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Contoh Paragraph Simple Present Tense tentang Diri Sendiri

(Example of Simple Present Tense paragraph about oneself)

I am Sarah. My full name is Sarah Lau Smith. I am a second grade student of Junior High
School. I am 14 years old. My birth day is on July 5.
In my family, I am the second child. I have an older brother named Nathan and one younger
sister named Grace. My mother is from China and my father is from Australia. We live in
My family and I love pets. We have some pets at home, namely five fish, one dog and two cats.
Nathan love cats and I love dogs. Our cats and dog are like friends. They never fight.
In the future, I want to be a veterinarian. I want to help animals to survive and live longer. I like
watching their unique behaviors. They are all beautiful creatures. I love animals.

2. Contoh Paragraph Simple Present Tense tentang Orang lain

(Example of Simple Present Tense paragraph about Someone)
I have a friend named Julie Rose. She is my classmate in Senior High School grade 12. She is 17
years old. She likes music, swimming and going to the cinema. She also likes hanging out with
friends. She is very kind and friendly.
She is a very normal American girl. But, she has one unusual hobby. She loves extreme sports
like parachuting, bungee jumping, wing-suit flying, kite surfing, skateboarding, and many more.
Julie joins one sport club. This club conducts one extreme sport on Sunday, twice a month. Julie
wins many competitions of this kind of sport. Julie wants to be a professional athlete of extreme
She is never afraid of danger or being injured. She always says that extreme sports are a part of
her life. She is alive and feels joy of life while doing the extreme sport.

3. Contoh Paragraph Simple Present Tense tentang Keluarga

(Example of Simple Present Tense paragraph about Family)

There are six people in my family: my father, mother, three daughters and one grandmother. I
am a third daughter with two elder sisters. My first elder sister is Natashia and another sister’s
name is Nandiya.
My father is the most handsome man because there is no son in my family. He works as a taxi
driver. He loves helping people and meeting new people. He always smiles and thanks to God for
everything. He works very hard to fulfill all of our needs.
My mother is also a hard worker. Every morning she wakes up so early to cook food and sell it.
She is the best chef for us. We love her cooking and usually help her to prepare food to sell.
Mother never forgets to care all people in our family.
We also live with our grandmother. She is our father’s mother. We love our grandmother.
Sometimes she is talkative but we know that she love us. She loves gardening. She plants
many flowers in our garden. The flowers make our house beautiful.

4. Contoh Paragraph Simple Present Tense tentang Tempat Terbaik untuk Liburan
(Example of Simple Present Tense paragraph about A Nice Place for Holiday)

Yogyakarta is a very special city for its arts, culture and culinary. It is a perfect place to find the
best batik as well as to watch puppet and gamelan concerts. Ramayana Ballet is the most
popular performance in Yogyakarta. The play is based on an ancient Hindu love story, King
Rama and Princess Shita.
There are many great places to visit in Yogyakarta. Some of them are Borobudur Temple,
Prambanan Temple, Kalibiru National Park, Keraton Royal Palace, Alun-Alun Selatan Keraton,
Malioboro Street and many more. Among all of them, temples become one of the biggest reasons
why people visit Yogyakarta.
Local people in Yogyakarta are so warm and friendly. They love to greet and wave hands to
many tourists. When tourists get lost along the street, they help to show a way happily. In some
tourism objects, there are many local guides. You need to deal with the price before having a
guidance service.
Trying Gudeg is a must when visiting Yogyakarta. Gudeg is an authentic Yogyakarta cuisine. It
is very delicious while enjoying this special city. Visiting Yogyakarta gives
memorable experiences for most tourists. Tourists always want to visit it again and again.

5. Contoh Paragraph Simple Present Tense tentang Cerita Liburan

(Example of Simple Present Tense paragraph about Holiday Story)

I usually spend my holidays away from home. Occasionally, I go to camp with some friends or
sometimes I go on holiday with my parents. I really enjoy camps because I can relax and do
exciting activities with my friends. I love climbing a mountain, chatting around camp fire and
having a barbecue party.
When we do not camp, we play football. My friends and I always find out new places to play
football. I enjoy meeting new people and making new friends. It is good to have more friends.
Sometimes, they invite me to join their camping activities. I love camping and it is so amazing.
Besides with friends, I spend my holidays with my family too. There is a wonderful lake outside
the town. We spend some nights in a home stay near there. The lake is surrounded by mountains.
Water is fresh and the view is very natural. My family and I swim in the lake. Then we often have
BBQ with local people there.
When we do not have any plan to spend our holidays, I usually read books. I love reading very
much. I also love listening to music, watching movies and gardening. My sisters and I plant some
flowers in our garden. Those activities make me alive and happy during my holidays.

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