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Identification: Prints – Footprints

K Krishan, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India

T Kanchan, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal University, Mangalore, India
r 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This article is a revision of the previous edition article by T. Brown, G.N. Rutty, volume 3, pp 13 –18, r 2005, Elsevier Ltd.


A footprint is an impressed representation of the morphological features of the weight-bearing areas of the
plantar surface of the foot. Studies have shown that a footprint is unique to a person. Whenever the
plantar surface of the foot comes in contact with surfaces such as a hard or muddy floor, snow, etc., it
leaves an impression with various morphological and individual features. The plantar surface also leaves
footprints on the insoles of footwear. Therefore, footprint evidence recovered from a crime scene can be
important in linking an individual with a crime. This chapter explores various issues related to footprints,
how they are recovered and collected from the scene of crime, their morphological and individual
characteristics, various methods of analysis and examination of footprints, estimation of the biological
profile of an individual from footprints by estimation of stature and sex, relationship of body weight and
footprints, and dermatoglyphic features such as footprint ridge density.

Introduction complete, are inadvertently left by the culprits. Foot

impressions found at a crime scene can be two-dimen-
“Forensic podiatry is the application of sound and re- sional as well as three-dimensional. On a two-dimen-
searched podiatric knowledge and experience in forensic sional surface, the bare human foot is known to leave
investigations, to show the association of an individual relatively consistent foot impressions with little effect
with a scene of crime, or to answer any other legal due to slippage or distortion. However, problems are
question concerned with the foot or footwear that re- encountered when foot impressions are made in three-
quires knowledge of the functioning foot” (Vernon and dimensional substrates such as sand or mud. In some
McCourt, 1999; DiMaggio and Vernon, 2011). Thus, cases, the culprit may leave a trail of footprints which
forensic podiatry deals with presentation and interpret- may point towards movement at the crime scene. Al-
ation of the evidence pertaining to feet, footprints, though bare footprints in general are not as common as
footwear, and foot bones in a legal setting. Forensic the evidence related to footwear at the scene of crime, in
podiatry may concern issues related to human identifi- certain cases, such as sexual assaults/rapes and murders,
cation, linking a suspect with a crime scene or resolving footprint evidence may be quite common (Reel et al.,
legal issues concerned with the function of the foot. 2010; Kanchan et al., 2012). Footprints are likely to be
Forensic podiatry is a relatively new and growing spe- found less frequently in Western countries with their
ciality in the broad field of forensic sciences. One of the temperate climate than in other parts of the world,
tasks of the forensic podiatrist is to help in establishing particularly in developing countries such as India where
the personal identity of the individuals in crime scene people walk barefoot owing to climatic conditions, and
investigations. The pedal evidence may be in the form of religious and economic reasons.
dynamic and static footprints, foot impressions on the
insoles of footwear, i.e., shoes etc., on a variety of sur-
faces, in substrates such as soils, sand, or snow. Some- History
times, partial or complete pedal remains are found
which can be identified by comparing them with the Examination of footprints and its use in criminal in-
available antemortem records such as X-rays. At times, vestigations has a long history. The use of footprints in
forensic podiatrists may be involved in analyzing tracking criminals dates back to 1888 when a criminal
and comparing the gait of unknown individuals based by the name of LeDru was identified from footprints he
upon the evidence of series of foot impressions and left at the crime scene. For decades, police investigating
CCTV footage. agencies in the Indian subcontinent have used a local
Footprints are important evidence frequently re- trained footprint tracker called a ‘khoji’ (a traditional
covered from various crime scenes. It is likely that a detective who studies and tracks footprints recovered at
perpetrator will leave footwear impressions in crimes a crime scene to their destination and locates and in-
such as robbery, shoplifting, murder, sexual assaults, terrogates witnesses or anyone who can offer clues to
etc.; at times bare footprints, both partial as well as the identity of the perpetrators) (Kanchan et al., 2012).

Encyclopedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine, Volume 3 doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800034-2.00209-3 81

82 Identification: Prints – Footprints

The ‘khojis’ used to study the individual characteristics about general procedures related to identification and
and unique features which helped them to track the presentation of pedal evidence and other legal know-
perpetrators. ‘Khojis’ however, are no longer used in ledge applicable to current cases.
modern day investigations. In 1985, Louise M. Robbins published a book on
The famous Ruxton murder case of 1935 illustrated footprints entitled Footprints – Collection, Analysis
the use of foot casts that assisted in the identification of and Interpretation. The book is based upon her experi-
the mutilated body parts of Isabella Ruxton and her ence as a physical and forensic anthropologist, her
maid. In this particular case, Dr. Ruxton had killed and forensic casework related to footprint evidence, and
dismembered his wife and their housemaid. When the her footprint research on 514 subjects. The book de-
feet of the victims were discovered during the investi- scribes the collection methods in detail and analyzes
gations, casts were made from them which were sub- the footprints in both qualitative and quantitative
sequently shown to fit the missing women’s shoes. In terms, such as morphological features and various geo-
1953, New Scotland Yard reported a case where a thief metric measurements of the foot, footprints, and foot
had left his shoes at a crime scene. The suspect denied his outlines. The book further elaborates on the estimation
presence at the crime scene and also rejected the claim of height and body weight from complete and partial
that the shoes belonged to him. However, he willingly footprints in both the sexes. The only textbook dedi-
volunteered an old pair of his boots for comparison with cated to this discipline is Forensic Podiatry – Principles
the shoes found at the crime scene. After analysis, it was and Methods by DiMaggio and Vernon (2011). This
held that the shoes and boots exhibited the same unusual textbook clarifies the use of pedal evidence in forensic
wear patterns on the outside. When casting material was examinations.
poured into the shoes and the boots for comparison of
the insole patterns, the casts were very similar and the
thief was convicted (Kennedy, 2000). Thus, footprints Morphological and Individual Characteristics of
have been widely used in criminal investigations and Footprints
forensic identification throughout the world. There are
many such cases where criminals were convicted on the A footprint is considered to be an impression of the
basis of footprints recovered as crime scene evidence. morphological features or shape of the weight-bearing
areas of the plantar surface of the foot. The plantar
surface leaves an impression of its various morpho-
American Society of Forensic Podiatry, and Various logical features on whichever surface it comes in contact
Programs Relating to Footprints with, be it a floor or the insole of the shoes (Krishan,
2007; Robbins, 1978). The shape, size, form, and other
Pedal evidence found at a crime scene is recognized and features of the footprint are not only unique to an in-
accepted in different courts of law. Considering the im- dividual but also can provide valuable clues regarding
portance of footprints and other pedal evidence in fo- the personal identity of the individuals in forensic
rensic investigations, the American Society of Forensic examinations. The variations in morphology of the foot
Podiatry (ASFP) was formed in September 2003. At are the product of heredity and environment, and may
present, it is the only organization in the world dedi- be due to the particular alignment of the bones to one
cated to the use of podiatry in forensic sciences. The another, and even the way in which they are held by
main aims of the ASFP were to promote the use of po- connective tissues. This alignment of the bones differs
diatry in forensic cases utilizing the analysis and evalu- not only among individuals but also between the left and
ation of evidence related to the human foot, and to right feet of the same individual (Robbins, 1985; Ken-
develop and maintain the highest standards of practice nedy, 1996). This is why two feet cannot make identical
in the discipline (see American Society of Forensic Po- footprints; even identical twins (monozygotic) do not
diatry, The other important have identical footprints.
aim of the organization is to develop a worldwide The shape of the footprint may be normal, flatfoot,
database of footprints, similar to other biometric char- semi-flatfoot, curved foot, or one of the variations pos-
acteristics such as fingerprints. In July 2007, the ASFP sible among the different types. Flatfoot (pes planus) is
members also established a forensic podiatry sub- defined as the condition in which the foot does not have
committee within the structure of the International As- a normal arch, and thus, the complete instep region of
sociation of Identification (IAI); the oldest and largest the plantar surface of the foot is impressed on the sur-
forensic organization in the world. face (Figure 1). In some individuals a semi-flatfoot
Forensic podiatry groups are established at the New condition can be seen. In a study by Krishan (2007), the
York College of Podiatric Medicine as well as at the frequency of flatfoot in an adult population from a re-
Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine. In these gion in North India was found to be 1.54%. The
schools, the DPM (Degree in Podiatric Medicine) stu- frequency, however, may vary among different popu-
dents learn not only about forensic podiatry but also lations. Flatfoot is observed more commonly on the left
Identification: Prints – Footprints 83


Toe stem

Figure 2 A footprint showing a typical toe-line curvature and humps

on the ball line and toe stem; the instep region (arch region) of the
footprint is not impressed.

