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Eaton AxisPro™ Industrial Valve

Pro-FX™ Configure for AxisPro™
User Manual

Copyright Eaton Corporation, 2014


AxisPro Product Family Firmware Version(s)

849AN* 6026641-006
850AN* 6035218-002

Revision Number Date Description
14.10.28 Oct 2014 Initial release for specified firmware versions
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 2

Table of Contents
1. Preface ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Scope........................................................................................................................................................................ 9
3. Acronyms .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
4. Document Notation – Object Dictionary ................................................................................................................. 10
5. Qualified Personnel ................................................................................................................................................ 10
6. Software and Support Information .......................................................................................................................... 10
7. Installation .............................................................................................................................................................. 11
7.1. Valve Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 11
7.2. Service Information ........................................................................................................................................ 11
8. Identification ........................................................................................................................................................... 11
8.1. Firmware Version (Manufacturer Software Version) [100As0] ...................................................................... 11
8.2. Model Code (Device Model Description) [6054s0] ........................................................................................ 11
9. Cables and connections ......................................................................................................................................... 11
9.1. Primary Connector ......................................................................................................................................... 11
9.2. CANbus Connections .................................................................................................................................... 12
9.2.1. Node-ID [2102s1] and Bitrate [2102s2] ................................................................................................. 12
9.2.2. Bus Off Recovery Type [2102s5] .......................................................................................................... 13
9.2.3. Heartbeat and Life-guarding (node-guarding) Protocols ...................................................................... 13
9.3. External Sensor Port (Analog) ....................................................................................................................... 14
9.4. External Sensor Port (Digital) - Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) ............................................................. 15
9.4.1. SSI Bitrate Prescaler [2001sD] & Scaler [2001sE] ............................................................................... 16
9.4.2. SSI Read Delay For Control [2001sF] .................................................................................................. 17
9.4.3. SSI type [2160s7] .................................................................................................................................. 17
9.4.4. SSI sign [2161s7] .................................................................................................................................. 17
9.4.5. SSI Position Resolution [2175s1] and Offset [2176s1] ......................................................................... 18
9.4.6. SSI Position Bit Size [2178s7] .............................................................................................................. 18
9.4.7. SSI Extra Bits [2001s10] ....................................................................................................................... 18
9.4.8. SSI Filter [2001s1C] .............................................................................................................................. 18
9.4.9. SSI Position Zero Shift [2177s1] ........................................................................................................... 18
9.4.10. SSI Raw Value [2005s15] ..................................................................................................................... 18
9.4.11. SSI Value [2020s7] or [6216s1] ............................................................................................................ 18
10. Other Sensors .................................................................................................................................................... 19
10.1. On-Board Pressure Sensors.......................................................................................................................... 19
10.2. Electronic Temperature ................................................................................................................................. 19
10.3. Hydraulic Port T Temperature ....................................................................................................................... 20
10.4. Power Supply Voltage ................................................................................................................................... 20
11. LED Indicators .................................................................................................................................................... 21
11.1. LED Blink/Flash rates .................................................................................................................................... 21
11.2. LED [A] – Power LED [green] ........................................................................................................................ 21
11.3. CANopen Error LED and CANopen Status LEDs [B] & [C] ........................................................................... 21
11.3.1. LED [B] - CANopen Error LED [red] ...................................................................................................... 21
11.3.2. LED [C] - CANopen Status LED [green] ............................................................................................... 21
11.3.3. Enable CANopen LEDs [2001sC] ......................................................................................................... 22
11.4. LED [D] – Fault Manager LED [red] ............................................................................................................... 22
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 3

11.5. LED [E] – Device Status LED [green] ............................................................................................................ 23

11.6. Spare LEDs [F], [G], [H] ................................................................................................................................. 23
12. Diagnostics Functions ........................................................................................................................................ 24
12.1. Standard Diagnostics [2004].......................................................................................................................... 24
12.1.1. Enables [2004s1] .................................................................................................................................. 24
12.1.2. Present Criticality [2004s2] ................................................................................................................... 25
12.1.3. Status Flags [2004s3] ........................................................................................................................... 25
12.1.4. Stored Status Flags [2004s4] ................................................................................................................ 25
12.1.5. High Criticality ....................................................................................................................................... 25
12.1.6. Low Criticality ........................................................................................................................................ 25
12.1.7. Max........................................................................................................................................................ 26
12.1.8. Min......................................................................................................................................................... 26
12.2. Custom Diagnostics [2002]: ........................................................................................................................... 26
12.2.1. Enables [2002s1] .................................................................................................................................. 26
12.2.2. Present Criticality [2002s2] ................................................................................................................... 27
12.2.3. Status Flags [2002s3] ........................................................................................................................... 27
12.2.4. Stored Status Flags [2002s4] ................................................................................................................ 27
12.2.5. High Criticality ....................................................................................................................................... 27
12.2.6. Low Criticality ........................................................................................................................................ 27
12.2.7. Max........................................................................................................................................................ 28
12.2.8. Min......................................................................................................................................................... 28
12.2.9. Heartbeat Consumer 1 Criticality [2002s49] ......................................................................................... 28
12.2.10. Heartbeat Consumer 2 Criticality[2002s4A] .......................................................................................... 28
12.2.11. Error Status Custom Diagnostics [2100s9,A,B,C,D] ............................................................................. 28
12.3. Custom Variable Diagnostics Operation ........................................................................................................ 28
12.3.1. Variable Index [ex. 2002s4B] ................................................................................................................ 28
12.3.2. Variable SubIndex [ex. 2002s4C] ......................................................................................................... 28
12.3.3. High Criticality, Low Criticality, Max, Min [ex. 2002s4D,4E,51,52] ....................................................... 28
12.3.4. Hold Behavior [ex. 2002s55] ................................................................................................................. 28
12.3.5. Hold Setpoint High [ex. 2002s4F] ......................................................................................................... 29
12.3.6. Hold Setpoint 2 High [ex. 2002s50] ...................................................................................................... 29
12.3.7. Hold Setpoint Low [ex. 2002s53] .......................................................................................................... 29
12.3.8. Hold Sepoint 2 Low [ex. 2002s54] ........................................................................................................ 29
12.3.9. Error Status Custom Diagnostics 6 [2100sE] ....................................................................................... 29
13. Fault Management ............................................................................................................................................. 30
13.1. Error Status Bits [2100] and Error Codes ...................................................................................................... 30
13.2. Error Status Bits [2100] and Error Codes ...................................................................................................... 30
13.3. Error Fields [1003] ......................................................................................................................................... 32
13.4. Emergency messages: .................................................................................................................................. 32
13.5. Abort codes: ................................................................................................................................................... 33
13.6. Fault Level [2004s1] ...................................................................................................................................... 34
13.7. Fault Status Word [2004s2] ........................................................................................................................... 34
13.8. Stored Fault Status word [2004s3] ................................................................................................................ 35
14. Network Management ........................................................................................................................................ 35
14.1. NMT Startup [1F80s0] ................................................................................................................................... 35
15. Process Data Objects (PDO)s ........................................................................................................................... 35
15.1. Mapping and Communication Objects ........................................................................................................... 35
15.1.1. RPDO Communication objects [14xx] ................................................................................................... 35
15.1.2. RPDO Mapping objects [16xx] .............................................................................................................. 36
15.1.3. TPDO Communication objects [18xx] ................................................................................................... 37
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 4

15.1.4. TPDO Mapping objects [1Axx] .............................................................................................................. 38

16. DS408 Operation ............................................................................................................................................... 39
16.1. Device Control Word [6040s0] ....................................................................................................................... 39
16.2. Device Status Word [6041s0] ........................................................................................................................ 40
16.3. Device Mode [6042s0] ................................................................................................................................... 41
16.4. Device Control Mode [6043s0] ...................................................................................................................... 42
16.5. Device Error Code [604Es0] .......................................................................................................................... 42
16.6. Device Local [604Fs0] ................................................................................................................................... 43
16.7. Device Code [6051s0] ................................................................................................................................... 43
16.8. Device Description [6053s0] .......................................................................................................................... 43
16.9. Device Model URL [6055s0] .......................................................................................................................... 43
16.10. Device Parameter Set [6056s0] ................................................................................................................ 43
16.11. Device Capability [605Fs0] ........................................................................................................................ 43
16.12. DS408 PDO Mapping ................................................................................................................................ 45
16.12.1. Default PDO Mapping Enable[2001s14] ............................................................................................... 46
16.13. Hold Actual or Preset [2220s0] .................................................................................................................. 46
16.14. Control Monitoring Functions .................................................................................................................... 46
16.14.1. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Upper Threshold [6354s1].................................................................. 47
16.14.2. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Lower Threshold [6355s1].................................................................. 47
16.14.3. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Delay Time [6352s1] .......................................................................... 47
16.14.4. Valve Control Monitoring High Criticality [2002s77] .............................................................................. 47
16.14.5. Valve Control Monitoring Low Criticality [2002s78] .............................................................................. 47
16.14.6. Drive Control Monitoring ....................................................................................................................... 47
16.15. Target Window Monitoring Function.......................................................................................................... 48
16.15.1. Target Window Monitoring Switch On Time.......................................................................................... 48
16.15.2. Target Window Monitoring Switch Off Time.......................................................................................... 48
16.15.3. Target Window Monitoring Upper Threshold ........................................................................................ 48
16.15.4. Target Window Monitoring Lower Threshold ........................................................................................ 49
16.15.5. Target Window Monitoring Criticality [2002s7B] ................................................................................... 49
17. Device Control Modes Details ............................................................................................................................ 49
17.1. Device Control Mode - None [6043s0 = 0] .................................................................................................... 49
17.2. Device Control Mode – VALVE CURRENT CONTROL - VCC [6043s0 = 1] ................................................ 49
17.3. Device Control Mode – VALVE SPOOL CONTROL - VSC [6043s0 = 2] ...................................................... 49
17.3.1. Valve Spool Control Setpoint.value [6300s0] ....................................................................................... 49
17.3.2. Valve Spool Control Feedback.value [6301s1] ..................................................................................... 49
17.3.3. Valve Spool Control DVG Demand.value [6310s1] .............................................................................. 50
17.3.4. VSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6311s1] ..................................... 50
17.3.5. VSC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6314s1] ............................................................................................... 50
17.3.6. VSC DVG Upper Limit.value [6320s1] .................................................................................................. 50
17.3.7. VSC DVG Lower Limit.value [6321s1] .................................................................................................. 50
17.3.8. VSC DVG Ramp Type [6330s0] ........................................................................................................... 50
17.3.9. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6332s1] .............................................................. 51
17.3.10. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6333s1]............................................................. 51
17.3.11. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6335s1] .............................................................. 51
17.3.12. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6336s1] ............................................................ 51
17.3.13. VSC DVG Directional Dependent Gain Type [6340s0] ......................................................................... 51
17.3.14. VSC DVG Directional Dependent Gain Factor [6341s0] ...................................................................... 51
17.3.15. Valve Spool Control Dither Type [6360s0] ............................................................................................ 52
17.3.16. Valve Spool Control Dither Amplitude [6361s1] .................................................................................... 52
17.3.17. Valve Spool Control Dither Frequency [6362s1] ................................................................................... 52
17.4. Device Control Mode – DRIVE SPEED CONTROL - DSC [6043s0 = 7] ...................................................... 52
17.4.1. DSC Setpoint.value [6500s1] ................................................................................................................ 52
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 5

17.4.2. DSC Setpoint.unit [6500s2] ................................................................................................................... 52

17.4.3. DSC Setpoint.prefix [6500s3] ................................................................................................................ 53
17.4.4. DSC Feedback.value [6501s1] ............................................................................................................. 53
17.4.5. DSC Feedback.unit [6501s2] ................................................................................................................ 53
17.4.6. DSC Feedback.prefix [6501s3] ............................................................................................................. 54
17.4.7. DSC Feedback interface number [6502s0] ........................................................................................... 54
17.4.8. DSC Kp Gain.value [6503s1] ................................................................................................................ 54
17.4.9. DSC Ki Gain.value [6504s1] ................................................................................................................. 55
17.4.10. DSC DVG Demand.value [6510s1] ....................................................................................................... 55
17.4.11. DSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6512s1] ..................................... 55
17.4.12. DSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6513s1] ..................................... 55
17.4.13. DSC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6514s1] ............................................................................................... 55
17.4.14. DSC DVG Upper Limit.value [6520s1] .................................................................................................. 55
17.4.15. DSC DVG Lower Limit.value [6521s1] .................................................................................................. 55
17.4.16. DSC DVG Ramp Type [6530s0] ........................................................................................................... 57
17.4.17. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6532s1] .............................................................. 58
17.4.18. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6533s1] ............................................................ 58
17.4.19. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6535s1].............................................................. 58
17.4.20. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6536s1] ............................................................ 58
17.4.21. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [6537s1] ................................................................................. 58
17.4.22. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [6538s1] .......................................................................... 58
17.4.23. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [6539s1] ......................................................................... 58
17.4.24. DSC Control Deviation.value [6550s1] ................................................................................................. 58
17.4.25. DSC Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2400s1] ....................................................................... 58
17.4.26. DSC Addendum. Differentiate Feedback Switch [2400s2] ................................................................... 59
17.4.27. DSC Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2400s3] ................................................................................. 59
17.4.28. DSC Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2400s4] ................................................................................. 59
17.4.29. DSC Addendum.condition feedback Ka [2400s5] ................................................................................ 59
17.4.30. DSC Addendum. Feedback Filter Time Constant [2400s6] .................................................................. 59
17.4.31. DSC Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2400s7] ................................................................................. 59
17.4.32. DSC Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2400s8] ................................................................................ 59
17.4.33. DSC Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2400s9] ................................................................ 59
17.5. Device Control Mode – DRIVE FORCE/PRESSURE CONTROL – DFP [6043s0 = 8] ................................ 60
17.5.1. DFP Setpoint.value [6580s1] ................................................................................................................ 60
17.5.2. DFP Setpoint.unit [6580s2] ................................................................................................................... 60
17.5.3. DFP Setpoint.prefix [6580s3] ................................................................................................................ 61
17.5.4. DFP Feedback.value [6581s1] .............................................................................................................. 61
17.5.5. DFP Feedback.unit [6581s2] ................................................................................................................ 62
17.5.6. DFP Feedback.prefix [6581s3] ............................................................................................................. 62
17.5.7. DFP Feedback interface number [6582s0] ........................................................................................... 62
17.5.8. DFP Kp Gain.value [6583s1] ................................................................................................................ 63
17.5.9. DFP Ki Gain.value [6586s1] .................................................................................................................. 63
17.5.10. DFP DVG Demand.value [6590s1] ....................................................................................................... 63
17.5.11. DFP reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6592s1] ..................................... 63
17.5.12. DFP reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6593s1] ..................................... 63
17.5.13. DFP DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6594s1] ............................................................................................... 63
17.5.14. DFP DVG Upper Limit.value [65A0s1] .................................................................................................. 63
17.5.15. DFP DVG Lower Limit.value [65A1s1] .................................................................................................. 64
17.5.16. DFP DVG Ramp Type [65B0s0] ........................................................................................................... 65
17.5.17. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [65B2s1] .............................................................. 66
17.5.18. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [65B3s1] ............................................................ 66
17.5.19. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [65B5s1].............................................................. 66
17.5.20. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [65B6s1] ............................................................ 66
17.5.21. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [65B7s1] ................................................................................. 66
17.5.22. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [65B8s1] .......................................................................... 66
17.5.23. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [65B9s1] ......................................................................... 66
17.5.24. DFP Control Deviation.value [65D0s1] ................................................................................................. 66
17.5.25. DFP Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2500s1] ........................................................................ 66
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 6

17.5.26. DFP Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2500s2] .................................................................................. 66

17.5.27. DFP Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2500s3] .................................................................................. 66
17.5.28. DFP Addendum. Feedback Filter Time Constant [2500s4] .................................................................. 67
17.5.29. DFP Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2500s5] ................................................................................. 67
17.5.30. DFP Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2500s6] ................................................................................ 67
17.5.31. DFP Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2500s7] ................................................................. 67
17.6. Device Control Mode – DRIVE POSITION CONTROL – DPC [6043s0 = 9] ................................................ 68
17.6.1. DPC Setpoint.value [6600s1] ................................................................................................................ 68
17.6.2. DPC Setpoint.unit [6600s2] ................................................................................................................... 68
17.6.3. DPC Setpoint.prefix [6600s3] ................................................................................................................ 69
17.6.4. DPC Feedback.value [6601s1] ............................................................................................................. 69
17.6.5. DPC Feedback.unit [6601s2] ................................................................................................................ 69
17.6.6. DPC Feedback.prefix [6601s3] ............................................................................................................. 70
17.6.7. DPC Feedback interface number [6602s0] ........................................................................................... 70
17.6.8. DPC Kp Gain.value [6603s1] ................................................................................................................ 70
17.6.9. DPC Switched Integrator type [6608s0] ................................................................................................ 70
17.6.10. DPC Switched Integrator Ki Gain.value [6609s1] ................................................................................. 70
17.6.11. DPC Switched Integrator dX.value [660As1] ........................................................................................ 71
17.6.12. DPC Feedback Velocity (Kv).value [660Cs1] ....................................................................................... 71
17.6.13. DPC Feedback Velocity (Ka).value [660Ds1] ....................................................................................... 71
17.6.14. DPC DVG Demand.value [6610s1] ....................................................................................................... 71
17.6.15. DPC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6612s1] ..................................... 71
17.6.16. DPC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6613s1] ..................................... 71
17.6.17. DPC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6614s1] ............................................................................................... 72
17.6.18. DPC DVG Upper Limit.value [6620s1] .................................................................................................. 72
17.6.19. DPC DVG Lower Limit.value [6621s1] .................................................................................................. 72
17.6.20. DPC DVG Ramp Type [6630s0] ........................................................................................................... 73
17.6.21. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6632s1] .............................................................. 74
17.6.22. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6633s1] ............................................................ 74
17.6.23. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6635s1].............................................................. 74
17.6.24. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6636s1] ............................................................ 74
17.6.25. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [6637s1] ................................................................................. 74
17.6.26. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [6638s1] .......................................................................... 74
17.6.27. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [6639s1] ......................................................................... 74
17.6.28. DPC Control Deviation.value [6650s1] ................................................................................................. 74
17.6.29. DPC Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2300s1] ....................................................................... 74
17.6.30. DPC Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2300s2] ................................................................................. 74
17.6.31. DPC Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2300s3] ................................................................................. 74
17.6.32. DPC Addendum.Kd Gain [2300s4] ....................................................................................................... 75
17.6.33. DPC Addendum.Feedback Filter Time Constant [2300s5] ................................................................... 75
17.6.34. DPC Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2300s6] ................................................................................. 75
17.6.35. DPC Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2300s7] ................................................................................ 75
17.6.36. DPC Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2300s8] ................................................................ 75
17.7. Device Control Mode - DPQ [6043s0 = -1] .................................................................................................... 76
17.7.1. DPQ Addendum.DPQ Mode [2600s1] .................................................................................................. 76
17.7.2. DPQ Addendum.Position Limit [2600s2]............................................................................................... 77
17.7.3. DPQ Addendum.Speed Deadband [2600s3] ........................................................................................ 77
17.7.4. DPQ Addendum.Maximum Pressure Error [2600s4] ............................................................................ 77
17.7.5. DPQ Addendum.Maximum Timer Error [2600s5] ................................................................................. 77
17.7.6. DPQ Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2600s6] ................................................................................ 77
17.7.7. DPQ Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2600s7] ................................................................................ 77
18. Miscellaneous Options ....................................................................................................................................... 78
18.1. Save parameters to EEPROM [1010s1] ........................................................................................................ 78
18.2. Restore factory defaults [1011s1] .................................................................................................................. 78
18.3. Service Key/Password [2000s2] .................................................................................................................... 78
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 7

18.4. CANbus Controller Swap [2001s3] ................................................................................................................ 79

18.5. Valve Enable-Input Enable [2001s4] ............................................................................................................. 79
18.5.1. Pin C state machine logic activation ..................................................................................................... 79
18.5.2. Pin C logic function ............................................................................................................................... 79
18.5.3. Pin C additional logic............................................................................................................................. 80
18.6. Valve Enable Threshold [2001s5] .................................................................................................................. 80
18.7. CoDeSys Reset Option [2001s11] ................................................................................................................. 80
18.8. Monitor Output Functions .............................................................................................................................. 80
18.8.1. Monitor Output.Type [2007s1] .............................................................................................................. 80
18.8.2. Monitor Output.Mode [2007s2] ............................................................................................................. 80
18.8.3. Monitor Output.Monitored Object Dictionary Index [2007s3] ................................................................ 81
18.8.4. Monitor Output.Monitored Object Dictionary Subindex [2007s4] .......................................................... 81
18.8.5. Monitor Output.PM10V Max Duty Cycle [2007s5] ................................................................................ 81
18.8.6. Monitor Output.PM10V Min Duty Cycle [2007s6] ................................................................................. 81
18.8.7. Monitor Output.PM10V Mid Duty Cycle [2007s7] ................................................................................. 81
18.8.8. Monitor Output.4to20mA Max Duty Cycle [2007s8] .............................................................................. 81
18.8.9. Monitor Output.4to20mA Min Duty Cycle [2007s9] ............................................................................... 81
18.8.10. Monitor Output.4to20mA Mid Duty Cycle [2007sA] .............................................................................. 81
18.8.11. Monitor Output.Interface Max Value [2007sB] ...................................................................................... 82
18.8.12. Monitor Output.Interface Min Value [2007sC] ....................................................................................... 82
18.8.13. Monitor Output.Interface Mid Value [2007sD] ....................................................................................... 82
18.8.14. Monitor Output.Max Interface Duty Cycle [2007sE] .............................................................................. 82
18.8.15. Monitor Output.Min Interface Duty Cycle [2007sF] ............................................................................... 82
18.8.16. Monitor Output.Mid Interface Duty Cycle [2007s10] ............................................................................. 82
18.8.17. Monitor Output.Duty Cycle [2007s11] ................................................................................................... 82
18.8.18. Monitor Output.Max Interface [2007s12] ............................................................................................... 82
18.8.19. Monitor Output.Min Interface [2007s13]................................................................................................ 82
18.8.20. Monitor Output.Mid Interface [2007s14]................................................................................................ 82
19. Pro-FX™: Configure ........................................................................................................................................... 83
19.1. Software installation ....................................................................................................................................... 83
19.2. Product Selection ........................................................................................................................................... 83
19.3. CANbus adapter selection and baudrate ....................................................................................................... 83
19.4. Device Detection ............................................................................................................................................ 84
19.5. LSS Protocol .................................................................................................................................................. 84
19.6. Main Window ................................................................................................................................................. 85
19.7. NMT controls.................................................................................................................................................. 87
19.8. Configurator and Object Dictionary ............................................................................................................... 88
19.8.1. Editing Parameters................................................................................................................................ 88
19.8.2. Save and Restore non-volatile parameters........................................................................................... 88
19.8.3. Device Configuration Files .................................................................................................................... 89
19.9. Device Configuration (DS408 Fluid Power Profiles) ...................................................................................... 90
19.9.1. DS408 Monitor widget ........................................................................................................................... 90
19.9.2. DS408 Control widget – Device Setup.................................................................................................. 91
19.9.3. DS408 Control Widget – Device Operation .......................................................................................... 92
19.10. DS408 graphic mode selection ................................................................................................................. 93
19.10.1. Example: Device Control Mode - DPC graphical configuration ............................................................ 94
19.10.2. Making Changes ................................................................................................................................... 94
19.10.3. Demand value generator....................................................................................................................... 95
19.10.4. Actual value conditioning: ..................................................................................................................... 96
19.10.5. Controller Configuration: ....................................................................................................................... 97
19.10.6. Conditioning Feedback: ........................................................................................................................ 98
19.10.7. Controller Output Conditioning: ............................................................................................................. 98
19.11. Monitor output configuration ...................................................................................................................... 99
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 8

19.12. Sync producer ........................................................................................................................................... 99

19.13. Diagnostics .............................................................................................................................................. 101
19.14. Custom Diagnostics................................................................................................................................. 101
19.15. Stored Errors and Emergency Messages: .............................................................................................. 102
19.1. Service Key/Password Protection................................................................................................................ 103
19.1.1. Set/Change Service Password ........................................................................................................... 103
19.1.2. Disable Password ............................................................................................................................... 104
19.1.3. Unlock Valve ....................................................................................................................................... 105
19.1.4. Save Service Password ...................................................................................................................... 106
19.1.5. Save service password to DCF ........................................................................................................... 107
19.1.6. Reset Password .................................................................................................................................. 108
20. Tile Mode.......................................................................................................................................................... 109
20.1. Navigation .................................................................................................................................................... 109
20.2. Home Screen ............................................................................................................................................... 110
20.3. Status Bar Information ................................................................................................................................. 111
20.4. Configure Valve Wizard ............................................................................................................................... 111
20.4.1. Wizard Navigation ............................................................................................................................... 111
20.4.2. Application Configuration .................................................................................................................... 112
20.4.3. Save Configuration .............................................................................................................................. 114
20.4.4. DPC Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 117
20.4.5. DSC Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 142
20.4.6. DFP Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 156
20.4.7. DPQ Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 185
20.4.8. Command Input Configuration ............................................................................................................ 229
20.4.9. Calibration Completion ........................................................................................................................ 241
20.4.10. Help Button ......................................................................................................................................... 242
20.5. System Notifications .................................................................................................................................... 243
20.6. Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 244
20.7. Diagnostics .................................................................................................................................................. 245
20.8. User Guide ................................................................................................................................................... 246
20.9. Advanced Mode ........................................................................................................................................... 246
20.10. Set Factory Defaults ................................................................................................................................ 246
20.11. About AxisPro .......................................................................................................................................... 246
21. References ....................................................................................................................................................... 247
Appendices.................................................................................................................................................................... 248
Appendix 1: Sensor Interfaces & Calibration ............................................................................................................ 248
A1.1 On-board Pressure Sensors............................................................................................................................. 250
A1.2 Quad sensor input decoding: ........................................................................................................................... 253
A1.3 Temperature Sensors ....................................................................................................................................... 254
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 9

1. Preface
This Manual explains in detail how the AxisPro™ proportional valve series may be set up and commissioned. As the
valve can be used as an integral part of a larger control system/application it is not possible to cover all possible us-
es/operations in this manual.

