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New Job, New Me

Mikey, Ellie, Landon

● Recent college graduate, Jason is new to the workforce
● Wants to stand out
● Is young compared to the rest
● Gets an opportunity to help
● Wants to try being successful, but is being
Main Themes

Advocacy for ability

Respecting Authority Feeling Valued

Being sure of oneself

Advocating for your abilities

Be aware of your abilities

Don’t be afraid to speak out for yourself
Respecting Authority

Gain their trust

Show that you value their opinions
Leadership through learning
Being Sure of Oneself

Show confidence in your work

Back-up thoughts and ideas
Show that your work is relevant and
-Born on July 31, 1965- - She wrote her first book when she was 6 titled Rabbit -
-Lived off government welfare before making it big- -She is a single mother-

Zadie Smith Barbra Park J.K Rowling

J.K Rowling
- Harry Potter was her most successful
- She wrote the first book hopping between
cafes with her daughter
- HP was initially rejected numerous times
- HP was finally accepted by a small agency
who only printed 500 copies
He was born on December 5, 1901 He was a high school dropout

He almost sold vacuum cleaners for a living He was a famous animator

Created many fictional characters for what is now a $130 million company

-Seth Mcfarlane- -Walt Disney-- -Chuck Jones-

Walt Disney
Turned down 302 times before getting financing for
creating his dream, Walt Disney World

Won 22 academy awards

Disneyland first opened on July 5, 1955

2nd largest grossing cable and broadcasting company

Leadership Theory Definition

● Trait Theory
○ Comes from Great Man Theory

“Leaders are born, not made”

Leadership Theory Explained

Trait Leadership

● Perseverance
● Use what you can bring to the job
● Show your leadership through your work
● Show that you are confident
● Show that you can benefit the group in your
own way
● Perseverance
○ Be okay with not being taken seriously for a while
○ Learn more about how things work
○ When the time is right, use your traits to benefit the job in a unique
● Work outside the box
○ Impress others and show your worth
○ Think the way they don’t
Mikey Ellie Landon

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