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Definition of intelligence

According to the dictionary “intelligence is the ability to understand and think about things and
to gain and use knowledge”.

According with the Psychology “intelligence consists of a set of cognitive skills and abilities
 Abstract thinking and reasoning
 Problem solving
 Ability to understand complex ideas
 Ability to acquire knowledge
 Ability to learn from experience and adapt to a changing environment
 And other components like memory, working memory or mathematical ability

Enough for what?... To be successful in life? ...

Well, intelligence doesn’t ensure success in life, it is a promise of success, but it must include
other elements of a social and emotional type.

For example, in work as well as intelligence, we need social skills like, ability to negotiate and
convince, leadership, deal with different types of personalities. And emotional as, self-
confidence, motivation, determination, passion and other things like that. It is better to do
business with intelligent, professional and nice people. We can see another example in
education, to learn and to teach, we need more than intelligence, we need patience, practice,
learning and teaching techniques.

What more?...

We can be intelligent, and include social and emotional elements. But it's still not enough to be
successful, we need to be wise with our decisions, life choices and the things we do. And, what
means to be wise?, in a simple way is “the ability to choose worthwhile goals” or “do the right
things”. And maybe with all that, someday we can be successful.

In conclusion, intelligence is not enough to be successful, we need include other elements or

factors and some of them don't depend of us.

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