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Analyze relationships
presented in analogies and
supply other words or
expressions that complete an
What is analogy?

is a comparison between two things that

are usually thought to be different from
each other, but have some similarities.
They help us understand things by making
connections and seeing relationships
between them based on knowledge we
already possess.
Examples of analogy

1. Apple is to red while _____ is to yellow.

2.Tongue is to taste as _____ is to smell.
Types of analogy
1.Synonym (happy : joyful :: sad : depressed)
2.Antonym (inflation : deflation :: frail : strong)
3.Characteristic (tropical : hot :: polar : cold)
4.Part/Whole (finger : hand :: petal : flower)
5.Degree (mist : fog :: drizzle : tropical storm)
6.Type (golden retriever : dog :: salmon : fish)
7.Tool/Worker (pen : writer :: voice : singer)
8.Action/Object (fly : airplane :: drive : car)
9.Item/Purpose (knife : cut :: ruler : measure)
10.Product/Worker (poet : poem :: baker : pie)
Formative Assessment
A. Choose the word that completes the analogy and
identify the relationship of the pairs of words.

1. Friend is to enemy as love is to ________. ____________________________________

a. hate b. heart c. girlfriend

2. Pipe : water :: ________ : blood ____________________________________

a. heart b. vein c. hose

3. Asia : ________ :: Europe : Germany ____________________________________

a. China b. USA c. Tokyo

4. Intimidate :________ :: smile : befriend ____________________________________

a. Love b. study c. scare

5. Failure : Success:: life : ________ ____________________________________

a. birth b. death c. man

Choose the pair that expresses the same relationship
as the pair in each number.

1. Shout : wail :: _____: _____

a. laugh : smile
b. nap : doze
c. Cough : sneeze

2. unclear : statement_____:_____
a. Vague : idea
b. animated : attitude
c. silent : personality
3. massive : small::_____:_____
a. uncle : nephew
b. giant : dwarf
c. ocean : waves

4. member: club::_____:_____
a. star : constellation
b. earth : moon
c. actor : play
5. baseball : bat::_____:_____
a. football : team
b. soccer : goal
c. hockey : stick
Arrange the events in correct sequence. Write
numbers 1-5 in the blanks.
______There was once a man who lived in a large city. 
______Everything he tried had failed, and he didn't know
what to do anymore.
______The next day, the man continued on in his same way
and fell yet again!  This was terrible. 
______ For now, I suppose all I can really do is keep fighting. 
Even if I struggle or falter, that's OK- no one is
______The next morning, he got up and walked down a
different street.  He didn't fall, he made it to work
and he had a great day. 

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