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Investigation of what galactic ascension really
is – Part 1
Well this is not going to be the easiest task I
have committed myself to and for many reasons.
What I write is based upon what I see and what I
am able to discern out of the mixed layers of true
and distorted information, always in progress and
always asking deeper into what I understand. This
post is mostly based upon the past of holographic
Earth, but it is vital information for us in the
process of altering our bodies and psyche, because
in spite of the changing energies in the hologram,
creating openings and galactic influx into the
hologram altering it (I see it like spheres of
galactic energy lighting up like bubbles of
energy), our bodies and psyches are still based
upon the old science of humanity – for now.

You already have learned how words are symbols and

that words are keys to enter specific energy
fields or thought patterns in the collective
consciousness field, which you also have learned
is the 4th artificial dimensional band in
holographic Earth. The reason why I use and invent
new terms and try to figure it all out by myself
is to bypass the holographic thought pattern
programming and to drill my mind into the old
layers of the hologram holding some of the
original truths, because the hologram is – in
spite of its electromagnetic structure – built
into the original 1st and 2nd dimensional band of
density-1 galactic Terra and thus it still holds
all the old information laid into the grid by the
original galactic humanities of Terra. It is not
only the racial DNA which is activated in the
human energy system; it is the energies in the
grid of galactic Terra as well.

The high energy frequencies from the core of

galactic Terra – our Sun – are working on the
deepest layers of our being and therefore the
changes happen inside and out. The cells are
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literally being ignited from the inside through
the emitting original density-1 layers in every
cell growing in intensity, altering our
consciousness and memories slowly but surely.
Albeit the ignition happens automatically due to
the pull of the stellar activation cycle and is
enhanced by the awakening grid of galactic Terra,
we have to partake in the process. Therefore if we
are to work consciously with the process, we have
to know how we are constructed.
First we have to understand that the manasic
geometric energies in the grid are only united
with our remaining density-1 structure and changed
into galactic consciousness when we work with
them. Alteration and expansion of the density-1
layers only happens if we make conscious use of
the manasic energies, i.e. work to integrate the
knowledge of the grid into the deepest layers of
our consciousness in order to activate the
original CUs of galactic Terra in us. We need to
be able to catch the remnant echo of the original
teachings and make it grow in us if we want to
proceed into galactic Terra, or any other similar
density-1 system, after death and at the same time
we have to fight and alter the artificial layers
of our outer and inner being. All in all we have
to work on three levels; the body, the psyche and
the original galactic consciousness. I will focus
on how to do this from the August newsletter and
ahead, starting from scratch.

The 4th dimensional layer of collective

emotional-mental energy fields is a mixture of
pre-inserted, by the controlling digressive races,
thought patterns based upon the frequencies of the
emotional-mental energy levels in the human energy
system. Thus the 4th dimensional layer of the
hologram holds specific informational patterns
which the seeker of higher truths – when
activating the 4th chakra – accesses and downloads
into the right hemisphere of the brain thinking
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“wow I really got some deep intuitive insights”
and all the seeker is experiencing, restricted by
the always active chakrasystem, is another
illusion and imaginative layer created to prevent
the real memories to show up.

On top of this the 4th dimensional layer expands

according to all the emotional-mental information
(beliefsystems) and illusions (ideas of reality,
self-understanding, interaction patterns and
goals) humanity have created by themselves and
manifested in their auras as a reflection of their
psychological structure. From this level of the
human energy system the content of the aura is
integrated into the collective consciousness field
using the mechanisms of interference connecting
similar thought patterns with other similar
patterns and as such the collective
emotional-mental energy fields are a mixture of
many energy patterns; some more true than others.

