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Neurology Asia 2005; 10 : 67 – 77


Pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment

of cerebral malaria

Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand and Centre for Tropical
Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital, University of Oxford,

Infection with Plasmodium falciparum can cause severe disease in the non-immune individual.
Cerebral malaria is in most cases just one of the organs affected by the disease. The direct cause of coma
in cerebral malaria remains obscure. A compromised microcirculation, with sequestration of parasitized
erythrocytes, is central in the pathogenesis. Intravenous artesunate is superior to quinine in the
treatment of severe malaria, possibly because of its broader stage specificity, preventing young ring
forms to mature and sequester. Intravenous artesunate should become the treatment of choice in adults,
and possibly also in children. Since multi organ involvement is very common, supportive treatment is
essential to improve survival in this disease, which is responsible for more than one million deaths per

INTRODUCTION 105 till 106 merozoites are released into the

bloodstream. In malaria caused by P. vivax and
Severe malaria is a potentially fatal disease. Rapid
P. ovale, but not P. falciparum, some parasites
diagnosis and treatment is essential. It is a multi
stay behind in the liver; these hypnozoites can
system disease, but cerebral malaria, characterized
cause a relapse of the disease long after treatment
by unrousable coma, is one of the most common
of the blood stage infection. The merozoites
features. The direct cause of coma, which has a
quickly invade circulating erythrocytes, where
remarkable complete recovery in most of the
the erythrocytic cycle of the parasite begins. The
surviving cases, is not known. This paper will
parasite matures from a small ring form to the
review the pathophysiological and pathological
pigment containing trophozoite, and is named
changes associated with cerebral malaria, and the
schizont after division of the nucleus. After 48
clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment of hours the erythrocyte ruptures and 6 to 36
this condition. meroizoites are released, which will invade
passing erythrocytes. This gives an exponential
PATHOGENESIS expansion of the infection in the human host,
with a multiplication factor of around 10, but
The parasite sometimes up to 20, per new generation, as
Human malaria can be caused by Plasmodium observed in early studies with P. falciparum as a
falciparum, P. ovale, P. vivax and P. malariae, treatment for syphilis. 2 Thirteen days after
although clusters of malaria caused by P. knowlesi inoculation the parasite number has increased
jumping species from long-tailed macaque from about 10 till 1010 parasites, and the patient
monkeys to men have been described in Southeast starts to have fever. In the non-immune patient
Asia.1 The female Anopheles mosquito is the the disease can quickly progress into severe
vector, injecting the sporozoite form of the parasite disease if the infection is not treated, with an
when probing for a blood meal. After inoculation increase in the total number of parasites in the
the parasite hides and replicates in the liver for an body up to 1012 till 1013.3
average of 5.5 days in P. falciparum, after which

Address correspondence to: Dr AM Dondorp, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, 420/6 Rajvithi Road, Bangkok 10400, Thailand.

