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Wensday 7th March of 2018


How to feed the world:
In this video we can see the actions that we need to do for end the hunger to the world. We can think that it´s very
easy by just donating to many foundations and donate food. But actually when I hear that 80% of the farmers are
undernourish it´s really a big problem, also that almost all the people live in the south region. Not just for the
farmers but to ourselves because it explains that we are consuming a lot of food each day and there´s less people
that are cultivating them. One of the main causes can be the fact that there´s not enough support for the farmers. I
was way wrong about this issue because I´d think that the solution would be to donate food to these countries
they need it but we actually we have to come up with a plan to support this families to farm and create food to the

The Harvest:
This video I was touched to see the daily effort that families made every day to work in the fields and that they give
up their dreams to work and support their families. I think that we are not giving enough importance to the food
that we are eating. And we don’t appreciate the effort that cost to produce food and the daily waste that we do. I
was shocked about the fact of how many hours the kids spend working for us to have food. I can´t imagine the
fact that how many families of the southern region can stop being undernourished if this food instead of being
thrown away. We have to start with changing our habits and to contribute to care about the society and the world.

The Waste:
We could say about this video that its really focus on how much we are spending on food, for me I think that one
of the countries that waste a lot of food is United States. I was shocked about the fact that every year 3 million
tons of food are thrown in the garbage. It really make you think of how could we be so careless about the others.
And how many people need food to survive.

Nokia HK Honey:
This video was a different perspective of the others because we see here that we are far away from the connection
between human and nature, we forget about our roots and that also we need nature in our lives. Here explain how
the city can brake that bond that we have with nature and also that how this entrepreneur is creating a business
but also that all the challenges that he faces to bring nature in a city.

TED Talks:
This video combines the purpose of the previous four because we see here that the speaker starts with all the
waste of food that makes you see how the society in general doesn’t value the only way of surviving but I really like
how she mentioned the monopoly of food and the risks that this has. But this video makes you see the history of
food, because she explains how cities were built around food and the connection that once our society had with
nature and how we are losing that connection, but I think that we can really see the permaculture as a solution to a
problem that we need to address.

A01704005 Emmanuel Domínguez Sánchez

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