The hydraulic performance of the AxisPro valves are detailed in the product catalogues.

2. Scope
The Eaton AxisPro™ industrial valve can be operated in numerous applications and control scenarios. For each appli-
cation a different software configuration may be required. This guide is intended to introduce the user to some often-
used control capabilities of the valve, Eaton Pro-FX™: Configure PC application engineering tool with interfaces which
configure these capabilities, and allow the user to begin applying the valve in simple systems.

The reader is presented a step-by-step approach for configuring pre-programmed control modes of the device profile for
fluid power technology – proportional valves (CAN in Automation [CiA] DS408), as well as general description and pa-
rameterization of specific valve features.
As indicated by the model code of the valve, the type and number of pre-programmed software control modes as well as
hardware I/O availability require the user to consider what modes and connections are possible for the actual device be-
ing used.

The DS408 control capabilities for the Eaton AxisPro™ series of industrial valves:
VSC valve (spool) position control (aka. VPOC)
DSC drive speed control
DFP drive force/pressure control (aka. DFPC)
DPC drive position control
DPQ drive speed/pressure control (Eaton custom mode)

This document covers pre-programmed DS408 control capabilities for ranges of model codes as follows:

Single-Stage models:
- KBS1 (capability VSC via analog command input only)
- KBS2 (capability VSC, DSC, DFP, DPC, DPQ)
- KBS3 (capability subset equivalent to KBS2 with additional pressure sensing options)
- KBS4 (capability subset equivalent to KBS3DG4V)

Two-Stage models:
- KBH1 (capability VSC via analog command input only)
- KBH2 (capability VSC, DSC, DFP, DPC, DPQ)

Users familiar with CANopen will quickly identify, within Pro-FX™: Configure, the standardized concepts of CANopen
communication (CiA DS301) as well as the DS408 device profile, but for the purposes of this guide, the full details and
options provided by the device in accordance with the standards are not listed.

3. Acronyms
CAN controller area network
CiA CAN in Automation Alliance
DSC drive speed control
DFP/DFPC drive force/pressure control
DPC drive position control
DPQ drive speed/pressure control
Egnd Earth ground
OD object dictionary
SSI synchronous serial interface
VDC voltage direct current (DC)
VSC/VPOC valve spool position control
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 10

4. Document Notation – Object Dictionary

The Object Dictionary (OD) is the parameter list that is maintained inside the AxisPro™ and values can be read or writ-
ten depending on their access type. OD entries listed throughout this document are referenced by their CANopen index
and subindex. An index can have a single subindex or multiple subindicies.

Herein, OD parameters are referenced by hexadecimal index and subindex in the following short format:


Ex. CANopen LED Enable at object index 0x2001 subindex 0xC is displayed as [2001sC].

5. Qualified Personnel
This manual has been created for the use by professionals in the field of hydraulics power motion and control with the
appropriate knowledge of commissioning and optimization. Only skilled and trained personnel are advised to conduct
the installation, connection, configuration, programming and operation for AxisPro valve. Personnel must be able to
judge potential hazards arising from the above-mentioned tasks and also those arising, in general from the mechanical,
electrical or electronic equipment. Only personnel who are familiar with the working principles of the AxisPro valve are
recommended to install and service the product.

6. Software and Support Information

Pro-Fx : Configure
Pro-Fx: Configure is intended for use with all AxisProTM. It is a PC-based tool used for advanced electronic product set-
up, commissioning, diagnostics and troubleshooting. For AxisPro level 2, 3 and 4 valves, Pro-Fx: Configure also pro-
vides access to closed loop CANopen DS408 motion control modes. More information on Pro-Fx Configure is available
in later chapters.

Pro-Fx: Control
For the ultimate flexibility into the control of your machine’s hydraulic motion (including concepts such as customized
ramps, coordinated master/slave axis arrangements, etc.), Pro-Fx: Control represents a major step forward in our IEC
61131-3 standards-based, application development environment. Pro-Fx: Control is intended for application develop-
ment on AxisPro KBS4 valves only. More information on Pro-Fx Control is available in later chapters.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 11

7. Installation

7.1. Valve Installation

• The valve can be mounted in any attitude but it is good practice to ensure that the piping be arranged to ensure
that the valve is kept full of fluid at all times. This applies particularly to port T.
• Do not remove the protection pad on the bottom face of the valve until immediately before installation. Take care
not to lose the seals from the valve ports. Ensure that the surface on which the valve is to be mounted is clean
and free from burrs and damage. This applies also to any intermediate “stacking/sandwich” valves which may be
• Install the valve on the mounting surface and secure with bolts to class 12.9 (ISO 898) or better. Torque bolts
according to the following recommendation.
• Minimum actual bolt lengths are the sum of relevant clamping heights plus minimum engagement lengths in
ferrous materials.

7.2. Service Information

• These products are preset at the factory for optimum performance. Disassembling critical items would destroy
these settings. It is therefore essential that any valve requiring mechanical or electronic repair be returned to the
nearest Eaton repair center.
• The products will be refurbished as necessary and retested to specification before return. Field repair is restricted to
the replacement of the external seals only.

8. Identification
This manual contains description and guidance for products containing a specific firmware version. As listed on the
cover page, this manual applies to specific firmware version(s). In addition references are made to the model code of a
valve. These important pieces of information, as well as other identification values, are discoverable via CANbus.

8.1. Firmware Version (Manufacturer Software Version) [100As0]

The firmware version is found by reading this string object.

8.2. Model Code (Device Model Description) [6054s0]

The model code as stored by the software is found by reading this string object. The value read from this string may differ from
that printed on the label of the device due to changes to parameters which are software configurable model code options.

9. Cables and connections

Additional documentation of all ports, cables, pinouts, and wiring guidelines can be found in the valve catalog descrip-
tions or supplied installation information.

9.1. Primary Connector

Power and I/O options are provided to the valve via the 7pin plug connector. The 7pin plug connector is considered connect-
or location 1. AxisPro™ valves require a regulated 24VDC supply with a minimum 5 amp capability.

Pin Signal Interface

A 24V supply -
B Ground -
C Enable input 5
D +VE input
E -VE input
F Monitor output -
Table 9-1 7pin Plug Pinout
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 12

Code Pin C
PC7/PE7 High impedance (0-10V) input,
interface 5
PH7/PR7 Valve Enable-Input function
Table 9-2 7pin Plug Pin C (Enable) Model Options

Code Pin D/E

M1 +/-10Vdc
M2 4-20mA
M3 +/-10mA
M4 +/-15mA
M9 Pins not used
(CANbus cmd)
Not encoded +/-20mA
Not encoded +10V
Table 9-3 7pin Plug Pin D/E (+/- Analog Command) Model Options

Code Pin F
F1 +/-10V
F2 4-20mA
F9 Disabled
Not encoded Custom configs
Table 9-4 7pin Plug Pin F (Monitor output) Model Options

9.2. CANbus Connections

CANbus communication requires a connection from one of the available 5pin M12 CANbus ports to the available CANbus
network or adapter connected to a PC. AxisPro™ male and female CANbus ports have identical pinout.

Pin Signal
1 Egnd
2 ----
3 Egnd
4 CAN high
5 CAN low
Table 9-5 CANbus M12 Pinout

Typically, PC CANbus adapters incorporate a standard male DB9 connector with pins 7 and 2 as CAN high and CAN low re-

All CANbus networks require the use of 120 ohm terminating resistors between CAN high and CAN low signal wires at the ex-
tents of the physical bus. This includes the simple network formed by a single valve to PC CANbus adapter for Pro-FX™:
Configure parameterization. Communication without a terminating resistor should be expected to be unreliable. As cable
length increases, bitrate is increased, or different devices are networked together, the need for termination becomes critical.
Longer physical bus lengths also require slower bitrates to be used for all devices. For further information on wiring and ter-
minating CANbus networks see CiA DS102.

9.2.1. Node-ID [2102s1] and Bitrate [2102s2]

Rather than edit these objects directly, it is recommended to use the CANopen Layer Setting Service (LSS) to
automate the process of initializing a network by a network master and/or not disrupt a working network when
new devices are added or reconfigured.

LSS supported from CiA DSP305 are:

- Switch state global – LSS device state machine command
 switch to configuration state
 switch to waiting state - on demand (only) and an automatic NMT Reset Communications is
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 13

- Inquire node-ID – request node-ID of the device

- Configure node-ID – change node-ID of the device
 valid values: 1 to 127, 255
- Configure bit timing parameters – configure bitrate using standard enumeration
 1 = 800 Kbps
 2 = 500 Kbps
 3 = 250 Kbps
 4 = 125 Kbps
 6 = 50 Kbps
 7 = 20 Kbps
 8 = 10 Kbps
- Store configuration protocol – save node-ID and bitrate parameters as configured

9.2.2. Bus Off Recovery Type [2102s5]

If the AxisPro CANbus moves to bus-off state due to transmission or other bus errors, different mechanisms are
made available to attempt to recover from this state.

type entry description

0 Do not attempt to automatically recover from bus-off (require
NMT comms reset or device reset/power cycle)
1 Attempt to recover to NMT initializing state. (Default type)
3 Attempt to recover and command NMT state that was effective
prior to bus passive/bus off
Table 9-6 CAN bus off recovery type values

9.2.3. Heartbeat and Life-guarding (node-guarding) Protocols

The AxisPro™ supports heartbeat and node-guarding protocols. These protocols are mutually exclusive, one or
the other can be active at a time. Heartbeat Protocol

Heartbeat Protocol involves a broadcast transmitted from the AxisPro™. Other devices take action
based on reception of the broadcast or absence of the broadcast.

The valve transmits a ‘heartbeat’ message via CANbus at a specified frequency. The message contains
the device’s present NMT state. A network master or other devices can receive the heartbeat message
and be informed that the device is still on the network and operating with a particular NMT state or take
action when the message is not received when expected.

Heartbeat messages are transmitted with identifier 0x700 + device’s Node-ID.

Heartbeat Producer Time [1017s0] –

Parameter [1017s0] configures the time between heartbeat message transmissions in milliseconds. If
the value is 0, heartbeat protocol is disabled. Life-Guard Protocol (a.k.a. Node-guarding)

Life-Guarding Protocol involves a confirmed reply to a life-guard message received by the AxisPro™ to
determine if the valve is still connected to the bus as well as AxisPro™ monitoring for reception of the
life-guard message.

If Heartbeat Producer Time [1017s0] value is 0, life-guarding protocol may be enabled by setting the
node guard time [100Cs0] and lifetime factor [100Ds0] to non-zero values. Life-guarding is disabled in
the AxisPro™ when the Heartbeat Producer Time is non-zero.

A network master or other device transmits a life-guard message on the bus cyclically. The AxisPro™,
with Life-Guarding enabled, will monitor for the life-guard message and respond. If the AxisPro™ does
not receive the node-guard message within the allowed maximum life time, it generates an error and at-
tempts to transmit an emergency message indicating life-guard error.

Node Guard Time [100Cs0] –

Time (in ms) which is multiplied by the lifetime factor to result in the maximum allowed (life) time be-
tween reception of life guard messages before an error is generated and an emergency message is
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 14

transmitted by the AxisPro™. If node guard time is zero, life guarding is not performed in the AxisPro™.

Lifetime factor [100Ds0] –

Multiplier of node guard time to result in maximum life time between receptions of life guard messages
before an error is generated and an emergency message is transmitted by the AxisPro™. If lifetime fac-
tor is zero, life guarding is not performed in the AxisPro™
Ex. node-guard time = 100 (ms)
Lifetime factor = 1
Max time allowed between life-guard messages = 100 x 1 = 100 ms

9.3. External Sensor Port (Analog)

The analog sensor port is available on KBS2DG4V-*-9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-A-*, KBS3DG4V-*-9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-A-*,
KBS4DG4V-*-9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-A-*, KBH2-**-***-**-**-A-* model coded valves at connector location 3.

The analog sensor port, where present, interfaces to external 4-20mA sensors and pulse generating sensors

Pin Signal Interface

1 Speed 1 9
2 Speed 2 10
3 4-20mA #1 1
4 15Vout -
5 4-20mA #2 2
6 Ground -
7 4-20mA #3 3
8 4-20mA #4 4
Table 9-7 Sensor Port M12 Pinout

Details of the analog sensor port signals:

Input Type 4-20mA
Range 0 to 22mA
Resolution 1uA
Accuracy +/-1%
Input Impedance 100ohm shunt
Voltage Level (max) 0 to 2.5V (Protected to 40V maximum)
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation Notes Single-ended operation (grounded internally)
3mA cable break detect, 22mA overcurrent detect
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
KBH model valves do not have Pin 3 (4-20mA #1) connection. It is inter-
nally wired to the external LVDT port.
Table 9-8 Ext Sensor Port 4-20mA capability
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 15

Input Type Speed (frequency)

Frequency Range 10Hz to 100KHz
Voltage Levels (switching) 2V to 9V
Voltage Level (max) 36V steady-state
Input Impedance 20Kohm, 1.2mA sink @ 24V
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation Notes User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
Table 9-9 Ext Sensor Port Speed (single pin) capability

Input Type Speed (Incremental count and direction + frequency)

Count (max) Signed 32bit, pulse count up/down
Frequency Range 0Hz to 100KHz
Voltage Levels (switching) 2V to 9V
Voltage Level (max) 36V steady state
Input Impedance 20Kohm, 1.2mA @ 24V
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation Notes Adjustable software filter to achieve reliable lower speeds (default 99%
filter applied for low speeds)
Mode requires both speed inputs when available.
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
Table 9-10 Ext Sensor Port Incremental Count and Direction (2pin) capability

Input Type Speed (Quadrature phase A&B + frequency)

Count (max) Signed 32bit, pulse count up/down
Frequency Range 0Hz to 100KHz
Voltage Levels (switching) 2V to 9V
Voltage Level (max) 36V steady state
Input Impedance 20Kohm, 1.2mA @ 24V
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation Notes Adjustable software filter to achieve reliable lower speeds (default 99%
filter applied for low speeds)
Mode requires both speed inputs when available.
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
Table 9-11 Ext Sensor Port Quadrature (2pin) capability

9.4. External Sensor Port (Digital) - Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI)

The SSI port is available on KBS2DG4V-*-9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-D-*, KBS3DG4V-*-9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-D -*, KBS4DG4V-*-
9*L-M*F*-P*7-H8-**-D-*-*, KBH2-**-***-**-**-D-* model coded valves at connector location 3. SSI port is considered Interface

The digital sensor port, where present, interfaces to a single external SSI capable device, typically a position encoder with this
digital bus. The SSI port generates a clock signal to the external device and receives data containing the sensor value. The
accuracy and resolution of the data received is specific to the external device and wiring.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 16

Pin Signal
1 Ground
2 +24V out
3 CLK -
4 DATA -
5 DATA +
6 NC
7 CLK +
8 NC
Table 9-12 SSI Port M12 Pinout

Details of the digital sensor port signals:

Input Type SSI (synchronous serial interface)
Resolution 1 to 32bit adjustable (default 24Bit)
Bitrate 0.558kHz to 2,000kHz adjustable (default 400kHz)
Voltage Levels (switching) 2V to 9V
Voltage Level (max) 36V steady-state
Input Impedance 20Kohm, 1.2mA @ 24V
Sampling Frequency (max) 1kHz
Operation See AxisPro SSI Port configuration options below
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
Table 9-13 Ext Sensor Port Synchronous Serial Interface capability

The maximum serial transmission length of the SSI port is 32bits. The valve will output 32 clock pulses regardless of the con-
figured bit size. The bit sampled on clock 1 is expected to be the most significant bit (MSB) of the measurement data unless
extra bits are prefixed to the data packet. The bit sampled on clock (Bit Size + Extra Bits) is expected to be the least signifi-
cant bit (LSB) of the data. Bits sampled after the LSB are ignored.

SSI Pulse Diagram:

Clock+ 1 2 3 ... ... ... ... 32

Data+ Extra MSB LSB Ignored

Bit Size

9.4.1. SSI Bitrate Prescaler [2001sD] & Scaler [2001sE]

AxisPro™ generates the clock signal of the SSI port on the CLK+ and CLK- pins. The bitrate prescaler and scal-
er entries determine the data clock rate (bitrate) of the SSI port.

Prescaler entry valid range: 0 to 3

Prescaler entry PSVAL
0 2
1 3
2 5
3 7
Table 9-14 SSI Bitrate Prescaler entries
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 17

Scaler entry valid range: 0 to 15

Scaler entry SVAL
0 2
1 4
2 6
3 8
4 16
5 32
6 64
7 128
8 256
9 512
10 1024
11 2048
12 4096
13 8192
14 16384
15 32768
Table 9-15 SSI Bitrate Scaler entries

Bitrate = 128000000/(PSVAL * SVAL)

Ex. Default bitrate is 400Kbps
Prescaler = 2 (PSVAL = 5)
Scaler = 6 (SVAL = 64)
128000000/(5+64) = 400000 = 400Kbps

9.4.2. SSI Read Delay For Control [2001sF]

The read delay parameter is a precision adjustment to control loop processing where an SSI reading is used (ex.
DS408 control modes). Value is specified in microseconds. This parameter specifies an additional control loop
delay (as maximum delay) prior to executing control to allow the sensor processing to finish obtaining the feed-
back value prior to computing the control. If sensor processing takes longer than the control update rate (1mS)
plus this delay, the old value of SSI sensor feedback is used, and the control becomes out-of-phase with the
sensor feedback. Value may be important for slowest SSI bitrates or unresponsive SSI devices.

9.4.3. SSI type [2160s7]

The encoding of the received data is dependent on the format provided by the connected device. This object
may also disable the port when it is not in use.

type entry description

0 disable SSI clock output and processing
65 data processed as binary encoding
66 data processed as gray encoding
Table 9-16 SSI Data Processing Type

9.4.4. SSI sign [2161s7]

The sign object allows negation of the resulting value.

sign entry description

0 result = SSI Position Offset
1 positive result
-1 negative result
Table 9-17 SSI Result Value Sign
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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9.4.5. SSI Position Resolution [2175s1] and Offset [2176s1]

The resolution and offset objects allow conversion from decoded raw serial data value to a scaled physical value
(distance, pressure). Resolution is a multiplication times the raw data. Offset is a subtraction from the resolved

SSI result value = sign * (decoded raw data * Resolution) – Offset

9.4.6. SSI Position Bit Size [2178s7]

The bit size is specified by the connected device as the number of bits of a SSI serial sequence that represent
the numeric data. Max value is 32. This may or may not be the entire message bit size. Some SSI devices ap-
pend error, sign, or out-of-range bit(s) to the data value which are not part of the physical measurement value.
Care must be taken to only indicate in this object how many bits represent the physical measurement value.

9.4.7. SSI Extra Bits [2001s10]

The extra bits parameter specifies how many additional bits are included in the message that are not part of the
physical measurement value and are transmitted before the physical measurement value bits. These may be er-
ror, sign, or out-of-range bit(s), etc… They must be omitted from the decoded measurement value. Bits append-
ed to the message after the Extra Bits + Position Bit Size will be ignored.

9.4.8. SSI Filter [2001s1C]

This parameter allows configures an exponentially weighted filter for the received SSI data. The filter maximum
weighting value is 9999 which corresponds to 99.99% weighting per the following formula.

New filtered value = (old filtered value * weight) + (new SSI value * [1-weight])

Note: With this type of simple filter, there is significant lag introduced to the signal value. Choose the smallest fil-
ter weight that the application can tolerate.

9.4.9. SSI Position Zero Shift [2177s1]

This parameter is not used.

9.4.10. SSI Raw Value [2005s15]

The raw unscaled value is made available for debug purposes.

9.4.11. SSI Value [2020s7] or [6216s1]

The decoded and scaled measurement value is put into this object. The same value is mirrored to both locations.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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10. Other Sensors

10.1. On-Board Pressure Sensors

Available on KBS3DG4V* model coded valves.
Each of the 4 hydraulic ports (P, T, A, B) is fitted with a pressure transducer which is internally wired to the valve electronics.

Input Type Pressure sensing

Range 0 to 400 Bar
Resolution 0.1Bar
Accuracy +/-4 Bar
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation See Appendix section 1.1 for pressure sensor calibration procedures.
Table 10-1 On-Board Pressure Sensors Capability

10.2. Electronic Temperature

Each valve has a temperature sensor placed on one of the internal electronic PCBs to allow monitoring of the electronics en-
closure internal temperature. The electronics enclosure temperature should be assumed to have some additional offset from
the external ambient temperature due wattage being consumed by the electronic components within the enclosure and con-
ducted heat from the attached valve body.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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Input Type Temperature (electronics PCB)

o o
Range -40 C to 125 C
o o
Resolution 1 C (1.8 F )
Accuracy +/-4 C
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
o o
Operation -25 C (-13 F) under temperature detect
o o
125 C (257 F) over temperature detect
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
See Appendix section 1.3 for temperature sensor calibration procedures
Table 10-2 Electronic Temperature Sensor Capability

10.3. Hydraulic Port T Temperature

Available on KBS3 and KBS4 model coded valves as part of the pressure sensor assembly.

The hydraulic port T temperature sensor is integral to the port T pressure transducer. The temperature response time is influ-
enced by the type and amount of fluid flowing through the valve body (port T) as well as the thermal conductivity of the sur-
rounding casting, assembly, and mounting surface.

Input Type Temperature (port T)

o o
Range -40 C to 125 C
o o
Resolution 1 C (1.8 F )
Accuracy +/-4 C
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
o o
Operation -25 C (-13 F) under temperature detect
o o
125 C (257 F) over temperature detect
User configurable fault limit and criticality triggering
See Appendix section 1.3 for temperature sensor calibration procedures

Table 10-3 Port T Temperature Sensor Capability

10.4. Power Supply Voltage

The main power supply to the valve can be monitored.
Input Type Power Supply (internal sensor)
Range 0 to 44V
Resolution 0.01V
Accuracy +/-1%
Sampling Frequency (max) 1KHz
Operation 19V undervoltage detect
36V overvoltage detect

Table 10-4 Power Supply Sensing Capability

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11. LED Indicators

LED COLOR Description

A Green Power
B Red CAN error
C Green CAN status
D Red Fault Manager
E Green Device Status
F Yellow Spare, no function
G Orange Spare, no function
H Green Spare, no function

Figure 11-1 LED Indicator Window

11.1. LED Blink/Flash rates

Indication Description
Off Always OFF
On Always ON
Flickering 10Hz ON/OFF rate (50ms ON, 50ms OFF)
Blinking 2.5Hz ON/OFF rate (200ms ON, 200ms OFF)
Slow Blinking 0.5Hz ON/OFF rate (2000ms ON, 2000ms OFF)
Medium Blinking 2Hz ON/OFF rate (500ms ON, 500ms OFF)
Fast Blinking 4Hz ON/OFF rate (250ms ON, 250ms OFF)
Single Flash Sequence of 200ms ON, 1800ms OFF repeated
Double Flash Sequence of 200ms ON, 200ms OFF, 200ms ON, 1400ms OFF repeated
Triple Flash Sequence of 200ms ON, 200ms OFF, 200ms ON, 200ms OFF, 200ms ON,
1000ms OFF repeated
Table 11-1 LED Indications

11.2. LED [A] – Power LED [green]

The green Power LED is always illuminated when power is applied.

