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Republic of the Philippines

University of Eastern Philippines

University Town, Northern Samar

Final Examination
Understanding, Culture, Society,
and Politics
First Semester, SY- 2018

Jolo Manuel J. Balanquit STEM A-12 CE 7:00-9:00 T, TH

A. Religion

A.1 What are the functions of religion in the society and in the individual?


Religion provides social cohesion mainly to help the stability of our society. Social
cohesion enables the people to be as one in the means of their beliefs. Religion is a major
factor in our society because it keeps the peace and unity of the people. Religion also
provides social control to enforce religious-based morals and norms to maintain peace and
order. Social control also help the society decide what is morally right and morally wrong.
Religion also meaning and purpose to life and it also guides the society through unanswered
questions. Society is always curios but there are questions that Science cannot always
answer, religion paves a way to answer those questions to prevent social unrest. Religion
affects the society in so many ways so each individual in the society adapts or embraces
what influence the society. Religion has been a very big help to every individual and had
done so much for the history of the society.

A.2 Do you agree that women should be ordained as priests? Why or why not?


I believe that women should also be ordained as priests because we are all made
equal in the eyes of God, anything that men can do, women also can. Since the time of
Jesus Christ, there has never been a woman priest. The very first pope, St. Peter is a man
and it has been traditional throughout history that men should take control the Catholic
Church and it made the religion become the most followed religion in the world. But I think it
would be much better if women can also take part. Aside from women being influencial they
are also kind-hearted at nature. Women can also bear the hardships and challenges of our
society. Faith is not scaled by one’s gender but his/her faith therefore there is nothing to
argue whether women should also be priests. Faith will keep us together; old, young, men or
women. Gender equality will make a world a better place for each and every one of us.
B. Education

B.1 How education contribute to the economic development of a country?


Education in every sense is one of the fundamental factors of development. No

country can achieve sustainable economic development without substantial investment in
human capital. Education enriches people's understanding of themselves and world. It
improves the quality of their lives and leads to broad social benefits to individuals and
society. Education raises people's productivity and creativity and promotes entrepreneurship
and technological advances. In addition it plays a very crucial role in securing economic and
social progress and improving income distribution.

Education is considered to have a strong correlation with social and economic

development. In contemporary times when the focus is on the 'knowledge economy' the role
of education becomes all the more important in the development of human capital. After all,
a society of literate and skilled citizens has more chances of development at the economic
and social levels. Education can reduce poverty and social injustice by providing the
underprivileged resources and opportunities for upward social mobility and social inclusion.

B.2 Why is basic education a basic right?


The right to education is identified as a human right and is understood to establish an

entitlement to free for all also compulsory primary education for all children. An obligation to
the secondary education accessible to all children as well as access to higher education.
The right to education is one of the most fundamental right but also human right. The right to
education to eliminate discrimination at all levels of the educational system, to set minimum
standards and to improve quality of education. The education shall be directed to the full
development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights
and fundamental freedoms. The human rights shall promoting understanding and friendship
among all nations, religious or racial groups and shall further the activities of the united
nations for the maintenance of peace. This right to education is most fundamental as a
human right. Education promotes a man, as individual freedom, and it shown way of life,
change the thinking, and it makes smart.

Education is the most important thing in man life, it makes sense, it effect on mind, it
change the character. The right to education is a inherent right. Right to education is the
right which deals with the right to know and right to change their life and life style. The
various types of right to education are primary education, secondary education, vocational
education and higher education. Every child has the right to education of primary education.
“Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and
fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional
education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally
accessible to all on the basis of merit. …”. Education shall be free for development of
human personality. The human rights are developing of understanding, gender quality and
make a friendship among all nations.
C. Economy, Society, and Cultural Change

C.1 How does one’s economic status shape and influence one’s identity?


Social economic status affects our way of living but does not define who we are.this
will affect if others are seen as equal or otherwise . Religion is a set of beliefs that we
choose to uphold and will affect our perception of others. Thus, different religions and social
economic status will make us all unique in our own ways. A reason is that some religions
teach us to treat all people as equals no matter what their social economic status is. As a
result, we learn to empathize with others even if someone seems to be evil. For example ,
religions like Christianity and Buddhism teaches us that no one is bad. They are simply
choosing poorly unless they keep on choosing poorly over and over again. Finally,no
religions will teach us morals that clash with another's .this will help us get along and accept
others as equals. This will allow us to have a unique mindset and positive attitude towards
others. It makes us rich it instils discipline. Your appearance shows how wealthy you are and
this shapes your social economic status. From the way you speak, you can tell if the person
is well educated. and it affects what we live in today. Social economic status affects the way
people perceive us. Religion lets us have different beliefs and be unique. Religion and socio
economic status shapes and defines the way people perceives and sees that particular

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