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By: Annie Kissinger & Gracie Chaverini

What is Seesaw?
-An online portfolio system where students and teachers can post artifacts of learning

in a variety of ways that includes audio, video, photos, drawings, notes, games

and links
-Artifacts can be uploaded from any device and all items can be annotated with text captions
and audio recordings
-The work can be viewed at any time by the student, teacher, or parent

-Teachers can also create and assign activities for students and send out
messages to students families
Why is seesaw useful in the classroom?
-especially in elementary school, students complete many worksheets, drawings,
paintings, and educational games

-this app allows a teacher to see a students overall progress throughout their
school year in each student's portfolio of activities they have completed

-teachers can grade immediately and leave feedback

-the student can automatically see if they completed the activity correctly

-As the portfolio grows, a child’s personality comes to life as any teacher can view
the student’s activities, worksheets, drawings, notes, etc, that the student has
Go to
How to get started!
- Go to, select I am a student, Use code: AAUH ABLA
- Sign in with your Google account or create an account with your email
address and password
- Step 1: Students Sign In
- Teacher : from your class, tap +students in the bottom right to help students
sign in on their device or computer
- Step 2: Students Respond
- Students: go into the Activities tab, tap +Add and respond to this activity.
- Do shapes Activity listed under activities once you signed up

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