11.3. CANopen Error LED and CANopen Status LEDs [B] & [C]
The valve supports the CiA DR303-3 indicator specification with RED & GREEN LED’s for CANopen communication.

11.3.1. LED [B] - CANopen Error LED [red]

Indication State Description

Off No error The CAN controller is in working condition
Single Flash Warning limit At least one of the error counter of the CAN controller
reached Has reached the maximum error count
Flickering Baudrate Baudrate mismatch with network
Double Flash Error control event Node guard or heart beat event has occurred
Triple Flash Sync error The Sync message has not been received within con-
figured communication cycle period time out
On Bus off The CAN controller is bus off
Table 11-2 CANopen Error LED [red]

11.3.2. LED [C] - CANopen Status LED [green]

Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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Indication State Description

Single Flash STOPPED The CAN controller is in STOPPED state
Blinking PRE OPERATION- The CAN Controller is in the PREOPERATIONAL state
On OPERATIONAL The CAN Controller is in the OPERATIONAL state
Table 11-3 CANopen Run LED [green]

11.3.3. Enable CANopen LEDs [2001sC]

This object enables or disables the functioning of the CANopen LEDs [B] and [C]. KBS1 models have the value
of this parameter set to “0” by default.
Value Behavior
0 CANopen LED functions are disabled. LEDs [B] and [C] are off.
1 CANopen LED functions are enabled. CiA DR303-3 indications are in effect.

Table 11-4 CANopen LED Enable Values

11.4. LED [D] – Fault Manager LED [red]

The RED Fault Manager Diagnostic LED default mode is set to indicate diagnostic faults per the highest criticality fault pre-
sent ([2001s8] is set to “2”). The highest criticality fault level is indicated in the Present Criticality [2002s2]. This fault register
does not include errors covered by the CANopen Error and CANopen Status LEDs.

Indication Description Present Criticality [2002s2]

Off The Device has no fault 0
Slow blinking The Device has criticality Info fault 1
Medium blinking The Device has criticality warning fault 2 or 3
Fast blinking The Device has criticality shutdown fault 4 or 5
Table 11-5 Red Diagnostic LED Error states

The behavior of this LED can be customized. This could be a useful feature when running custom CoDeSys applications and
LED status would aid in providing visual status. This can be done by writing to 2001s8.

Mode Description
0 continuously off
1 continuously on
2 Blink Error states (see Table above). Default mode
3 Blink per rate specified in blink rate [2001s9] (millisecond per half period)
4 Single flash
5 Double flash
6 Triple flash
7 Fade on at blink rate
8 Fade off at blink rate
9 Fade on/Fade off
Table 11-6 Red Diagnostic LED modes [2001s8]
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11.5. LED [E] – Device Status LED [green]

The GREEN Device Status LED default mode is to indicate the DS408 state ([2001sA] is set to “2”). The DS408 state follows
the state found in the Device Status Word [6041].

Indication Description Device Status Word [6041] lower 4 bits

Off The Device is in NOT Ready state 0b0000
Single Flash The Device is in the INIT state 0b1000
Double Flash The Device is in the DISABLED state 0b1001
Triple Flash The Device is in the HOLD state 0b1011
On The Device is in the ACTIVE state 0b1111
Blinking The Device is in the FAULT/FAULT_HOLD state 0b0011 or 0b0001
Table 11-7 Green Diagnostic LED DS408 states

The behavior of this LED can be customized. This could be a useful feature when running custom CoDeSys applications and
LED status would aid in providing visual status. This can be done by writing to 2001sA.

Mode Description
0 continuously off
1 continuously on
2 Blink DS408 states (see Table). Default mode
3 Blink per rate specified in blink rate [2001sB] (millisecond per half period)
4 Single flash
5 Double flash
6 Triple flash
7 Fade on at blink rate
8 Fade off at blink rate
9 Fade on/Fade off
Table 11-8 Green Diagnostic LED modes [2001sA]

11.6. Spare LEDs [F], [G], [H]

These indicators are not under software control and cannot be modified. LED [F] will glow amber as part of general operation.
LED [G] & [H] will be OFF.
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12. Diagnostics Functions

The valve will perform standard diagnostics such as monitoring internal voltages, CPU watchdog, and electronic tem-
perature. In addition custom diagnostics can be enabled.
When a diagnostic value exceeds the specified threshold the fault manager within the valve takes the appropriate action
based on criticality level.

Criticality level of the diagnostic indicates the severity of the fault and determines the AxisPro™ reaction to the fault.

Criticality Level Value Behavior

None 0 Fault word is not updated. No emergency message transmitted. No effect on DS408 device
state. Similar to disabling the diagnostic.
Info 1 Fault word is updated, but no emergency message transmitted. No effect on DS408 device
Warning 2 Fault word is updated. Emergency message is transmitted. No effect on DS408 device state
Stored Warning 3 Fault word is updated. Emergency message is transmitted. No effect on DS408 device state.
The fault is noted in the Error Field and stored in non-volatile memory.
Fault Hold 4 Fault word is updated. Emergency message is transmitted. The fault is appended to the
Error Fields [1003s1+] and stored in non-volatile memory. The DS408 device state will transi-
tion from present state to “FAULT_HOLD” state.
Fault Shutdown 5 Fault word is updated. Emergency message is transmitted. The fault is appended in the Error
Field [1003s1+] and stored in non-volatile memory. The DS408 device state will transition
from present state to “FAULT” state
Table 12-1 Diagnostics Criticality Levels

12.1. Standard Diagnostics [2004]

Standard diagnostics are preconfigured to monitor critical valve operations. Some standard diagnostics can be
disabled/enabled per user preference, but the associated threshold levels cannot be changed.
12.1.1. Enables [2004s1]
Object [2004s1] is a 32bit word with each bit representing an enable signal for each standard diagnostic. If a bit
value is 1 that means the diagnostic is enabled, else the diagnostic is not enabled.

bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7


 IN1 : external current sensor1 high or low limit diagnostic

 IN2 : external current sensor2 high or low limit diagnostic
 IN3 : external current sensor3 high or low limit diagnostic
 IN4 : external current sensor4 high or low limit diagnostic
 PRESS_A : pressure sensor at port A high or low limit diagnostic
 PRESS_T : pressure sensor at port T high or low limit diagnostic
 PRESS_P : pressure sensor at port P high or low limit diagnostic
 PRESS_B : pressure sensor at port B high or low limit diagnostic

bit 8 bit 9 bit 10 bit 11 bit 12 bit 13 bit 14 bit 15


 TEMP_OIL : Temperature of oil high or low limit diagnostic (KBS3 or KBS4 models only)
 TEMP_PCB : Temperature on PCB high or low limit diagnostic
 V_SUP : Supply Voltage high or low limit diagnostic
 V_1.5 : Internal 1.5V supply high or low limit diagnostic
 V_5VD : Internal 5V digital supply high or low limit diagnostic
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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 V_2.5V : Internal 2.5V supply high or low limit diagnostic

 V_5VA : Internal 5V analog supply high or low limit diagnostic
 SOL_A : Solenoid A current high or low limit diagnostic

bit 16 bit 17 bit 18 bit 19 bit 20 bit 21 bit 22 bit 23


 SOL_A : Solenoid A current high or low limit diagnostic

 LVDT : LVDT converted value high or low limit diagnostic
 L_PRI : LVDT primary value high or low limit diagnostic
 L_SECB : LVDT secondary B value high or low limit diagnostic
 L_SECA : LVDT secondary A value high or low limit diagnostic
 L_FS : LVDT failsafe checking when valve is disabled
 CLK : MCU system clock loss of phase lock or loss of primary clock source

bit 24 bit 25 bit 26 bit 27 bit 28 bit 29 bit 30 bit 31


 CUST : Custom diagnostics enable system response triggers

 DOG : MCU watchdog timer monitoring
 SENS : Power-up sensing checks
 MEM : Memory check
 CSUM : EEPROM checksum

12.1.2. Present Criticality [2004s2]

Object [2004s2] indicates the present criticality in effect due to the standard diagnostics. Present Criticality indi-
cates the highest criticality of all diagnostic faults. If the value is non-zero at least one fault of the level indicated
was triggered. Fault levels of 4 or 5 will continue to be indicated until the device status exits fault mode. See
Criticality Definitions.

12.1.3. Status Flags [2004s3]

Object [2004s3] is a 32bit word with each bit representing a status for each standard diagnostic mirroring the en-
ables per the Standard Diagnostic Enables [2004s1]. If a bit value is 1 that means fault has occurred, else no
fault for that diagnostic.

12.1.4. Stored Status Flags [2004s4]

Object [2004s4] is a copy of the Status Flags [2004s3] stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory to preserve fault
indications across power cycles. The stored value may be cleared at any time.

12.1.5. High Criticality

Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the high criticality level is actioned by the fault management system when
the diagnostic determines the monitored value has crossed the Max specified value. Standard diagnostics can-
not have their High Criticality changed.

12.1.6. Low Criticality

Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the low criticality level is actioned by the fault management system when
the diagnostic determines the monitored value has crossed the Min specified value. Standard diagnostics cannot
have their High Criticality changed.
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12.1.7. Max
Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the max value specifies the threshold where values equal to or above the
threshold trigger the fault manager to take action. Standard diagnostics cannot have their Max thresholds

12.1.8. Min
Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the min value specifies the threshold where values equal to or below the
threshold trigger the fault manager to take action. Standard diagnostics cannot have their Min thresholds

12.2. Custom Diagnostics [2002]:

Users can set custom threshold monitoring limits and fault behavior for many of the sensor diagnostics within the AxisPro™.
Custom max and min limits that the user chooses are specified instead of the limits of device malfunction/damage provided by
the standard diagnostics.

Individual sensor diagnostics may be enabled or disabled via the Custom Diagnostics Enables bitfield [2002s1] where each bit
represents a single sensor diagnostic.

The Custom Diagnostics feature of the AxisPro™ uses the scaled sensor values DS408 Actual Value Conditioning (AVC) for
Drive Interfaces. Thus, high and low thresholds can be specified in configured units of pressure, temperature, position, etc…

System requires valve shutdown when pressure exceeds 200 Bar as sensed on external current input 1.
1. External current input 1 is configured per DS408 AVC to be a type 2 (pressure) sensor with related parameters con-
figured appropriately for 4-20mA conversion to millibar.
2. The Custom Diagnostics Input 1 Max value is set to 200000 millibar (200 Bar scaled to millibar)
3. The associated Custom Diagnostics Input 1 High Criticality is set to Fault Shutdown (level 5).
4. The diagnostic is enabled by setting bit 1 of the Custom Diagnostics Enables [2002s1].
The converted AVC value for input 1 is used to compare with the user min/max limits.

12.2.1. Enables [2002s1]

Object [2002s1] is a 32bit word with each bit representing an enable signal for each custom diagnostic. If a bit
value is 1 that means the diagnostic is enabled, else the diagnostic is not enabled.

bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7


 D/E : pins D/E high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 0)
 IN1 : external current sensor1 high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 1)
 IN2 : external current sensor2 high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 2)
 IN3 : external current sensor3 high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 3)
 IN4 : external current sensor4 high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 4)
 EXT : external enable input high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 5)
 SSI : SSI sensor high or low limit crossed diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 6)
 BUS1: CANbus param 1 input high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 7)

bit 8 bit 9 bit 10 bit 11 bit 12 bit 13 bit 14 bit 15


 BUS2: CANbus param 2 input high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 8)
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 SPEED1 : speed1 sensor high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 9)
 SPEED2 : speed2 sensor high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 10)
 PRESS_A : pressure sensor at port A high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 11)
 PRESS_T : pressure sensor at port T high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 12)
 PRESS_P : pressure sensor at port P high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 13)
 PRESS_B : pressure sensor at port B high or low limit diagnostic (Drive AVC interface 14)
 TEMP_PCB : Temperature on PCB high or low limit diagnostic

bit 16 bit 17 bit 18 bit 19 bit 20 bit 21 bit 22 bit 23

TEMP_OIL Cust1 Cust2 Cust3 Cust4 VCM DCM HB1

 TEMP_OIL : Temperature of oil high or low limit diagnostic (KBS3 or KBS4 models only)
 Cust1 : Custom Variable 1 high or low limit diagnostic
 Cust2 : Custom Variable 2 high or low limit diagnostic
 Cust3 : Custom Variable 3 high or low limit diagnostic
 Cust4 : Custom Variable 4 high or low limit diagnostic
 VCM : Valve Mode Control Monitoring Function Enable
 DCM : Drive Mode Control Monitoring Function Enable
 DTW : Drive Mode Time Window Monitoring Function Enable
bit 24 bit 25 bit 26 bit 27 bit 28 bit 29 bit 30 bit 31
HB1 HB2 - - - - - -

 HB1 : Heartbeat Consumer 1

 HB2 : Heartbeat Consumer 2

12.2.2. Present Criticality [2002s2]

Object [2002s2] indicates the present criticality in effect due to the custom diagnostics. Present Criticality indi-
cates the highest criticality of all diagnostic faults. If the value is non-zero at least one fault of the level indicated
was triggered. Fault levels of 4 or 5 will continue to be indicated until the device status exits fault mode. See
Criticality Definitions.

12.2.3. Status Flags [2002s3]

Object [2002s3] is a 32bit word with each bit representing a status for each custom diagnostic mirroring the ena-
bles per the Custom Diagnostic Enables [2002s1]. If a bit value is 1 that means fault has occurred, else no fault
for that diagnostic.

12.2.4. Stored Status Flags [2002s4]

Object [2002s4] is a copy of the Status Flags [2002s3] stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory to preserve fault
indications across power cycles. The stored value may be cleared at any time.

12.2.5. High Criticality

Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the high criticality level is actioned by the fault management system when
the diagnostic determines the monitored value has crossed the Max specified value.

12.2.6. Low Criticality

Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the low criticality level is actioned by the fault management system when
the diagnostic determines the monitored value has crossed the Min specified value.
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12.2.7. Max
Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the max value specifies the threshold where values equal to or above the
threshold trigger the fault manager to take action.

12.2.8. Min
Per each threshold sensing diagnostic, the min value specifies the threshold where values equal to or below the
threshold trigger the fault manager to take action.

12.2.9. Heartbeat Consumer 1 Criticality [2002s49]

Criticality level to be actioned if heartbeat consumer monitoring is enabled per heartbeat consumer 1 and the
heartbeat is not received as expected.

12.2.10. Heartbeat Consumer 2 Criticality[2002s4A]

Criticality level to be actioned if heartbeat consumer monitoring is enabled per heartbeat consumer 2 and the
heartbeat is not received as expected.

12.2.11. Error Status Custom Diagnostics [2100s9,A,B,C,D]

Custom Diagnostics flags are found in Error Status Bits [2100s9,A,B,C,D].

12.3. Custom Variable Diagnostics Operation

Custom Variable Diagnostics allow monitoring of nearly any single object in the object dictionary. There are 4 independent
custom variable diagnostics [2002s4B to s7B].

12.3.1. Variable Index [ex. 2002s4B]

The index of the object to be monitored

12.3.2. Variable SubIndex [ex. 2002s4C]

The subindex of the object to be monitored

12.3.3. High Criticality, Low Criticality, Max, Min [ex. 2002s4D,4E,51,52]

These parameters of the custom variable diagnostic operate similarly to the custom diagnostics.

12.3.4. Hold Behavior [ex. 2002s55]

Each Custom Variable Diagnostic can be configured to behave differently when a diagnostic triggers Fault Hold
state. The Hold Behavior parameter configures the mode.

Value Behavior
0 Setpoint 1 & 2 follow the value provided in the corresponding high or low Hold Setpoint for the Cus-
tom Variable Diagnostic upon entering hold mode.
1 Setpoint 1 is assigned the corresponding feedback value upon entering hold mode.
Setpoint 2 follows the value provided in the high or low Hold Setpoint 2 for the Custom Variable Di-
agnostic upon entering hold mode.
2 Setpoint 1 follows the value provided in the high or low Hold Setpoint 1 for the Custom Variable Di-
agnostic upon entering hold mode.
Setpoint 2 is assigned the corresponding feedback value upon entering hold mode.
3 Setpoint 1 & 2 are assigned their corresponding feedback values upon entering hold mode. Set-
points are not changed while in hold mode.

Table 12-2 Custom Variable Diagnostic Hold Behaviors

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Note: Setpoint 1 is for Device Control Modes which have only one setpoint (all modes but mode 5-DPQ)
Device Control Mode 5 (DPQ) has two setpoints. DPQ-Setpoint 1 is the DFPC setpoint. DPQ-Setpoint 2 is the DSC setpoint.

12.3.5. Hold Setpoint High [ex. 2002s4F]

Value issued to setpoint 1 when the Custom Variable Diagnostic has high criticality of Fault Hold and the high
threshold is exceeded.

12.3.6. Hold Setpoint 2 High [ex. 2002s50]

Value issued to setpoint 2 when the Custom Variable Diagnostic has high criticality of Fault Hold and the high
threshold is exceeded.

12.3.7. Hold Setpoint Low [ex. 2002s53]

Value issued to setpoint 1 when the Custom Variable Diagnostic has low criticality of Fault Hold and the low
threshold is exceeded.

12.3.8. Hold Sepoint 2 Low [ex. 2002s54]

Value issued to setpoint 2 when the Custom Variable Diagnostic has low criticality of Fault Hold and the low
threshold is exceeded.

12.3.9. Error Status Custom Diagnostics 6 [2100sE]

Custom Variable Diagnostics flags are found in Error Status Bits [2100sE].
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13. Fault Management

The fault manager controls the response and reporting of faults. The fault manager may issue emergency messages on
the CANbus, change device state, change LED indications or store the occurrence of the fault. Sources of fault can be
from the Diagnostics functions, DS408 functions, CANopen functions or general operations.

13.1. Error Status Bits [2100] and Error Codes

The Error Status Bytes [2100] are interpreted in bitwise fashion. Each bit represents a source of fault which can be monitored
by the fault management system.
When the bit is “1” a fault is presently occurring or occurred and status not been cleared automatically.
When the bit is “0” the issue is not present.

Error codes are assigned a 16bit value per the following table.

13.2. Error Status Bits [2100] and Error Codes

The specific fault indications are represented by object [2100s1 to E] where each bit from each object represents the sta-
tus of a fault that may occur in the device. Each error status byte consists of 8 status bits. If a bit is one the correspond-
ing fault has occurred and has not cleared. If a bit is zero the corresponding fault did not occur or has cleared. The tables
below give detail information about each bit.

Error Error Code Description Error Status

0 0x0000 No error Subindex 1 Bit 0
1 0x6100 Parameter Not Supported Subindex 1 Bit 1
2 0x5530 EEPROM Checksum is wrong Subindex 1 Bit 2
3 0x8220 Error in PDO mapping Subindex 1 Bit 3
4 0x5210 Sensors Measurement error Subindex 1 Bit 4
5 - Not used Subindex 1 Bit 5
6 0x8150 Invalid Node-id Subindex 1 Bit 6
7 0x5510 RAM is not Initialized Subindex 1 Bit 7
8 0x5231 External Current Sensor1 High Subindex 2 Bit 0
9 0x5231 External Current Sensor1 Low Subindex 2 Bit 1
10 0x5232 External Current Sensor2 High Subindex 2 Bit 2
11 0x5232 External Current Sensor2 Low Subindex 2 Bit 3
12 0x5233 External Current Sensor3 High Subindex 2 Bit 4
13 0x5233 External Current Sensor3 Low Subindex 2 Bit 5
14 0x5234 External Current Sensor4 High Subindex 2 Bit 6
15 0x5234 External Current Sensor4 Low Subindex 2 Bit 7
16 0x3411 Supply Voltage High Subindex 3 Bit 0
17 0x3412 Supply Voltage Low Subindex 3 Bit 1
18 0x3210 Internal 5V Dig High Subindex 3 Bit 2
19 0x3220 Internal 5V Dig Low Subindex 3 Bit 3
20 0x3210 Internal 1.5V High Subindex 3 Bit 4
21 0x3220 Internal 1.5V Low Subindex 3 Bit 5
22 0x3210 Internal 2.5V High Subindex 3 Bit 6
23 0x3220 Internal 2.5V Low Subindex 3 Bit 7
24 0x4221 Hydraulic Temperature High Subindex 4 Bit 0
25 0x4222 Hydraulic Temperature Low Subindex 4 Bit 1
26 0x4211 PCB Temperature High Subindex 4 Bit 2
27 0x4212 PCB Temperature Low Subindex 4 Bit 3
28 0x8301 Spool Not In Failsafe Position Subindex 4 Bit 4
29 0x8301 LVDT Primary Error Subindex 4 Bit 5
30 0x8301 LVDT Secondary A Error Subindex 4 Bit 6
31 0x8301 LVDT Secondary B Error Subindex 4 Bit 7
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32 0x8100 CAN Bit1 Error Subindex 5 Bit 0

33 0x8140 CAN Tx Bus Off Subindex 5 Bit 1
34 0x8120 CAN Tx Bus Passive Subindex 5 Bit 2
35 0x8100 CAN CRC Error Subindex 5 Bit 3
36 0x8110 CAN Tx Overflow Subindex 5 Bit 4
37 0x8200 TPDO Outside Window Subindex 5 Bit 5
38 0x8130 Heartbeat Consumer Subindex 5 Bit 6
39 0x8200 SYNC Timeout Subindex 5 Bit 7
40 0x8301 Spool Position High Subindex 6 Bit 0
41 0x8301 Spool Position Low Subindex 6 Bit 1
42 0x2310 Solenoid Coil A current High Subindex 6 Bit 2
43 0x2320 Solenoid Coil A current Low Subindex 6 Bit 3
44 0x3210 Solenoid Coil B current High Subindex 6 Bit 4
45 0x3220 Solenoid Coil B current Low Subindex 6 Bit 5
46 0x3210 Internal 5V Analog High Subindex 6 Bit 6
47 0x3220 Internal 5V Analog Low Subindex 6 Bit 7
48 0x7310 Port A Pressure High Subindex 7 Bit 0
49 0x7310 Port A Pressure Low Subindex 7 Bit 1
50 0x7310 Port B Pressure High Subindex 7 Bit 2
51 0x7310 Port B Pressure Low Subindex 7 Bit 3
52 0x7310 Port P Pressure High Subindex 7 Bit 4
53 0x7310 Port P Pressure Low Subindex 7 Bit 5
54 0x7310 Port T Pressure High Subindex 7 Bit 6
55 0x7310 Port T Pressure Low Subindex 7 Bit 7
56 0x8210 Rx PDO Length Error Subindex 8 Bit 0
57 0x8200 Rx message Length Error Subindex 8 Bit 1
58 0x8200 Rx NMT Command Error Subindex 8 Bit 2
59 0x8200 Rx message Inhibit Error Subindex 8 Bit 3
60 0x8100 CAN Frame Error Subindex 8 Bit 4
61 0x8200 SYNC Early Subindex 8 Bit 5
62 0x8130 Lifeguard Error Subindex 8 Bit 6
63 0x6010 Watchdog reset Subindex 8 Bit 7
64 0x7300 ERROR in UserCmd Subindex 9 Bit 0
65 0x7301 ERROR in UserCmdLow Subindex 9 Bit 1
66 0x7302 ERROR in UserInput1 Subindex 9 Bit 2
67 0x7303 ERROR in UserInput1Low Subindex 9 Bit 3
68 0x7304 ERROR IN UserInput2 Subindex 9 Bit 4
69 0x7305 ERROR IN UserInput2Low Subindex 9 Bit 5
70 0x7306 ERROR in UserInput3 Subindex 9 Bit 6
71 0x7307 ERROR in UserInput3Low Subindex 9 Bit 7
72 0x7308 ERROR in UserInput4 Subindex A Bit 0
73 0x7309 ERROR in UserInput4Low Subindex A Bit 1
74 0x730A ERROR in UserExtEnable Subindex A Bit 2
75 0x730B ERROR in UserExtEnableLow Subindex A Bit 3
76 0x730C ERROR in UserSSI Subindex A Bit 4
77 0x730D ERROR in UserSSILow Subindex A Bit 5
78 0x730E ERROR in UserBus Subindex A Bit 6
79 0x730F ERROR in UserBusLow Subindex A Bit 7
80 0x7318 ERROR in UserBus2 Subindex B Bit 0
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81 0x7319 ERROR in UserBus2Low Subindex B Bit 1

82 0x731A ERROR in UserSpeed1 Subindex B Bit 2
83 0x731B ERROR in UserSpeed1Low Subindex B Bit 3
84 0x731C ERROR in UserSpeed2 Subindex B Bit 4
85 0x731D ERROR in UserSpeed2Low Subindex B Bit 5
86 0x731E ERROR in UserPressA Subindex B Bit 6
87 0x731F ERROR in UserPressALow Subindex B Bit 7
88 0x7320 ERROR in UserPressT Subindex C Bit 0
89 0x7321 ERROR in UserPressTLow Subindex C Bit 1
90 0x7322 ERROR in UserPressP Subindex C Bit 2
91 0x7323 ERROR in UserPressPLow Subindex C Bit 3
92 0x7324 ERROR in UserPressB Subindex C Bit 4
93 0x7325 ERROR in UserPressBLow Subindex C Bit 5
94 0x7326 ERROR in UserTempPCB Subindex C Bit 6
95 0x7327 ERROR in UserTempPCBLow Subindex C Bit 7
96 0x7328 ERROR in UserTempOil Subindex D Bit 0
97 0x7329 ERROR in UserTempOilLow Subindex D Bit 1
98 0x8130 ERROR in HEARTBEAT_CONSUMER1 Subindex D Bit 2
99 0x8310 ERROR in VLV_CONTROL_HI Subindex D Bit 3
100 0x8311 ERROR in VLV_CONTROL_LOW Subindex D Bit 4
101 0x8312 ERROR in DRV_CONTROL_HI Subindex D Bit 5
102 0x8313 ERROR in DRV_CONTROL_LOW Subindex D Bit 6
103 0x8314 ERROR in DRV_TWM Subindex D Bit 7
104 0x8001 ERROR in UserCustom1Hi Subindex E Bit 0
105 0x8002 ERROR in UserCustom1Lo Subindex E Bit 1
106 0x8003 ERROR in UserCustom2Hi Subindex E Bit 2
107 0x8004 ERROR in UserCustom2Lo Subindex E Bit 3
108 0x8005 ERROR in UserCustom3Hi Subindex E Bit 4
109 0x8006 ERROR in UserCustom3Lo Subindex E Bit 5
110 0x8007 ERROR in UserCustom4Hi Subindex E Bit 6
111 0x8008 ERROR in UserCustom4Lo Subindex E Bit 7
Table 13-1 Error codes

13.3. Error Fields [1003]

Error Code occurrances are maintained in chronological order per the Error Fields of object [1003]. As new errors occur they
are inserted at the first subindex and older Error Codes are moved to the next higher subindex. A full list will have the next
generated error code push the oldest code off the list.

