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Molina 1

Geonel Molina

Professor Smith

ENG 101

The TedTalk, “My Immigration Story”, by Tan Le is a very motivating and emotional

story she shared the story family and how her grandfather, mother and sister escaped from

Vietnam to look for a better life somewhere else. I really like this piece because there was a lot

of emotions going on from sad to happy and overcoming what they went through to survive and

to have life in the end. I also like how she kept talking about her grandma from beginning and

finishing her piece with her grandma she was the backbone of the story. This piece also

somewhat relates to the story I’m going to write about.

My father left me and mom from the Philippines and went to become a seaman to provide

for us. He travelled all over the world working his butt off, but we were still financially unstable.

So, looking for a better life, my father and my uncle hopped off the boat when they were

stationed in New York City, risking everything from being deported and becoming homeless.

The element that I may use to adopt Le’s essay is the emotion she expressed. How the

mood changes from being sad then changes to a positive mood.

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