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Molina 1

Geonel Molina

Professor Smith

ENG 101

Paper #3 Research Paper

5) Given the number of school shootings in the past 8 years, should teachers and school

administrators carry guns in schools? Explain using sample evidence.

THESIS: Teachers and schools administrators should carry concealed weapons in school due to

the increase in school shootings worldwide. With proper training and safe keeping, this can stop

the bad guy and decrease the casualties during unpredictable mass shootings.


Payne, D. (2018, April 17). Of course we should let teachers carry guns in school. Retrieved



This article talks about why teachers and administrators should carry concealed weapon with

proper training to avoid target attraction psychotic madmen. Schools are vulnerable so they

attack it because they know schools doesn’t have the right security and protection. There is less

people to intervene. But, if there is teachers that carry guns it would set some type of fear to their

Last Name 2

Payne, D. (2018, April 17). Of course we should let teachers carry guns in school. Retrieved



School shooting is happening all over the world, including Thailand. With terrorism lurking the

schools in Thailand teachers are trained to carry guns to survive attacks from terrorism.

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