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Ch. 15- Improvements in Food Resources

1) What are autotrophs?

A. Organisms which make their own food are called
autotrophs. E.g. green plants.
2) What are heterotrophs?
A. The organisms which depends upon plants and animals for
food are called heterotrophs. E.g. humans and other
3) Explain photosynthesis.
A. The process in which green plants using the sunlight,
combine carbon dioxide and water to produce
carbohydrates is called photosynthesis.
4) Name two such scientists who adopted methods to increase
food production.
A. Swaminathan, Kurein are the scientists.
5) Name different types of revolution.
1. Green Revolution- high production of food grains
2. Blue Revolution- enhanced fish production
3. White Revolution- increased milk production
4. Yellow Revolution- increased oil production
The scientists are now continuously making efforts to start-
5. Golden Revolution- increase the pulse production.
6) Define Agriculture and explain its categories.
A. It is the science and practice of farming, which mainly
involves rearing of livestock, cultivating land, raising crops,
harvesting and marketing the produce. It is further
subdivided into many categories, which are:
1. Agronomy- The branch of agriculture science dealing
with production of field crops and management of the soil.
2. Horticulture- The branch of agriculture that deal with
growth and management of the management of the fruits
and flowering plants in orchards and gardens.
3. Olericultural- The branch of agriculture science dealing
with growing and managing of vegetables.
4. Aquaculture- The branch of agriculture science dealing
with the farming and harvesting of plants and animals in
bodies of the water for economical purpose.
7) Who is an agronomists?
A. A person who studies crop dieses, selective breeding, crop
rotation and climate factors, test the soils, investigate the
causes of soil erosion and designs land reclamation and
irrigation schemes.

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