Figure 1 A footprint showing that the length of the second toe from
the heel is greater than that of the first toe, varying degrees of and 3.85% right). The (c) type was the least frequent
interspaces between the toes, and a typical flatfoot appearance. (0.86%) type of footprint.
The toe area forms an important part of footprint
morphology. The shape and size of the toe vary to a
than on the right side. The individualistic characteristics great extent from individual to individual. Long toes,
of the footprints are also used in studying the biological short toes, round toes, missing toes, partially cut toes,
variations in individuals as well as populations and and damaged toes can sometimes be used to base an
hence form a part of forensic anthropology casework. opinion regarding personal identification (Laskowski
Footprints can be classified into four types based on and Vernon, 1988). The position of the toe pad, inter-
the relative morphological lengths of the first, second, spaces between the toes, distance of each toe pad from
and third toes. These toe lengths are known to vary the ball region/line, and contours of the toe pad (oval,
among individuals as well as populations (Figure 1). The rounded, long, and short) may also show unique fea-
four easily distinguishable types include: (a) when tures (Figure 2). Similarly, the presence or absence of the
T14T2, (b) when T24T1, (c) when T34T1 and T2, toe stem may also be considered important. A big toe
and (d) when T1¼T2 T3. ¼ Krishan (2007) in his study stem (toe-1 stem) is usually impressed in a footprint;
on 1040 adult males from north India showed that the however, stem impressions of toes 2, 3, and 4 and per-
frequency of the (a) type is the highest (62.50% on the haps toe 5 are rarely seen in a footprint (Krishan, 2007).
left and 62.21% on the right side), followed by (b) type The number and shape of humps in the toe or ball line
(32.88% left and 33.07% right) and (d) type (3.75% left (Figure 2) also vary in the footprints of different
84 Identification: Prints – Footprints

Crease marks

Single vertical
crease mark

(a) (b)

Figure 3 (a) A footprint showing numerous crease marks in the ball region. (b) A footprint showing a single vertical big crease mark running
through the ball region.

individuals. A hump may be defined as a protruding

curvature in the ball line. The hump may be straight,
curved, bulging, or irregular. The toe line can have one,
two, or more humps, or no humps.
Another individual characteristic often present in
footprints are crease marks. Crease marks are formed
by the skinfolds in the plantar surface of the foot.
These creases may be long lasting or temporary and
both can help in identification of the individuals.
Crease marks can be in a vertical direction, horizontal,
crossed in some cases, and in different directions in
others. In a population crease marks are found to be
more prevalent in females than males, and in flat feet
compared to normal feet. Not a footprints show
crease marks; whereas some prints have a single big Hallux valgus
crease mark running through the ball region, others (bunion deformity)
may have numerous crease marks in the ball as well as
Figure 4 Feet of the same person showing hallux valgus (bunions).
in the instep region (Figure 3).
Identity may also be based upon deformities (Fig-
ure 4) and other peculiar characteristics of footprints. characteristics of footprints, there can be other tempor-
One such rare characteristic is the presence of horizontal ary peculiarities such as pits, cracks, corns, wounds,
ridges running across the instep region, as demon- etc., which may be helpful in establishing identity in
strated by Krishan (2007). In addition to the above certain cases.
Identification: Prints – Footprints 85

