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Evan Fauzan

12 J

Physical Fitness

Term 2

Throughout the term in fitness class we do various types of exercise and

training for many purposes. We do aerobic and anaerobic exercises to be fit and

trained. Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of low to high intensity that depends

primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. An anaerobic exercise is

Anaerobic exercise is a physical exercise intense enough to cause lactate to form. It

is used by athletes in non-endurance sports to promote strength, speed and power

and by body builders to build muscle mass.

We also do beep test to test out our cardio capabilities, and at first I am not in

my fitness zone which only 35 laps. After a whole term training, but my muscle and

cardio I can finally increase my cardio capacity with the total of 46 laps on my beep

test. My goals is to be fit in my daily life, I started with a weight of 74kg before work

out. Then with intense training in fitness class I can manage to loss 3kg. I also maintain

my body with healthy diet, consumed healthy food that the body needs. My diet plan

program is to eat 4 times a day, breakfast, brunch, lunch and dinner at 5 in the


The results were amazing that I can build muscle as well as maintaining my

body in a healthy state. My cardio also in a fitness zone which makes me healthier

and fit, I am more energize to do activities both in school and outside school. My

sleeping time also become normal, in which when I wake up in the morning it feels

more fresh and have spirits.

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