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B4H Proposal

Providing supply backpacks for the homeless 


By: Jared Bowman, Brayden Garner, Mike Wei, and Andrew Yanney 
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Overview of the issue:

The epidemic of homelessness is something that shouldn’t be taken lightly or
overseen. With the cost of living raising drastically, and with job availability hard for
people without a college degree, homelessness is a factor that even stable families
should take into account. Everyone is one disaster away from being homeless,
especially if you live in. As says, homelessness is on a decrease, we need to hit
homelessness (not homeless people), with everything we have so we can end this
epidemic in our lifetime. It’s not going to end overnight, but with persistence, we can
provide and conquer homelessness.

Mission Statement and Philosophy:

“We do everything we can to help the homeless in LA”.
Our company is called B4H, the company was founded by a group of high school
students with the goal of helping homeless people in LA,and we hope that homeless
people can get a new life through our help. We represent the love of Jesus Christ,
because Jesus tells us to help others and we also represent the people who want to
help the homeless, bring love to this society.

Action Plan:
Our plan as a non profit organization is to help those in need. We are doing that
by creating backpacks with things people need to help them live, and give them to the
homeless. We hope that eventually we can have a station, and have homeless people
come to us and tell us what they need and we can do our best to provide it. We know
we can’t help everybody, but we want to still help as many people as we can in anyway
we can. We currently can’t do something like “PATH” or “NCH” organization like build
shelters for the homeless or help get them out of their situation. We are trying to just
help in anyway we can.

Financial Needs:
Helping the homeless is not easy or cheap, but well worth it. To create these
backpacks, the money given to us will be used solely to obtain and but together these
backpacks. It will include and cost the following;
● Backpack─$7.99
● Beanie─$4.95
● Blanket─$20.24
● Gloves─$0.25
● Hoodie─$19.49
● Rain Poncho─$7.99
● Shoes─$21.99
● Soap─$5.49
● Socks─$17.00
● Water Bottle─$12.99
This totals $118.38 to make one backpack (not including shipping and tax of the items).
We want to create 1000 backpacks for the homeless people in the LA area, but need to
account for extra costs such as taxation. With this in mind, we are asking for $120,000
to help create our backpacks to give to homeless people to help them while they are on
the streets.

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