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Polygons and Angles

and Angles

Curriculum Ready

A shape which has straight sides only (no curved sides) is called a Polygon. The angles inside and
outside the polygon can be found based only on the number of sides in the polygon. This chapter
shows some tricks to find these angles.

Try to answer these questions, before working through the chapter.

I used to think:

Sketch a shape which is a polygon and a shape which isn’t a polygon

If a polygon has 6 sides, then how many interior angles does it have?

How do you find the interior angles of a regular polygon?

Answer these questions, after working through the chapter.

But now I think:

Sketch a shape which is a polygon and a shape which isn’t a polygon

If a polygon has 6 sides, then how many interior angles does it have?

How do you find the interior angles of a regular polygon?

What do I know now that I didn’t know before?

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Polygons & Angles Basics

Different Polygons

A polygon is a closed shape whose sides are all straight.

This IS a polygon This IS NOT a polygon This IS NOT a polygon

The shape is closed and This shape is not closed. Not all the sides are straight.
all the sides are straight.

A triangle is a polygon with three sides and a quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides. Polygons have different
names depending on how many sides they have. The table below shows some polygon names depending on the
number of sides.

Number of Polygon Name If a polygon has equal angles and equal sides, then it is called a regular
Sides polygon. If any of the sides or angles in a polygon are not equal then the
polygon is irregular.
3 Triangle
4 Quadrilateral
Regular Triangle Regular Pentagon Irregular Quadrilateral
5 Pentagon
6 Hexagon
7 Heptagon
8 Octagon
9 Nonagon
10 Decagon
(3 sides, all equal) (5 sides, all equal) (4 sides, not all equal)
11 Undecagon
(Equilateral Triangle)
12 Dodecagon

A polygon can also be convex or non-convex (concave). A polygon is convex if all its interior angles are less than 180c.

Convex Polygon Concave Polygon Concave Polygon

All interior angles are One interior angle Two interior angles are
less than 180c. greater than 180c. greater than 180c.

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Polygons & Angles Questions Basics

1. Circle the shapes that are polygons:

2. Name these polygons (based on the number of sides) and state whether each is regular or irregular:

3. Name these polygons (based on the number of sides) and state whether they are convex or concave:

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Polygons & Angles Knowing More

How do I Draw a Regular Polygon?

Drawing regular polygons can be quite difficult, so circles are used to make it easier. This is done in 3 easy steps:

• Step 1: Find n, the number of sides in the polygon.

• Step 2: Calculate 360c ' n .

• Step 3: Draw n radii from the centre of the circle with the angle calculated in Step 2 between each radius.

Draw a regular hexagon inside a circle

Step 1: A regular hexagon has n = 6 sides.

Step 2: 360c ' n = 360c ' 6 = 60c

Step 3: Draw n = 6 radii from the centre of the circle

with 60c between each radius. 60c
60c 60c
60c 60c

Draw a square inside a circle

Step 1: A square is a regular polygon with n = 4 sides.

Step 2: 360c ' n = 360c ' 4 = 90c

Step 3: Draw n = 4 radii from the centre of the circle

 with 90c between each radius.

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Polygons & Angles Questions Knowing More

1. Use the circle below to draw an equilateral triangle (regular polygon with 3 sides).

2. Use the circle below to draw a regular pentagon.

3. Use the circle below to draw a regular octagon.

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Polygons & Angles Using Our Knowledge

Interior Angles of a Triangle

The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is always 180c.

Find the size of x in the following triangle:

x + 62c + 55c = 180c (Angle sum of a triangle is 180c )

` x + 117c = 180c
` x = 180c - 117c
55c 62c
x = 63c

Interior Angles of a Quadrilateral

Any quadrilateral can be divided into two triangles by drawing a

diagonal. Each triangle has an angle sum of 180c.
Angle sum
Sum of interior angles of a quarilateral = 2 # Angle sum of a triangle

Angle sum 180c = 2 # 180c
= 360c

Find the size of x below:

x + 94c + 91c + 75c = 360c (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360c )

` x + 260c = 360c
` x = 100c


Find the sizes of x and y below:

100c (x + 10c) + x + 100c = 180c (Angle sum of a triangle is 180c )

x + 10c x 2x = 70c
40c 70c x = 35c

y + 85c + 100c + 105c = 360c (Angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360c )

` y = 360c - 290c
y = 70c

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Polygons & Angles Using Our Knowledge

Interior Angles of a Polygon with More Than Four Sides

Any polygon can be divided into triangles by drawing diagonals from a common vertex.

