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CSIS – 1430 Reflection

When I first signed up for the class I was excited but also on ease cause I expected the

rest of the class to know a good amount of HTML coding, and when I got to class I was right and

a good amount of the students already knew how to code. It put me off as I felt like I wasn’t

going to do so good in the class as I didn’t know how to code at all. That soon changed when we

first started and I slowly got into it I started to enjoy it even more despite I barely started to

code. I honestly thought it was going to be hard to code for html but I was proven wrong, the

only hard part is trying to remember the right element to use for what you are doing.

Needless to say it impacted my and my future a great deal as it gave me a jumpstart on

a trade that I can use for myself or for other people that are willing to pay for my service and

gave me a good outlook to a potential career in the future.

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