Collection of Footprints at the Crime Scene

Collection of evidence from a crime scene is one of

the essential and important parts of a criminal investi-
gation. The investigator needs to look for pedal evidence
immediately upon entering the crime scene and
take appropriate action to locate and preserve that evi-
dence (DiMaggio, 2008). A systematic search needs to
be performed on walkways, building entryways, and
exterior areas. Pedal evidence such as partial and com-
plete footprints recovered at a crime scene needs to be
transported to the laboratory for further analysis since
these cannot be analyzed and evaluated at the crime
scene. Sometimes prints cannot be seen with the naked
eye and may have to be enhanced using UV light. There
are various methods of collecting footprint evidence
from the scene of crime. The methods depend upon the
circumstances in which the footprints are found. There
are at least three methods for obtaining a permanent
record of footprints recovered from a crime scene:
photographing the original prints, casting the original
prints, and collecting the original prints. The original
footprint may be collected for analysis depending on the
surfaces and substrates on which the footprints are

Methods of Analyzing Footprints

In the past many authors have tried to devise different

methods for analyzing footprints; the ultimate aim is to
compare the questioned footprint with a print collected
from a known person. In addition, the analysis may also
help to determine the biological profile of an unknown
footprint by estimation of stature and sex. The main
purpose of the investigator is to describe the footprint
being examined in detail. In the first instance, the mor-
Figure 5 Footwear (bathroom slipper) showing footprints (prints of
phological features of the footprints such as peculiarities
the weight-bearing areas of the plantar surface) on its insole.
and special features of the toe, ball, arch, and heel region
are noted. The shape, size, orientation, and angulations
of the features are also taken into consideration, which
The individual characteristics of footprints can may help in the identification process.
also be noted from the insoles of footwear. The im-
pression of the weight-bearing areas of the plantar
Norman Gunn Method
surface of the foot, i.e., the impression of the toes
and toe line, impression of the ball region of the foot, Dr. Norman Gunn, a Canadian forensic podiatrist, de-
area of the instep region of the foot which is usually vised this method of analyzing footprints in the early
impressed, and the heel region, can cause discoloration 1970s and the method is described in DiMaggio and
and marks inside footwear (Figure 5). These impressions Vernon (2011). In this method, six lines are drawn – five
may be compared while examining shoes/footwear left from the rearmost part of the heel of the footprints to the
at crime scenes. Thus, footwear can be compared with anterior-most part of each of the five toes. The sixth line
the suspect’s footprints for individual characteristics. At is drawn across the widest part of the ball of the foot-
times, any wear and tear of the outer sole of the suspect’s print area (Figure 6(a)). Then the measurement of each
footwear and known footwear are also examined and of the lines is taken and recorded. These measurements
compared/matched. The wear pattern should be con- can be compared with corresponding measurements of
sistent in both the footwear if worn by the same person the questioned footprints. Gunn introduced another
for some time. approach (Figure 6(b)) for analysis of partial footprints
86 Identification: Prints – Footprints

(a) (b)
Figure 6 (a) A footprint analysis according to the Norman Gunn method, i.e., five toe length measurements from the heel and one foot breadth
measurement; (b) another use of the Norman Gunn method when partial footprints are available for examination (here any of the points used to
draw the six basic lines can be used as reference points for adding further lines).

to strengthen the evidence provided. According to the ‘diagonal method’ (Figure 7(b)), the distance from
DiMaggio and Vernon (2011), any of the points used to the terminal landmark of each toe to the pternion
draw the basic six lines in this approach can be used as landmark at the heel (the most posterior point of the
reference points for adding further lines. heel) is taken for five footprint length measurements.
Here the Robbins’ grid serves as a ruler by using a metric
scale along the sides of the grid. In cases where a Rob-
Robbins’s Diagonal and Parallel Axis Method
bins’ grid is not available, a metric ruler can serve the
The diagonal and parallel axis method of footprint an- purpose of measuring the foot. As shown in Figure 7(b),
alysis was devised in 1976 by Louise M. Robbins, the diagonal measurement is taken by positioning the
a forensic anthropologist from the United States. The ruler’s zero point or the metric scale’s zero point on the
method is explained in her book entitled Footprints: side of the grid of the pternion landmark (Robbins,
Collection, Analysis and Interpretation. Robbins de- 1985). The length of the ruler or grid is positioned from
scribed both qualitative as well as quantitative methods the pternion to the terminal landmark of each toe and
of footprint analysis. She described various morpho- the measurements are recorded. Similarly Robbins
logical features in each part of the footprint such as (1985) defined various measurements for each part of
the individual characteristics in the toe area and the foot, such as length–breadth measurements of the
ball region. She also explained various contours of the toes, ball region, instep region as well as heel region.
arch and heel region of the footprint that may help in Some of the important measurements, i.e., footprint
the identification process. For her quantitative method length measurements from the toes to the heel and
she developed a specially designed transparent metric footprint breadth measurements at the ball and heel with
grid, called the ‘Robbins’ grid,’ for analyzing footprints. different landmarks, are shown in Figure 8.
She divided the footprint into 10 sections representing Barker and Scheuer (1998) revised the Robbins
the morphological features such as the toes, ball, arch, method of linear measurements. They collected data on
and heel, as well as shape contours. She defined desig- walking and standing footprints from 105 subjects.
nated longitudinal axis (DLA) and the base line (BL) Standard construction lines were made on each print
perpendicular to it for providing alignment for the par- according to a series of predetermined rules (Figure 9).
allel axis and diagonal axis measurements of the foot- The construction lines were secondary to a central ‘lin-
print. For the ‘parallel axis method’ (Figure 7(a)), the ear axis’ that passed through the footprint between the
distance from the terminal landmark of each toe to first and second toes. This method ensures reproduci-
the BL is measured parallel to the DLA. However, for bility in measurements taken from footprints.
Identification: Prints – Footprints 87



