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Name: Tiku Tasik

Class: D
Nim: 218112104
1.Topic is the main core of the entire contents of the writing that is intended to be
conveyed or better known as the topic of conversation.

Paragraph: hey do you want to come with me later to visit my sister, I am at the
hospital. What your sick sister is he suffering from degue Fever and is now being
treated at the hospital. Oh so, ok I’m coming along, hope he gets well soon hu..

Topic: Visit the hospital.

2. Main idea is the main idea which is the core of a paragraph. The main idea can
be at the beginning, middle or end of a paragraph.

Example paragraph: Professors, scientists and fellow academia are currently

studying the prevention of the past decade: global warming. They searched for
alternative ways of producing electricity and other important life utilities without
extracting too much dangerous waste. A group of scientists believed that
nanotechnology my well be the answer to this problem. Nanotechnology is a
concrpt of makig products concerning all details up to an atomic level, so much so
that the product’s efficiency is maximized. However, the real answer to the
underlying problem is still up for debate.

Main idea: Ways to prevent global warming from taking further effect

3. Scanning is a reading technique to be used when you want to find specific

information quicly.

Example of using scanning is the word take. For example, please get my money
later in your account.

4. Skimming is a reading repers pocess only main ideas within a passage to get an
overall impression of the content of a reading selection.
Exmple of the use of skimming are by scanning. For example, please move the
important photos and letters.

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