Neurology Asia December 2005

Cytoadherence. ‘knobs’ has revealed that knobs are positivily

charged (+20 mV), whereas the endothelial plasma
Although sporadically P. vivax is able to cause
membranes and receptors have a negative surface
severe disease in humans, including pulmonary
charge.14 This could contribute to the promiscuity
edema4 , haemoglobinuria and very rarely coma5 ,
of PfEMP1 for a great variety of receptors.
the vast majority of severe disease is caused by P.
Recently it has been suggested that platelets,
falciparum. Yet this is also the only species that
which express CD36, might serve as a sticky
induces cytoadherence to vascular endothelium
bridge between infected erythrocytes and the
of erythrocytes containing the mature forms of
endothelium, which could be particularly
the parasite. As the parasite matures, parasite
important in the brain microvasculature lacking
proteins are transported and inserted into the
CD36.15 Cytoadherence causes sequestration of
erythrocyte membrane. The high molecular
parasitized erythrocytes in the microcirculation,
transmembrane protein P. falciparum erythrocyte
mainly capillaries and post-capillary venules.
membrane protein 1 or PfEMP1 is the most
Autopsy studies show that sequestration is not
important ligand for cytoadherence.6 Under febrile
distributed equally throughout the body and is
conditions, which enhance expression, PfEMP1
greatest in the brain, but also prominent in the
mediated cytoadhesion begins at approximately
heart, eyes, liver, kidneys, intestines, and adipose
12 h of parasite development, 50% of the
tissue.16 It is also inhomogeneous in a specific
maximum effect is obtained at 14–16 h, and
vascular bed, with patent capillaries adjacent to
adherence is highly effective in the second half of
vessels packed with sequestered parasitized
the parasite life cycle.7 As a result late stages of
erythrocytes. Both light microscopic and electron
the parasite are only sparsely detected in a
microscopic studies have found that patients dying
peripheral blood slide, and when they do appear
from cerebral malaria have more prominent
in significant numbers (>20% of the total
sequestration in the brain microvasculature
parasites) this is a poor prognostic sign
compared to severe but non-comatose fatal
representing a large sequestered parasite load.8
cases.17 ,18 Sequestration is prominent in cerebrum,
PfEMP1 is encoded by the highly variable VAR
cerebellum as well as the medulla oblongata.
gene family, comprising around 60 genes. The
Autopsy studies in children dying from cerebral
high switch rate between these genes gives rise to
malaria in Malawi describe, in addition to
a new variant Pf EMP1 in 2% of the parasites
erythrocyte sequestration, intravascular
every new cycle, and this clonal antigenic variation
accumulation of platelets, which could play a
helps the parasite escaping the immune system.9
role in cytoadherence.19 ,20
Pf EMP1 is expressed on the surface of ‘knobs’,
which can be identified electron-microscopically
Red cell deformability, rosetting and auto-
as protrusions from the erythrocyte membrane
acting as points of attachment to the vascular
endothelium. Other surface proteins that might Sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes will
play a role in cytoadherence are rifin10 and compromise the microcirculation in vital organs.
sequestrin. 11 On the vascular endothelium In addition the deformability of both parasitized
numerous receptors that can bind Pf EMP1 have and uninfected erythrocytes is markedly reduced
been identified, with different distributions in in severe malaria, and this is strongly associated
various organs and different contributions to with a fatal outcome of the disease.21 Acting
rolling, tethering and finally stable binding of the synergistically with the reduction in lumen caused
parasitized erythrocyte. Of these only CD36, by sequestration, rigid erythocytes presumably
which is constitutionally expressed on most further reduce blood flow in the microcirculation
vascular beds but remarkably absent in brain of vital organs, causing dysoxya with lactic
vessels, and chondroitin sulphate A (CSA), the acidosis, organ dysfunction and death. It should
main receptor in the placenta, are able to support be noted that lactic acidosis is a strong and
firm adhesion under flow conditions.12 The reproducible predictor for disease outcome in
intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) is falciparum malaria, both in children and adults.22
the most important receptor on brain In addition formation of erythrocyte clumps
endothelium13 , and its expression is upregulated through rosetting and auto-agglutination could
by the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF-α. further compromise flow. Rosette formation is
Electrostatic forces are probably important in the in vitro phenomenon in which uninfected red
addition to steric factors in the binding of PfEMP1 blood cells adhere to erythrocytes containing the
to its receptors. Surface potential spectroscopy of mature forms of the parasite. However, whereas

