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News Report

Jime- Hello, Good morning it’s a pleasure to be with you today. Welcome to_____________ news.

Lizzy- In this news report, we are going to inform you about each important event that is happening
today in our world.

Jime- Did you know that about 90% of the water consumed by the world’s population comes from

Lizzy-That’s amazing but to learn more about the water crisis we go to you Ana Paola.

Group 1 Ana Pao, Aaron, Rodrigo

Ana pao: Hello, thank you Lizzy and Jimena I’m here with the authors of the comic “The water crisis”
Aaron and Rodrigo.

Aaron: Hello I’m Aaron, I’m the illustrator of the comic.

Rodrigo: And I’m Rodrigo, I’m the writer of the comic.

Ana Pao: Well, tell me about what your purpose was on writing about the water crisis.

Rodrigo: Our purpose was to inform people about the water issue we are experiencing, and to create
awareness about what’s happening so they can take action.

Ana pao: Can you give me information about this issue?

Aaron: Sure, 71% of the Earths surface is water, 97% of this is found in oceans and this is salt water
which we can’t drink, this leaves only 3% of earths water fresh for us to consume.

Rodrigo: That’s correct , in Mexico citizens consume 324 liters of water daily can you believe that?

Ana Pao: That’s surprising very interesting information by the way, I have one more question, what is
water used for.

Aaron: In Mexico 77% is used in agriculture and 14% is used by the people, 5% is used for electricity and
8% is used in the industries.

Ana pao: Do you think this issue can be solved?

Rodrigo: I think it will be very difficult all of the water that has been wasted can not be restored but it is
possible to reduce our use of water and be more responsable.

Ana Pao: What can we do to reduce the waste of water?

Aaron: There are many ways to solve the problem some of the actions you can take from home can be
taking shorter showers, turning off the water while brushing your teeth, or using left over cooking water
to water the plants.

Jime- That was an interesting interview, your comics look great and have such an important message
thanks for joining us.

Lizzy- But we are not the only ones affected millions of animals and species today are becoming extinct
or they are heading in that direction. What do you think Jime? Isn’t it horrible?

Jime- Yes it is horrible, next we have an interview with a team of activist who wrote a book about this
topic, welcome guys.

Lizzy- Could you tell us why you wrote this book?

Group 2 Jose Ra, Emilia, Bruno, Luz

José Ra- Thank you for listening to us and inviting us to this news report. The objective of this book was
to read it to students at schools to help them understand the problems that animals have because of the
contamination or human activity.

Jime- And why did you choose this topic having lots of topics to choose from?

Emilia- We chose it because it is a problem that if we don’t take care of it could grow, and more animals
will become extinct.

Lizzy- It is amazing that you think like that, can you give us some more information.

Bruno- According to data from the international union of conversation of nature, there are currently
some 5,200 species in danger of extinction, which represents the 25% of mammals and amphibians 34%
of fish, 20% of reptiles and 11% of birds.

Jime- And what can we do to help?

Emilia- The first thing we should do is to reduce pollulion, use less plastic, stop using oil and use more
electricity this way we can reduce pollution and with it reduce global warming.

Luz- Our goal is to raise awareness and with these children’s books it motivates the next generations to
take care of the planet and the species that are in danger of extinction so we can have a better world.

Jimena- I agree, and could we get a little sample from your book?

Luz- Of course! (Reads a page from one of 5e children’s books)

Lizzy- Wow, that looks like a great story. Now moving on, we are going to hear Juan Pablo’s interview
about the benefits and disadvantages of technology.
Group 3 Juan Pablo, Adrian, Javier

Juan Pablo- Thank you Lizzy we are here in Chicago today I’m going to show you how teenagers misuse
technology, come with us. Adrian is an activist and he’s going to tell us about the problem.

Adrián: Thanks Juan Pablo ,Today I am going to talk about why technology can be good. For example in
hospitals today have the technology to cure diseases, and schools it gives us more information about the
world and how it works, but technology can also be bad if you use it too long or incorrectly.

Juan Pablo : Thank you, Adrián, for your information. Now we are going to look for a teenager who
misuses technology. Hello, good morning. Can we ask you a few questions?

Javier: Yes of course.

Juan Pablo: How do you use technology? Do you consider you use it correctly?

Javier: I use technology for my school work and to play video games. It helps me do things easily. So I
think I use it correctly.

Juan P: How much time do you play?

Javier: Not so much really, about 3 hours a day.

Juan P: Do you think you depend on technology?

Javier: I think we all depend on it for so many things like school, work and even shopping but there are
somethings that I can do without it.

Juan P: Thank you for your opinions. So as you see this topic is still very controversial technology can be
good or bad depending on the use we give it. Back to you Jimena.

Jimena: That`s right we need to be careful how we use technology.

Lizzy: Especially young generations because it could also be unsafe.

Jimena: That is true, well our next story is about a team of producers who created a music video in
hopes of making a change in the world. Hania, Franco who are you with?

