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Homophones are pairs of words that sound the same, but have distinctly different meanings and
different spellings. Understanding homophones is an essential part of mastering the English
language, both for vocabulary building and spelling.

20 Common Homophone Pairs

Some common examples of homophones, including the words used in a sentence, are:

 brake/break: When teaching my daughter how to drive, I told her if she didn't hit the
brake in time she would break the car's side mirror.
 cell/sell: If you sell drugs, you will get arrested and end up in a prison cell.
 cent/scent: I won't spend one cent on a bottle of perfume until I know that I love the
 die/dye: If you accidentally drank a bottle of fabric dye, you might die.
 flour/flower: To bake a flower-shaped cake, you'll need some flour.
 for/four: I purchased four new pairs of shoes for my upcoming vacation.
 heal/heel: If the heel breaks on your shoe, you might fall. However, your injuries will
heal over time.
 hear/here: I wanted to sit here so I could hear the singer performing without any
 hour/our: We have one hour before our appointment with the real estate agent.
 idle/idol: Being idle makes me unhappy, but listening to my idol Taylor Swift makes me
 knight/night: The knight is on his way to the castle, but traveling at night is very

Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different
meanings. The word "homonym" comes from the prefix "homo-," which means the same, and the
suffix "-nym," which means name. Therefore, a homonym is a word that has the same name as
another word, meaning that the two words look and sound exactly alike.

Homonym Examples
 Address - to speak to / location
 Air - oxygen / a lilting tune
 Arm - body part / division of a company
 Band - a musical group / a ring
 Bark - a tree's out layer / the sound a dog makes
 Bat - an implement used to hit a ball / a nocturnal flying mammal
 Bright - very smart or intelligent / filled with light
 Circular - taking the form of a circle / a store advertisement
 Current - up to date / flow of water
 Die - to cease living / a cube marked with numbers one through six
 Express - something done fast / to show your thoughts by using words
 Fair - equitable / beautiful
 Jag - a sharp, jutted object / a crying spree
 Kind - type / caring
 Lie - to recline / to tell a falsehood
 Match - to pair like items / a stick for making a flame
 Mean - average / not nice
 Pole - a person from Poland / a piece of metal that holds a flag
 Pound - unit of weight / to beat
 Quarry - a site for mining stone / to extract or obtain slowly
 Ream - a pile of paper / to juice a citrus fruit
 Ring - a band on a finger / something circular in shape
 Right - correct / direction opposite of left
 Rock - a genre of music / a stone
 Rose - to have gotten up / a flower
 Spring - a season / coiled metal
 Stalk - a part of a plant / to follow or harass someone
 Tender - gentle / offer of money
 Tire - to grow fatigued / a part of a wheel
 Well - in good health / a source for water in the ground

, a homograph is a group (usually a pair) of words that are spelled the same way, and may or may
not be pronounced the same way, although the difference in pronunciation is often just a shift in
the accented syllable.

Common Homographs
Now that you know what they are, here are 40 examples of homographs:

 accent - stress or emphasis/a manner of speaking or pronunciation influenced by the

region in which one lives or grew up
 agape - wide open/a Greek word meaning "love"
 attribute - a characteristic or quality/to think of as belonging to or originating in some
person, place or thing
 axes - the plural of ax or axe/the plural of axis
 bass - a deep voice or tone/a kind of fish
 bat - a piece of sporting equipment used in baseball/a winged animal associated with
 bow - to bend at the waist/the front of a boat/a pair of tied loops
 buffet - to hit, punch or slap/a self-serve food bar
 bustier - an undergarment/more busty
 compact - small/to make small/a small case for holding makeup
 compound - to mix or combine/an enclosed area with a building or group of buildings
 content - happy or satisfied/all that is contained inside something
 contract - an agreement/to get, acquire or incur
 coordinates - brings into proper place or order/a set of numbers used to calculate position
 desert - a hot, arid region/to leave
 digest - a condensed version of some information/to change food in the stomach into a
form that can be absorbed by the body
 discount - a reduction in price/to underestimate the significance of or give no credence to
 does - female deer (plural)/present, third person singular form of the verb "do"
 down - in a lower position/soft, furry feathers
 entrance - the place of entry/to bewitch, delight or enrapture
 evening - late afternoon/making more even
 fine - very good/sharp or keen/delicate or subtle/a sum of money paid to settle a matter
 frequent - occurring regularly/to visit a place with regularity
 incense - a substance that produces a pleasant odor when burned/to infuriate or make very
 lead - to go first with followers behind/a type of metal
 minute - 60 seconds or 1/60th of an hour/extremely small
 moped - acted sad or gloomy/a bicycle with a motor
 object - a thing you can see or touch/a goal/a noun that receives the action of a verb/to be
opposed to
 proceeds - advances or continues on/the money or profit gained from some sale or
 produce - to create or make/fresh fruits and vegetables
 project - a plan or proposal/to throw or hurl forward/to cause a shadow or image to fall
upon a surface
 putting - the present participle of put/the present participle of putt
 number - a numeral/to count/more numb
 refuse - waste or garbage/to reject or decline to accept
 row - a fight/to propel a boat forward using oars/a line
 second - 1/60th of a minute/after the first
 subject - under some authority or control/to bring under authority or control/to make
liable or vulnerable/a topic/the noun in a sentence about which something is said in the
 tear - to rip/a drop of water from the eye
 wind - to turn/moving air
 wound - turned/an injury

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