The last and still occurring error code is also duplicated to [604E].

13.4. Emergency messages:

Emergency messages are transmitted to the CANbus based on criticality of diagnostics. The telegram is sent once per each
new occurrence of an error in the Device. Repeated occurrence of the same event that generated a telegram will not generate
a new telegram unless the event had cleared.

The AxisPro™ message structure of 8 bytes is shown below.

COB-ID Byte 0-1 Byte 2 Byte 3-7

0x80 + Node ID Error Code Error register Manufacturer specific error register
Table 13-2 Emergency Message Structure
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Each source of error is categorized and enumerated with an Error Code. This code is part of the transmitted emergency
message. The number of errors currently present is saved in the object dictionary at [1003s0]. The Error Fields (@ [1003]) are
listed in reverse order of their occurrence.

13.5. Abort codes:

The Device sends the abort code if CANopen protocol violated or due to device internal state has not allowed accessing the
Abort codes Description
0503 0000h Toggle bit not alternated.
0504 0000h SDO protocol timed out.
0504 0001h Client/server command specifier not valid or unknown.
0504 0004h CRC error (block mode only).
0504 0005h Out of memory.
0601 0000h Unsupported access to an object.
0601 0001h Attempt to read a write only object.
0601 0002h Attempt to write a read only object.
0602 0000h Object does not exist in the object dictionary.
0604 0041h Object cannot be mapped to the PDO.
0604 0042h The number and length of the objects to be mapped would exceed PDO length.
0604 0043h General parameter incompatibility reason.
0604 0047h General internal incompatibility in the device.
0606 0000h Access failed due to a hardware error.
0607 0010h Data type does not match, length of service parameter does not match
0607 0012h Data type does not match, length of service parameter too high
0607 0013h Data type does not match, length of service parameter too low
0609 0011h Sub-index does not exist.
0609 0030h Value range of parameter exceeded (only for write access).
0609 0031h Value of parameter written too high.
0609 0032h Value of parameter written too low.
0609 0036h Maximum value is less than minimum value.
0800 0000h general error
0800 0020h Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application.
0800 0021h Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of a local control
mechanism. Parameters are Factory protected can’t read or write.
0800 0022h Data cannot be transferred or stored to the application because of the present
device state.
Table 13-3 Abort codes
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13.6. Fault Level [2004s1]

The fault status level indicates the highest criticality of all active faults. If the value is non-zero at least one fault of the level
indicated was triggered. Fault levels of 4 or 5 will continue to be indicated until the device status exits fault mode. See Criti-
cality Definitions.

13.7. Fault Status Word [2004s2]

The Fault Status Word is a 32bit word with each bit representing a fault grouping. The AxisPro™ updates the fault status
word continuously upon successful device initialization after power is applied. If bit value is 1 that means the fault represented
by that bit has occurred.
Ex. Fault Status Word indicates “0x0000000F”
4 bits set (0xF hexadecimal = 1111 binary)
Bits 0,1,2,3 are set to “1” = external current sensors 1 to 4 high or low limits have been crossed

bit 0 bit 1 bit 2 bit 3 bit 4 bit 5 bit 6 bit 7

 IN1 : External current sensor 1 high or low limit crossed
 IN2 : External current sensor 2 high or low limit crossed
 IN3 : External current sensor 3 high or low limit crossed
 IN4 : External current sensor 4 high or low limit crossed
 PR_A : Pressure sensor at port A high or low limit crossed
 PR_B : Pressure sensor at port B high or low limit crossed
 PR_P : Pressure sensor at port P high or low limit crossed
 PR_T : Pressure sensor at port T high or low limit crossed

bit 8 bit 9 bit 10 bit 11 bit 12 bit 13 bit 14 bit 15

Temp_P Temp_PCB Vsup V1.5 V5D V2.5 V5A SolA
 Temp_P : Temperature sensor at port high or low limit has crossed
 Temp_PCB : Temperature sensor on PCB high or low limit has crossed
 Vsup : 24V supply voltage high or low limit crossed
 V1.5 : Internal supply high or low limit crossed
 V5D : Internal supply high or low limit crossed
 V2.5 : Internal supply high or low limit crossed
 V5A : Internal supply high or low limit crossed
 SolA : Solenoid coil current high or low limit crossed

bit 16 bit 17 bit 18 bit 19 bit 20 bit 21 bit 22 bit 23

 SolB : Solenoid coil current high or low limit crossed
 LVDT : LVDT spool position high or low limit crossed
 LVDT_Pri : LVDT primary is disconnected
 LVDT_SB : LVDT secondary B is out of range/disconnected
 LVDT_SA : LVDT secondary A is out of range/disconnected
 Failsafe : LVDT spool position is above failsafe area when device is disabled or initializing
 NA : Reserved

bit 24 bit 25 bit 26 bit 27 bit 28 bit 29 bit 30 bit 31

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 UD: User’s Diagnostic error (see User’s Fault Status word for more detail)
 WD : Watchdog reset has occurred
 SENS : Sensors Measurement error
 MEM : RAM error
 CKSM : EEPROM checksum invalid
 NA : Reserved

13.8. Stored Fault Status word [2004s3]

Object [2004s3] is a copy of the Fault Status word stored in non-volatile EEPROM memory to preserve fault indications
across power cycles. The stored value may be cleared to begin tracking new faults at any time.

14. Network Management

CANopen devices utilize a network management protocol to prepare and configure the network. The network manage-
ment service (NMT) is most often initiated by the CANopen master. AxisPro™ Level 4 valves can provide this function-
ality. Level 1, 2, and 3 valves do not provide the network manager function and thus are considered NMT slaves.

14.1. NMT Startup [1F80s0]

For small networks where a full network manager is not needed or devices are allowed to begin using the network without
waiting for the network manager to issue the NMT startup parameter can configure the AxisPro™ to enter NMT Opera-
tional state on boot-up.
Value Behavior
0 Start Normal – wait for NMT manager to issue NMT commands to start the network
8 Start Automatically – Upon boot-up attempt to enter NMT Operational state
Table 14-1 NMT Startup Behaviors

15. Process Data Objects (PDO)s

The AxisPro™ CANopen operations allow OD parameters to be mapped to PDO channels. The AxisPro™ supports 8 chan-
nels of Transmit PDO (TPDO) and 8 channels of Receive PDO (RPDO). Each channel can have up to 64 bits of data mapped
in 8 bit increments for a maximum of 8 mappings per channel.

See DS408 automapping for important capability and restriction on RPDO1, RPDO2, TPDO1, and TPDO2.

15.1. Mapping and Communication Objects

All PDOs contain Mapping parameter objects and Communication parameter objects.
Communication Objects determine if the channel is enabled or disabled, transmission type, transmission identifier, and
message cycle options.

15.1.1. RPDO Communication objects [14xx]

RPDO channels have these Communication Object subindicies
Subindex 1 - COB-ID - enables/disables the channel and sets the channel identifier for received messages
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Val Res Fmt Constant
X X 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
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15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Const 11 bit CAN-ID
0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X

Table 15-1 RPDO COB-ID 32bit structure

Bit & Description Values

0 = PDO is not valid and will not function
31 = PDO validity 1 = PDO is valid and will function when device is in NMT operational
30 = Reserved Value is inconsequential
29 = PDO CAN-ID format 0 = 11bit CAN-ID
28-11 = constant All zeros
The 11 bit CAN-ID assigned to this PDO as transmitted with the
10-0 = 11bit CAN-ID
CANbus message

Table 15-2 RPDO COB-ID bit descriptions

Subindex 2 - Transmission type - AxisPro™ supports these transmission types for RPDOs
RPDO Transmission Types Description
0 Values received in this RPDO channel are effective after every SYNC message
is received.
1 – 240 Values received in this RPDO channel become effective after this number of
SYNC messages is received.
254, 255 Values received in this RPDO channel are effective immediately

Table 15-3 RPDO Transmission Types

15.1.2. RPDO Mapping objects [16xx]

RPDO channels have these Mapping Object subindicies:
Subindex 0 - Number of Mapped Objects – activates channel mapping by specifying the number of mappings
that are in use
Subindex 1 to 8 - Individual object mapping slots.

To change mappings:
1. (recommended) Set NMT state of the valve to pre-operational
2. (recommended) Disable the channel via the channel’s Communication Object – COB-ID.
3. Change the number of mapped object for the channel to 0. Note: This clears all previous mappings.
4. Change the mapping slots with desired parameter values as follows
<index><subindex><bitsize> where
Index = Object index to be mapped in hexadecimal format (16bits)
Subindex = Object subindex to be mapped in hexadecimal format (8 bits).
Bitsize = Size in bits of the object that is being mapped in hexadecimal format (8 bits)
Ex. To map the Device Control Word [6040s0] the mapping becomes:
Index 0x6040
Subindex 0x00
Bitsize 0x10 (16bits)
Mapping slot = 0x60400010
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Note that each channel can only hold 64bits from all 8 slots. E.g. three 32bit slots will not fit in one channel.
The AxisPro™ validates mappings for max length of 64bits.
5. Update the number of mapped objects for the channel based on how many mapping slots were configured.

15.1.3. TPDO Communication objects [18xx]

TPDO channels have these Communication Object subindicies
Subindex 1- COB-ID - enables/disables the channel and sets the channel identifier for transmitted messages
31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
Val RTR Fmt Constant
X 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Const 11 bit CAN-ID
0 0 0 0 0 X X X X X X X X X X X

Table 15-4 TPDO COB-ID 32bit structure

Bit & Description Values

0 = PDO is not valid and will not function
31 = PDO validity 1 = PDO is valid and will function when device is in NMT operational
30 = RTR 1= no RTR is allowed for TPDOs
29 = PDO CAN-ID format 0 = 11bit CAN-ID
28-11 = constant All zeros
The 11 bit CAN-ID assigned to this PDO as transmitted with the
10-0 = 11bit CAN-ID
CANbus message

Table 15-5 TPDO COB-ID bit descriptions

Subindex 2 - Transmission type – triggering mode for sending TPDO messages.

TPDO Transmission Types Description
0 Channel transmits a message after every SYNC message is received.
1 – 240 Channel transmits a message after this number of SYNC messages is re-
254 Channel transmits a message upon change in the data value to be transmitted
if event timer is zero. If event timer is non-zero, message is transmitted by
event timer cycle.
255 Channel transmits a message upon receipt of corresponding RPDO channel if
event timer is zero. If event timer is non-zero, message is transmitted by event
timer cycle.

Table 15-6 TPDO Transmission Types

Subindex 3 - Inhibit Time – Time (in ms) which must elapse before the next message can be transmitted. Set to
0 to disable inhibit.
Subindex 5 - Event Time – Periodic time (in ms) which generates a transmission event. If transmission type is
254, setting event time greater than 0 results in cyclic transmission instead of transmission on change in the
mapped data value. The minimum event time that can be set is 1ms.
Note: Care must be taken to determine appropriate bus loading and bandwidth when multiple messages
are configured for low event times (more frequent transmissions). Bus loading must consider all mes-
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sages from all networked devices. It is possible to overload the bus to the point where messages begin
to be lost or unable to be transmitted due to higher priority messages taking too much bus bandwidth.
Higher network bitrates, larger PDO event times, staggered synchronous PDO transmissions, and short-
er PDOs help relieve network bandwidth issues.

15.1.4. TPDO Mapping objects [1Axx]

TPDO channels have these Mapping Object subindicies
Subindex 0 - Number of Mapped Objects – activates channel mapping by specifying the number of mappings
that are in use
Subindex 1 to 8 - Individual object mapping slots.

To change mappings:
1. (recommended) Set NMT state of the valve to pre-operational
2. (recommended) Disable the channel via the channel’s Communication Object – COB-ID.
3. Change the number of mapped object for the channel to 0. Note: This clears all previous mappings.
4. Change the mapping slots with desired parameter values as follows
<index><subindex><bitsize> where
Index = Object index to be mapped in hexadecimal format (16bits)
Subindex = Object subindex to be mapped in hexadecimal format (8 bits).
Bitsize = Size in bits of the object that is being mapped in hexadecimal format (8 bits)
Ex. To map the Device Control Word [6040s0] the mapping becomes:
Index 0x6040
Subindex 0x00
Bitsize 0x10 (16bits)
Mapping slot = 0x60400010
Note that each channel can only hold 64bits from all 8 slots. E.g. three 32bit slots will not fit in one channel.
The AxisPro™ validates mappings for max length of 64bits.
5. Update the number of mapped objects for the channel based on how many mapping slots were configured.
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16. DS408 Operation

The AxisPro™ valves comply with DS408 standard but also include control performance enhancements and additional
related features. As per below digital state machine device operation can be controller each of that state is digitally con-
trolled through the control word & status word.

Digital State
machine NOT READY
System, Parameter, Interrupt,
Field bus, SW & HW Initiali-

Controller disabled

Controller disabled
Controller disabled

With fixed known set point Controller enabled with
controller Enabled previous set point


Controller Enabled Controller disabled

16.1. Device Control Word [6040s0]

The Device Control Word commands the state machine and modal operations of the configured Device Control Mode.
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 X 0 0 0 0 X X X X

Table 16-1Device Control Word 16bit structure

NU – not used
Control Mode
Bit & Description Values
8 = Enable Pressure Controller 5 (DPQ) 0 = pressure control is prevented from running
(EP) 1 = pressure control is allowed to take control
All 0 = no reset function
3 = Reset Fault (R)
1 = request Fault reset
All 0 = not requested
2 = Device mode activate (DM)
1 = request Device state Active / Run (Device Control Mode Active)
1 = Hold enable (H) All 0 = not requested
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1 = request Device state to become Hold state or above

All 0 = not requested
0 = Disabled (D)
1 = request Device state to become Disable state or above

Table 16-2 Device Status Word bit descriptions

The lower 4 bits of the Device Control Word are mutually dependent. The valid permutations of the lower 4 bits are
summarized in the following table.
Description Device Status Word [6041] lower 4 bits
Request INIT state 0b0000
Request DISABLED state 0b0001
Request HOLD state 0b0011
Request ACTIVE state 0b0111
Request FAULT HOLD to HOLD transition 0b1011
Request FAULT_DISABLED to DISABLED transition 0b1001
Table 16-3 Device Control Word lower 4 bits

16.2. Device Status Word [6041s0]

The Device Status Word indicates the present device state (machine state) and other high level status. As the valve is
commanded to change state by the Device Control Word the Device Status Word reflects successful change to the com-
manded state or indicates fault state.
The value is a bitfield structure with individual bit meanings.

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
NU NU NU RT Device Control Mode Spe- NU NU NU L R DM H D
0 0 0 X X X NU X 0 0 0 X X X X X

Table 16-4 Device Status Word 16bit structure

NU – not used

Control Mode
Bit & Description Values
All 0 = feedback is not within the specified target window
12 = Reached Target Window
1 = feedback is within the specified target window
All 0 = no control error
11 = Control Monitoring 1
1 = control threshold exceeded
All 0 = feedback has not exceeded demand limits
10 = Limit touched
1 = feedback has exceeded demand lower or upper limit
5 (DPQ) 0 = pressure control is presently not active
8 = Pressure Control Enabled
1 = pressure control is presently the active control
All 0 = Device Control Word is expected via bus
4 = Local Control
1 = Device Control Word is managed locally
All 0 = Device state is Not Ready or Faulted state
3 = Ready
1 = Device state is at or above Init state
All 0 = Device state is not Active / Run state
2 = Device Mode Active
1 = Device state is Active / Run (Device Control Mode Active)
All 0 = Device state is below Hold state
1 = Hold enable
1 = Device state is at or above Hold state
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All 0 = Device state is below Disable state

0 = Disabled
1 = Device state is at or above Disable state

Table 16-5 Device Status Word bit descriptions

– Valve and Drive mode control monitoring may be enabled simultaneously. However, the status word will reflect DRIVE mode moni-
toring if Device Control Mode [6043s0] DSC, DFP, DPC, or DPQ is active and Valve Spool Control monitoring will not be reported via
the status word. In this situation Valve Spool Control Monitoring will still be reported in the Error Status Bits [2100]. See Control Moni-
toring Function descriptions.

The lower 4 bits of the Device Status Word are mutually dependent. The valid permutations of the lower 4 bits are
summarized in the following table.
Description Device Status Word [6041] lower 4 bits
The Device is in NOT Ready state 0b0000
The Device is in the INIT state 0b1000
The Device is in the DISABLED state 0b1001
The Device is in the HOLD state 0b1011
The Device is in the ACTIVE state 0b1111
The Device is in the FAULT_HOLD state 0b0011
The Device is in the FAULT_DISABLED state 0b0001
Table 16-6 Device Status Word lower 4 bits

16.3. Device Mode [6042s0]

The Device Mode configures the source of the control setpoint.
Value Model Description
0 None Not specified
1 9 Via Bus - Setpoint is taken from Bus param 1 (interface 7) [6217s1]. Object is auto-
mapped to RPDO1.

For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), DFP Setpoint [6580s1] and DSC Setpoint [6500s1]
are directly used and automapped to RPDO1 and RPDO2.
-1 1 +/-10V - Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references
are scaled to -10000mV to +10000V min/max setpoints.
-2 - 10V – Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references are
scaled to 0mV to +10000mV min/max setpoints
-10 2 4-20mA – Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references
are scaled to 4000uA to 20000 uA min/max setpoints.
-11 3 +/-10mA – Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references
are scaled to -10000uA to +10000uA min/max setpoints
-12 4 +/-15mA – Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references
are scaled to -15000uA to +15000uA min/max setpoints
-13 - +/-20mA – Setpoint is derived from Pins D/E (interface 0) [6210s1]. Demand references
are scaled to -20000uA to +20000uA
-18 - Speed 1 – Setpoint is derived from Speed 1 (interface 9) [6219s1]. Demand references
are scaled to resolution [2175s4] and zero shift [2177s4].
-20 - +/-10V and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -1. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (interface
1) [6211s1].
-21 - 10V and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -2. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (interface
1) [6211s1].
-22 - 4-20mA and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -10. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (inter-
face 1) [6211s1].
-23 - +/-10mA and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -11. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (inter-
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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face 1) [6211s1].
-24 - +/-15mA and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -12. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (inter-
face 1) [6211s1].
-25 - +/-10V and Input 1 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from Pins D/E (interface
0) [6210s1] as per mode -13. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 1 (inter-
face 1) [6211s1].
-40 - Input 1 and Input 2 – Two setpoints are configured.
For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), Setpoint for DFP is derived from 4-20mA Input 1
(interface 1) [6211s1]. Setpoint for DSC is derived from 4-20mA Input 2 (interface 2)
-60 - Relative to feedback – Setpoint is taken from Bus param 1 (interface 7) [6217s1]. Val-
ue is interpreted as a command to move the setpoint relative to present feedback value.
Receipt of new setpoint value indicates to demand the present feedback value (at time
of receipt) plus the new value received.

For Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ), DFP Setpoint [6580s1] and DSC Setpoint [6500s1]
are directly used with relative interpretation and automapped to RPDO1 and RPDO2.
-80 - Signal Gen – Setpoint is taken from the internal signal generator output [2006sE]
Table 16-7 Device Mode values

16.4. Device Control Mode [6043s0]

Device Control Mode parameter selects the control logic to be used when the valve is commanded to Device Mode Active
via the Device Control Word. Each mode’s features can be configured independently and switched by transitioning the
Device Control Word to ‘disable’ and then making the change to this parameter. DPQ control mode utilizes the parameters
from DFP and DSC modes and has auto transitioning logic between those two modes without need to disable and change
this parameter. Since each mode has many associated parameters, details of each mode and associated parameters are
given their own sections of this manual.

Value Abbr. Description

0 None Internal valve and drive controls are disabled
1 VCC Valve Current Control of the solenoid (open loop spool control)
2 VSC Valve closed-loop spool control
7 DSC Drive speed/velocity control
8 DFP Drive force/pressure control
9 DPC Drive position control
-1 DPQ Switching force/pressure and speed control (dual PI control)
-10 VOC Pilot spool control (open loop main stage spool control) KBH mod-
els only
Table 16-8 Device Control Mode Enumeration

Note: For valve models KBS1, only VCC and VSC options are supported.

16.5. Device Error Code [604Es0]

The parameter Device Error Code holds an encoded value for the presently occurring fault. If no fault is presently occur-
ring, the value is 0. A value found in this location may not always be found in the Error Fields [1003] due to criticality set
to a non-stored level for individual diagnostics.
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16.6. Device Local [604Fs0]

Device Local parameter determines the source of the Device Control Word [6040] which commands the device state.

Value Description
Via CANbus – value placed in Device Control Word location [6040] is
1 Local – valve attempts to enter Device Mode Active
Table 16-9 Device Local values

1. The External Enable Function is involved in machine state transitions. See External Enable function description for
special consideration when Device Local is set to Local.
2. For valve models KBS1, Via Bus option is not supported.

16.7. Device Code [6051s0]

The Device Code is a freely editable number for storing any 32bit unsigned value for reference or other purposes. Values
0 to 65535.

16.8. Device Description [6053s0]

The Device Description is a freely editable string for storing up to 64 characters of device description or other user choice
of entry.

16.9. Device Model URL [6055s0]

The Device Model URL is a freely editable string for storing up to 13 characters of a model URL or other user choice of en-

16.10. Device Parameter Set [6056s0]

The Device Parameter Set is a freely editable number for storing any 8bit unsigned value for reference or other purposes.
Values 0 to 255.

16.11. Device Capability [605Fs0]

The Device Capability is a 32bit read-only parameter which describes the electronic subassembly hardware and software
level differences in a concise form as well as indicating the DS408 modes supported by the product assembly. The capa-
bility value is processed internally to enable/disable software behavior, including DS408 options, Level options, control op-
tions, and I/O options.