It should be clear by now that if we hold beliefs

which create constructive interference with
similar patterns in the collective
emotional-mental energy fields in the 4th
dimensional band, we will enhance those energy
patterns and if we by chance are able to avoid the
existing patterns, we can create new patterns for
others to follow, or if we really put our will
into it – but it takes more than one person – can
use the interference mechanisms to minimize the
existing energies there.
Interference patterns from the emission of our
auras are an important subject we in the future
hopefully will learn to administer much better
than we do now, because any reality field molds
after the emission of the dimensional patterns in
the field itself and the humanity evolving though
it. What we can do for now is to minimize the
content in our auras by solving the psychological
enigmas in us and by understanding how and what we
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are on all levels, control and dissolving the
energetic patterns in our auras and in this way
stop being a part of the collective
emotional-mental energy fields.
The 4th dimensional band is mostly controlled by
the Serpent brotherhoods or races and similar
groups, i.e. galactic human in origin, which are
the ones preferring to use mind-altering
techniques whereas e.g. the Draconians and similar
groups, i.e. reptilian in origin, prefer to use
racial DNA to alter the reality-perception of the
human brain and body in the first three dimensions
of the hologram. The latter factions mostly
operate in the lower emotional-mental energy areas
of the collective consciousness fields and are
very active in the areas of science and rational
thinking, cf. the left hemisphere. Their overall
goal with the human guinea pig is to alter the
human body, its racial DNA, to be able to foster
new bio-vessels they can take on in their domains
of the galactic worlds, when they leave
holographic Earth as agreed in the waves of 2017,
2022, 2033 and 2047.

Many of the reptilian races are primarily

scientific in structure and those races operate in
worlds where the manifestation fields are very
different from our Galactic Worlds. Just like in
the rest of the Galactic Worlds, some of the
reptilian races are more infected than others and
some are thus on the brink of extinction just like
our version of humanity would have been, if not
the stellar activation cycle and the common goal
of the Galactic Worlds were to rescue such worlds
like holographic Earth. There are many colonies
“out there” where different galactic humanities
are captured and used as experimental objects by
those who are in much worse condition. Holographic
Earth is a prison like many other similar
holographic electromagnetic worlds where
digressive races try to figure out how to solve
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the extinction protocol as a result of the
infection. The Galactic Worlds have an intrinsic
or inbuilt extinction protocol when the humanities
or other forms of races becomes too low vibrant
and too infected, i.e. too fragmented and hold to
high levels of dimensional bio-chemical material.
In our holographic prison the bio-chemical
compounds are electromagnetic in nature, but in
other universes holographic prisons are made out
of other variations of the original density
structure of the living light, sound and geometry.
Our holographic Earth, with is different
properties and features, are a direct invention of
the draconian races, combined with science from
other highly intelligent reptilian races and is
based upon spintronics. This type of science is
now starting to become a part of the human
mind-set due to the overall program of
“disclosure” of the 5th dimensional layer of
Earth. The goal is to infuse the reptilian races
and their level of intelligence and the art of
science they are able to perform into a humanlike
structure; in this way the transhuman and
artificial construction of the future bio-vessel
will not seem farfetched when it finally becomes
the standard human bio-vessel in the hologram.

Into this highly scientific geared and primarily

synthetic biological entity using e.g. spintronics
and other similar types of highly developed
technologies on a daily basis, the reptilian and
draconian races are finally able to insert their
racial DNA creating a whole new cross-bread
between the typical reptilian and draconian
appearance and the human prototype. At that point,
in the future, they will take their part of the
hologram with them, i.e. the many results of the
experiments performed here, the structure of
artificial worlds, the perfect hominoid-reptilian
bio-vessel to insert into this structure and the
overall coding of how to create such worlds. The
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artificial crystalline consciousness units (ACCUs)
which are more of less perfected, are now being
made as the last level of their experiments making
Earth a done deal for them. As soon as the ACCUs
are in place in the bio-engineered body structure,
they are good to go and will do so. All in all the
chakrasystem is really not their “thing”, but has
been helpful in the work with developing the
correct type of racial DNA to the artificial
bio-structure and the ACCUs of their future
The higher ranked reptilian races in the
artificial 5th band of holographic Earth - mostly
using a high-technological variation of quantum
mechanical tunneling (read and see the video to
understand what this really is; it has nothing to
do with “portals” as an Einstein-Rosen bridge,
i.e. a wormhole in time and space, but all to do
with permeating perimeters of reality fields by
the use of consciousness in and out of different
states of matter) from here and into their own
reality fields in other parts of the Galactic
Worlds - are not really present within the
hologram themselves, but have created a hominoid
archetypical program which is connected to a
specific type of their DNA-strands. This
consciousness program is working just fine through
the chakra system, creating humanlike minds in the
chosen lineages to carry out their agenda within
the hologram in all sorts of political, scientific
and other levels of leading or trendsetting areas
of society where high-tech science and money are a
part of the prominent agenda.