For example, a pentagon (5 sides) is divided into triangles like this

180c Sum of interior angles of a pentagon = 3 # Angle sum of a triangle

common = 3 # 180c
vertex = 540c

So far we know that:

• A polygon with 3 sides (triangle) can be divided into 1 triangle
• A polygon with 4 sides (quadrilateral) can be divided into 2 triangles
• A polygon with 5 sides (pentagon) can be divided into 3 triangles

So each polygon can be divided into a number of triangles that is 2 less than the number of sides in the polygon.
This means that a polygon with n sides can be divided into (n - 2) triangles.

... Sum of interior angles of a polygon with n sides = (n - 2) # 180c

Find the sum of the interior angles of an octagon

An octagon has 8 sides: ... n = 8

Sum of interior angles = (n - 2) # 180c
= (8 - 2) # 180c
= 1080c

If the polygon is a regular polygon then all its angles are equal. So each interior angle will be equal to:

^ n - 2h # 180c

Find the size of each interior angle of a regular decagon

A decagon has n = 10 sides. So each angle is equal to:

^ n - 2h # 180c ^10 - 2h # 180c

n 10
= 144c

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Polygons & Angles Questions Using Our Knowledge

1. Find the value of each of x in each of the following:

a b
x 39c
60c 123c

95c x

c d



e f
2x 6x

48c 120c x

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Polygons & Angles Questions Using Our Knowledge

2. Divide this hexagon into 4 triangles by drawing diagonals from a common vertex:

3. Complete the following table for polygons with different sides.

Number of sides ^ nh Number of triangles formed ^ n - 2h Sum of interior angles ^ n - 2h # 180c

4 4-2 = 2 ^4 - 2h # 180c = 360c
5 5-2 = 3

4. Find the sum of interior angles of a polygon with:

a 17 sides b 27 sides

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Polygons & Angles Questions Using Our Knowledge

5. Answer these questions about the following polygon:

162c 148c
155c 146c
a How many sides does this polygon have?

b What is the sum of the interior angles of this polygon?

c Find the size of x.
130c 126c

6. Find the number of sides of a polygon (n) which has a sum of interior angles of:

a 2880c b 3600c

7. What is the size of each angle in each of the following polyons?

a regular heptagon b regular undecagon

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Polygons & Angles Thinking More

Exterior Angles of a Triangle

The exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the 2 interior opposite angles.

Interior Exterior
opposite angle
y x+y

A +ABC + +BAC + +ACB = 180c (Angle sum of a triangle is 180c )

+ACB = 180c - +ABC - +BAC

+ACB + +ACD = 180c (Angles on a str. line are supplementary)

` +ACD = 180c - +ACB
= 180c - (180c - +ABC - +BAC)
B C D = +ABC + +BAC

... The exterior angle is equal to the sum of the interior opposite angles

Find the size of +CBD in the following diagram:

+CBD = +BAC + +ACB ( Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the
sum of the 2 interior opposite angles)

A 35c
` +CBD = 35c + 70c
70c ` +CBD = 105c

Find the size of + FEG in the following diagram

44c +EGH = +FEG + +EFG ( Exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the

sum of the 2 interior opposite angles)
122c ` 122c = +FEG + 44c
E ` +FEG = 122c - 44c
D H = 78c

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Exterior Angle Sum of A Polygon

The sum of the exterior angles of any polygon is 360c.



So a + b + c + d + e + f = 360c

This is true for any polygon whether it is convex or concave, regular or irregular.

