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- Come about
o Happen (=ocurrir, suceder, pasar) ocurrir pero espontáneamente sin intención plena
de la persona
 Dave idea to start a new job, came about after he lost his job
- Go about
o Manejarse/comportarse
 She goes about as if she owns the place
o Ir de un lugar a otro/vagar
 She goes about from place to place, taking casual Jobs wherever she can
o Tackle
 How am I go about to paint te ceiling when I have no stair?
- Bring about
o Proporcionar/provocar/producer/dar lugar
 Every party promised that they would bring about a good change to the
- Set about
o Sth: start doing (= ponerse a)
 I set about studying the C2 level of English.
o Sb: attack
 La Manada set about the girl when she was alone

- Show up
o Aparecer
 Manuel didn’t shown up at the Chistmast lunch
- Build up
o Build sth. up/ build up sth.: Figurative: desarrollar
 When I was young I dreamt to build up my own empire
 Construir: They built up the wall using bricks made from local stone
o Reforzar
 The victory without Lebron will help the Lakers to build up its victory
- Put up
o Display, mount
 He put up the picture for visitors to see
o Price: increase
 Venezuela has put up their price a 105% since the past year
o Raise
 The king lion put up their song when at the beginig of the film.
- Lay up
o Dejar en cama
 Flu can lay you up for several days
Collocations with traveller

- Frequent traveler
- Independent traveler
- Seasoned traveler
o Viajero experimentado
- Intrepid traveler
o Viajero intrépido
- Weary traveler
o Viajero cansado
- Discerning
o Having or showing good judgement
- Discerning traveler
o Viajero exigente
- An armchair traveler
o Viajero sendetario
- Inveterate traveler
o Viajero empedernido
- Unwary traveler
o Incauto

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