(a) 90 BL (b) BL
Figure 7 (a) Parallel axis method of footprint analysis as devised by Robbins; (b) diagonal axis method of footprint analysis as devised by
Robbins (this method is similar to the one devised by Norman Gunn; however, Robbins utilized DLA and BL with various defined landmarks for
taking measurements).

The Optical Center Method impressions was obtained, the data were entered into the
system and compared with the features of previously
The Optical Center method was introduced by Kennedy
entered impressions. The results obtained from this study
in the 1990s while working with the Royal Canadian
have shown that a significant degree of individuality can
Mounted Police. Since 1989 a database of approximately
be established for barefoot impressions. To date, there are
4000 footprints has been compiled by the Royal Can-
no two impressions that share the same characteristics.
adian Mounted Police to study the uniqueness of bare
Kennedy also found that only three to five input meas-
foot morphology. Inked two-dimensional impressions
were taken from volunteers and 38 measurements were urements were required to eliminate all other impressions
entered into a computerized database along with a tra- from the search. To increase the chances of a positive
cing of each footprint. The optical center of the toes and chance match, a 75 mm error range was arbitrarily given
heel were introduced as landmarks to obtain a greater to each measurement. Even with this variance, all the
range of barefoot dimensions. In this method, Kennedy other impressions were eliminated using no more than 15
illustrated the use of the optical center of the heel to en- input measurements. Blind searches were also used where
sure reproducibility for foot measurements. He used a the inked impression may or may not have been present
simple concentric circle template to identify the optical in the database. In each case, the impression was correctly
center of the heel and then took measurements to the identified or eliminated from the database search.
optical center of the toes as well as to points on the
metatarsal ridge, and finally, as with other methods, Estimation of Biological Profile from Footprints
peripheral point measurements (Figure 10). A computer
database was used to store and compare the measure- It is accepted that a mature foot and its impression are
ments from each barefoot impression. As each new set of not only unique to an individual but can also provide
88 Identification: Prints – Footprints