31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16
DS408 Mode Support
0 0 0 0 0 VSC VCC VLV 0 0 0 DPC DFP DSC OL DRV

15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Eaton Specific Capability
Misc. Bits Sensor Port Bits Valve Size Bits Valve Level Bits

Table 16-10 Device Capability 32bit structure

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Valve Level Bit values <0:3> Description

1 b0001 Level 1 capabilities (KBS1* KBH1*)
2 b0010 Level 2 capabilities (KBS2* KBH2*)
3 b0011 Level 3 capabilities (KBS3* KBH3*)
4 b0100 Level 4 capabilities (KBS4* KBH4*)
Table 16-11 Device Capability Valve Level Bits <0:3>

Valve Size Bit values <4:7> Description

3 b0011 Size 3 for KBS single-stage
5 b0101 Size 5 for KBS single-stage
5* b0110 Size 5 for KBH two-stage
7 b0111 Size 7 KBH two-stage
8 b1000 Size 8 KBH two-stage
10 b1010 Size 10 KBH two-stage
Table 16-12 Device Capability Valve Size Bits <4:7>

Sensor Port Bit values <8:11> Description

0 b0000 No sensor port at connector location 3
1 b0001 Analog sensor port at connector location 3
2 b0010 Digital SSI sensor port at connector location 3
Table 16-13 Device Capability Valve Sensor Port Bits <8:11>

Misc. Bit values <12:15> Description

8 b1000 Production Valve
9 b1001 Test assembly
Table 16-14 Device Capability Valve Misc. Bits <12:15>

DS408 Bit values <16:31> Description

DRV b0000000000000001 Valve has drive mode capabilities
OL b0000000000000011 Valve has open loop mode capability (drive)
DSC b0000000000000101 Valve has velocity control mode capability (drive)
DFP b0000000000001001 Valve has force/pressure control mode capability (drive)
DPC b0000000000010001 Valve has position control mode capability (drive)
VLV b0000000100000000 Valve has valve mode capabilities
VCC b0000001100000000 Valve has open loop spool control capabilities (valve)
VSC b0000010100000000 Valve has closed loop spool control capabilities (valve)
Table 16-15 Device Capability DS408 Bits <16:31>
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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16.12. DS408 PDO Mapping

The valve will automatically map objects to the CANopen TPDO1, TPDO2, RPDO1, and RPDO2 channels for transmis-
sion and reception of data relevant to the selected control mode.

Automapping primarily follows the Device Control Mode [6043] selection, but special cases of the Device Mode [6042] are
taken into account. Channels TPDO2 and RPDO2 are open for user mapping when not used per an automapped Device
Control Mode.

Channel Mapping of Message Bytes

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
RPDO1 Device Command Word VSC Setpoint Value - - - -
[6040s0] [6300s1] 1
RPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
TPDO1 Device Status Word [6041s0] VSC Feedback Value - - - -
TPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
Table 16-16 Automapping for Device Control Modes 1, 2, and -10 (VCC, VSC, and VOC)
– Mapping is valid for Device Mode [6042s0] configured to a CANbus source of setpoint (value 1 or -60), otherwise this mapping is set
to Valve AVC CANbus param 1 [6113s1] and values received in this mapping are discarded.

Channel Mapping of Message Bytes

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
RPDO1 Device Command Word [6040s0] DSC Setpoint Value [6500s1] 2 - -
RPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
TPDO1 Device Status Word [6041s0] DSC Feedback Value [6501s1] - -
TPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
Table 16-17 Automapping for Device Control Mode 7 (DSC)

Channel Mapping of Message Bytes

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
RPDO1 Device Command Word [6040s0] DFP Setpoint Value [6580s1] 2 - -
RPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
TPDO1 Device Status Word [6041s0] DFP Feedback Value [6581s1] - -
TPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
Table 16-18 Automapping for Device Control Mode 8 (DFP)

Channel Mapping of Message Bytes

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
RPDO1 Device Command Word [6040s0] DPC Setpoint Value [6600s1] 2 - -
RPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
TPDO1 Device Status Word [6041s0] DPC Feedback Value [6601s1] - -
TPDO2 Open Open Open Open Open Open Open Open
Table 16-19 Automapping for Device Control Mode 9 (DPC)

Channel Mapping of Message Bytes

Byte 0 Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6 Byte 7
RPDO1 Device Command Word [6040s0] DFP Setpoint Value [6580s1] 2 - -
RPDO2 DSC Setpoint Value [6500s1] - - - -
TPDO1 Device Status Word [6041s0] DPC Feedback Value [6581s1] - -
TPDO2 DSC Feedback Value [6501s1] 3 - - - -
Table 16-20 Automapping for Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ)
– Mapping is valid for Device Mode [6042s0] configured to a CANbus source of setpoint (value 1 or -60), otherwise this mapping is set
to Drive AVC CANbus param 1 [6217s1] and values received in this mapping are discarded.
– Mapping is valid for Device Mode [6042s0] configured to a CANbus source of setpoint (value 1 or -60), otherwise this mapping is set
to Drive AVC CANbus param 2 [6218s1] and values received in this mapping are discarded.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 46

16.12.1. Default PDO Mapping Enable[2001s14]

If PDO automapping is not desired or additional mappings are required in the remaining empty space in a chan-
nel, the Default PDO Mapping Enable parameter can disable the automapping feature to allow customized map-
ping of the TPDO1, TPDO2, RPDO1, and RPDO2 channels.

Value Behavior
0 Automapping is disabled. Mappings that were otherwise automapped may be
1 Automapping is requested
Table 16-21 Default PDO Mapping Enable Values

16.13. Hold Actual or Preset [2220s0]

The parameter “Hold Actual or Preset Value” configures the controller’s setpoint source when the control state is “Hold” or
“Fault Hold”. This choice is in effect unless otherwise overridden by the Fault Management system’s Custom Variable Di-
agnostics - Hold Behaviors [ex. 2002s55].

Only Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ) uses both setpoints. Setpoint 1 for DPQ mode is the DFP setpoint with correspond-
ing DFP feedback value. Setpoint 2 for DPQ mode is the DSC setpoint with corresponding DSC feedback value.

Value Behavior
0 Setpoint 1 & 2 follow the value provided in the corresponding Hold Setpoint of the De-
vice Control Mode upon entering hold mode.
1 Setpoint 1 is assigned the value of the corresponding feedback source upon entering
hold mode. Setpoint 1 is not changed after entering hold mode.
Setpoint 2 follows the value provided in the Hold Setpoint 2 of the Device Control Mode
(DSC Hold Setpoint) upon entering hold mode.
2 Setpoint 1 follows the value provided in the corresponding Hold Setpoint 1 of the De-
vice Control Mode upon entering hold mode.
Setpoint 2 is assigned the value of the corresponding feedback source upon entering
hold mode. Setpoint 2 is not changed after entering hold mode.
3 Setpoint 1 & 2 are assigned the value of their corresponding feedback source upon
entering hold mode. Setpoints are not changed after entering hold mode.

Table 16-22 Hold Actual or Preset Options

16.14. Control Monitoring Functions

Control monitoring functions can be enabled to continuously monitor the feedback in relation to the demand. The func-
tions operate like a diagnostic and are reported in the diagnostic error status bits as well as the Control Monitoring bit of
the Device Status Word [6041s0] - bit 11.

Valve Spool Control monitoring and Drive Control monitoring may be enabled simultaneously. The Control Monitoring bit
of the Device Status Word [6041s0] will reflect the Drive mode monitoring if the Device Control Mode [6043s0] is set to
DSC, DFP, DPC, or DPQ modes.
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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 47

CM upper threshold

CM lower threshold

Control issue

Figure 16-1 Control Monitoring Example

16.14.1. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Upper Threshold [6354s1]

The Valve Spool Control Monitoring Upper Threshold is specified as a limit of control deviation/error (demand -
feedback) which when exceeded shall be flagged as a control issue. If the control error/deviation does not con-
tinue to exceed the threshold the control issue is no longer flagged.

16.14.2. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Lower Threshold [6355s1]

The Valve Spool Control Monitoring Lower Threshold is a limit of control deviation/error (demand - feedback)
which when exceeded shall be flagged as a control issue. If the control error/deviation does not continue to ex-
ceed the threshold the control issue is no longer flagged.

16.14.3. Valve Spool Control Monitoring Delay Time [6352s1]

The Valve Spool Control Monitoring Delay Time allows a valve spool control deviation/error to persist for a speci-
fied time (in ms) before the control issue is flagged. If the control error/deviation does not persist for the entire
delay time, the persistence timer is reset.

16.14.4. Valve Control Monitoring High Criticality [2002s77]

When the upper threshold control issue is flagged by the valve spool control monitoring function, the fault man-
ager uses the high criticality to determine the response to the flag. See criticality definitions in the diagnostics

16.14.5. Valve Control Monitoring Low Criticality [2002s78]

When the upper threshold control issue is flagged by the valve spool control monitoring function, the fault man-
ager uses the high criticality to determine the response to the flag. See criticality definitions in the diagnostics

16.14.6. Drive Control Monitoring

Device Control Modes for Drives have parameters for monitoring the drive control mode similar to Valve Control
Monitoring. Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ) uses the values provided for control monitoring of the DFP and DSC

DSC Upper Threshold [6554s1]

DSC Lower Threshold [6555s1]
DSC Delay Time [6552s1]

DFP Upper Threshold [65D4s1]

DFP Lower Threshold [65D5s1]
DFP Delay Time [65D2s1]

DPC Upper Threshold [6654s1]

Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 48

DPC Lower Threshold [6655s1]

DPC Delay Time [6652s1]

Drive Control Modes share criticalities to specify the fault manager reaction to a control issue.
Drive Control Monitoring High Criticality [2002s79]
Drive Control Monitoring Low Criticality [2002s7A]

16.15. Target Window Monitoring Function

The Device Control Mode can be monitored for time taken for the feedback to get close to the demand or for time spent
deviating away from the demand after the demand was achieved. A ‘window’ limit is placed on either side of the demand
as the ‘target window’. If the feedback is within the target window, no issue will be generated. If the feedback takes too
long to achieve the target window a control issue is generated. If the feedback moves out of the target window for too long
a control issue is generated.

The function operates like a diagnostic and is reported in the diagnostic error status bits as well as the Reached Target
Window bit of the Device Status Word [6041s0] - bit 12.

Target window monitoring is not supported for “Valve” Device Control Modes (1,2,-10).

Demand + TWM upper threshold

Demand Target
Demand - TWM lower threshold

TWM Switch Off time

TWM Switch On Time

Figure 16-2 Target Window Monitoring Example

16.15.1. Target Window Monitoring Switch On Time

The amount of time allowed for the feedback to become a value within the window created by the Target Window
Monitoring Upper and Lower thresholds. Each Drive mode parameterizes this value separately. Device Control
Mode -1 (DPQ) uses the values provided for target window monitoring of the DFP and DSC modes.

DSC Switch On Time [6571s1]

DFP Switch On Time [65F1s1]
DPC Switch On Time [6671s1]

16.15.2. Target Window Monitoring Switch Off Time

The amount of time allowed for the feedback to return to a value within the window created by the Target Window
Monitoring Upper and Lower thresholds if it previously was within the window. Each Drive mode parameterizes
this value separately. Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ) uses the values provided for target window monitoring of
the DFP and DSC modes.

DSC Switch Off Time [6572s1]

DFP Switch Off Time [65F2s1]
DPC Switch Off Time [6672s1]

16.15.3. Target Window Monitoring Upper Threshold

The amount of control deviation/error allowed above the demand to create the upper window limit for target win-
dow monitoring. Each Drive mode parameterizes this value separately. Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ) uses the
values provided for target window monitoring of the DFP and DSC modes.
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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 49

DSC Upper Threshold [6574s1]

DFP Upper Threshold [65F4s1]
DPC Upper Threshold [6674s1]

16.15.4. Target Window Monitoring Lower Threshold

The amount of control deviation/error allowed below the demand to create the lower window limit for target win-
dow monitoring. Each Drive mode parameterizes this value separately. Device Control Mode -1 (DPQ) uses the
values provided for target window monitoring of the DFP and DSC modes.

DSC Lower Threshold [6575s1]

DFP Lower Threshold [65F5s1]
DPC Lower Threshold [6675s1]

16.15.5. Target Window Monitoring Criticality [2002s7B]

Drive Control Modes share a single criticality to specify the fault manager reaction to a control issue. See critical-
ity definitions in the diagnostics section.

17. Device Control Modes Details

17.1. Device Control Mode - None [6043s0 = 0]

 internal valve and drive controls are disabled
 other functions of the valve continue to operate

17.2. Device Control Mode – VALVE CURRENT CONTROL - VCC [6043s0 = 1]

 valve current control (open-loop hydraulic flow control)
 Internal feedback via solenoid current sensing
 Current output is scaled to max mA resolution for positive setpoint range
 Negative setpoints result in 0mA output.

17.3. Device Control Mode – VALVE SPOOL CONTROL - VSC [6043s0 = 2]

 valve closed-loop spool control (hydraulic flow control)
 Internal feedback via LVDT position sensing
 Analog command range is scaled to internal resolution +/-16384 (applies to device modes M1,M2, M3, M4)
 Bus command range is expected to be +/-16384 (applies to device mode M9)
 Spool position is controlled linearly from hydraulic null to max P to A opening for positive commands
 Spool position is controlled linearly from hydraulic null to max P to B opening for negative commands
 Depending on spool selection, de-energized solenoid results in a position outside the specified control range.

17.3.1. Valve Spool Control Setpoint.value [6300s0]

The spool control setpoint value is captured and converted to a demand value every 333us while the control is
running. The control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or
Fault Hold states. The VSC setpoint value is limited to a range of +/-16384.
In Fault Hold state, the setpoint is converted and will update in this parameter, but is not used.

17.3.2. Valve Spool Control Feedback.value [6301s1]

The spool control feedback value is captured from the LVDT every 333us while the control is running. The control
is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold states. The
feedback value is scaled to a working flow range of +/-16384 to match the setpoint. When the control is disabled
the feedback value moves to failsafe position and thus is much lower than -16384 as the solenoid is de-
energized and not controlled by the setpoint.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 50

17.3.3. Valve Spool Control DVG Demand.value [6310s1]

Calculated demand from setpoint (output of demand value generator DVG). This value is compared with the
conditioned feedback to create the control deviation/error term. The spool control demand value matches the
units of the feedback value as they are subtracted to create the control deviation/error value.

17.3.4. VSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6311s1]
The positive and negative reference values are the same for VSC control. The value represents the maximum
spool opening to the A and B port using internal resolution units. The value is not changeable from 16384.

17.3.5. VSC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6314s1]

The hold setpoint is used (overrides [6300s0]) when the Device State is in Hold or Fault-Hold states. Specific
Custom Variable Diagnostic configurations can override the behavior.

17.3.6. VSC DVG Upper Limit.value [6320s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The upper limit can be set to 50% of the VSC Reference value to limit the demand to +50% and thus
limit the maximum valve opening to the A port.

17.3.7. VSC DVG Lower Limit.value [6321s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The lower limit can be set to -50% of the VSC Reference value to limit the demand to -50% and thus
limit the maximum valve opening to the B port.

17.3.8. VSC DVG Ramp Type [6330s0]

The rate of change of the demand can be altered by applying a ramp to the setpoint.

Value Behavior Example

0 No ramping. Setpoint is not rate limited as it is con-
verted to the demand.

3 Trapezoidal ramping.
The generated demand is limited based on a four
quadrant ramping profile. The four quadrants in
consideration are labeled:
a) Positive input acceleration
b) Positive input deceleration
c) Negative input acceleration
a b c d
d) Negative input deceleration
If the setpoint is never issued with a negative value
the negative input rates will never be utilized. Simi-
larly, if the setpoint is never issued with a positive
value the positive input rates will never be utilized.

Table 17-1 Ramp Types

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 51

17.3.9. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6332s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, increasing demand.

17.3.10. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6333s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, decreasing demand.

17.3.11. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6335s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, decreasing demand.

17.3.12. VSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6336s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, increasing demand.

17.3.13. VSC DVG Directional Dependent Gain Type [6340s0]

The computed demand can be scaled based on the desired direction (sign) of the setpoint. For valve spool con-
trol this effectively limits the demand in one direction based on the Gain Factor [6341s0].

Value Behavior
0 Directional Dependent Gain is disabled
1 Directional Dependent Gain is applied based on the Gain Factor specified
Table 17-2 Directional Dependent Gain options

17.3.14. VSC DVG Directional Dependent Gain Factor [6341s0]

The Directional Dependent Gain Factor is used when the Directional Dependent Gain Type is 1.
The 32bit gain factor must be thought of as a numerator and denominator (two numbers) in one variable location.
The upper 16bits of the variable are decoded as the numerator of the factor. The lower 16bits of the variable are
decoded as the denominator of the factor.
It is easiest to decode the Factor result in hexadecimal form.

If the Factor result is less than 1 and the setpoint is greater than 0 (demanding flow from Port A), the resulting
VSC DVG Demand value [6310s1] is computed by multiplying the Factor Result by the setpoint. Thus the de-
mand is limited (scaled down) in the A direction but not limited in the B direction.

If the Factor result is greater than 1 and the setpoint is less than 0 (demanding flow from Port B), the resulting
VSC DVG Demand value [6310s1] is computed by inverting the Factor Result and multiplying by the setpoint.
Thus the demand is limited (scaled down) in the B direction but not limited in the A direction.

For all other cases the Factor Result is not applied.

Ex. a factor in hexadecimal form of 0x00010002 can be separated into upper and lower 16bit values
Upper 16bits 0x0001 = 1 (decimal) = numerator of factor
Lower 16bits 0x0002 = 2 (decimal) = denominator of factor
Factor result is numerator/denominator (1/2) = 0.5
Port A flow demands will be rescaled by 0.5, Port B flow demands will not be rescaled.

Ex2. a factor in hexadecimal form of 0x000F0003 can be separated into upper and lower 16bit values
Upper 16bits 0x000F = 15 (decimal) = numerator of factor
Lower 16bits 0x0003 = 3 (decimal) = denominator of factor
Factor result is numerator/denominator (15/3) = 5.0
Factor result is larger than 1, therefore it is inverted and applied to Port B.
Port A flow demands will not be rescaled, Port B flow demands will be rescaled by (1/5) = 0.2
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17.3.15. Valve Spool Control Dither Type [6360s0]

A dither can be applied to the spool control. This parameter enables or disables the dither function. 0 = no dith-
er, 1= dither enabled

17.3.16. Valve Spool Control Dither Amplitude [6361s1]

The amplitude of the periodic dither signal that is superimposed on the valve spool control solenoid current com-
mand when the dither function is enabled. Value is in mA.

17.3.17. Valve Spool Control Dither Frequency [6362s1]

The frequency of the periodic dither signal that is superimposed on the valve spool control solenoid current com-
mand when the dither function is enabled. Value is in milliHertz.

17.4. Device Control Mode – DRIVE SPEED CONTROL - DSC [6043s0 = 7]

 drive speed control (speed control of a hydraulic axis or actuator)
 Analog command range is scaled between high (A) and low (B) references [0x6512s1], [0x6513s1]. (applies to
device modes M1,M2, M3, M4)
 Bus command range is not rescaled (applies to device mode M9)
 External sensors provide drive’s speed feedback

17.4.1. DSC Setpoint.value [6500s1]

The setpoint value is captured and converted to a demand value every 1ms while the control is running. The
control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold1
In Fault Hold state, the setpoint is converted and will update in this parameter, but is not used.

17.4.2. DSC Setpoint.unit [6500s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Setpoint prefix, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified.
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)
93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 53

108 Other (-)

160 Meter per second

Table 17-3 Base units

17.4.3. DSC Setpoint.prefix [6500s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Setpoint unit, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified. The en-
coding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 Meter
4 Ampere
32 Hertz
33 Newton
78 Bar
160 Meter per second

Table 17-4 Base units

17.4.4. DSC Feedback.value [6501s1]

The feedback value is captured from the selected interface’s conversion every 1ms while the control is running.
The control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold
The control takes the value provided by the selected interface and divides it by 1000 before using the value with
any further control processing, including the error term used with each control gain.

Interface provided feedback value / 1000 = internal feedback value

Note: The selected interface conversion applies selected scaling that was configured per that interface. These
conversions are done prior to the value being passed to the DPC control function.

17.4.5. DSC Feedback.unit [6501s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Feedback prefix, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified.
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
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7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 54

92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)

93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
108 Other (-)
160 Meter per second

Table 17-5 Base units

17.4.6. DSC Feedback.prefix [6501s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Feedback unit, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified. The
encoding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 base unit (x1)
-1 deci (x0.1)
-2 centi (x0.01)
-3 milli (x0.001)
… …
-6 Micro (x0.000001)
Any value between - …
127 and +126

Table 17-6 Unit Prefixes

17.4.7. DSC Feedback interface number [6502s0]

The feedback interface number selects the source of the feedback.

Feedback DSC interface Note

Source selection
Pins D/E 0
Input 1 1
Input 2 2
Input 3 3
Input 4 4
Ext Enable 5
CANbus 7
CANbus2 8
Speed 1 9
Speed 2 10
Table 17-7 DSC Feedback Options
1 – DSC “speed” feedback may be derived from a position signal connected as provided by the selected feedback.
To enable taking the derivative, the value of the DSC Differentiate Feedback Switch [2400s2] object is set to True

17.4.8. DSC Kp Gain.value [6503s1]

The Kp gain value is the control’s proportional gain which is multiplied by the control deviation/error to obtain a
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part of the control response.

Proportional control response = Kp * (internal feedback – internal demand)
To disable the proportional term, make the Kp gain zero.

17.4.9. DSC Ki Gain.value [6504s1]

The Ki gain value is the control’s integral gain which is multiplied by the control error to obtain a part of the control
response. The integral gain is internally divided by 1000 due to the control making a new calculation every 1ms.

17.4.10. DSC DVG Demand.value [6510s1]

Calculated demand from setpoint (output of demand value generator DVG). This value is compared with the
conditioned feedback to create the control deviation/error term. The demand value should match the units of the
feedback value as they are subtracted to create the control deviation/error value.

17.4.11. DSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6512s1]
This parameter specifies the positive 100% physical speed of the actuator. The value is entered with the same
scaling as the feedback sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the positive demand di-
rection where demands above zero apply. In the rare case where a system has no positive velocity, the DSC
reference value for direction A should be set to 0.

Note: For analog setpoint sources, the maximum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DSC
reference value for direction A.

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback more than the +100% setpoint (e.g. +110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that high. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DSC DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.4.12. DSC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6513s1]
This parameter specifies the negative 100% physical speed of the actuator. The value is entered with the same
scaling as the feedback sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the negative demand
direction where demands below zero apply. If a system has no negative velocity, the DSC reference value for di-
rection B should be set to 0.

Note: For analog setpoint sources, the minimum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DSC
reference value for direction B.

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback less than the -100% setpoint (e.g. -110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that low. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DSC DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.4.13. DSC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6514s1]

The hold setpoint is used (overrides [6500s0]) when the Device State is in Hold or Fault-Hold states. Specific
Custom Variable Diagnostic configurations can override the behavior.

17.4.14. DSC DVG Upper Limit.value [6520s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The upper limit can be set to 50% of the DSC Reference A value to limit the demand to +50%

17.4.15. DSC DVG Lower Limit.value [6521s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
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Ex. The lower limit can be set to 50% of the DSC Reference B value to limit the demand to -50%.
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17.4.16. DSC DVG Ramp Type [6530s0]

The rate of change of the demand can be altered by applying a ramp to the setpoint.

Value Behavior Example

0 No ramping. Setpoint is not rate limited as it is con-
verted to the demand.

3 Trapezoidal ramping.
The generated demand is limited based on a four
quadrant ramping profile. The four quadrants in
consideration are labeled:
e) Positive input acceleration
f) Positive input deceleration
g) Negative input acceleration
a b c d
h) Negative input deceleration
If the setpoint is never issued with a negative value
the negative input rates will never be utilized. Simi-
larly, if the setpoint is never issued with a positive
value the positive input rates will never be utilized.
5 S-curves.
The generated demand is acceleration and velocity
limited depending on the proximity of generated
demand to the desired setpoint.
a) Acceleration limit is applied when the set- 0
point is changed (beginning of move).
v) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
d) Deceleration limit as the demand value
v d a v d a v d a v
approaches the setpoint (end of move).

-1 S-curves.
Same as type 5 but for setpoint decreases in magni-
tude (setpoint moved closer to zero) the accelera-
tion and deceleration rates are swapped. This can
create a mirrored demand profile across the zero
setpoint line. 0
a) Acceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has increased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the v a a v d d v a a v
setpoint has decreased.
v) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
i) Deceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has decreased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint increased.

Table 17-8 Ramp Types

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17.4.17. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6532s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, increasing demand.

17.4.18. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6533s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, decreasing demand.

17.4.19. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6535s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, decreasing demand.

17.4.20. DSC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6536s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, increasing demand.

17.4.21. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [6537s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change (velocity) of the demand for any change in set-

17.4.22. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [6538s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (acceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.4.23. DSC DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [6539s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (deceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.4.24. DSC Control Deviation.value [6550s1]

The Control Deviation is the error (demand – feedback) for the control.

17.4.25. DSC Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2400s1]

Gain applied to the velocity of the demand to create a feed-forward control response. The velocity of the demand
is computed by subtracting the present demand with the previous control loop demand. The result is summed
with the PID terms to produce the control response output.
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17.4.26. DSC Addendum. Differentiate Feedback Switch [2400s2]

Option to have derivative of the feedback value computed and used as feedback value. 0 = normal, 1 = compute
derivative. Ex. position encoder used for speed control

17.4.27. DSC Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2400s3]

Upper limit for integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.

