. In Germany the wind direction. This kind of data is constantly collected in the
amount of new installed onshore wind capacity accounts of wind turbine and saved in its control and can be requested by
6.013 MW which means a rise of 13.38% compared to the total the plant provider or wind turbine manufacturer [10]. It enables
installed capacity. In USA the new installed capacity of MW to collect and analyse data for determining the economic and
increased by 11.55% and in China even more with 21.16%. The ecologic impact of wind turbines as well as to help providers in
worldwide installed capacity amounted 432.883 MW in 2015. improving their product and services.
[9] The most relevant life cycle phases and materials for the
Services are of high relevance for technical products like CED of a wind turbine are also of interest for the approach to
wind turbines where the availability and reliability is crucial. analyse the CED of PSS. According to [14], 84% of the CED
For wind turbines the reliability is very important because is caused in the production phase, 8% in the usage phase and
breakdowns imply high maintenance costs. According to a another 8% is necessary for the assembly, transport and
study, the expenses for maintenance and repair of a wind dismantling. This result is based on an example of a 2.3 MW
turbine account for one quarter of the operating costs in 20 wind turbine with a total amount of 2.096t of material: concrete
years of operating time [10]. Although the failure rates decrease (1.744t), steel (237t), cast iron (73t), glass fibre reinforced
with the time, the operating costs increase due to the fact that plastic (29t), copper (12t) and aluminium (1t). It was found out
warranty services of manufacturers are offered in the first years that the tower is responsible for 36% and the foundation for
of the life time [11]. Figure 2 presents the reliability of wind
turbine components. It classifies components in critical and
noncritical ones according to the first time until their repair or
replacement (x-axis). The y-axis shows the replacement costs
Replacement costs [€/kW]

Rotor Blade

Critical Components

Generator Pitch Tower

Control and Noncritical Components
General Electronics
Transformer Station
Yaw System
Brakes Foundation
Main bearing
Hydraulic System
0 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20
Years until a repair or replacement [t]

Figure 2: Repair costs of wind turbine components [Based on 10]

G. Mert et al. / Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219 217

Steps Tasks Results

1 Analysis of PSS-specific • Definition of PSS-specific requirements to determine CED of List of requirements for
requirements PSS regarding data collection methods, process steps etc. determining CED of PSS
• Enhancing the CED method based on the requirements

2 Defining PSS-specific functional • Modeling of relevant resources for the entire life cycle PSS-specific approach for
unit and system boundaries • Identification and classification of dependencies between determining CED of PSS
balance elements
• Modification of methods (e.g. process chain analysis)
• Generalization of all findings into an approach

3 Analysis of dependencies and • Identification of CED-relevant PSS changes based on the PSS-specific approach for
impacts of PSS changes on the control lever analysing the dependencies of
CED • Classification of CED-relevant PSS changes PSS on CED
• Determining the cause-effect relationship

4 Identification of measures for • Analysis of impact mechanism to identify measures Approach for reducing the
reducing the CED of PSS • Evaluation of control lever CED of PSS
• Developing an approach for a systematic reduction of CED of

Figure 3: Overview of the approach to analyse and reduce the Cumulative Energy Demand of Product-Service Systems [Based on 16]

55% of the material demand. This is also confirmed by [13] as conducting LCA or CED on PSS [2]. Nevertheless, CED as a
it was figured out that the CED of wind turbines is mainly part of LCA is applicable for PSS.
caused by the material phase which needs the highest energy
and carbon foot print during the primary material production of 3. Approach to analyse and reduce the Cumulative Energy
wind turbine parts. The production processes itself is the Demand of Product-Service Systems
second dominant phase. Energy for transportation and use
phase is negligible. The following approach aims to enable a systematic
approach for an optimisation or reduction of the CED of PSS
2.4. Research Gap CED of PSS and consists of four steps (see figure 3). After the final step the
approach needs to be validated based on a use case of the wind
The method CED is a possibility to evaluate and compare turbine industry.
products according to their ecology. It aggregates consistently The approach starts with the analysis of PSS-specific
the demand of different energy sources. Within a research requirements to determine the CED of PSS. The requirements
project a method and solution is enabled that reduces the are regarding PSS characteristics, data collection methods,
specific energy demand in the industrial production [15]. The process steps etc. The CED of PSS has to consider the
method is based on the CED method, but focuses only on the perspective of the provider and of the customer. So, for the
resource energy and on the energetic usage of energy sources. customers perspective the CED implies all resources which are
Thus, it is analysed how it is possible to reduce the energy necessary for the usage of the wind turbine and for the service
demand in the usage phase by choosing applied materials realisation process (resources in terms of time and costs for the
which influences the energy demand of preliminary processes service) as well as the end-of-life processes. From the providers
[15]. Because of the high CED in the production phase of a perspective the CED must be enhanced by considering the
wind turbine, it is interesting to analyse different materials or resources for the service realisation (see figure 4). These are for
constructions for the foundation. example fuel for the transportation, materials and energy for
However, the method for calculation the CED do not producing spare parts, service auxiliaries, service tools etc.
consider PSS-specific characteristics, e.g. evaluation of
CED of wind turbine in usage and service CED of End-of-life
complex solutions which consist of tangible and intangible realisation process processes
elements or the interdependencies between products and CEDU and CEDS CEDE
services (see section 2.2). Even the ecological guideline as the
LCA indirectly address and do not have any specific attention
to solutions like PSS that consist of both tangible and intangible Customer
elements and include behavioral changes. The implementation CED of PSS
PSS provider
of LCA for PSS has not been explored [2]. Considering
research from year 2000 to 2015 only eleven journal articles CEDP CEDR
exist which demonstrate PSS cases evaluated for the use of
CED for production of wind turbine CED for providing resources for
LCA. Only a few of these articles discuss the use of LCA for the service realisation
PSS in detail. Currently, there is a limited experience on FBK/016_015
Figure 4: CED elements for PSS [Based on 16]
218 G. Mert et al. / Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219

