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Jessica Begay 
123 Your Street 
Tempe, Arizona, 85226 

18th April 20XX 

Ronny Reader 
CEO, Company Name 
123 Address St  
Anytown, ST 12345 

Dear Management,, 

My name is Jessica Begay and I am currently a student at Arizona State 

University, about to start my second year in college. I am enrolled in the 
Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts and I wish to apply for a position 
regarding design at your establishment.  

I am very experienced with working with various drawing materials and I have 
completed commissions in the past for satisfied customers. I also work well 
under deadlines, collaborate well with others, and wholeheartedly accept 
constructive criticism. My work is known for being original and clean and I take 
pride in making my designs the best they can be.  

I am confident that you will be impressed with my resumé and highly suggest 
that you review it and consider me as a new employee. I’d be honored to be a 
part of such an esteemed company and look forward to hearing from you. My 
schedule is clear and I would have no trouble with booking an interview 
anytime next week. 


Jessica Begay 

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