17.4.28. DSC Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2400s4]

Lower limit for the integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.

17.4.29. DSC Addendum.condition feedback Ka [2400s5]

The Ka gain value is the control’s feedback acceleration gain which is multiplied by the change in velocity feed-
back (acceleration) to obtain a part of the control response (active mass).

17.4.30. DSC Addendum. Feedback Filter Time Constant [2400s6]

Filter applied to the feedback before it is used in calculating the control deviation/error. The filter is specified in
ms and computes an exponentially weighted filter time constant.

17.4.31. DSC Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2400s7]

Option to auto reset of the control algorithm integral sum to the value specified in integrator reset value when
control error is exactly zero. Set to 1 to enable this feature, set to 0 to disable this feature.

17.4.32. DSC Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2400s8]

When the auto reset option is enabled and the control error is exactly zero, the control algorithm integral sum is
set to this value.
When the auto reset option is disabled, the control algorithm integral sum will be set to this value upon write of
this value (on-demand).

17.4.33. DSC Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2400s9]

Read-only value representing the calculated velocity of the ramped setpoint when Type 5 ramping is selected.
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17.5. Device Control Mode – DRIVE FORCE/PRESSURE CONTROL – DFP [6043s0 = 8]

 drive force/pressure control (force/pressure control of a hydraulic axis or actuator)
 Analog command range is scaled between high (A) and low (B) references [0x6592s1], [0x6593s1]. (applies to device modes
M1,M2, M3, M4)
 Bus command range is not rescaled (applies to device mode M9)
 External sensors provide drive’s force or pressure feedback

Feedback Source DFP inter- Note

face selec-
Pins D/E 0
Input 1 1
Input 2 2
Input 3 3
Input 4 4
Ext Enable 5
CANbus 7
CANbus2 8
Pressure A 11
Pressure B 12
Pressure P 13
Pressure T 14
1, 2, 3
Input 1 - Input 2 15
1, 2, 3
Input 1 – Input 3 16
1, 2, 3
Input 1 – Input 4 17
1, 2, 3
Input 2 – Input 3 18
1, 2, 3
Input 2 – Input 4 19
1, 2, 3
Input 3 – Input 4 20
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure P - Pressure A 21
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure P – Pressure B 22
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure P – Pressure T 23
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure A – Pressure B 24
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure A – Pressure T 24
2, 3, 4, 5
Pressure B – Pressure T 25
Table 17-9 DFP Feedback Options

1 - interface may be configured as pressure type (interface type 2) to be useful in this device control mode
2 - interface value is calculated as force when configured cylinder area is not 1. (force = pressure * cylinder area)
3 - differential pressure or force from two independent interfaces
4 - interface only available on KBS3 or KBS4 models
5 - interface type cannot be changed

All DFP control related parameters are listed here. Some are for reference only and others are essential.

17.5.1. DFP Setpoint.value [6580s1]

The setpoint value is captured and converted to a demand value every 1ms while the control is running. The
control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold
In Fault Hold state, the setpoint is converted and will update in this parameter, but is not used.

17.5.2. DFP Setpoint.unit [6580s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Setpoint prefix, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified.
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No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)
93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
108 Other (-)
160 Meter per second

Table 17-10 Base units

17.5.3. DFP Setpoint.prefix [6580s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Setpoint unit, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified. The en-
coding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 Meter
4 Ampere
32 Hertz
33 Newton
78 Bar
160 Meter per second

Table 17-11 Base units

17.5.4. DFP Feedback.value [6581s1]

The feedback value is captured from the selected interface’s conversion every 1ms while the control is running.
The control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold
The control takes the value provided by the selected interface and divides it by 1000 before using the value with
any further control processing, including the error term used with each control gain.
Interface provided feedback value / 1000 = internal feedback value
Note: The selected interface conversion applies selected scaling that was configured per that interface. These
conversions are done prior to the value being passed to the DPC control function.
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17.5.5. DFP Feedback.unit [6581s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Feedback prefix, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified.
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)
93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
108 Other (-)
160 Meter per second

Table 17-12 Base units

17.5.6. DFP Feedback.prefix [6581s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Feedback unit, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified. The
encoding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 base unit (x1)
-1 deci (x0.1)
-2 centi (x0.01)
-3 milli (x0.001)
… …
-6 Micro (x0.000001)
Any value between - …
127 and +126

Table 17-13 Unit Prefixes

17.5.7. DFP Feedback interface number [6582s0]

The feedback interface number selects the source of the feedback.
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17.5.8. DFP Kp Gain.value [6583s1]

The Kp gain value is the control’s proportional gain which is multiplied by the control deviation/error to obtain a
part of the control response.
Proportional control response = Kp * (internal feedback – internal demand)
To disable the proportional term, make the Kp gain zero.

17.5.9. DFP Ki Gain.value [6586s1]

The Ki gain value is the control’s integral gain which is multiplied by the control error to obtain a part of the control
response. The integral gain is internally divided by 1000 due to the control making a new calculation every 1ms.

17.5.10. DFP DVG Demand.value [6590s1]

Calculated demand from setpoint (output of demand value generator DVG). This value is compared with the
conditioned feedback to create the control deviation/error term. The demand value should match the units of the
feedback value as they are subtracted to create the control deviation/error value.

17.5.11. DFP reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6592s1]
This parameter specifies the positive 100% actual pressure of the actuator. The value is entered with the same
scaling as the feedback sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the positive demand di-
rection where demands above zero apply. In the rare case where a system has no positive direction, the DFP
reference value for direction A should be set to 0.

Note: For analog setpoint sources, the maximum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DFP
reference value for direction A.

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback more than the +100% setpoint (e.g. +110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that high. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DFP DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.5.12. DFP reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6593s1]
In the rare circumstance where the system can be commanded to a negative pressure, this reference value sets
the negative 100% actual pressure of the actuator. The value is entered with the same scaling as the feedback
sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the negative demand direction where demands
below zero apply. If a system has no negative direction, the DFP reference value for direction B should be set to

Note: For analog setpoint sources, the minimum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DFP ref-
erence value for direction B.

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback less than the -100% setpoint (e.g. -110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that low. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DFP DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.5.13. DFP DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6594s1]

The hold setpoint is used (overrides [6580s0]) when the Device State is in Hold or Fault-Hold states. Specific
Custom Variable Diagnostic configurations can override the behavior.

17.5.14. DFP DVG Upper Limit.value [65A0s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The upper limit can be set to 50% of the DFP Reference A value to limit the demand to +50%
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17.5.15. DFP DVG Lower Limit.value [65A1s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The lower limit can be set to 50% of the DFP Reference B value to limit the demand to -50%.
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17.5.16. DFP DVG Ramp Type [65B0s0]

The rate of change of the demand can be altered by applying a ramp to the setpoint.

Value Behavior Example

0 No ramping. Setpoint is not rate limited as it is con-
verted to the demand.

3 Trapezoidal ramping.
The generated demand is limited based on a four
quadrant ramping profile. The four quadrants in
consideration are labeled:
j) Positive input acceleration
k) Positive input deceleration
l) Negative input acceleration
a b c d
m) Negative input deceleration
If the setpoint is never issued with a negative value
the negative input rates will never be utilized. Simi-
larly, if the setpoint is never issued with a positive
value the positive input rates will never be utilized.
5 S-curves.
The generated demand is acceleration and velocity
limited depending on the proximity of generated
demand to the desired setpoint.
b) Acceleration limit is applied when the set- 0
point is changed (beginning of move).
w) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
e) Deceleration limit as the demand value
v d a v d a v d a v
approaches the setpoint (end of move).

-1 S-curves.
Same as type 5 but for setpoint decreases in magni-
tude (setpoint moved closer to zero) the accelera-
tion and deceleration rates are swapped. This can
create a mirrored demand profile across the zero
setpoint line. 0
b) Acceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has increased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the v a a v d d v a a v
setpoint has decreased.
w) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
n) Deceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has decreased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint increased.

Table 17-14 Ramp Types

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17.5.17. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [65B2s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, increasing demand.

17.5.18. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [65B3s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, decreasing demand.

17.5.19. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [65B5s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, decreasing demand.

17.5.20. DFP DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [65B6s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, increasing demand.

17.5.21. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [65B7s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change (velocity) of the demand for any change in set-

17.5.22. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [65B8s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (acceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.5.23. DFP DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [65B9s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (deceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.5.24. DFP Control Deviation.value [65D0s1]

The Control Deviation is the error (demand – feedback) for the control.

17.5.25. DFP Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2500s1]

Gain applied to the velocity of the demand to create a feed-forward control response. The velocity of the demand
is computed by subtracting the present demand with the previous control loop demand. The result is summed
with the PID terms to produce the control response output.

17.5.26. DFP Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2500s2]

Upper limit for the integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.

17.5.27. DFP Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2500s3]

Lower limit for the integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.
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17.5.28. DFP Addendum. Feedback Filter Time Constant [2500s4]

Filter applied to the feedback before it is used in calculating the control deviation/error. The filter is specified in
ms and computes an exponentially weighted filter time constant.

17.5.29. DFP Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2500s5]

Option to auto reset of the control algorithm integral sum to the value specified in integrator reset value when
control error is exactly zero. Set to 1 to enable this feature, set to 0 to disable this feature.

17.5.30. DFP Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2500s6]

When the auto reset option is enabled and the control error is exactly zero, the control algorithm integral sum is
set to this value.
When the auto reset option is not enabled, the control algorithm integral sum will be set to this value upon write
of this value (on-demand).

17.5.31. DFP Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2500s7]

Read-only value representing the calculated velocity of the ramped setpoint when Type 5 ramping is selected.
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17.6. Device Control Mode – DRIVE POSITION CONTROL – DPC [6043s0 = 9]

 drive position control (position control of a hydraulic axis or actuator)
 Analog command range is scaled between high (A) and low (B) references [0x6612s1], [0x6613s1]. (applies to device modes
M1,M2, M3, M4)
 Bus command range is not rescaled (applies to device mode M9)
 External sensors provide drive’s position feedback

Feedback DFP inter- Note

Source face selec-
Pins D/E 0
Input 1 1
Input 2 2
Input 3 3
Input 4 4
Ext Enable 5
CANbus 7
CANbus2 8
Speed 1 9
Speed 2 10
Input 1 - Input 2 15
Input 1 – Input 3 16
Input 1 – Input 4 17
Input 2 – Input 3 18
Input 2 – Input 4 19
Input 3 – Input 4 20
Table 17-15 DPC Feedback Options

All DPC control related parameters are listed here. Some are for reference only and others are essential.

17.6.1. DPC Setpoint.value [6600s1]

The setpoint value is captured and converted to a demand value every 1ms while the control is running. The
control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold
In Fault Hold state, the setpoint is converted and will update in this parameter, but is not used.

17.6.2. DPC Setpoint.unit [6600s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Setpoint prefix, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified.
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
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92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)

93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
108 Other (-)
160 Meter per second

Table 17-16 Base units

17.6.3. DPC Setpoint.prefix [6600s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the setpoint for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Setpoint unit, the Setpoint value’s unit of measure can be specified. The en-
coding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 Meter
4 Ampere
32 Hertz
33 Newton
78 Bar
160 Meter per second
Any value 0 to 255 …

Table 17-17 Base units

17.6.4. DPC Feedback.value [6601s1]

The feedback value is captured from the selected interface’s conversion every 1ms while the control is running.
The control is considered running when the Device Status has moved to Hold, Device Mode Active, or Fault Hold
The control takes the value provided by the selected interface and divides it by 1000 before using the value with
any further control processing, including the error term used with each control gain.
Interface provided feedback value / 1000 = internal feedback value
Note: The selected interface conversion applies selected scaling that was configured per that interface. These
conversions are done prior to the value being passed to the DPC control function.

17.6.5. DPC Feedback.unit [6601s2]

The valve can store an encoded base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes. When used in
combination with the Feedback prefix, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified.
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

0 None (NA)
1 Meter
32 Hertz
33 Newton
34 Pascal (Pa)
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78 Bar
86 Newton-meter (Nm)
90 Inch (in)
91 Feet (ft)
92 Pounds per square inch (PSI)
93 Rotations per minute (RPM)
95 Inches per second (in/s)
106 Feet per second (ft/s)
107 Pound Force (lb f)
108 Other (-)
160 Meter per second

Table 17-18 Base units

17.6.6. DPC Feedback.prefix [6601s3]

The valve can store an encoded prefix for the base unit of measure for the feedback for reference purposes.
When used in combination with the Feedback unit, the Feedback value’s unit of measure can be specified. The
encoding is a power of 10 multiplier. Ex. 10^-1
No valve functions are affected by this parameter. It is provided for reference by other networked devices or for
configuration maintenance reasons and it is up to the user to set the value to the desired value.

Encoded value Specified base unit

1 base unit (x1)
-1 deci (x0.1)
-2 centi (x0.01)
-3 milli (x0.001)
… …
-6 Micro (x0.000001)
Any value between - …
127 and +126

Table 17-19 Unit Prefixes

17.6.7. DPC Feedback interface number [6602s0]

The feedback interface number selects the source of the feedback.

17.6.8. DPC Kp Gain.value [6603s1]

The Kp gain value is the control’s proportional gain which is multiplied by the control deviation/error to obtain a
part of the control response.
Proportional control response = Kp * (internal feedback – internal demand)
To disable the proportional term, make the Kp gain zero.

17.6.9. DPC Switched Integrator type [6608s0]

The switched integrator type is implemented per DS408 standard to indicate the supported method of using the
switch integrator. The only supported type is 1 and the value cannot be changed.

17.6.10. DPC Switched Integrator Ki Gain.value [6609s1]

The Ki gain value is the control’s integral gain which is multiplied by the control error to obtain a part of the control
response. The integral gain is internally divided by 1000 due to the control making a new calculation every 1ms.
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Since this is a switched integrator the integrator can be configured to not be active for the entire movement of the
actuator. The integral term is “switched” into use based on the control deviation/error absolute value and the dX
value. If the absolute value of the control deviation/error is less than the switched integrator dX value, the inte-
gral term is enabled. If the absolute value of the control deviation/error is larger than the dX value the integral
The integral term can be enabled more permanently by making the dX value larger than the largest possible con-
trol deviation/error.
To disable the integral term, make the Ki gain zero.
Integral control response = Ki/1000 * (internal feedback – internal demand)

Units are [valve spool position unit] / [internal feedback unit] or [valve spool position unit] / [feedback unit/1000]
The valve spool position unit is +/-16384 counts over the rated flow range A to B.

17.6.11. DPC Switched Integrator dX.value [660As1]

The dX value is used to determine if the switched integral calculation shall be added to the control algorithm or

Units are implied to be the same unit as the control deviation/error, demand, and feedback.

17.6.12. DPC Feedback Velocity (Kv).value [660Cs1]

Gain applied to the feedback velocity term in the condition feedback function

17.6.13. DPC Feedback Velocity (Ka).value [660Ds1]

Gain applied to the feedback acceleration term in the condition feedback function

17.6.14. DPC DVG Demand.value [6610s1]

Calculated demand from setpoint (output of demand value generator DVG). This value is compared with the
conditioned feedback to create the control deviation/error term. The demand value should match the units of the
feedback value as they are subtracted to create the control deviation/error value.

17.6.15. DPC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction A [6612s1]
This parameter specifies the positive 100% physical position of the actuator. The value is entered with the same
scaling as the feedback sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the positive demand di-
rection where demands above zero apply. In the rare case where a system has no positive direction, the DPC
reference value for direction A should be set to 0.
Note: For analog setpoint sources, the maximum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DPC
reference value for direction A.

Ex. A cylinder shall extend positively 30.48cm (12in). The setpoint is derived from pins D/E in +/-10V mode. The
feedback sensor can resolve micrometers (25.4mils). DPC reference value for direction A should be set to
304800 um (or set to 12000 mils). Thus to achieve 304800um (12000 mils) the setpoint of +10V would be re-

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback more than the +100% setpoint (e.g. +110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that high. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DPC DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.6.16. DPC reference value (100% of physical capabilities) for direction B [6613s1]
This parameter specifies the negative 100% physical position of the actuator. The value is entered with the same
scaling as the feedback sensor is calibrated within the valve. The direction is considered the negative demand
direction where demands below zero apply. If a system has no negative direction, the DPC reference value for
direction B should be set to 0.
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Note: For analog setpoint sources, the minimum value provided by the analog source is aligned with the DPC
reference value for direction B.

Ex. A cylinder shall extend negatively -15.24cm (6in). The setpoint is derived from pins D/E in +/-10V mode. The
feedback sensor can resolve micrometers (25.4mils). DPC reference value for direction B should be set to -
152400 um (or set to -6000 mils). Thus to achieve -152400um (-6000 mils) the setpoint of -10V would be re-

Note: It is possible to demand and achieve a feedback less than the -100% setpoint (e.g. -110%) if the setpoint
source, feedback interface, and physical actuator can move that low. The reference values are primarily used to
scale setpoints from analog sources. To limit the demand use the DPC DVG Lower and Upper Limits.

17.6.17. DPC DVG Hold Setpoint.value [6614s1]

The hold setpoint is used (overrides [6600s0]) when the Device State is in Hold or Fault-Hold states. Specific
Custom Variable Diagnostic configurations can override the behavior.

17.6.18. DPC DVG Upper Limit.value [6620s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The upper limit can be set to 50% of the DPC Reference A value to limit the demand to +50%

17.6.19. DPC DVG Lower Limit.value [6621s1]

The demand value generator can limit the generated demand by clipping the setpoint. The DVG has an upper
and lower limit.
Ex. The lower limit can be set to 50% of the DPC Reference B value to limit the demand to -50%.
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17.6.20. DPC DVG Ramp Type [6630s0]

The rate of change of the demand can be altered by applying a ramp to the setpoint.

Value Behavior Example

0 No ramping. Setpoint is not rate limited as it is con-
verted to the demand.

3 Trapezoidal ramping.
The generated demand is limited based on a four
quadrant ramping profile. The four quadrants in
consideration are labeled:
o) Positive input acceleration
p) Positive input deceleration
q) Negative input acceleration
a b c d
r) Negative input deceleration
If the setpoint is never issued with a negative value
the negative input rates will never be utilized. Simi-
larly, if the setpoint is never issued with a positive
value the positive input rates will never be utilized.
5 S-curves.
The generated demand is acceleration and velocity
limited depending on the proximity of generated
demand to the desired setpoint.
c) Acceleration limit is applied when the set- 0
point is changed (beginning of move).
x) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
f) Deceleration limit as the demand value
v d a v d a v d a v
approaches the setpoint (end of move).

-1 S-curves.
Same as type 5 but for setpoint decreases in magni-
tude (setpoint moved closer to zero) the accelera-
tion and deceleration rates are swapped. This can
create a mirrored demand profile across the zero
setpoint line. 0
c) Acceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has increased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the v a a v d d v a a v
setpoint has decreased.
x) Velocity limit when the demand has suffi-
ciently accelerated or decelerated.
s) Deceleration limit is applied at the begin-
ning of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint has decreased or is applied at the
end of the move if the magnitude of the
setpoint increased.

Table 17-20 Ramp Types

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17.6.21. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Accel.value [6632s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, increasing demand.

17.6.22. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Accel.value [6633s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, decreasing demand.

17.6.23. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Positive Input Decel.value [6635s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of the positive, decreasing demand.

17.6.24. DPC DVG Ramp Type 3 Negative Input Decel.value [6636s1]

When Ramp type 3 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of negative, increasing demand.

17.6.25. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Velocity.value [6637s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change (velocity) of the demand for any change in set-

17.6.26. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Acceleration.value [6638s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (acceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.6.27. DPC DVG Ramp Type 5 Deceleration.value [6639s1]

When Ramp type 5 is chosen, this value limits the rate of change of velocity (deceleration) of the demand for any
change in setpoint.

17.6.28. DPC Control Deviation.value [6650s1]

The Control Deviation is the error (demand – feedback) for the control.

17.6.29. DPC Addendum.Velocity Feed Forward Gain [2300s1]

Gain applied to the velocity of the demand to create a feed-forward control response. The velocity of the demand
is computed by subtracting the present demand with the previous control loop demand. The result is summed
with the PID terms to produce the control response output.

17.6.30. DPC Addendum.Integrator Upper Limit [2300s2]

Upper limit for the integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.

17.6.31. DPC Addendum.Integrator Lower Limit [2300s3]

Lower limit for the integrator output. This is a limit on the internal integral sum for sums less than zero.

Note: The output of the control is a demand to the valve spool control which has a demand range of +/-16384.
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17.6.32. DPC Addendum.Kd Gain [2300s4]

Gain used for the derivative portion of the control response.

17.6.33. DPC Addendum.Feedback Filter Time Constant [2300s5]

Filter applied to the feedback before it is used in calculating the control deviation/error. The filter is specified in
ms and computes an exponentially weighted filter time constant.

17.6.34. DPC Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2300s6]

Option to auto reset of the control algorithm integral sum to the value specified in integrator reset value when
control error is exactly zero. Set to 1 to enable this feature, set to 0 to disable this feature.

17.6.35. DPC Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2300s7]

When the auto reset option is enabled and the control error is exactly zero, the control algorithm integral sum is
set to this value.
When the auto reset option is not enabled, the control algorithm integral sum will be set to this value upon write
of this value (on-demand).

17.6.36. DPC Addendum.Ramping Type 5 Velocity Debug [2300s8]

Read-only value representing the calculated velocity of the ramped setpoint when Type 5 ramping is selected.
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17.7. Device Control Mode - DPQ [6043s0 = -1]

 combination of force/pressure and velocity control which combines DFP and DSC device control modes with
automatic transition from one mode to another
 the force/pressure and velocity control algorithms are parameterized per the DSC and DFP parameters listed in
those Device Control Mode sections. Additional parameters which are unique to DPQ are listed here.

17.7.1. DPQ Addendum.DPQ Mode [2600s1]

DPQ Device Control Mode is further configured by submodes which implement different transition logic be-
tween DSC (velocity) and DFP (pressure) control.

DPQ Mode Entry condition Exit condition

0. Positive velocity enter pressure control when both of these condi- exit pressure control when either of these conditions
pressure control tions are satisfied: are satisfied:
a) velocity demand is positive or zero a) velocity demand is negative
b) pressure demand is exceeded b) error (pressure demand - actual pressure) is
greater than pressure max error parameter for long-
er than Max Error Timer parameter
1. Negative veloci- enter pressure control when both of these condi- exit pressure control when either of these conditions
ty pressure control tions are satisfied: are satisfied:
a) velocity demand is negative or zero a) velocity demand is positive
b) pressure demand is exceeded b) error (pressure demand - actual pressure) is
greater than pressure max error parameter for long-
er than Max Error Timer parameter
2. Positive velocity enter pressure control when both of these condi- exit pressure control when any of these conditions
pressure control tions are satisfied: are satisfied:
with overspeed a) velocity demand is positive or zero a) velocity demand is negative
b) pressure demand is exceeded b) error (pressure demand - actual pressure) is
c) velocity feedback is less than or equal to the greater than pressure max error parameter for long-
velocity demand er than Max Error Timer parameter
c) velocity feedback is greater than the velocity de-
mand plus a velocity deadband parameter (over-
speed positive)
3. Negative veloci- enter pressure control when both of these condi- exit pressure control when any of these conditions
ty pressure control tions are satisfied: are satisfied:
with overspeed a) velocity demand is negative or zero a) velocity demand is positive
b) pressure demand is exceeded b) error (pressure demand - actual pressure) is
c) velocity feedback is greater than or equal to greater than pressure max error parameter for long-
the velocity demand er than Max Error Timer parameter
c) velocity feedback is greater than the velocity de-
mand minus a velocity deadband parameter (over-
speed negative)
4. Positive velocity enter pressure control when all of these are sat- exit pressure control when either of these conditions
pressure control isfied: are satisfied:
with position trig- a) position feedback is greater than or equal to a) velocity demand is negative
ger the position limit parameter b) velocity feedback is greater than the velocity de-
b) velocity demand is positive or zero mand plus a velocity deadband parameter (over-
c) velocity feedback is less than or equal to the speed positive)
velocity demand (not overspeeding)
5. Negative veloci- enter pressure control when all of these are sat- exit pressure control when either of these conditions
ty pressure control isfied: are satisfied:
with position trig- a) position feedback is less than or equal to the a) velocity demand is positive
ger position limit parameter b) velocity feedback is less than the velocity demand
b) velocity demand is negative or zero minus a velocity deadband parameter (overspeed
c) velocity feedback is greater than or equal to negative)
the velocity demand (not overspeeding)

Table 17-21 DPQ Modes

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17.7.2. DPQ Addendum.Position Limit [2600s2]

DPQ mode 4/5 - position limit (trigger) at which point the control switches to pressure control from velocity con-

17.7.3. DPQ Addendum.Speed Deadband [2600s3]

DPQ mode 2,3,4,5 - overspeed tolerance from velocity demand before switching to velocity control from pres-
sure control

17.7.4. DPQ Addendum.Maximum Pressure Error [2600s4]

DPQ mode 0,1,2,3 - pressure error (pressure demand - actual) allowed during pressure control before switch-
ing back to velocity control

17.7.5. DPQ Addendum.Maximum Timer Error [2600s5]

DPQ mode 0,1,2,3 - time allowed for maximum pressure error to exist before switching back to velocity control.
Time is specified in ms.

