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Exercise Important

For Our Health

Introduction :

Why should we exercise regularly? Many people out there think that exercise is unimportant and
doesn't waste time, even though if we do it regularly, it will have a lot of positive impacts on our
bodies. Therefore, only by exercising briefly in the morning will we feel a lighter and healthier body
of course.

Topic Sentence 1

Keeping us still in a pandemic condition that requires our bodies to stay awake and healthy,
these are some of the reasons why we must exercise regularly to maintain our body health and keep
us fit.

Topic Sentence 2

First, with exercise we can relieve excessive stress due to work or tasks experienced.
According to research, this happens because regular exercise can reduce the hormones cortisol and
epinephrine and increase the hormone norepinephrine as an antidepressant.

Then with exercise we can also lose weight, because only by exercising can we burn excess
calories in the body.

Topic Sentence 3

The last with exercise can prevent diseases such as diabetes, this is because when we
exercise we can increase the sensitivity of insulin cells in the body. So when you exercise, less insulin
is needed to control blood sugar levels

Based from the study,scientific say that benefit exercise such as that a 20-minute moderate
workout,treadmill, or run has measurable effects on the immune system, They measured levels an
inflammatory marker, before and after the exercise, and found that there was a 5% reduction in the
number of immune cells that produced the marker.


The conclusion is that with regular exercise in the morning we can live healthier and prevent
the disease we want, therefore we must start exercising and prepare for it in daily life

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