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Teddie Uhi


Professor Brown


Dates back to the Hindu and Buddhist in Indonesia.

Gamelan bonang a set of 10 kettle gongs made of brass or medal. The sound is the sweet sound of
singing high pitched gongs and a clang of chimes they are used in many fun occasions like weddings,
gathering royal gathering act, in Indonesia it is the form of their traditional, music it is also known in the
islands of java and Bali . The Gamelan consists of a variety of brass or metal it is a percussion instrument
the metals used is bronze and or brass . The name gamelan comes from the word gamel the word
known as a type of hammer in the Javanese language that was used by black smith, the gamelan is
played with a hammer like mallet they believe that this has a very long history in Buddhist kingdoms of
java Sumatra and bali which dates back to 8th and 11th centuries and even in the sivijava empire. Into the
6th to 13th centuries ce, there is evidence more now that has been left during the 12th to 15th centuries
more complete records and carvings on various temples that support this interments. From what we
understand about this the gamelan was to be played by royal family’s each member of the royal family
and was expected to play very well. And when they played they were judged on their knowledge and
accomplishment of this music and there achievement and there wisdom of music and there physical and
mental stature. There music was played in courts and royal gatherings and they are supervised on their
art and this was controlled by judges of honor and high and priests.

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