The Serpent brotherhoods and races (the SRs) are

more interested in the religious, spiritual and
psychological parts of the artificial human energy
system, i.e. the psyche or chakra system, and as
such the human bio-system is divided into two
parts; one operating and primarily functioning
within the outer areas of the hologram satisfying
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the reptilian agenda in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd
dimension (all three together are a sad expression
of the original density-1 level of the Galactic
Worlds, still holding some degree of the original
density structure, i.e. the manasic geometric
energies) as well as the artificial 5th level of
the hologram, which correspond to the 3rd level of
the Galactic Worlds.

The inner part of the human bio-vessel – the one

that belongs to the Serpent brotherhoods and their
allies of different spiritual versions of the
Alumbrados – have primarily the goal to blend the
upper levels of the chakra system with the
low-vibrating and very fragmented original
density-1 areas of the Galactic Worlds. The 1st
dimension of the hologram is the chemical layer,
the 2nd dimension layer is the electromagnetic and
the 3rd layer is in itself the matrix or hologram
which arises out of the former two and the overall
programs being infused from the 4th and 5th level
of the hologram.

The Serpent races (the SRs) have different

objectives in mind, due to their primarily
evolutions based upon originally density-2
humanities, but primarily - within the hologram –
the SRs (there are many different types being
involved here) have, along with their reptilian
alliances, a huge interest in battling the
infection. Just like the rest of the Galactic
Worlds have, but the means and the methods are
very different from the experiments running in all
Earth-like holograms and the other areas belonging
to the original Galactic Worlds and their
communities. One could say that the prison-like
experiments have been created by the most infected
races and the less infected are working within the
rules of respect for all living lifeforms holding
consciousness units, because those races still
remember who and what they are, and where they
came from; the True Worlds, which make us all
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brothers and sisters.

Many of the reptilian races have been fostered or

generated within density-1 systems and thus are
not interested in higher thought or other types of
consciousness; the reptilians primarily work with
what can be dealt with, managed, altered and
merged into something new. We see this in
creational myths where humanity are built out of
clay, sand or earth being primarily carnal or of
physical matter, i.e. Yahweh the great draconian
in the Old Testament, whereas the SRs are
depictured in creational myths using immaterial
powers, such as the word or spirit to create the
human “soul”, i.e. the Elohims of the first
creational myth in the Old Testament.

Broadly speaking we find this overall dual pattern

– along with merged variations - within all
creational myths of the world ranging from creator
gods and their matter-humans to name a few the
Incas, the Mayans, the Africans and the Celtic
gods holding blood and sacrifice as one of their
traits as well as the other version of the human
race being created in the spiritual likeness of
the gods within all types of Indo-European
cultures and the like, fostering the SRs agenda of
developing the “soul” or inner human, where the
prime idea has to do with some sort of sin, karma,
fall, and sacrifice as in an ethic or moral sense
etc. The blood religions (symbol for the racial
DNA) are based upon the reptilian agenda and the
soul religions (symbol for the inner energy
system) on the SRs both instigated to satisfy the
main purpose of the human project.
Those two main factions – with all their sub
allies – have been either battling or co-working
on the human project for eons, having their
different agenda or directive within the overall
program. In the end the reptilian construction of
the human vessel proved to be more effective than
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the mere “angelic” or light based structure which
the SRs used in the beginning, trying to get out
of the growing dimensional grid of galactic Terra
– the then digressing density-1 – and back into
the evolutionary paths in density-2 areas of the
Galactic Worlds.
The invitation of such beings as the draconian
Yahweh and the reptilians came as a result of the
more and more fragmented form of the light based
structure in the digressing density-1 levels of
Galactic Terra and in the end, a prison was
established to solve the problems of both
factions. The reptilian races did not mind and the
SRs were at this point so infected that survival
triumphed over galactic rules and respect for all
living lifeforms.

The SRs are also what I call the Avatar

brotherhoods, because those beings are the highest
ranked of the SRs present in the 5th dimension and
as the reptilians, they are free to go to other
parts of the Galactic Worlds, creating many new
alliances and programs to solve their problems.