17.7.6. DPQ Addendum.Integrator Zero Option [2600s6]

Auto reset of control algorithm integrator to the value specified in integrator reset value when control error is ze-
ro. Set to 1 to enable this feature, set to 0 to disable this feature.

17.7.7. DPQ Addendum.Integrator Reset Value [2600s7]

When the auto reset option is enabled and the control error is exactly zero, the control algorithm integral sum is
set to this value.
When the auto reset option is not enabled, the control algorithm integral sum will be set to this value upon write
of the value.
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18. Miscellaneous Options

18.1. Save parameters to EEPROM [1010s1]

Parameters which are savable to EEPROM are not automatically saved upon successful write to the valve. A ‘save’
command must be issued to save parameters to the EEPROM.

Steps to save parameters to EEPROM:

1. Unlock service access, if needed.
2. Issue the “save all parameters” command by writing the ASCII characters “save” (value 0x65766173) to

18.2. Restore factory defaults [1011s1]

A valve can be recovered to the factory shipped settings by issuing the ‘load’ command to [1011s1].
Upon issuance of the command all* parameter values will be loaded to RAM and those stored in EEPROM will be restored
from an internal backup copy which was made prior to the valve being shipped from the factory.

*All parameters are restored with two exceptions.

a) CANopen Node ID [2102s1] – this value will be retained after a restore.
b) CANopen Bitrate [2102s2] – this value will be retained after a restore.

Steps to restore factory defaults:

1. Issue the “load all parameters” command by writing the ASCII characters “load” (value 0x64616F6C) to
2. (Optional) Reset the valve. The set of parameters takes full effect after a reset by power cycle or NMT reset.

18.3. Service Key/Password [2000s2]

IMPORTANT NOTE: Firmware present in the valve MUST be software version

[100As0] “6026641-006C” or higher to fully support user access levels. DO NOT AT-
6026641-005 FIRMWARE.

Many object dictionary entries have user level security which limits access. The user level may apply to read requests,
write requests, or both.

 Any user access – parameters have no security and are accessible to all users.

 Service user access – parameters are not to be edited regularly or are to be prevented from read and/or write.
The service access key code is required to be present in the object value below to allow access to service access
parameters. Attempts to edit these parameters without the correct service access key code is responded to by
the SDO abort code: “Unsupported object access”.

All protectable parameters are service protected simultaneously.

User level access is identified in the EDS file. For each object listed in the EDS file a field labeled “ODPwd” is appended.
This field indicates if the object is password protectable with a specific user access level and the type of protection given
(read or write access).

ODPwd values Access

<blank> No access restriction. Any user access to this entry
_r Read access may be restricted by service user password
_w Write access may be restricted by service user password
Table 18-1 EDS file password protection indicators
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To protect changes to parameters the service password can be changed from the default value (Eaton default service
password) to a customer specified value. Storing the Eaton default value to the service password [2000s2] in the Axis-
Pro™ effectively disables service password protection.

Eaton default service password: 43690 (0x0000AAAA)

Steps to change the service password:

1. Transmit the previously set service password to object [2000s2]. If the previously stored password is the
Eaton default value, this step can be skipped. This step unlocks the editing of the password.
2. Transmit the desired password to object [2000s2]. The password is stored as an unsigned 32bit value and
should be transmitted as a 32bit number.
3. Issue the “save service password” command by writing the ASCII characters “save” (value 0x65766173) to
4. Reset the valve. The new service password is in effect after a reset by power cycle or NMT reset.

Steps to unlock the service password:

1. Enter the service password that was previously stored. If the previously stored password has never been
changed or has been changed back to the Eaton default, no password entry is necessary to have service
access is unlocked. Once unlocked the valve remains unlocked until the device is reset (power cycle or
NMT reset).

To remove service password protection change the service password back to the Eaton default service password using
the steps above.

Forgotten/lost service password

If the service password is forgotten or lost the available mechanism to recover and change service password settings in
the valve is to restore factory defaults. This process resets parameters, including the service password, to factory shipped
settings. See instructions regarding Restore Factory Defaults.

Important Note: The restore factory defaults mechanism will clear the service password only if firm-
ware 6026641-006D or 6035218-002 or higher (per [100As0]) is in use.

18.4. CANbus Controller Swap [2001s3]

Connector port location 2 and port locations 4&5 operate via different CANbus hardware within the valve. Non-CoDeSys
enabled assemblies will receive messages on any networked port and will transmit identical messages on all networked
ports simultaneously. However, the valve does not re-route messages from port location 2 to port location 4&5 and vice-

This parameter swaps the operation of CAN bus controllers between connector location 2 and connector locations 4/5.
Useful on CoDeSys enabled valves to exchange CANbus operation with the non-CoDeSys CANbus port(s) if the built-in T-
connection of location 4/5 is desired to be used with CoDeSys CANbus.

18.5. Valve Enable-Input Enable [2001s4]

Activates/Deactivates 7pin plug pin C logic which affects the DS408 state machine transitions.

18.5.1. Pin C state machine logic activation

Deactivated ([2001s4] = 0) - pin C does not have the effect and can be used as an analog 10V input.
Active ([2001s4] = 1) – pin C is monitored for voltage level above or below a results in a “enable control” or
“disable control” depending on high or low voltage on pin C respectively when compared to the Valve En-
able Threshold [2001s5] value.

18.5.2. Pin C logic function

“enable control” - allows transition of the DS408 state machine from Disable state to Device Mode Hold or
Device Mode Active when requested through Device Control Word value or Device Local being set to Lo-
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“disable control” - prevents transitioning above Disable state. If the DS408 state machine is already in De-
vice Mode Hold state or Device Mode Active state, a “disable control” request transitions the DS408 state
machine to Disable state. Transition to/from Init state and Disable state is possible.

18.5.3. Pin C additional logic

When Device Local [604Fs0] is set to ‘Local’ (1) the Pin C logic transition from “enable control” to “disable
control” back to “enable control” while in Fault Hold or Fault Shutdown state will also attempt to transition
the machine state to Disable from Fault Hold or Fault Shutdown and back to Device Mode Active state.
During this transition faults are attempted to be cleared. If the fault condition still exists the control will drop
back into Fault Hold or Fault Shutdown.

18.6. Valve Enable Threshold [2001s5]

This parameter specifies the threshold of conversion of external analog voltage to boolean enable/disable. Threshold val-
ue represents a sensed voltage with millivolt scaling 0 to 24000mVdc.
Sensed values below this level affect “disable” when [2001s4] is enabled.
Sensed values above this level affect “enable” when [2001s4] is disabled.

18.7. CoDeSys Reset Option [2001s11]

This parameter configures the behavior associated with receipt of CANopen NMT reset.

Value Description
0 Reset entire device
1 Reset non-CoDeSys operations
Table 18-2 CoDeSys Reset Options

18.8. Monitor Output Functions

The monitor output pin is an analog signal generation with either +/-10V or 4 to 20mA analog range. The configuration of
the output can be determined automatically or customized and scaled to represent the magnitude of most parameters in
the object dictionary.
Internally a PWM generator produces the varying output (mV or mA).

18.8.1. Monitor Output.Type [2007s1]

The Monitor Output Type configures the output signal type which is output on pin F of the 7pin connector.

Value Description
0 +/- 10 volt signal is generated
1 4-20mA signal is generated
4 Output is disabled
Table 18-3 Monitor Output Types

18.8.2. Monitor Output.Mode [2007s2]

The monitor output can be switched from an automated setup based on the Device Control Mode [6043s0]
to monitoring of almost any variable and generating any output range to which the hardware is capable.

Value Behavior
0 = Auto When Device Control Mode [6043s0] is set to 1 (VCC mode) the Monitor Output auto mode
generates a signal proportional to the solenoid current feedback [6111s1]
The minimum output signal (-10V or 4mA) is aligned with a feedback value of 0mA.
The midpoint of the output signal range (0V or 12mA) is aligned with the feedback of 2069 mA.
The maximum output signal (+10V or 20mA) is aligned with a feedback value of 4138mA.

For all other Device Control Modes [6043s0], the Monitor Output auto mode generates a signal
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proportional to the valve spool control feedback [6110s1]

The minimum output signal (-10V or 4mA) is aligned with a feedback value reaching -16384.
The midpoint of the output signal range (0V or 12mA) is aligned with the feedback of 0.
The maximum output signal (+10V or 20mA) is aligned with a feedback value reaching +16384.
1 = Custom Monitored index, subindex, min/mid/max monitored value, min/mid/max output duty cycle can
be customized.
Table 18-4 Monitor Output Modes

18.8.3. Monitor Output.Monitored Object Dictionary Index [2007s3]

The monitored object dictionary index specifies the index of the parameter to monitor. When the Mode
[2007s2] is set to Auto, the index cannot be changed.

18.8.4. Monitor Output.Monitored Object Dictionary Subindex [2007s4]

The monitored object dictionary subindex specifies the subindex of the parameter to monitor. When the
Mode [2007s2] is set to Auto, the subindex cannot be changed.

18.8.5. Monitor Output.PM10V Max Duty Cycle [2007s5]

This parameter specifies the Max Duty Cycle to be used to generate a voltage output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The maximum duty cycle (10000) will produce a value larger
than +10V. The default value is calibrated to +10V. This parameter can also be used to limit the output to
a maximum voltage. Ex. set to ~7250 to limit the output to 5V.
Value specified must be larger than mid duty cycle.

18.8.6. Monitor Output.PM10V Min Duty Cycle [2007s6]

This parameter specifies the Min Duty Cycle to be used to generate a voltage output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The minimum duty cycle (0) will produce a value smaller
than -10V. The default value is calibrated to -10V. This parameter can also be used to limit the output to a
minimum voltage. Ex. set to ~5000 to limit the output to not go less than ~0V.
Value specified must be less than the mid duty cycle.

18.8.7. Monitor Output.PM10V Mid Duty Cycle [2007s7]

This parameter specifies the Mid Duty Cycle to be used to generate a voltage output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The mid duty cycle allows non-symmetrical output levels to
be generated on either side of the zero feedback conversion. The default value is calibrated to 0V.
Value specified must be less than the max duty cycle and larger than the min duty cycle.

18.8.8. Monitor Output.4to20mA Max Duty Cycle [2007s8]

This parameter specifies the Max Duty Cycle to be used to generate a current output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The maximum duty cycle (10000) will produce a value larger
than 20mA. The default value is calibrated to 20mA. This parameter can also be used to limit the output to
a maximum current. Ex. set to ~7600 to limit the output to ~16mA.
Value specified must be larger than mid duty cycle.

18.8.9. Monitor Output.4to20mA Min Duty Cycle [2007s9]

This parameter specifies the Min Duty Cycle to be used to generate a current output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The minimum duty cycle (0) will produce a value smaller
than 4mA. The default value is calibrated to 4mA. This parameter can also be used to limit the output to a
minimum current. Ex. set to ~5700 to limit the output to not go less than ~12mA.
Value specified must be less than the mid duty cycle.

18.8.10. Monitor Output.4to20mA Mid Duty Cycle [2007sA]

This parameter specifies the Mid Duty Cycle to be used to generate a current output. The duty cycle is
specified in 100ths of a percent (0 to 10000). The mid duty cycle allows non-symmetrical output levels to
be generated on either side of the zero feedback conversion. The default value is calibrated to 12mA.
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Value specified must be less than the max duty cycle and larger than the min duty cycle.

18.8.11. Monitor Output.Interface Max Value [2007sB]

The value of the monitored object which corresponds to the max duty cycle.

18.8.12. Monitor Output.Interface Min Value [2007sC]

The value of the monitored object which corresponds to the max duty cycle.

18.8.13. Monitor Output.Interface Mid Value [2007sD]

The value of the monitored object which corresponds to the mid duty cycle.

18.8.14. Monitor Output.Max Interface Duty Cycle [2007sE]

For reference, the max duty cycle presently in use.

18.8.15. Monitor Output.Min Interface Duty Cycle [2007sF]

For reference, the min duty cycle presently in use.

18.8.16. Monitor Output.Mid Interface Duty Cycle [2007s10]

For reference, the mid duty cycle presently in use.

18.8.17. Monitor Output.Duty Cycle [2007s11]

For reference, the calculated duty cycle at this instant which is generating the output signal.

18.8.18. Monitor Output.Max Interface [2007s12]

For reference, the max interface value presently in use.

18.8.19. Monitor Output.Min Interface [2007s13]

For reference, the min interface value presently in use.

18.8.20. Monitor Output.Mid Interface [2007s14]

For reference, the mid interface value presently in use.
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19. Pro-FX™: Configure

19.1. Software installation

Install the Eaton Pro-FX™: Configure PC application engineering tool. Installation is supported on a wide range of Win-
dows™ based operating systems including Windows™ 7 32bit and 64bit.

The Pro-FX™: Configure installation provides several options for PC USB peripheral CANbus adapters supported by the
software. During installation the user can choose to install drivers for an available CANbus adapter.

The adapters supported by Pro-FX™: Configure are:

- PCAN-USB* PEAK-System Technik GmbH (
- ValueCAN Intrepid Control Systems, Inc. (
- CANusb Softing AG (
- Leaf-Light Kvaser AB (

*The PCAN-USB adapter is recommended for compatibility with Eaton Pro-FX™: Control or CoDeSys development envi-
ronment used with KBS4, KBH2 and other Eaton FX products.

19.2. Product Selection

Connect power and CANbus connections to the valve, and power on the AxisPro™ valve. Click on the Pro-FX™ Launch-
er icon or select from the Eaton folder in the start menu, all programs, to start the application. First select Pro-FX™ Con-
figure from the launcher. The Pro-FX™ Configure product selection screen will appear. Choose “AxisPro” and click “GO”.

19.3. CANbus adapter selection and baudrate

Pro-FX™: Configure will use the last configured CANbus adapter as specified in the menu Configuration -> Options. If the
last configured adapter is not connected to the PC or has not had drivers properly installed, Pro-FX™: Configure will dis-
play an adapter error.
The default valve baudrate is 125Kbps, if this setting is changed in the valve via the LSS Protocol, Pro-FX™: Configure
must be configured to match in this option screen.
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19.4. Device Detection

Pro-FX™: Configure will start detection of AxisPro™ valves connected on the CANbus network. A listing of detected
valves will be displayed. The list is continually updated until a selection is made and the “Connect to selected Device” but-
ton is clicked.

19.5. LSS Protocol

Upon detection of a valve that has not yet been commissioned for a CANopen network, the valve will be detected with in-
valid node-id/address 255. Before putting an unconfigured valve into service on a CANopen network the node-id should
be reconfigured per the CANopen Layer Setting Service (tools->LSS Protocol) to change Node ID or Baud Rate.
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19.6. Main Window

In the Configuration menu the Toolbar, App Bar, and Status Bar can be enabled/disabled in the main screen.

Toolbar – contains often used commands, including: NMT state controls and the CANbus Traffic Monitor
App bar – contains the detected device and OD grouping tree, messages, NMT status and device information
Status bar – indicates the CANbus network status and Pro-FX™: Configure version
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Monitor NMT Toolbar


App bar


NMT State


Status bar
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19.7. NMT controls

Pro-FX™: Configure provides the ability for the user to manually issue Network Management protocol (NMT) commands
for all networked CANbus nodes and separate ability to issue NMT commands for the single detected node with buttons
on the toolbar. An AxisPro™ is not required to be connected for the commands to be issued to the network.

 Reset communications:
Networked devices receiving this command from the bus are expected to reset their communication state
machine. The AxisPro™ valve’s parameters of the communication profile area (object indices 0x1000 to
0x1FFF) are set to their power-on values.

 Reset node:
Networked devices receiving this command from the bus are expected to reset as if they were power cycled.
The AxisPro™ valve resets the processor internally and all parameters are initialized to their power-on val-
ues and NMT bootup ensues. Although this is a processor reset, this type of reset does not increment the
power cycle count.

 Enter Pre-Operational:
Network devices receiving this command from the bus are expected to enter pre-operational communication
state. The AxisPro™ valve disables PDO protocol in this state. Configuration of object dictionary parame-
ters is recommended in this state and is accomplished using SDO protocol.

 Enter Operational:
Network devices receiving this command from the bus are expected to enter operational communication
state. The AxisPro™ valve allows PDO protocol in this state. Object dictionary access via SDO is also pos-
sible. Effectivity of some communication profile parameter changes may require a transition to pre-
operational and back to operational state or a NMT reset communication command.

 Stop NMT Command:

Network devices receiving this command from the bus are expected to enter stopped communication state.
The AxisPro™ valve stops PDO and SDO protocols in this state. Node-guard, Heartbeat, and LSS protocols
are permitted if enabled.

NOTE: It is important to consider that in a CANopen network only one NMT master should be present and controlling the
state of the entire network where such functionality is required. Any commands sent by Pro-FX™: Configure may be in
conflict with what the designated network (NMT) master has already sent or be duplicates of previously sent messages.
The user shall ensure that any communication from Pro-FX™: Configure does not adversely affect other network
devices/nodes and critical network requirements.
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19.8. Configurator and Object Dictionary

The complete listing of available object dictionary parameters is organized, retrieved and edited by the Pro-FX™: Config-
ure Object Dictionary Configurator. The Configurator is the means in which Pro-FX™: Configure presents the object dic-
tionary information found in the standardized CANopen electronic datasheet (.EDS) for the AxisPro™ valve.

Parameters are grouped per their functionality such as Comm. parameters, DS408 parameters, Sensors, etc…
Expand the detected device object dictionary categories in the device tree on the App bar. Click on the device name or
any group to open the Configurator window and Pro-FX™: Configure will read the parameters in the grouping selected
from the AxisPro™ valve. To refresh the displayed parameters, click “Load From System” button from the Configurator

The Configurator data field can be displayed in decimal or hexadecimal. The Index and Subindex fields are always shown
in hexadecimal.

Refresh Data field

Data display



19.8.1. Editing Parameters

Editable parameters have an editable data field in the Configurator. Only parameters with write access
(read/write [R/W] or write-only [WO]) may be edited and updated in the detected valve.

To change a parameter, enter the desired value into the Configurator data column and press enter. The status
column for the entry should change to “modified by user” and the background color of the entry should change.
At this point the value has not been sent to the valve. Then click “Save To System”. The status column for the
entry will indicate if the value was transmitted to the valve. Multiple parameters can be edited on the same Con-
figurator screen before clicking the “Save To System” button.

19.8.2. Save and Restore non-volatile parameters

Many configuration parameters are stored in non-volatile EEPROM and upon power up of the valve, their saved
values are used.
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 Saving to EEPROM (Commit RAM Values to EEPROM)

Pro-FX™: Configure provides an easy way to save all parameters that can be stored in EEPROM after individual
or groups of parameters have been edited.

Send each changed parameter to the valve by editing and then using the “Save To System” button in the Config-
urator. Then right-click anywhere on the Configurator and a contextual menu appears. Select “Commit RAM
Values to EEPROM,“ and Pro-FX™: Configure will issue the save to EEPROM command for all parameters.

Note: The Configurator does not indicate which parameters can be stored to EEPROM. Continuously changing
parameters such as sensor readings and commanded setpoint are examples of parameters that are not stored.

 Restore Factory Defaults (Restore All Factory Values)

The factory default values can be re-issued from backup storage internal to the valve. From the contextual menu
select “Restore All Factory Values” to send all backup data to RAM and EEPROM.

Note: Using this option will restore all parameters and overwrite any stored values in EEPROM with factory de-
faults and model code options.


19.8.3. Device Configuration Files

Pro-FX™: Configure allows a complete parameter configuration of an AxisPro™ valve to be preserved in a file
called a device configuration file (DCF). DCF files are very similar to EDS files in structure with the exception
that they capture the present value of each parameter rather than the default value of the parameter. Files saved
by Pro-FX™: Configure adhere to CiA DSP306.

Device Label

 Saving a DCF
Click the device label in the device tree. The OD Configurator will retrieve all parameters present in the device
per the EDS used by Pro-FX™: Configure. Clicking the “Save To Disk” button will save the parameters as a DCF
file format. The “Save To Disk” button becomes available only while all parameters are displayed in the OD Con-
figurator (click root of the parameter tree).
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 Loading a DCF
Click the device label in the device tree. The OD Configurator will retrieve all parameters present in the device
per the EDS used by Pro-FX™: Configure. Clicking the “Load From Disk” button will populate the OD Configura-
tor with all parameters found in the DCF file. Clicking “Save to System” will send the changed parameters to the
valve’s RAM. Those parameters that are stored in EEPROM will not be saved to EEPROM unless the “Commit
RAM values to EEPROM” (section 19.8.2) process is executed.

19.9. Device Configuration (DS408 Fluid Power Profiles)

The AxisPro™ valve implements several of the device control modes of the DS408 Fluid Power Profile. The following sec-
tions describe Pro-FX™: Configure widgets created to interface directly with the AxisPro™ implementation of this profile.
For additional information refer to the CiA and VDMA standards listed in the reference section.

19.9.1. DS408 Monitor widget

The DS408 Monitor widget provides an interface for often read parameters which, when turned “ON,” continuous-
ly requests the values at the rate indicated in the Event Timer box*. The DS408 Device Monitor widget can be
accessed via the Tools->DS408 menu or right click on the main form and select DS408 sub-menu.

 Device State – indicates the DS408 state machine status (power-on default: INIT) [6041s0]
o INIT device control inactive, initial state
o DISABLED device control mode inactive
o HOLD device control mode active with hold setpoint only
o DEVICE MODE ACTIVE device control mode active and normal function
o FAULT critical fault state, device control mode inactive
o FAULT HOLD fault state, device control mode with hold setpoint
 Device Control Mode – indicates the control mode in use by the valve (power-on default: per model code) [6043s0]
o No internal valve and drive controls are disabled
o VCC valve current control of the solenoid (open loop spool control)
o VSC valve closed-loop spool control
o DSC drive speed control
o DFP drive force/pressure control
o DPC drive position control
o DPQ force/pressure flow control
 Device Mode – control mechanism (power-on default: per model code) [6042s0]
o M1 +/-10V analog command input
o M2 4-20mA analog command input
o M3 +/-10mA analog command input
o M4 +/-15mA analog command input
o M9 Setpoint via CANbus
 Device Local – control word source (power-on default: per model code) [604Fs0] or [6041s0 bit 4]
o Local device control word generated internally
o CANbus device control word accepted from CANbus
 Actual Value – feedback value for the device control mode (power-on default: per device control)
o VCC current through the solenoid (internal sensor) [6301s1]
o VSC spool position (internal LVDT sensor) [6301s1]
o DSC speed signal from sensors (external signal) [6501s1]
o DFP force/pressure from sensors (internal or external sensor) [6581s1]
o DPC position from sensors (external sensor) [6601s1]
o DPQ force/pressure and speed from sensors (internal or external sensors) [6501s1 & 6581s1]
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Note: Device State and Actual Value are read by enabling and receiving TPDO1 which is configured for Device
Status Word and Actual Value if the DS408 Default PDO Mapping (automapping) feature is enabled and the
valve’s NMT state is “operational”. When this widget is turned “ON” the rate indicated by the Event Timer selec-
tion will be issued to the TPDO1 Event Timer. The remaining values are read by SDO protocol at the rate speci-

19.9.2. DS408 Control widget – Device Setup

The DS408 Device Control widget displays and allows editing of the most often used control parameters for setup
and tuning purposes as an alternate to editing the Object Dictionary directly via the Configurator. The DS408
Device Control widget can be accessed via the Tools->DS408 menu or right click on the main form and select
DS408 sub-menu. The present values of each item are read when the widget is opened. To refresh the items,
click the refresh button.
The setup items provided on the DS408 Control widget are:
o Device Local [604Fs0]
o Device Control Mode [6043s0]
o Device Mode [6042s0]
o Analog Enable Pin [2001s4]


 Device Local sets the value of valve parameter [604Fs0]

Select the appropriate control mode then click “Update DS408 Param” button.

 Device Control Mode sets the value of valve parameter [6043s0]

Select the appropriate control mode then click “Update DS408 Param” button.

