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Delegation: Iran
Committee: Human Rights
Topic A: Middle East Conflicts and Islam
Human Rights


The Modern Middle East Conflict: OIL

The interest in the region has been because of the energy resources there are.
Before the discovery of oil, the region had been an open topic for religious conflict
and wars, land and over other resources that turned out to be rich.
Instability has always been a concern

Also Human rights in Islamic countries has been a polemyc issue for many
human rights in the Islamic world is based on the Qur'anic ideal of human dignity. I
t is impossible for Islamic countries to measure up to the standards of human rights
set by Western democracies since their views and understanding of human rights
differ from their Western counterparts, thus resulting in different practices in their


In Iran, it is very important to have a nuclear program since a nuclear deal would
make really positive effects in near term. The nuclear program is seen as one of
our greatest achievements. The delegation of Iran wants everyone to see this is
driven purely by peaceful goals, This nuclear program is driven by a combination of
symbolic and economic considerations, We would expect to see, within a year,
better access to foreign medicines and medical equipment, significantly more
foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.

In other side Iran has closed off to outside interference due to the human rights,
We do not like or want our religion to be changed or introduced to any other
religión, we consider the Islam as our actual living style, and we highly respect the
Coran, we highly consider our measurements are fair and help us to be better and
follow Allah’s path.


The delegation of Iran belive’s this is an important way for us to stand up to the
West, serving our future energy and medical needs, more important, equipment,
significantly more foreign investment, and tangible improvement in living standards.
To our beliefs we are completely faithful and we expect them not to change
because they are and will continue to work.


I think we live in a world full of problems and that everyone is always interested in
their own good, no matter what, it will always be their own opinion being the right
one and not other’s opinion, I strongly disagree with Iran and the way they act, but
since I was able to know more about them I also consider that they deserve to
have their own beliefs and we must not interefere with their way of life, I am not
saying that it is completely right, I just consider the way they are doing it it’s not the
right way, but from their point of view it is the rules and life they have always lived
in there may be some rising up but as long as the older ones stay in the past they
will never improve or change anything. Also I cosidered really astonishing and
unbelievable that their criminal rate is very low compared to another coutries that
are more modern and developed.


Personally I loved how the debate took place, and the organization we all had
really impresed me, even though I don’t know how to debate and I get really
nervous I enjoyed the day and the interest it caused, it also surprised me how
everyone took the place of the country they were assigned to, I am looking forward
to doing it again and this time having a Little more experience.

Delegation: Iran
Committee: Human Rights
Topic B: Global Poverty


Over 3 billion people live on less than 2.50 dollars a day. Near a billion people
entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. Less than one
percent of what the world spent every year on weapons was needed to put every
child into school by the year 2000 and it did not happen. 1 in 2 children in the world
lives in poverty. 640 million live without adequate shelter, 400 million have no
access to safe water, 270 million have no access to health services. 10.6 million
died in 2003 before they reached the age of 5. Many workers can’t even afford the
basic products they need for survival, and many of these items are now considered


The position taken by Iran is that the governmet has to assure nuclear technology
and nuclear power so our economy can rise and the security increase, even
though this will be a great cost we have to do what it’s necessary to improve our
safety, our citizens must know this is a sacrifice we must do so the Islam religion
can continue its glory and that it doesn’t get dimished by other countires religion.


We want to negotiate from good faith with the West to solve the crisis that has
arisen because of our pacific nuclear program also we are not accepting illogic
petitions that affect our country’s dignity.


Poverty is a real thing that every single country has, it is perhaps the greatest issue
in the world today, Poverty is not something we all would like for the world we live
at, Fighting against it it’s a really big and difficult issue due to the world’s economy
that i’ts in chrasge of the developed contries to me, the conseciences of poverty
starts from before birth, pregnant women with lack of opportunities, por nutrition
and living in an inadequate environment are certainly nor biologycally and nor
mentally prepared fot maternity, children are already born with malnutrition and
also without being loved.

This debate was originally not planned but since the topic A was already over
arguments we decided changing it so instead of being how to implement/ reinforce
Human Rights in Islam and Middle East Countries it went to Global Poverty that it’s
just as important as the one mentioned before cause this problem it’s present for
everyone not just one single country, it went pretty good as the first one, even
though it was something unplanned it went as organized and debatable as
expected, Even though the country I had was Iran and it’s the same thing with
human rights I finally was able to relax and just have fun the rest of the time.

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