Group 4 Hania, Regina, Miranda, Franco

Hania: Thank you Jimena, well, we are here with a team of producers Regina and Miranda who created a
video about discrimination which has made so many people reflect on how we should treat others and
now we are going to ask them more about this video.

Regina: My team and I made this video to help others understand the topic of discrimination, and
exclusion. It is necessary to respect gender, language, culture and everything that represents a person,
which is why my team and I produced this video for everyone.
Franco: What did you want to achieve by making this video? What message do you want to give to the
audience to reduce discrimination when you recorded this video?

Regina: When we talk about racism we are talking about a type of discrimination this is why we have
made this video so people can think about their attitudes towards other people.

Miranda: That`s right, we wanted everyone to understand the message but in a creative way.

Hania: What goal did you want to achieve when you recorded this video?

Regina: The reflection we wanted to get from others is that you should not be prejudiced against people
and you should not judge others by what you see and you should not be disrespectful to other people
instead we should all be more empathetic.

Miranda: Our goal with this video is to show an idea of how discrimination and racism can affect
someone and we might not realize. Discrimination can really damage a person`s mental and emotional

Franco: Wow, I am so glad people like you are trying to help this world by sending positive messages
through short films, great job!

Regina and Miri: Thank you

Jimena: You really don’t realize what people feel or what they go through everyday.

Lizzy- I know it can be really tough. Well, now we have another group but these guys are songwriters.
Sarah can you tell us more about them?

Group 5 Sarah, Mickey, Sebastian, Pato

Victoria: Thank you, yes today we have some activists here who will explain a little about the issue of
consumerism and they will present a piece of their most recent success on this issue.

Victoria: hello guys, how are you, today we want to know what is happening with this issue of
consumerism, how about we start with the objective of this project?

Mickey: The objective of this song is for you to know what consumerism is and its consequences, for
example, a consequence apart from the fact that you run out of money, industries have to produce more
plastic and that contaminantes our planet.

Victoria: Yeah that`s not very good, and can you explain to us what was the problem that inspired you to
write this song?

Sebastian : Oh, yes well, the culture of consumerism comes from the capitalist system and
industrialization. Starting in the 20th century, people are offered more products and services, which
invites them to buy more and more.
Mickey: True but the major causes for the evolution of consumerism have been the continuous rise in
prices, underperformance of product, quality of the service, shortage of product and deceptive

Pato: Yes and the main consequence to highlight is the excessive use of natural resources and the
enormous generation of waste. In fact, consumerism creates most of the pollution in the world in
general, as the environmental impact of this is quite negative.

Victoria: That sounds bad but do you have any ideas on how to solve this problem since it is something
very common today and it will be something very difficult, it could be said almost impossible because it
is something that is very normalized so what can we do?

Mickey: Well, in my point of view, consumerism is something very difficult to solve since it has been
around for a long time and it may be almost impossible to solve, but we can do small things like applying
the rule of the three "R"

Sebastian: Correct, we could reduce how much we are actually consuming.

Pato: Reuse whatever we can before considering it trash.

Mickey: And recycle what we can like plastic bottels or paper.

Victoria: So now talking about this awesome song which we will hear in a minute, what was the
objective while producing it and what message did you want to convey to the people who listen to it?

Mickey: The goal of the song is for people to understand that consumerism is very bad because as long
as people continue buying, apart from running out of money, they have to produce more product and
that contaminates

Sebastian: I think that our message how spread by many people and understands it. Is important that if
they listen and understand they do something to change it

Victoria: And how do you think it will change the way listeners think?

Pato: Well, we think that the song can make people change their way of thinking since it is a song that
transmits reflection and empathy for the planet.

Victoria: Wow now what do you think if we listen to a bit of the song?

3: sure!!

Jime- Thank you, what a great way to end today’s show with this creative song.

Lizzy- That’s right we have had lots of amazing guest today with important proyects and products to help
create a better world. But we seem to have run out of time.

Jime- You are right Lizzy, we thank our audience for watching, untill next next time!
Group 6 Closing Torre, Emiliano, Valeria

Torre: thank you everyone for paying attention. It has been a pleasure having you here and explaining to
you what we have done in our English and global Citizenship classes. We went across all the Knotion
Challenges that we have seen during the 1st months of school to gather all these products. Now my
classmate, Valeria will explain to you how we work with Knotion.

Valeria: Knotion is the platform that we work with at school. It has 8 challenges, each is characterized for
having a topic that teaches us how to become better citizens. First we are introduced to each topic with
videos and articles, then we are given activities to investigate more about it. Finally, we are given time to
create a product to help talk about the issue for example comic, videos, and songs.

Cruz: I will talk to you about what messages Knotion gives us. I want to start by saying Knotion is not just
platform, it is much more than that. Knotion shows us how to be better citizens, it shows us how to give
the future generations a better life. With each challenge, Knotion makes changemakers.

Torre: Thank you for coming to this presentation and watching me and my classmates.

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