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LSSU Chapter Society for Conservation Biology

General Meeting Agenda

April 4, 2019
The one where Brady’s Laptop is at 39%
Meeting to order @ 5:01
Officer’s Reports:
Vice President: Brendan Lukomski, ​
Treasurer: Jacob Panozzo, ​ ​ ask jake about the specific numbers ($43.55 petty
cash; $600.16 bank)
Secretary: Brady Loop ​

Committee Chairs:
Laker Woods Restoration Project Co-Chairs: Bryant Eddy and Grant Dallaire, ​​,​ ​They worked on the thing. Dr. Hanley is on board. We can manage the
woods. If we write a grant we can have his help.
Conservation Awareness Chair: Tristan Compton, ​​ ​Tristan was absent. The
Canadians have developed a thing that pulls CO2 out of the air and turns it into clean fuel.

Old Business:
● Management class updates ​They wrote a resolution. “If we provide trees… We have
permission for SCB to plant them.” “The only responsibility SCB would have is to plant
the trees and hold the funds that we will get from student government until we buy the
trees.” Motion to adopt contract passes unanimously.
● Composting project/waste management committee update​ They have plans to take care of
it over the summer. Unanimously passes. Committee was created and the project is now
supported by LSSU SCB.
● Review: Nick Cassel presentation and Dr. Kolomyjec presentation​ DR. K’S
New Business:
● Welcoming sign is being constructed for Laker Woods ​ - looking good so far.
● Sharptail Grouse Lek Surveying Opportunity ​DNR. Coordinating surveys, if interested,
speak with Bryant
● Conservation Topic: Red Tides ​dinoflagellates, man...oof
● Nominations and Elections
○ Brady nominates Sam for President. Bryant seconds. Sam accepts. Vote:
unanimously passes. Sam George is now President elect.
○ Sam nominates Bryant for Vice President. Tristen Seconds. Bryant doesn’t
○ Brady Nominates Brendan. Jake seconds. Brendan accepts. Passes unanimously.
Brendan Lukomski is now Vice President elect.
○ Brendan nominates Charlotte for secretary. Brady seconds. Charlotte Accepts.
PASSES UNANIMOUSLY. Charlotte Patyi is now Secretary elect.
○ Brady nominates Jake Panozzo for treasurer. Brendan seconds. Jake accepts.
Passes. 8 votes in favor, one abstention because Swedberg. Jacob Panozzo is now
Treasurer elect.
○ Sam appoints Bryant Eddy as Laker Woods Committee Chair. Co-chair is
○ Conservation Awareness Committee Chair is pending.
○ Sam appoints Jacob Panozzo and Charlotte Patyi as Waste Management
Committee Co-Chairs.

Next Laker Woods Meeting on Monday, 5pm. CRW204.
Next meeting: April 18, 2019. 5:00pm. Crawford 303. “Whatever Thursday is 2 weeks from
now” -Makayla
Pay your dues: $5/year
Like/Follow on Facebook: LSSU Chapter Society for Conservation Biology
Website:​ ​
Meeting adjourned: passes unanimously

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