Furthermore, following requirements are relevant to maintenance or spare parts delivery relevant. The geographical
consider to determine the CED of PSS: boundary of the production of a wind turbine needs to be in
x Data availability, e.g. data of resources for service consistence with the service delivery. The criteria time for
realisation, example for the production of a rotor blade regards the
x Effort on determining data in comparison with the exploitation, production of raw material and semi-products,
relevance for the CED, e.g. for which processes is it useful final assembly and landfilling. Whereas the criteria time for
to determine the primary energy demand services needs to concern the life time of such a rotor blade,
x Impact on other life cycle phases, e.g. selection of material e.g. CED of controlling cracks in the rotor blade for 20 years
for spare parts of life time. Furthermore, the presented CED methods in part
x Using different CED methods or a hybrid method suitable 2.1 need to be modified according to the determined
for product and services requirements. Dependencies between balance elements have to
x Dependencies between product and services, e.g. how be identified and classified. In figure 5 the impact of training
service effects the failure frequency of components on the CED of PSS in a causal loop diagram is presented. It is
x Defining homogenous boundaries for products and services a short example to demonstrate how the CED of PSS can be
regarding local, temporal and technological criteria (e.g. influenced by worker training and how many elements have to
production of spare parts adapted to the life time of wind be regarded. The interdependencies should to be analysed for
turbine). each kind of service type (mentioned in section 2.2).
The second step is the core task of any environmental In the third step the dependencies and impacts based on
assessment, the definition of a functional unit (FU). It is the control lever have to be analysed and classified according to
quantified description of the performance of a wind turbine or the relevance. Another aspect in step 3, is the determination of
a service and is an important step because the FU provides the cause-effect relationship.
reference to which all other data in the assessment is The last step is measures for reducing the CED of PSS have
normalised [17]. In the literature, this step is also defined as to be identified. For this purpose, control lever have to be
challenging because of two reasons: On the one hand, it is evaluated and described in a final approach for a systematic
difficult to specify how broad the FU should be and on the other reduction of CED of PSS.
hand because of the comparability of the chosen alternatives,
especially considering sub-functions [2]. Another challenge is 4. Conclusion
due to the fact that a result of a service is difficult to express in
terms of a FU. Usually services provide soft elements which Due to a missing concept for evaluating the sustainability of
are not measurable in a FU [18]. For example, hotline service complex solutions and determining the CED of PSS, an
or training of service technicians are difficult to measure in a approach to analyse and reduce the CED of PSS is generated
FU. Therefore, attention should be given on the goal and scope and presented. The approach aims in developing an ecological
definition. The FU for PSS should be its functionality. In case assessment of products and services as one system and consists
of a wind turbine the functionality is to produce as much energy of four main steps. The first two steps which are the analysis of
as possible. Services for wind turbines, like maintenance or PSS-specific requirements and the definition of PSS-specific
condition monitoring, have the functionality to ensure the functional unit and systems boundary were presented and
productivity of it. Technical, qualifying, process-oriented and explained. The last two steps of the approach are the analysis
logistical services are suitable for this FU. Informational and of dependencies and impacts of PSS changes on the CED as
financial services have a negligible impact on the productivity well the identification of measures to reduce the CED. These
of the wind turbine and can be excluded. The FU can be defined steps and a validation of the approach based on use cases will
as the produced kW in one hour. be illustrated in further work. Use cases are planned from the
For the system boundaries technical, time-relevant as well machine tool industry, agricultural machine industry or wind
geographical PSS-specific limitations have to be defined. The turbine industry to prove the practicability of the approach. The
technical boundary, e.g. consideration of technical state and results of this project will enable to control and optimize the
capacity is for the wind turbine as well for the service sustainability of PSS.
+ Quality of
Amount of production work + Quality of
worker trainings Acknowledgement
+ product

Production effort This research was funded by the German research

Quality of + foundation (DFG) within the IRTG 2057 “Physical Modeling
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Figure 5: Causal loop for worker training and its impact on the CED of PSS
G. Mert et al. / Procedia CIRP 59 (2017) 214 – 219 219

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