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Geology (Subject Portion) – for MS 2018-20

1. Most rocks on earth are formed from which type of metamorphism? Regional
2. In igneous intrusion which type of metamorphism takes place? Contact
3. In which mineral 4 set of cleavage is present (Calcite, Quartz, Fluorite)?
4. Which shows low grade of metamorphism? Greenschist
5. The tendency of a mineral to break along flat planar surfaces is called? Cleavage
6. Aquifer on which aquitard is present known as confined, perched or unconfined?
7. A person move 4000 Km to north what is latitude?
8. Metamorphism of limestone is? Marble
9. Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are classified on base of? process of
10. The other name of MKT is ? Shyok Suture Zone
11. . Erupted rock fragments formed which type of texture? Pyroclastic
12. Metamorphism start on which temperature? 200 C
13. Conglomerate is different from Breccia on base of? Shape
14. Clastic sedimentary rock range from conglomerate to shale have varied range of?
Grain size
15. Which one show metamorphism ? Amphibolite
16. Rate of flow of ground water depend upon?permeability and hydro gradient
17. Concordant tabular body? Sill
18. In extrusive rock grains are? Fine
19. First plant on earth is in which geological era? Ordovician
20. After 2 half life of element? 0.5 remains
21. Precipitation of mineral which bind rock grain called? Cementation
22. Which type magma in batholith? Granitic
23. Which define separation of solid magma from liquid? Bown reaction
24. Gravity survey is useful for? Sulfide or Silicate
25. In which dark and brown band are present? Gneiss, Schist or Quartzite?
26. Cave and Cavern are formed by? underground dissolution of limestone
27. Ingenious rocks are correlated on base of? radiometric dating
28. Clay is product of? Chemical Weathering
29. Which gas is not present in acid rain? Rado
30. Petroleum is not considered as mineral because? a,b and c are correct (not solid,
organic, crystal structure)
31. Which is abundant on earth surface? Silicate
32. Which positive and negitive ion group abundent? Si-Oxygen
33. ------------ pattern on map show? Dome or Anticline and Basin
34. Earthquake’s intensity/magnitude related (can’t remember what it was)
35. Finding p-wave velocity.

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