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Wayang Gedog/Wayang Topeng

Wayang gedog theatrical performance take themes from the Panji cycles stories from the
kingdom of Janggala and the players wear masks known as wayang topeng or wayang gedog.
The word gedog comes from kedok, which, like topeng means "mask".
The main story of the performances is of Raden Panji and Candra, a love story about princess
Candra Kirana of Kediri and Raden Panji Asmarabangun, the crown prince of Jenggala. Candra
Kirana was the incarnation of Dewi Ratih (goddess of love) and Panji was an incarnation
of Kamajaya (god of love). Kirana's story was given the title Smaradahana ("The fire of love"). At the
end of the complicated story they finally can marry and bring forth a son, named Raja Putra. Panji
Asmarabangun ruled Jenggala under the official names Sri Kameswara, Prabu Suryowiseso,
and Hino Kertapati. Originally, wayang wong was performed only as an aristocratic entertainment in
four palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.

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