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Cameron Schmidt

Animal Abuse Awareness

On average over “70 million pet dogs are abused every single year as well as
74.1 cats” ( The Humane Society). This is excluding all other animals abuse. It's a big
issue in the world as well as the U.S. As a way to help stop this my project proposal is
to raise awareness for animal abuse. I want to help the people around me know how big
this issue can be and what they can do to help stop it.
To start off this campaign we want to create signs and poster to put up around
public. We also would like to get some in the hallways at Copper Hills. This should be
the main way to let the people around us become aware.We will spend roughly 2 hours
designing and creating these posters to hang around. After that we are going to get 2
custom shirts for me and Nick to wear to go further with this social issue and raise
awareness as we walk around. This will take a bit of time again as we have to design it
and reach out to a shirt company to get them printed.
Another way to raise awareness is through online video through social media and
youtube. This will take a decent amount of time as we have to film and edit these as
well as get them online. Im a video creator so creating online video about an issue
should not be a problem. As another way to help raise animal awareness we want to
get custom made wristbands that have text on them saying “Stop Animal Abuse”. This
shouldn't take too much time as custom making them should be easy. We will have to
hand them out but it should only take roughly 30 min.
The whole point of this project is to get people aware and to stop the abuse
toward animals that's happening right in front of them. We obviously can’t stop animal
abuse alone and that's way making a campaign to get others involved is the best way to
help stop it.

Ms. Tibbitts (teacher): __________________________________________

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