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Name: __________________________ Date: __________

Hugo Chavez Nicolas Maduro Juan Guaido

Directions: Using the format below, work with a partner and write a bio-poem about the politician of your
choice! Good luck.

Line 1: First Name Only

Line 2: Lover of (list three things person loves)
Line 3: Giver of (list three things the person gives)
Line 4: Needs (list three things the person needs)
Line 5: Wants (list three things the person needs)
Line 6: Is good at (list three things the person is good at)
Line 7: Should work on (list three things the person needs to improve)
Line 8: Is similar to (list three people the person is similar to)
Line 9: Last Name Only

1. _____________________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________________

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