all erythrocytes containing the mature parasite primary cause for coma it is more likely a feature
cytoadhere, not all rosette.23 ,24 In epidemiological developing in the later stages of the disease.
studies rosette forming strains have been
associated with severe disease25 ,26 ,27 , whereas Cytokines
other studies have not found this association.28
The extent to which rosettes have a In severe malaria, as in other severe infections,
pathophysiologic role is not clearly established blood concentrations of proinflammatory
and will depend on their resistance to shear stresses cytokines like TNF-α, Il-1, Il-6 and Il-18 are
encountered in the human circulation. Rosettes raised, as well as anti-inflammatory Th2 cytokines
are quite resistant against pulling forces29 , but (Il-4, Il-10), but there is an imbalance in patients
less against more physiologic shearing forces.30 with a fatal course of the disease.45 A potent
A more recently described adherence property of stimulator inducing proinflammatory cytokine
parasitized red blood cells is the aggregation of production by leucocytes are the
parasitized red blood cells, which is mediated via glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors of P.
platelet CD36. Presence of this phenotype has falciparum.46 GPI stimulates the production of
been associated with disease severity both in TNF-α and possibly also the lymphokine
Kenya and in Thailand. 31 ,32 Haemodynamic ‘lymphotoxin’. Both cytokines can upregulate
failure is in general not a contributor to the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on
microcirculatory failure. A low blood pressure is endothelium cells, and could thus promote
not a common feature of severe malaria. Cerebral sequestration of parasitized erythrocytes in the
blood flow is not decreased in cerebral brain, contributing to coma. High plasma
malaria.33 ,34 concentrations of TNF-α in patients with
falciparum malaria correlate with disease severity,
Permeability including coma, hypoglycaemia, hyper-
parasitaemia and death.47 ,48 However, a trial using
There is a mild generalized increase in the monoclonal antibodies against TNF-α did not
systemic vascular permeability in severe malaria, show a beneficial effect on either mortality or
but the blood brain barrier (BBB) in adults with coma duration. In fact its use was associated with
cerebral malaria is functionally grossly intact.35 ,36 a significant increase in neurological sequelae.
Studies in African children with cerebral malaria Moreover concentrations of TNF-α are equally
do show a subtle increase in BBB permeability high in paroxysms of uncomplicated vivax malaria
with a disruption of endothelial intercellular tight as in patients with severe falciparum malaria.
junctions on autopsy.37 ,38 Imaging studies reveal Further downstream in the cytokine cascade, nitric
that most adults with cerebral malaria have no oxide (NO) production is increased via inducible
evidence of cerebral oedema.39 ,40 In African NO synthase (iNOS) in patients with severe
children cerebral oedema is more frequent, malaria. NO has been proposed as a cause for
although not a consistent finding.41 Similarly, coma because of its ability to interfere with
opening pressures on lumbar puncture are usually neurotransmission.49 Results from clinical studies
normal in adult patients, but are elevated in over measuring metabolites of NO show conflicting
80% of children with cerebral malaria.42 ,43 Part results50 ,51 , which does not necessarily disprove
of the increase in intracranial pressure will be the hypothesis, since current methods are too
caused by the increased intracranial blood volume insensitive to detect more subtle local NO
as a consequence of sequestration of parasitized overproduction. Inducible nitric oxide synthase
erythrocytes. There are no published controlled expression is increased in the brain in fatal cerebral
trials evaluating the use of mannitol in cerebral malaria.52 More recently other cytokines like
malaria.44 However, a recent study in adults with high-mobility group box protein1 (HMGB1) have
cerebral malaria in India did not show a beneficial been implicated in the pathogenesis of cerebral
effect on coma or outcome (Dr S Mohanty, malaria, but their role has to be further defined.53
personal communication); a small series in Also the importance of intravascular accumulation
Kenyan children with cerebral malaria showed of monocytes that has been described in autopsy
that mannitol did lower intracranial pressure, but studies needs further study.37,54 With our present
there was no control group with which to compare knowledge pro-inflammatory cytokines seem to
the benefit of mannitol on case fatality or be related to overall disease severity, and are
neurological outcome. The exact role of raised clearly involved in the pathogenesis of fever and
intracranial pressure in the pathogenesis of coma possibly other complications like adult respiratory
in children is thus still unclear. Rather than a distress syndrome (ARDS), but not in the

