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NIM : AAA 117 001

Positive Impacts Caused by Regular Exercise

Introductory Paragraph

Many people do not realize how important regular exercise is. They usually
underestimate the importance of regular exercise. This phenomenon is caused by
laziness, a busy schedule, and so on. Exercising is very important because it plays a
crucial role in our lives. If we do not do exercise, we might easily suffer from several
diseases. Doing regular exercise can give three positive benefits in our life: mental and
brain health, physical fitness, and physical appearance.

Body paragraph 1

First, regular exercise can make good impacts for our mental and brain health.
For our mental health, regular exercise can boost our happiness. When we do
exercise regularly, our body produces endorphins which is used to improve positive
mood, increase spirit and prevent us from excessive stress. Moreover, doing regular
exercise helps us in having a strong memory and high concentration. Hippocampus, a
place to manage our memory, will grow if we do regular exercise. In which, we will
have a strong memory. In addition, regular exercise will establish new neuron. A
professor of neural science and psychology at New York University, Wendy Suzuki
claimed that one reason exercise leads to a happier, healthier brain is because it
promotes neurogenesis, or the birth of new brain cells, which helps improve
cognitive function. Establishment of new neuron is positively influencing, the brain
function which gives us high concentration.

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