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Risk Assessment Form – Part A

Production Name: Final major project Organisation

Production Address: Producer / Editor Amina Humphreys
Deanfield Ave, Henley-
on-Thames RG9 1UH Tel:

Start date Saturday 4th May 2019 End date Saturday 4th May 2019
Who gets a copy of the

Outline of risk assessment I plan to film My only actor dancing on the street of Alexandra road estate for my final
Summary of what is proposed major project. It will just be camera operator and director, Ewan who is also a camera
in terms of sequences and operator and the actor/dancer Jake. This will be a single camera production so I it will
set ups. only include one camera. I’m also using a tripod and a c crip to help me film.

Team members / experts / Amina – camera women and director

contractors / contributors Jake- Actor/dancer
Ewan- camera man
List those involved
Alexandra road estate, Camden, London ,the area itself and down some of staircases.
Outline locations involved –
indicate any which are hostile

Assessor Name Date completed

Authoriser Name Date authorised
(if not Assessor)

Hazard list – select your hazards from the list below and use these to complete Part B
Situational hazards Tick Physical / chemical hazards Tick Health hazards Tick
Assault by person / Contact with cold liquid / vapour Disease causative agent
Attack by animal / Contact with cold surface Infection
Breathing compressed gas Contact with hot liquid / vapour Allergic reaction /
Cold environment Contact with hot surface Lack of food / water
Crush by load Electric shock / Lack of oxygen
Drowning Explosive blast Physical fatigue /
Entanglement in moving Explosive release of stored
machinery pressure Repetitive action
High atmospheric pressure Fire / Static body posture
Hot environment Hazardous substance Stress / anxiety /
Manual handling Ionizing radiation Venom poisoning
Object falling, moving or Laser light
Obstruction / exposed Lightning strike / Environmental hazards
Sharp object / material Noise Litter
Shot by firearm Non-ionizing radiation Nuisance noise / vibration
Slippery surface / Stroboscopic light Physical damage
Trap in moving machinery Vibration Waste substance released into
Trip hazard / Waste substance released into
soil / water
Vehicle impact / collision Managerial / organisational
Falls from height / Management factors (lack of
communication, co-operation, co-
ordination and competence)

Risk matrix – use this to

determine risk for each hazard i.e. Likelihood of Harm
‘how bad and how likely’
Remote Very unlikely Unlikely Possible Likely
Severity of Harm e.g. <1 in 1000 e.g. 1 in 200 e.g. 1 in 50 e.g. 1 in 10 e.g. >1 in 3
chance chance chance chance chance
Negligible e.g. small bruise Trivial Trivial Trivial Low Low
Slight e.g. small cut, deep bruise Trivial Trivial Low Low Medium
Moderate e.g. deep cut, torn Trivial Low Medium Medium High
Severe e.g. fracture, loss of Low Medium High High Extremely
consciousness high
Very Severe e.g. death, Low Medium High Extremely Extremely
permanent disability high high
Risk Assessment Form – Part B

Activity1 – dancing Location – along the main street. Dates / times:

4th May 2019
Hazards Who’s exposed Risk Control measures Risk

Assault by person crew trivial, low Be aware of your surroundings and the general public. In the highly Trivial
unlikely event that a person of the general public would show signs of
force or aggression we would call the emergency services 999

Trip hazards Residents and Slight, low Be aware of your surrounding and look where you are walking to avoid you Slight, trivial
pedestrians tripping over anything.

Allergic reaction My actor or camera Low, There is wildlife growing in the residential area and one of crew could low ,
man medium optionally have a allergic reaction if they have hay fever. If an allergic medium
reaction occurs during your visit, seek first aid immediately.

Physical fatigue Actor Negligible, low The actor could experience some level of physical fatigue due too the Moderate to
narrative of my film as it solely consist of him dancing. The harm is low
negligible because the form of dance is not strenuous. To reduce the
likelihood of this happening we will be taking regular breaks and he be
regularly hydrated.

Stress/ anxiety Residents Slight, medium Assess the situation and if the road gets particularly busy and on pass Slight, low
byers seem to be distressed we will take a minute and pause filming and
wait till the road becomes less busty.

Weather The crew medium The film will be cancelled if weather conditions dictate such as raining or Medium, low
lightning storms etc.
Fire/equipment Residents and crew High All electrical and equipment tested Medium
All residents are made aware of our filming taking place
Safe routes clear at all times

Accidents/incidents Crew High Unfamiliar surroundings so briefing given to all on production day Medium, low
Mobile phone available for contact reasons
Use local emergency services (999)
Have contact details for everyone doing the production

Path being used to film crew High Unfamiliar surroundings for two members of the crew so briefing given to Medium, low
all on production day
Safety rules and consent forms signed

Obstruction of pathway Residents High Time, date and location given to all involved beforehand Low
The Camden council will notify the residents of the area that filming is
taking place.
Briefing given to everyone involved
We will pause filming for residents to walk by

Transport to the event crew High Making their own way to the event Medium, low
Time, date and location given to all involved beforehand
Contact details given to all parties
Be aware of the public transport by train or bus
Use road crossing if available

Camera/Tripod crew High Battery power camera so no leads for slip, trip or falls hazards Medium, low
Operator knows how to use the equipment
All equipment in carriers to make transporting easier

Manual Handling Camera operator High Operator knows how to use the equipment Low
All equipment in carried to make transporting easier
People around to help out if required

Attack by animal crew Low In the highly unlikely event that one the crew is attacked by an animal we Medium,low
would call the emergency services.

Falls from height crew Low Falling from the stairs whilst filming or acting Medium,
Health and safety briefing to all crew
To avoid this from happening we will be very cautious of our surroundings

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