Neurology Asia December 2005

pathogenesis of coma per se. Other researchers in to haemoglobinuria (‘black water fever’), causing
the field contest this view.55 anaemia and contributing to renal failure. Glucose-
6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency is a
What is the cause of coma in cerebral malaria? predisposing factor. 59 Pregnant women are
particularly vulnerable in both high and low
A conclusive pathophysiological model
transmission settings, with severe anaemia,
explaining the reversible coma of cerebral
hypoglycaemia, coma, and pulmonary oedema as
falciparum malaria does not exist. A central feature
common features. In all patients with severe
is the inhomogeneous obstruction of the cerebral
malaria metabolic acidosis is a frequent finding
microcirculation by sequestered parasitized
and is important to assess since it has a strong
erythrocytes causing dysoxia but no infarction of
prognostic significance. 22 Kussmaul type
brain tissue, and resulting in net lactate production
respiration can be a warning symptom for this.58
by the brain.32 Reduced red cell deformability
Acidosis is mainly, but not entirely, caused by
and sticky forces related to rosetting and auto-
increased lactic acid production as a result of
agglutination contribute to the compromised
anaerobic glycolysis.22,60 In case of renal failure,
microcirculation. This does not exclude
acid-base homeostasis will be further
involvement of other host or parasite derived
compromised. Shock is not a common feature of
factors in the pathogenesis of coma; in fact
severe malaria and should alert the clinician for
impaired blood flow might focus these. Local
the possible concomitant presence of septicemia.
overproduction of NO or yet to be evaluated
other cytokines might impair neurotransmission,
Neurological symptoms in cerebral malaria
but their roles remain hypothetical. Axonal
accumulation of β-amyloid precursor protein as a The clinical picture is that of a diffuse
measure of impaired axonal transport has become encephalopathy with unrousable coma; focal signs
evident from autopsy studies and may represent a are relatively uncommon. In young children coma
final common pathway leading to in essence can develop rapidly, with a mean onset after only
reversible neurological dysfunction in cerebral 2 days of fever, but sometimes just a few hours.61
malaria.56 Whether focal dysoxya is the cause of It is often heralded by one or more generalized
this axonal dysfunction is not established. seizures, which cannot be distinguished clinically
from febrile convulsions. In adults the onset in
CLINICAL FEATURES usually more gradual, with high fever (mean
duration of 5 days) and increasing drowsiness.
Severe malaria is a multisystem disease, cerebral
Occasionally frankly psychotic behaviour is the
involvement is one of the features. In a recent
first manifestation of cerebral involvement. The
large treatment trial in predominantly adult
level of consciousness may fluctuate over a period
patients with severe malaria in Southeast Asia,
of hours. Convulsions are present in about 15%
54% of the 1050 patients with strictly defined
of the cases, whereas more than 50% of paediatric
severe malaria had cerebral malaria, and only
cases have convulsions.57,61 Convulsions are most
16% had cerebral symptoms without any other
frequently tonic-clonic generalized convulsions,
organ involvement.57 Mortality in this last group
but can also be Jacksonian type or focal. In small
was 19%, compared to up to 43% when multiple
children approximately 25% have subtle or
organs were involved. These numbers are different
subclinical convulsions, with seizure activity on
in sub-Saharan Africa, where due to the high
electroencephalography, but only minor
transmission intensity severe malaria is mainly a
convulsive movements of limbs or facial
paediatric disease.58 Main symptoms in children
muscles.62 These patients often have deviated
are severe anaemia, hypoglycaemia and coma
eyes, excessive salivation and irregular breathing
with convulsions. In Southeast Asia, where
transmission is much lower and protective
On neurological examination the febrile patient
immunity is not acquired, all age groups can get
has no signs of meningism, although passive
severe malaria, but young adults are the most
resistance to neck flexion is not uncommon and
affected group. Cerebral malaria, renal failure,
hyperreflexion of the neck may occur in severely
severe jaundice and adult respiratory distress
ill patients. The eyes often show a divergent gaze,
syndrome are the main complications in this
with normal oculocephalic reflexes. Pupil and
group. Approximately one in ten adult patients
corneal reflexes are usually normal. On
develop significant intravascular haemolysis of
fundoscopy retinal haemorrhages can be observed
both infected and uninfected erythrocytes leading
in about 15% of cases. 63 In areas of high