d1.t 4
c 5



 2

cc.m  Figure 9 Barker and Scheuer method of footprint analysis (linear

ctu.I axis method). (1) Linear axis: from the apex of the heel through the
arch and ball regions, passing through a point equidistant between
the first and second toes. (2) Heel line: drawn perpendicular to the
90 linear axis, to pass through a tangent of the heel. (3) A perpendicular
pte BL construction line drawn from the heel line through a tangent of the
medial aspect of the heel print. ‘Heel width’ can then be measured
Figure 8 A footprint showing five toe length measurements and perpendicularly from the intercept to the lateral border of the print (a).
breadths at the ball and heel as taken by Robbins with different (4) Toe line: drawn perpendicular to the linear axis, to pass through a
landmarks. Various landmarks: d1.t, d2.t, d3.t, d4.t, and d5.t are the tangent to the most distal point of the footprint. Print length is
anteriormost points of each toe for taking foot length measurements. measured along the linear axis from the heel line to the toe line (b).
pte, pternion (mid-rear heel point); mt.m, medial metatarsal point; mt. ‘Big toe length’ is the distance from the ball intersection with the ball
l, lateral metatarsal point; cc.m, calcaneal concavity medial; ctu.l, print (c). (5) Perpendicular construction lines are dropped from the
calcaneal tubercle lateral. toe line to pass through tangents to the ball print both medially and
laterally. The ‘ball width’ (d) is measured between these
perpendiculars along the toe line.
very valuable clues regarding the personal identity in
forensic examinations. In cases where footprints are re-
covered from a crime scene and the investigating officer of suspects in a particular case and will help the investi-
has no suspect for the comparison, it is the job of that gating officer to focus on a suspect whose profile matches
officer to obtain clues about the body size of the per- with the estimated parameters from the footprints.
petrator. In certain cases the footprints may reveal im-
portant information about the biological profile of the
person involved in the crime. In forensic anthropological Estimation of Stature from Footprints
terms, the biological profile refers to determination of
age, sex, stature, ethnicity, and body weight. These Footprints may be considered as indicators of skeletal
parameters help in establishing the identity of the per- and body structure of a person. Estimation of stature
son. Though it is very difficult to associate a foot im- from footprints is based upon the fact that as with other
pression with age and ethnicity of a person, there are parts of the body, the foot size has a definite and positive
studies that show a correlation of stature, sex, and body relationship with stature of an individual. Using this
weight with footprints. Thus, the biological profile may paleoanthropologists were able to predict the body
be established from the footprints. Establishing the size of an early hominid Australopithecus from a series
biological profile may further narrow down the number of 3.6 million-year-old fossilized footprints preserved in
Identification: Prints – Footprints 89

models as well as multiplication factors for estimation of

stature from various length and breadth measurements
of the footprints.

Estimation of Sex from Footprints

Morphologically, there are certain differences in the feet

of males and females. However, it is a little difficult to
ascertain sex from footprints recovered from a crime
scene. In the past studies have shown that for a given
stature, on average, the feet of males are longer and
broader than females. Females are also known to have a
smaller instep circumference. Body weight may have an
effect on the overall structure of the foot and this may
prove useful as males, on average, are heavier than
females. All these differences may be reflected in the
footprint and can provide clues to an experienced re-
searcher/examiner as to the sex of the perpetrator.
There are a few studies available on anthropometric
dimensions of feet, where the authors measured the
length and breadth in an attempt to estimate the sex
from foot dimensions (Atamturk, 2010; Krishan et al.,
2011, 2012; Sen et al., 2011). These studies show that
the foot dimensions in males are larger than females and
that the sex determination from these dimensions is
based upon either regression analysis or sectioning point
analysis. All these studies on the estimation of sex were
based on foot dimensions, except for two studies
(Atamturk, 2010; Kanchan et al., 2014) which at-
tempted sex estimation from footprint dimensions.
Atamturk (2010) measured footprints for length,
Figure 10 The optical center method of footprint analysis. breadth at ball, and for heel breadth in 506 Turkish
males and females. She concluded that sex can be cor-
rectly assigned in up to 82–96% using multivariate an-
volcanic ash in Laetoli, Tanzania. According to Robbins alysis on this sample. Kanchan et al. (2014) devised a
(1985), the way in which length and breadth measure- new method of sex determination using a heel–ball
ments of footprints correlate with the stature of a person index on footprints of Indian origin. They measured
is another kind of individual information that can be footprint breadth at ball (BBAL) and footprint breadth
collected. Various studies conducted on the relationship at heel (BHEL), and the heel–ball index of a footprint
between stature and footprint length–breadth measure- was derived as (BHELCBBAL) ×100. They showed
ments have found a strong and positive correlation be- that the heel and ball measurements of the footprints
tween the two. Apart from the footprint length were larger in males than females. However, the sex
measurements, the correlations between stature and differences in the heel–ball index were statistically
width at ball and heel were also found to be positive; insignificant.
however, the correlations between stature and breadth
at the ball are slightly higher than between stature and
heel breadth. This may be clarified by the explanation Footprints and Body Weight
provided by Robbins (1986) that the vertical height
must be supported by an adequate base and that the For the first time, Robbins (1985, 1986) studied the
base must have an adequate width as well as length. relationship between body weight and footprints in 550
In estimation of stature from footprints, pioneering American subjects. She found a positive correlation be-
work has been conducted by Robbins (1986), Jasuja tween the body weight and the length–breadth meas-
and Manjula (1993), Krishan (2008b), Fawzy and urements of the footprints; however, the values of
Kamal (2010), Reel et al. (2012), Kanchan et al. correlations were not as high as the correlations of
(2012), and Hemy et al. (2013). These researchers footprint measurements with the stature of a person.
have derived univariate and multivariate regression This may be attributed to the fact that in most cases
90 Identification: Prints – Footprints

