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Unit 1

Reinforcement Worksheet 1

Name: Class: Date:

1. A classmate asks you how to locate yourself in space. Write a short text in which you explain it
mentioning points of reference, distances, and directions.

2. Make a plan of your school.

3. Locate the cardinal directions on your plan, then answer:

a. The school entrance is to the: .
b. The nurse’s office is to the: .
c. The bathroom is to the: .

3rd Grade Social Studies

Unit 1

Read the following text and answer the questions.

“Before Christ, there were some peoples, like the Babylonian, Persian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman,
that already used maps to locate themselves on Earth. …Now in modern times, cartography became
more exact since it incorporated math to make maps. Today, it has integrated other sciences and has
become very important to study Earth.”
Excerpt based on Atlas Escolar Básico IGM.

4. How has the evolution of cartography been throughout time?

5. What is the importance of using maps?

6. Write “parallels” or “meridians” under the images.

a. Explain what a parallel is and what a meridian is. Then, state their importance.

3rd Grade Social Studies

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