transmission (Sub-Saharan Africa) a high films, at a magnification of 1000. The
background prevalence of peripheral parasitaemia intraerythrocytic parasites have to be identified
can hamper the diagnosis of ‘cerebral malaria’. A and counted. In severe malaria, the developmental
positive blood slide in a febrile comatose child stage of the parasites and the percentage of
does not always adequately exclude other possible neutrophils containing malarial pigment should
diagnoses in this setting. The presence of retinal also be noted, since these have prognostic
haemorrhages can sometimes be useful here significance.8,68 A negative blood smear makes
because of its specificity for malaria.20 Cranial the diagnosis very unlikely, but if there is still
nerve involvement in patients with cerebral uncertainty the test should be repeated every 12
malaria is rare. Bruxism with grinding of the hours for 48 hours. Microscopy with fluorescent
teeth and a positive pout reflex are common in staining of the buffy coat (quantitative buffy coat
cases with deep coma. Muscle tone and tendon analysis or QBC) has a higher sensitivity to
reflexes are often increased, but can also be detect low parasitemias, but this is seldom needed.
normal or reduced. An ankle and less frequently Dipstick detection of the P. falciparum antigens
a patellar clonus can sometimes be evoked. PfHRP2 and pLDH (Parasight-F, ICT Malaria
Abdominal reflexes are absent and the plantar Pf, OptiMAL), have a diagnostic sensitivity
reflexes are extensor in approximately half of the similar to that of microscopy, but do not require
cases. Various forms of abnormal posturing can an experienced microscopist. 69 However,
be present, with either a decorticate pattern with parasitemia and parasite stages cannot be assessed
flexor rigidity of the arms and extension of the in this way. PfHRP2 remains circulating weeks
legs or a decerebrate pattern with abnormal after cure, which can result in false positive
extensor responses in arms and legs with or results in high transmission settings in patients
without opisthotonos.64 with a recent malaria attack. Hypoglycaemia, a
In surviving patients the median time to full common feature of severe malaria, should be
recovery of consciousness is approximately 24 ruled out. The principal differential diagnosis in
hours in children, compared to 48 hours in adults. tropical areas is of a bacterial or viral meningo-
Neurological sequelae are rare in adults recovering encephaltits. If the patient presents with any sign
from cerebral malaria (<1%).57 Encephalopathy of meningeal involvement a lumbar puncture
and psychosis following cerebral malaria has should be performed. Especially in small children
been observed in 5% of cases taking mefloquine this implies that in most cases a lumbar puncture
as oral follow on treatment, so that this drug will be necessary. Some African centres treating
should not be used in this setting.65 In children paediatric cerebral malaria postpone lumbar
neurological residual abnormalities are more puncture fearing herniation related to raised
common, with approximately 12% still having intracranial pressure which is present in a majority
symptoms at the moment of discharge, including of their cases. These centres start empiric antibiotic
hemiplegia, cortical blindness, aphasia and coverage in all children until results of lumbar
cerebellar ataxia. 66 These symptoms will puncture become available.
completely resolve over a period from 1 till 6
months in over half of the children, but a quarter Antimalarial treatment
will be left with a major residual neurological
The mainstay of the treatment of severe and
deficits. More subtle cognitive impairments as a
cerebral malaria is the immediate start of
late consequence of cerebral malaria is common
parenteral antimalarial treatment. Available drugs
in children, especially in those cases presenting
are injectable artesunate, quinine and artemether.
with a combination of coma, hypoglycaemia and
Intravenous chloroquine has become obsolete in
Asia and almost the whole rest of the world
because of widespread resistance of the parasite
to this once so successful drug. Artesunate belongs
to the group of the artemisinins, which are
Diagnosis currently the most rapidly acting and potent
Since the disease is so common in the tropical available antimalarial drugs. Unlike quinine they
world, cerebral malaria should be considered in not only act on the mature form of the parasite,
every comatose patient with a history of fever but also on the younger ring forms, preventing
who has been in a malarious area in the previous their maturation and sequestration.70 A recent
two months. The diagnosis should be confirmed large multicenter multinational randomized trial
by microscopy of stained thin and thick blood in 1461 mainly adult patients in Southeast Asia