Thus the SRs are the inventors of all spiritual

teachings across all cultures and countries in the
world, from the brāhmaṇa religious systems to the
Greek or Hellenistic systems of thought, to the
New Age systems, including the modern version of
the Christ consciousness. All teachings from the
SRs hold the ideology of a soul, a supreme self or
different level of consciousness growing through
matrix-like systems or group-minds, i.e. the Court
or Councils of the Elohims. Their teachings in all
forms are constructed with the purpose of clearing
and altering the infected density-2 layer of the
galactic consciousness, or the level of living
sound, and freeing it from the dimensionality of
the digressed worlds, creating various types of
beliefs in the duality of mind and body. And it is
into this challenge that the chakra system belongs
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as the main method to solve the infection for the
SRs or infected Avatar brotherhoods, the original
galactic humans from the infected density-2 areas
of the Galactic Worlds, mostly from galactic Terra
after the exclusion from Tara, but also from other
worlds cooperating with the fallen priesthoods of
As already hinted the reptilian systems are
devoted to one god, one world order, pyramid-like
or hierarchical systems of power with one main
being on the top, cf. Yahweh the great draconian
and their main objective is the density-1 level or
the geometric manasic energies.

Thus when the talk is about ascension, we have to

understand the twofold division of the human body,
as being a guinea pig for two main factions; one
focusing on the density-1 structure (the physics
of reality and the science behind the
electromagnetic bio-chemical body) and the other
on the density-2 level (not very highly activated
nowadays); the areas of the human consciousness
that goes into the 4th and 5th dimension of the
human psyche.

Both factions have their own goal in mind in each

human body, and we need to figure this out before
we even can begin to talk about altering the body
or transforming the psyche, because whatever we
think is correct teaching correlating to
respectively the body or the psyche, is for sure
distorted and only holds parts of the true and
original galactic conscious evolution, i.e. the
way the original CUs evolve in density-1,
density-2 and density-3 systems of the Galactic

All teachings becoming a part of larger groups has

for sure been modulated into the controlling
systems of the hologram, making sure nothing
really gives us the capacity to free ourselves.
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Therefore all contemporary teachings as well as
the old ones – this cycle have been postponed
until project human was ready - have been
instigated to make us follow the pull of the SAC;
not from the freeing factions but from the
prison-holders, the SRs and the reptilians
themselves, because it is not just on holographic
Earth that the energies are changing, but all over
the Galactic Worlds due to the pull from the
uplifting in the True Worlds.
Luckily for us the same SAC have given the freeing
communities the option to reach us. To really
follow the SAC the activation of the different
layers of the racial DNA had to be allowed and in
this various levels of galactic information passed
through the controlling mechanisms of the hologram
along with a massive effort from freedom forces
using all means of telepathic communication and
similar methods.

I can only talk on my own behalf but I know for

sure that my team was in the beginning forced to
work with the activated racial reptilian DNA,
which made me prone to specific teachings and less
human-friendly feelings and ideologies arising
from within. Later on as I gained control over my
body, mostly by altering what I ate and drank, but
also from aided meditation, self-healing and
instructions from my team. They also used direct
interference in my aura, being visible and
tangible on a higher frequency, where they
inserted helping consciousness fields and other
types of galactic technology to make me aware of
how to work my way through and around the
reptilian racial DNA and the consciousness it
awakens following the SAC.

I changed the low vibrating grip of my psyche and

was thus able to start to work with releasing the
grip of the chakra system and the connection to
the 4th layer of our prison.
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It is from this premise that my investigation
begins and my journey into putting together my
experiences and what my team has shown me, into a
system of thought which holds high levels of
consistency for me, because a united consciousness
field is the main source to activate the CUs
behind the chakra system, the racial DNA and the
false 4th and 5th areas of holographic Earth – all
being very strongly activated by the racial DNA
and the so-called spiritual teachings circulating
in different human groups of seekers. But all in
all the merging with the higher levels of the
hologram, where the real consciousness is
stronger, also allows us to grasp and to catch the
stellar activation cycle, if we can bend the
perimeters and the safety mechanisms of the
distorted holographic teachings and work our way
through or around those to be able to receive the
original teachings and means to get out, from the
inside and from the aiding forces of the free
Galactic Worlds.

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