body weight is much more easily altered than the stat- It has been observed that the fingerprints of females have
ure. Thus, the reliability and accuracy of body weight finer epidermal ridge detail than males (Acree, 1999).
estimation is less than the estimation of stature from the As a result, females have significantly higher ridge
same footprint measurements. As per the Robbins’ density in a defined space of a fingerprint than males.
method, the body weight of a person may be estimated Kanchan et al. (2012a) observed sex-related variations
from a scattergram as well as from regression equations. in the footprint ridge density of south Indian subjects.
Krishan (2008a) modified the method used by Rob- They studied ridge density in footprints following the
bins to estimate body weight from the different meas- method devised by Acree (1999). They defined four
urements of footprints. He studied the effect of areas in footprints (Figure 11), which included the
additional weight on the dimensions of footprints. For medial border of the great toe (F1), the ball of the great
the same reason, he not only studied the footprints of
study participants, but also their footprints when the
participants were holding 5 kg and 20 kg weights. Thus,
three types of footprints based on the original and F1
additional weights were analyzed and compared.
Krishan (2008a) reported a positive and strong correl-
ation between the body weight and length–breadth
measurements of the three types of footprints. The cor-
relation coefficients of breadth at ball with the body
weight were found to be higher and comparable to the
correlations of the body weight with footprint length
measurements. The footprints of persons carrying a
20 kg weight showed even higher correlation values. F3
According to Krishan (2008a), this is due to the fact that
persons of heavier weight tend to have larger breadths
across their ball region. Thus, the body weight of a
person affects the footprint ball breadth to a greater
extent. The findings may be utilized in the examination
and interpretation of cases where perpetrators have
carried heavy items such as filled bags, leaving their
normal footprints along with the weight-bearing foot-
prints at the crime scene.

Dermatoglyphic Features of Footprints and Footprint

Ridge Density

Dermatoglyphics is the study of ridge patterns of the

skin. It is well established that the ridge patterns of the
fingerprints are unique and help in personal identifi-
cation. Fingerprints are often used to make formal
identifications and are still used as evidence in linking a F4
suspect to a particular crime scene. Despite the value of
fingerprints in forensic investigations, relatively little
work has been carried out into plantar dermatoglyphics.
Footprint identification using dermatoglyphic features of 25 mm2 area (not to scale)
the plantar surface is regarded as being no less valuable,
Figure 11 Footprint ridge density method for determination of sex;
where available, than identification by fingerprints. If in order to measure the ridge density or the number of ridges in a
plantar friction ridge detail is observed, then a positive given space, a 5 mm × 5 mm square is drawn on a transparent film
identification can be made in exactly the same way as and placed on the footprint in four areas; the count is carried out
fingerprint identification. diagonally on this square with the help of a magnifying glass
The ridge density is defined as the number of ridges in following a method given by Acree (1999). This value represents the
number of ridges in a 25 mm2 area and reflects the ridge density
a defined space of finger, palm, and footprints. This is
value. The sex differences in footprint ridge density can be calculated
another trait of human morphology in which sexual using various statistical methods. The four areas on the footprint are
dimorphism can be demonstrated. Many studies per- defined as follows: F1: medial border of the great toe; F2: the ball of
taining to variability of fingerprint ridge density and its the great toe; F3: the ball of the 5th toe below the triradius point; F4:
use in the determination of sex have been conducted. the central prominent part of the heel.
Identification: Prints – Footprints 91

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