Neurology Asia December 2005

has clearly established the superiority of treatment within the 24 hours before admission,
intravenous artesunate over quinine in the no loading dose of quinine should be given, since
treatment of severe malaria.57 Mortality was 35% this can increase the cardiotoxic effects of the
lower in the artesunate treated patients compared drug. The total course is seven days of quinine.
to quinine. In the patients with cerebral malaria Quinine can be switched to the oral formulation,
the mortality difference was 7%. Treatment with using the same dose of 10 mg/kg t.i.d., if the
artesunate was well tolerated, whereas quinine patient is able to eat. Similar to patients treated
was associated with hypoglycaemia. Since with artesunate, this should be combined with
children were underrepresented in the Asian trial, doxycyclin, except in small children or pregnant
a similar trial is currently performed in African women in order to reduce the risk of
children to determine if artesunate should become recrudescence. Alternatively quinine can be
the treatment of choice not only in adults but also discontinued and a full course of artemether-
in children. The dose of artesunate is 2.4 mg/kg lumefantrine can be given after the patient is able
on admission, followed by the same dose after 12 to eat. Minor adverse reactions are common with
and 24 hours, and then daily until the patient is quinine therapy and consist of the symptom
able to take oral medication. To prevent complex known as cinchonism, with tinnitus,
recrudescence of the infection, follow on high tone deafness, nausea, uneasiness, malaise
medication should be given. Several regimens and blurring of vision. A side effect that has
are possible, such as a full course of oral important consequences for patient management
artemether-lumefantrine (Co-artem R), or a is the induction of hypoglycaemia by quinine
combination of oral artesunate (2 mg/kg per day, through its potent effect on pancreatic insulin
total course 7 days including the parenteral form) secretion. Monitoring, at least every 3 hours, of
and doxycyclin (4 mg/kg per day for 7 days, plasma glucose levels is therefore indicated during
contraindicated in small children and pregnant treatment with quinine. Severe life-threatening
women). Mefloquine is not recommended as adverse effects, such as hypotension, myocardial
maintenance antimalarial drug, because of its conduction disturbance, blindness, deafness, and
association with post-malaria neurological coma are rare and related to plasma doses above
syndrome.65 20 mg/l, which should not be reached during
Until parenteral artesunate becomes more treatment with the recommended scheme.
widely registered and available in more countries A third alternative is intramuscular artemether
most patients in Asia will currently still be treated in a dose of 3.2 mg/kg on admission, followed by
with parenteral quinine. Although quinine a daily dose of 1.6 mg/kg. Clinical trials comparing
resistance has increased in areas of Southeast artemether with quinine show that artemether is
Asia and South America, there is still no high- safe and easier to use than quinine but overall
grade resistance in severe malaria that precludes survival is similar and not statistically significantly
its use. Quinine has a narrow therapeutic ratio better than quinine.72 Artemether is an oil-based
and should never been given by bolus injection, formulation, which releases drug slowly and
which can lead to fatal hypotension. A loading erratically from the injection site.73 In some
dose of 20 mg base/kg over 4 hours should be patients, particularly in those who are severely
given by controlled infusion. The loading dose is ill, artemether may not be absorbed for up to 12
followed by a dose of 30 mg base/kg/24hours, as hours after injection. Because of these
a continuous infusion or in 3 divided doses of 10 pharmacokinetic disadvantages parenteral
mg/kg, each given over 4 hours time. The artemether is not the artemisinin derivative of
pharmacokinetic properties of quinine alter in choice for the treatment of severe malaria.
severe malaria: the volume of distribution is
reduced, whereas the binding to plasma proteins Supportive treatment
is increased. Plasma clearance is reduced
Patients with coma will need endotracheal
proportional to severity of disease. 71
intubation and mechanical ventilation to protect
Consequently, doses should be reduced by 30 to
the airway, if this facility is available. The usual
50% after the third day of treatment to avoid
nursing care for the unconscious patient should
accumulation of the drugs in patients who remain
be applied (such as regular turning, nasogastric
seriously ill. In the presence of severe kidney or
tube, eye care, urethral catheter). Convulsions are
liver failure, the dose reduction should be
very common in children with cerebral malaria,
effectuated after the second day of treatment.64 If
but choice and dose of a seizure prophylactic
there is a history of mefloquine or quinine

