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“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating.

Education is the premise of

progress, in every society, in every family.”

-Kofi Annan

Today, our society is getting more progressive than ever, especially with the
new and advanced technologies in this generation that helps the
development of our civilization. We tend to make more improvements on our
schools that we forget about those who are in the remote areas that lack
support from the government to proper education.

I am honored to be a student of one of the most reputed and prominent

schools in a refined city, but I can help but think about the educational
systems in the rural areas. As what I’ve observed on the news and articles,
the government really need to focus on the said areas because the shortage
of their supplies are absurd, and it is really unfair because everyone should
have the right to proper education.

This issue calls my attention because we, Filipinos need improvement on our
education not only to compete internationally, but also to make our country
better by being properly educated as well.

This issue does not only affect those students but also the entire community
because how can they improve if the simplest necessity is not supported by
the government? A community needs graduates to have jobs to serve their
people in order to improve. This problem is not new to us because for years,
it has been a case in our country.
According to the Philippine Constitution of 1987 Section I of Article XIV, it is
stated that the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to
quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all. Though this is implemented, not all could benefit
this law.

What I really think is that the government should take action to this issue as
it affects the whole country. By improving our educational system, it gives
opportunity especially to the poor people to have a steady job in the future
and to raise their family from poverty.

Education is no a privilege to people who can afford to send their children o

school. It is a right that each citizen in the country shall be entitled to.

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