Find x below

x + 85c + 147c = 360c (Sum of exterior angles is 360c )

x + 232c = 360c
= 128c

Find the size of + DFG below

C +DFE + 120c + 77c + 93c = 360c (Sum of exterior angles is 360c )

93c `+DFE + 290c = 360c
A `+DFE = 70c

E (Angles on a str. line are supplementary)

`+DFG + +DFE = 180c
+DFG + 70c = 180c
120c `+DFG = 70c

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Exterior Angles of Regular Polygons

Remember, a polygon has the same number of exterior angles (and interior angles) as the number of sides it has.
For example, a pentagon has 5 sides, 5 interior angles and 5 exterior angles.

In other words, a polygon with n sides has n exterior angles (and n interior angles). If a regular polygon has n sides
then its n exterior angles must all be equal.

A regular polygon with n sides has exterior angles all equal to 360c

Find the size of the exterior angles of a regular hexagon

A hexagon has 6 sides. ... n = 6.

So the exterior angles of a hexagon are equal to:

360c = 60c

A regular polygon has equal interior angles of 40c

a Find the numer of sides.

Use the size of the exterior angles to find n, the number of sides:
360c = 40c

` n = 360c


A polygon with n = 9 sides is called a nonagon.

b Find the size of the interior angles.

The size of the interior angles of a regular nonagon is given by:

^ n - 2h # 180c ^9 - 2h # 180c

= 1260c

= 140c

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Polygons & Angles Questions Thinking More

1. Use the exterior angles of a triangle to find x in the following diagrams:

a b
x 33c


70c 50c

c d 2x

x 132c



B 17c

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Polygons & Angles Questions Thinking More

2. Find x in the following diagrams:

55c 17c


139c 86c





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Polygons & Angles Questions Thinking More

3. What size are the exterior angles of a regular quadrilateral (polygon with 4 sides)?

4. What size are the exterior angles of a regular decagon?

5. For a regular polygon with 15 sides:

a What size are the exterior angles?

b What size are the interior angles?

c What is the sum of the interior angles?

6. A regular polygon has exterior angles which are 18c.

a How many sides this polygon have?

b What size are the interior angles?

c What is the sum of the interior angles?

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Polygons & Angles Answers

Basics: Basics:
1. 3.

Quadrilateral (convex) Triangle (convex)

Decagon (concave) Heptagon (concave)

Octagon (concave) Triangle (convex)

Quadrilateral (concave) Nonagon (concave)

Knowing More:
Regular Octagon Irregular Pentagon

120c 120c


Irregular quadrilateral Irregular triangle


72c 72c

72c 72c

Irregular dodecagon Irregular pentagon.


Regular Quadrilateral Irregular undecagon.


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Polygons & Angles Answers

Knowing More: Using Our Knowledge:

3. 4. a 2700c b 4500c
45c 45c

45c 45c 5. a 10
45c 45c
45c b 1440c

c x = 112c

Using Our Knowledge:

6. a n = 18 b n = 22
1. a x = 25c b x = 80c

c x = 82c d x = 75c 7. a 128.6c (1 d.p.) b 147.3c (1 d.p.)

e x = 24c f x = 24c
Thinking More:
2. 1. a x = 120c b x = 47c

c x = 133c d x = 44c

e x = 31c

2. a x = 33c b x = 32c
(10 - 2) # 180c = 1440c

(12 - 2) # 180c = 1800c

(11 - 2) # 180c = 1620c
(9 - 2) # 180c = 1260c
(8 - 2) # 180c = 1080c
(5 - 2) # 180c = 540c
(6 - 2) # 180c = 720c
(7 - 2) # 180c = 900c
^4 - 2h # 180c = 360c
Sum of interior angles

3. 90c
^ n - 2h # 180c

4. 36c

5. a 24c b 156c

c 2340c
Number of triangles
formed ^ n - 2h

12 - 2 = 10
10 - 2 = 8
11 - 2 = 9
6-2 = 4
7-2 = 5
4-2 = 2

9-2 = 7
5-2 = 3

8-2 = 6

6. a 20 b 162c

c 3240c
Number of
sides ^ nh



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Polygons & Angles Notes

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Polygons and Angles

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