drug has not been well established and is currently a haemoglobin concentration of 5 g/dl in
not recommended. A study in Kenyan children combination with respiratory distress, impaired
showed increased mortality using an i.m. dose of conscious or hyperparasitaemia or an absolute
20 mg/kg phenobarbitone. This was presumably cut-off of 4 mg/dl.64 Oliguric renal failure is a
caused by respiratory depression in these non- common complication of severe malaria in adults,
ventilated children, since mortality was greatest although non-oliguric renal failure also occurs.
in those receiving two or more doses of The clinical features resemble acute tubular
diazepam.74 In adults convulsions are much less necrosis and dialysis is a life saving procedure in
common. If seizures occur high flow oxygen and these patients. Continuous veno-venous
appropriate airway management should be hemofiltration has proven to be superior to
initiated. Convulsions can be treated with either peritoneal dialysis.77 Renal function returns after
i.v lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg) or if no vascular access a median of four days, although some patients
is available rectal diazepam (0.5 mg/kg). If will require dialysis for more than a week.
repeated doses are not effective, rectal paraldehyde Blackwater fever with severe intravascular
can be given (0.4 mg/kg) and treatment with an hemolysis can cause severe anemia requiring
intravenous loading dose of phenytoin (18 mg/kg transfusion. Alkalinisation of the urine to protect
over 20 min) or phenobarbital (15-20 mg/kg over the kidney can be recommended in this condition,
10 min) can be initiated.75 Since children are although no clinical studies are available. ARDS
prone to febrile convulsions, treatment to reduce is a feared complication in adult patients with a
fever should be given if the rectal temperature is high mortality rate, and can still develop in the
above 39×C. Hypoglycaemia as a contributing days after admission. The patient should be
factor, which is particularly common in children, propped upright and receive oxygen therapy.
pregnant women and with quinine use, should be Furosemide should be tried to lower the venous
ruled out. pressure, but this will generally not sufficiently
Severe malaria is a multi-organ disease, and relief symptoms, since the pathogenesis is
supportive treatment for all kinds of organ failure capillary leakage and not fluid overload as such.
can be indicated. Fluid management can be In almost all cases the patient will require invasive
difficult. The patient is usually dehydrated on mechanical ventilation in order to have a chance
admission, and should be rehydrated to support to survive. ‘Permissive hypercapnia’ cannot be
the already compromised microcirculation. used as a ventilation strategy, since this will
However, overhydration should be avoided since further increase intracranial pressure in the already
there is a strong tendency to develop pulmonary engorged brain.
edema, especially in adult patients and pregnant Despite optimal treatment, the mortality of
women. A central venous line or Swan-Ganz severe malaria remains high. Many adjunctive
catheter can be inserted to guide fluid treatments have been proposed, but thus far none
management. Hypotension not responding to a of them has proven to be beneficial. An exception
fluid bolus is not common, and circulatory shock should perhaps be made for exchange transfusion.
is suggestive for concurrent septicemia. Exchange transfusion has been used since 1974
Concomitant bacterial infection is common in with some encouraging results, but no randomized
African children with severe malaria, but less so trials are available to prove its benefits. Exchange
in adult Asian patients. A recent study in Kenyan transfusion quickly removes circulating parasites,
children showed that positive bacterial blood but the pathophysiological important sequestered
cultures are present in 20% of children admitted biomass is not available for exchange. However,
with a diagnosis of severe malaria.76 The threshold recent studies suggest that the benefit from
for starting antibiotics should therefore be low. If exchange transfusion results from replacing the
the patient has been admitted for several days in rigid, non-deformable, unparasitized red cells.78
the i.c.u., hospital acquired infections can also be No consensus about the indications of exchange
expected. Secondary pneumonia is common. transfusion exists. Hyperparasitemia above 30%
Anaemia is present in almost all patients with or above 10% in the presence of severe disease,
severe malaria, but most prominently in young or the presence of bad prognostic signs like a
children. Benefits of blood transfusion should high plasma lactate, irrespective of parasitemia,
outweigh the risks (esp. HIV and other pathogens). can be regarded as an indication. If applied, fluid
In adults the threshold for blood transfusion can overload should be prevented.
be set at a hematocrit below 20%. In children the
African guidelines are to give transfusion below

Neurology Asia December 2005

CONCLUSION 7. Udomsangpetch R, Pipitaporn B, Silamut K, Pinches

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is remarkable in the majority of surviving cases. 8. Silamut K, White NJ. Relation of the stage of parasite
development in the peripheral blood to prognosis in
The pathogenesis of coma remains obscure; coma
severe falciparum malaria. Trans R Soc Trop Med
could be neuroprotective in this state of Hyg 1993; 87: 436–43.
compromised blood supply. Reduced micro- 9. Roberts DJ, Craig AG, Barendt AR, Pinches R, Nash
circulatory flow caused by sequestration of G, Marsh K, Newbold CI. Rapid switching to multiple
parasitized erythrocytes and rigid erythrocytes is antigenic and adhesive phenotypes in malaria. Nature
central in the pathophysiology of severe disease. 1992; 357: 689-92.
A recent trial has proven that intravenous 10. Kyes SA, Rowe JA, Kriek N, Newbold CI. Rifins: a
second family of clonally variant proteins expressed
artesunate should become the treatment of choice on the surface of red cells infected with Plasmodium
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