 Device Mode sets the value of valve parameter [6042s0]

Select the appropriate control mode then click “Update DS408 Param” button.

 Analog Enable Pin sets the value of valve parameter [2001s4]

Select the appropriate control mode then click “Update DS408 Param” button.

 Commit values to EEPROM – when checked the settings will be written to RAM as well as EEPROM
when the Update DS408 Param button is pressed. This is the same functionality as the contextual
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menu option, “Commit RAM Values To EEPROM,” in the OD Configurator. Saving to EEPROM pre-
serves the settings across power cycles.

19.9.3. DS408 Control Widget – Device Operation

 Device Control Word sets the value of valve parameter [6040s0]

 Setpoint – a setpoint slider, manual entry box, and waveform generator options are available if the De-
vice Mode is set to a CANbus choice. If the Device Mode is set to another type, the setpoint is derived
from the configured source and the control widget setpoint options are disabled.

device state
via Device
Control Word

Click here
to start M9 Setpoint via
widget bus will be com-
transmis- manded from here
sions. Rate when widget is
is configu- “on”
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19.10. DS408 graphic mode selection

The DS408 graphical configurator makes it easier to understand and configure groups of functionality that affect system oper-
ation and performance.

Before using the DS408 graphical configurator the required Device Control Mode would be selected using the DS408 Control
widget as shown in the image below. The present Device Control Mode is displayed in the DS408 Device Monitor widget
when the widget is “on”.


Choose DS408 Graphical

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19.10.1. Example: Device Control Mode - DPC graphical configuration

From the DS408 Control Widget select Device Control Mode “DPC” and click the update DS408 param button.
Open the DS408 Graphical Configurator. The window will display the DPC control options with DPC box highlight-

19.10.2. Making Changes

Most blocks on the DS408 Graphical Configurator are clickable. Clicking a box opens the parameter editor con-
taining related parameters and their present values read from the valve. Make changes to the value column and
click the Save button. To keep the settings across power cycles, check the “Commit Values To EEPROM”
checkbox and click the Save button.
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19.10.3. Demand value generator

This grouping of blocks configures the set point for drive position control and continuously updates the setpoint and
demand values from the valve.

Click Limit block to set the min Click Ramp block to set rates of
and max setpoint values al- change limits on the setpoint
Setpoint value lowed to be passed to the de- which condition the demand val-
(continuously updated) mand value. ue.

demand value

Click Hold Setpoint to set the con- Click Reference Value to set the
stant setpoint used when device is in minimum (B) and maximum (A)
“hold” state. Hold Setpoint is also values received from the set-
used for “fault hold” state when con- point source. Used for internal
figured properly. scaling and limit checks.
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19.10.4. Actual value conditioning:

This grouping of blocks configures the drive feedback sensor and continuously updates the raw input value (AVC
Selected value) and the conditioned feedback value (Actual Value) from the valve.

Click Parameters to change Resulting Actual Value

interface conditioning type (continuously updated)
Selected interface and value scaling
(continuously updated)

Click Sign Inversion to in- Click LPF to parameter-

vert the conditioned actual ize a low pass filter for
value the actual value
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19.10.5. Controller Configuration:

This grouping of blocks configures the gains of the controller and continuously updates the control deviation and ac-
tual values from the valve. The tuning of parameters needs to consider the system performance needs and capability.

Click here to
the feed
forward gain
Click here to
the deriva-
tive gain

here to
the feed

Click here
to configure
the propor-
tional gain
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19.10.6. Conditioning Feedback:

This grouping of blocks configures the feedback gains for position controller. The tuning of valve DPC parameters
needs to consider the system performance needs and capability.

Click here to Click here to

configure the configure the
feedback velocity feedback ac-
gain celeration gain

19.10.7. Controller Output Conditioning:

This grouping of blocks configures the Drive position controller output conditioning and continuously updates the
present controller output to the valve spool control (VPOC Setpoint) as read from the valve.
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19.11. Monitor output configuration

The monitor output can be configured by using the Monitor Output Configurator widget.

19.12. Sync producer

When a network has Synchronous PDOs (transmission type 0 to 240) a sync message needs to be sent to tell listening
devices to latch in the received PDO values or to send PDO responses.

Pro-FX: Configure provides the ability to generate SYNC messages for debugging purposes if the network device which
generates the SYNC is offline via the SYNC Generator widget. There should be only one SYNC producer on network.

The time period between the SYNC messages transmitted from the widget s is specified by the communication cycle peri-
od (rate) as shown in below image, which can be set in terms of millisecond. There can be a time jitter in transmission by
the SYNC producer corresponding approximately to the latency due to some other message being transmitted just before
the SYNC.

The SYNC generator can auto-enable and begin sending transmissions at the rate specified when the presently connect-
ed AxisPro™ has PDOs configured with synchronous transmission types [ex. 1400s2 = 0 to 240 or 1800s2 = 0 to 240].
Pro-FX: Configure reads the PDO configurations as part of device detection. This auto-enable is turned on via the “auto-
matic” checkbox on the SYNC widget.
If the “automatic” checkbox is not checked the SYNC producer can be turned on or off manually via the provided buttons.
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19.13. Diagnostics
The AxisPro™ device health can be monitored and reacted-to using configurable diagnostics for sensors and valve be-
haviors. Critical parameters are continuously monitored and some parameters can be configured for the level of criticality
or disabled from being monitored.
The Pro-FX™: Configure Diagnostics widget organizes many of the diagnostic object dictionary parameters for easy con-
figuration and monitoring.

Diagnostic data related to each parameter can be logged in a *.csv file. Each diagnostic has an upper and lower limit con-
figuration. Status for each monitor (in/above/below range) is displayed.
Diagnostics which are always important to proper functioning of the AxisPro™, such as supply voltage, are greyed in the
Diagnostics widget and cannot be altered. These critical diagnostics will be continuously monitored by AxisPro™.

Many diagnostics can be edited per application requirement. Diagnostics are enabled by setting bits in the Diagnostic En-
ables mask. The mask bits are set or cleared by using the checkboxes shown in the Diagnostic widget.
The status of all diagnostics can be quickly determined by reading the Fault Status Word which is a bit field having each
bit represent one diagnostic state of ok or fault.
See related: Fault Status Word

The Diagnostic widget is as shown as below-

19.14. Custom Diagnostics

Custom Diagnostics may be configured using the OD configurator when Diagnostics-Custom->Setup section is selected.
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19.15. Stored Errors and Emergency Messages:

Pro-FX™: Configure decodes emergency messages that it receives while connected to the network in the Messages
widgets (Info, Warning, Error, Critical).
The errors stored in the valve [1003] (Error fields) can be read by opening the Communications->Errors section of pa-
rameters via the OD Configurator.
The Error fields can be cleared by writing a 0 to [1003s0], by clicking the Clear Errors Button on the toolbar, or by selecting
the Clear Error Registers menu item from the Tools menu.
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Clear Error Registers Button

Error Fields

19.1. Service Key/Password Protection

AxisPro™ valves can be secured using a service key/password [2000s2] to protect important parameters for firmware ver-
sions 6026641-006C [100As0] and above. Valve is either in Locked or Unlocked state. A valve with no service password
configured, stays in unlocked state. For valves with service password configured, it can be unlocked only by entering the
correct password.
Pro-FX: Configure can save the most often used password for use each time it determines that a valve is service protect-

It is a best practice to save machine settings and tunings to a DCF file or other stor-
age method (PLC program, paper copy, etc...) and properly manage/archive the
saved configuration or service passwords so that machine tunings and settings can
be readily serviced or replaced in the event that a service password is lost or forgot-

19.1.1. Set/Change Service Password

To set or change service password in the valve the valve must first be unlocked for service access or have
had no password ever stored (restored to factory defaults). If the valve is locked for service access attempts
to change the service password will fail.
 Click on Tools-> Service Password-> Set/Change Password
 Change Service Password dialog appears as shown
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 Enter the new service password

 Confirm the password
 Optionally, if the chosen password is to be used frequently, Pro-FX: Configure can store it on the PC for
future use with any AxisPro™ valve which is using the same value. To save the password on the PC,
check the “Save Password” checkbox. Only one password can be stored on the PC at a time. The
password saved on the PC can be viewed or changed Configuration->Options.
 Click OK.
 Click close to cancel.

A confirmation message is displayed on password change as shown

If valve was still locked prior to attempting to change the password an error message is displayed.

19.1.2. Disable Password

The service password function may be removed/disabled in the valve by writing the default value. This pro-
cess is automated by clicking on Tools-> Service Password-> Disable Password. The valve must be un-
locked prior to issuing this command. If the valve is not unlocked for service access, the sequence will fail
and the password will remain in effect.

Service password is disabled and a confirmation message is provided as shown.

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19.1.3. Unlock Valve

On Reset All, Reset Node and Power cycle to valve, a valve with a service password in effect will be locked.
On connecting to the AxisPro™, if access to a service protected parameter is denied, Pro-FX: Configure re-
trieves the password from Configuration-> Options and sends it to the valve.

If saved password does not unlock the access, a prompt to enter the correct password is shown.

The valve limits the number of tries to enter the service password correctly to 4 attempts per reset.
Thus, counting the initial attempt made by Pro-FX: Configure, a maximum of three incorrect password at-
tempts can be made before the AxisPro™ prevents further attempts to unlock and a reset is required to try

If the correct password is entered, a prompt to save the password to the PC (Configuration->Options) is giv-

If user entered password, does not unlock the valve, an error message is displayed as shown below.
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If the AxisPro™ is determined to be locked for service access, windows DS408 control, DS408 monitor,
DS408 graphical configurator, monitor output, sync generator and diagnostics will be closed.

19.1.4. Save Service Password

User can view or change the service password which was saved to the PC in Configuration->Options->Save
Password tab.

To change service password from Configuration-> Options, click on Change Service Password.

Change Service Password dialog is displayed with the saved password loaded:
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19.1.5. Save service password to DCF

If valve is unlocked, the password used to unlock the valve may be included in saved DCFs thru OD Config-

On ‘Save To Disk’ Click, a confirmation dialog to save DCF password will be shown:

On Yes Click, Password will be saved to the DCF file.

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19.1.6. Reset Password

If the password is forgotten/lost, the only mechanism available to clear the password and allow access to
service protected parameters is to restore the valve to its default (factory shipped) settings using ‘Set Facto-
ry Defaults’ from tile mode or by reading all parameters into the OD configurator and right-clicking on the OD
configurator and selecting “Restore All Factory Values” option.
Note: Any customized configurations or tunings are lost upon issuance of the Set Factory Defaults.
Best practices require saving machine settings and tunings to a DCF file or other storage method (paper,
PLC program, etc...) and properly manage service passwords so that machine tunings and settings can be
readily serviced or replaced.
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20. Tile Mode

Tile Mode provides easy access to primary functions of AxisPro software like diagnostics, settings, notifications, user manual
and wizards to configure control mode sensors and command definitions of the valve.

20.1. Navigation

To navigate to tile mode, click on the Tile mode button in toolbar on the advanced mode as shown below.

Tile Mode
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20.2. Home Screen

Configure various DS408

Connect to AxisPro
based applications

Study valve errors,

warnings, infor-
mation traces

Option for chang-

ing baud rate Launch Pro-Fx
settings and se- user guide
lecting CAN

Launch About
Information box

Select advance mode Reset factory Parameters See and Log valve parameters

Sr No. Feature Name Description

1 Connect AxisPro It will launch Detection window from ProFx Configure
2 Settings it will launch Options screen from Pro-Fx Configure
3 Advanced Mode It will hide Tile Mode and shall launch existing Pro-Fx Configure
4 Diagnostics It will launch Diagnostics widget from Pro-Fx Configure
5 System Notifications It will launch warning, errors, information traces under single window
6 User Guide It will launch the user guide of the Pro-Fx Configure – AxisPro
7 Configure Valve It will launch DS408 Control Wizards for the Pro-Fx
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20.3. Status Bar Information

CANbus green light (blinking if

Device connected / discon- traffic is ON) CANbus green
nected status light (blinking if traffic is ON)

20.4. Configure Valve Wizard

20.4.1. Wizard Navigation
User can launch the wizard from the highlighted tile as shown below:

Application Configuration screen is launched when wizards are launched.

User cannot proceed with wizards if device is not connection and following error message is displayed.
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For firmware 6026641-006 and above, User cannot proceed with wizards if device is locked and following er-
ror message is displayed.

20.4.2. Application Configuration

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 Valve Model Code: On wizard launch, model code will be pulled from valve to update the mentioned text area.
Model code may differ from original order code due to previous user changes.

 Serial Number: On wizard launch, serial number will be pulled from valve to update the mentioned text area

 Valve Level: On wizard launch, device capability will be pulled from valve to determine valve level.

 Sensor Port Configuration: On wizard launch, device capability will be pulled from valve determine valve sen-
sor type is analog or digital.

 Select Application:
 Select application display control modes supported by valve
 On launch, the current active mode is selected.
 Control modes supported by wizards are:
a. Position control
b. Speed or Velocity Control
c. Pressure or Force control
d. Speed and Pressure Control

 Select Units:

For Firmware 6026641-006 or higher:

Unit and prefix are loaded from the firmware for selected control mode.
Units selected by the user are saved in the firmware on next click.

For Firmware 6026641-005 and Below:

The AxisPro™ firmwares 6026641-005 and below do not have the capability to store the unit and unit prefix.
Units selected in the wizard are effective only for the remainder of the wizard screens.

User can change the unit and its prefix from the options given below.
Selected units are used throughout the wizard and conversion of values from selected units to base unit takes

Base unit for respective control modes are as follows:

 Base unit for Position Control: Micrometer (μm)
 Base unit for Position Control: Microhertz (μHz)
 Base unit for Position Control: Decibar (dbar)

DS408 Control Mode Units Prefixes

Position Control Meter (m) None
Milli (m)
Micro (μ)
Inch (in) None
Milli (m)
Feet (ft) None
Speed Control Hertz (Hz) None
Micro (μ)
Meter per sec (m/s) None
Micro (μ)
Rotations per minute (RPM) None
Pressure Control Bar (bar) None
Deci (d)
Pounds per square inch (PSI) None
Table 20-1 Wizard unit selections for firmware 6026641-005 and below
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 Next:
On ‘Next’ click, a safety warning is displayed as shown below

On ‘System is Safe’ Click, user continues with valve configuration to Save Configuration step.

On ‘Cancel’ Click, user is exited from wizards and redirected to Tile mode home screen.

 Exit:
On ‘Exit’ Click, a warning is displayed as shown below

On ‘Go to Calibration Wizard’ Click, user continues with valve configuration.

On ‘Exit’ Click, user is exited from wizards and redirected to Tile mode home screen.

 Connect:
On ‘Connect’ Click, User can connect to an AxisPro valve detected by the system.

20.4.3. Save Configuration

After Application Configuration step, save configuration step is displayed as shown below. It allows user to
save overall configuration data in form of Mini Device Configuration File (MDCF) is available for the user.
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 Selecting ‘Yes’, will display the MDCF file location.

 Default MDCF file save location is – “(User Specific App Data Folder)\ ControlProfiles\xx.mdcf”

 On Browse (…) click as shown below, the File Open dialog is launched to select a folder location.
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 Click Next to go to wizard Step 3 – Feedback Sensor Configuration.

 Click Previous to go to wizard Step 1 – Application Configuration.

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20.4.4. DPC Mode

For any closed loop control system to function properly there is a need of feedback sensor measuring output
performance in terms of physical units and giving back to control algorithm which in turn drives the output to
its set point. Various feedback sensors which can participate in DPC control mode. Below listed are multiple
sensor interfaces which are supported by AxisPro valve for measuring positions. Sensor Configuration

When DPC is selected in application configuration step 1, below listed interfaces are listed in the sensor
configuration step for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Analog sensor port.

When DPC is selected in application configuration step 1, below listed interfaces are listed in the sensor
configuration step for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Digital SSI sensor port.
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For 7pin Connector Pins D and E (interface 0) sensor interface selection, there is a provision to select the
raw signal coming on physical pins as either mV or mA.
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For valve with analog sensor port and Speed Input 1 (interface 9) selection, on Next click, a message is
prompted to choose Quadrature encoder provided to choose either of Quadrature Encoder or Speed in-
put as sub type.

On Yes Click, the Type 64 sensor configuration step is launched.

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For Bus Object 1 (interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (interface 8) selection, confirmation message is displayed
if recalibration is required.

On Yes Click, Type 64 sensor configuration for CANbus object is displayed as shown below.
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For SSI port (interface 6) selection (only for Digital feedback sensing valve), sensor configuration step
provides the option to either select Type 65 or Type 66 with the help of Combo Box.
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On Next Click, SSI configuration step is launched with content listed below for entering details from sen-
sor data sheet. (Type 65 = Binary SSI sensor and Type 66= Gray Code SSI sensor)
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 For interface 0 to interface 10, Valve Calibration step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as displayed
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, position is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, position is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter minimum reference position value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min position is greater than max position and home
position is set to 0 if it’s negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference position value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max position is less than min position.
 On ‘Done’ click, max position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max position are set. Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 1>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 1 of selected differ-
ential interface is displayed as shown below:
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 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 1 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as dis-
played below.

 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.
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 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, position is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, position is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below

 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.

 On ‘Set Min Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter minimum reference position value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min position is greater than max position and home
position is set to 0 if it’s negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference position value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max position is less than min position.
 On ‘Done’ click, max position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 133 Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 2 of selected differ-
ential interface is displayed as shown below:

 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 2 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as dis-
played below.

 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.
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 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, position is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, position is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below

 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter minimum reference position value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min position is greater than max position and home
position is set to 0 if it’s negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Position’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference position value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max position is less than min position.
 On ‘Done’ click, max position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box. Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Interface>

 For interface 15 to interface 26, Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Interface> step is
launched after Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2> step as displayed below:
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, position is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, position is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below

 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Difference click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter minimum reference position value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min position is greater than max position and home
position is set to 0 if it’s negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Difference’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference position value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max position is less than min position.
 On ‘Done’ click, max position parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max position are set.
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20.4.5. DSC Mode

For any closed loop control system to function properly there is a need of feedback sensor measuring output perfor-
mance in terms of physical units and giving back to control algorithm which in turn drives the output to its setpoint.
Various feedback sensors which can participate in DSC control mode. Below listed are multiple sensor interfaces
which are supported by AxisPro valve for measuring speed. Sensor Configuration

 When DSC is selected in application configuration step 1, below interfaces are listed on sensor configuration step
for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Analog sensor port.

 For ‘7pin Connector Pins D and E’ (interface 0) sensor interface selection, there is a provision to select the raw
signal coming on physical pins as either mV or mA.
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 For Bus Object 1 (Interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (Interface 8) selection, Type64 sensor configuration step is dis-

 For Speed Input 1 (interface 9) selection, content mentioned below is displayed

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 For interface 10 selection, the sensor configuration has sub interface selection as Quadrature Type or Speed
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 For Speed Input 2 (interface 10) subtype is chosen as speed/frequency input, on Type64 sensor configuration
step following Options are displayed.
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 For Speed Input 2 (interface 10) subtype is chosen as Quadrature Encoder Input, on Type64 sensor configura-
tion step following options are displayed.
Note: Quadrature encoding uses both speed input pins on the analog sensor port.
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 When DSC is selected in application configuration step 1, below listed interfaces are listed in the sensor configu-
ration step for valve of level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Digital SSI sensor port.
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 For SSI Port (interface 6) sensor interface selection, SSI configuration is displayed as shown below to enter de-
tails from sensor data sheet. Type 65 = Binary SSI sensor and Type 66= Gray Code SSI sensor
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 On load, the settings are retrieved from the valve. Valve Calibration

 For interface 0 to interface 10, Valve Calibration step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as displayed
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, speed is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, speed is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Speed’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference speed value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min speed is greater than max speed and home
speed is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min speed parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Speed’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter max reference speed value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max speed is less than min speed.
 On ‘Done’ click, max speed parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max speed is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max speed are set.
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20.4.6. DFP Mode

For any closed loop control system to function properly there is a need of feedback sensor measuring output perfor-
mance in terms of physical units and giving back to control algorithm which in turn drives the output to its setpoint.
Various feedback sensors which can participate in DFPC control mode. Below listed are multiple sensor interfaces
which are supported by AxisPro valve for measuring pressure. Sensor Configuration

 When DFPC is selected in application configuration step 1, below listed interfaces are listed in the sensor config-
uration step for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Analog sensor port.

 For level 3,4 valve, the interfaces available for selection

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 For ‘7pin Connector Pins D and E’ (interface 0) sensor interface selection, there shall be provision to select the
raw signal coming on physical pins as either mV or mA.
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 For Pressure Port A (interface 11), Pressure Port T (interface 12), Pressure Port P (interface 13) and Pressure
Port B (interface 14), the user is prompted with the confirmation for recalibrating pressure sensors

 For Bus Object 1 (interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (interface 8) sensor interface selection, the SSI sensor configura-
tion step is displayed as shown below.
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 When DFPC is selected application configuration step, below listed interfaces are listed in the sensor configura-
tion step for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Digital SSI sensor port.

 For level 3,4 valve, the possible interfaces available for selection
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 For SSI Port (interface 6, only possible with Digital feedback sensing valve) sensor interface selection, the follow-
ing options are displayed to either select Type 65 or Type 66.

 On Next Click, the SSI configuration step is launched with content listed below for entering details from sensor
data sheet. Type 65 = Binary SSI sensor and Type 66= Gray Code SSI sensor
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 For interface 0 to interface 14, Valve Calibration step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as displayed

 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.

 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.

 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

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 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.
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 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max pressure are set. Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 1>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 1 of selected differ-
ential interface is displayed as shown below:

 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 1 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as dis-
played below.
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box. Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 2 of selected differ-
ential interface is displayed as shown below:

 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 2 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as dis-
played below.
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box. Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Interface>

 For interface 15 to interface 26, Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Interface> step is
launched after Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2> step as displayed below:
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Difference’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Difference’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max pressure are set.
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20.4.7. DPQ Mode

For any closed loop control system to function properly there is a need of feedback sensor measuring output perfor-
mance in terms of physical units and giving back to control algorithm which in turn drives the output to its set point.
Various feedback sensors which can participate in DPQ control mode. DPQ control mode is a combination of DSC
and DFPC mode. Below listed are multiple sensor interfaces which are supported by AxisPro valve for measuring
speed and pressure. DPQ Feedback Configuration

 For DPQ selection on application configuration step, after save configuration step DPQ feedback configuration
step allows user to configure units for DSC and DFPC mode.

 For firmware 6026641-006 or higher, user will be able to configure DPQ process mode as below:
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 User can select units for speed and pressure interfaces:

For Firmware 6026641-006 or higher:

Unit and prefix are loaded from the firmware for selected control mode.
Units selected by the user are saved in the firmware on next click.

For Firmware 6026641-005 and Below:

The AxisPro™ firmwares 6026641-005 and below do not have the capability to store the unit and unit prefix.
Units selected in the wizard are effective only for the remainder of the wizard screens.

User can change the unit and its prefix from the options given below.
Selected units are used throughout the wizard and conversion of values from selected units to base unit takes

Base unit for respective control modes are as follows:

- Base unit for Position Control: Microhertz (μHz)
- Base unit for Position Control: Decibar (dbar)

Units for Speed Control are:

 Hertz (Hz)

Prefixes allowed:
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 None
 Micro (μ)

 Meter per sec (m/s)

Prefixes allowed:
 None
 Micro (μ)

 Rotations per minute (RPM)

Prefixes allowed:
 None

Units for Pressure Control are:

 Bar (bar)

Prefixes allowed:
 None
 Deci (d)

 Pounds per square inch (PSI)

Prefixes allowed:
 None Speed/Velocity Control Sensor Configuration

 After DPQ Feedback configuration step, on speed/velocity sensor configuration step below interfaces are listed in
the sensor configuration step for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Analog sensor port.
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 For ‘7pin Connector Pins D and E’ (interface 0) sensor interface selection, there is a provision to select the raw
signal coming on physical pins as either mV or mA.
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 For Bus Object 1 (Interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (Interface 8) selection, Type64 sensor configuration step is dis-
played as below.
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 For Speed Input 1 (interface 9) selection, content mentioned below is displayed

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 For interface 10 selection, the sensor configuration has sub interface selection as Quadrature Type or Speed
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 For Speed Input 2 (interface 10) subtype is chosen as speed/frequency input, on Type64 sensor configuration
step following Options are displayed.
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 For Speed Input 2 (interface 10) subtype is chosen as Quadrature Encoder Input, on Type64 sensor configura-
tion step following options are displayed.
Note: Quadrature encoding uses both speed input pins on the analog sensor port.
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 When DSC is selected in application configuration step 1, below interfaces are listed in the sensor configuration
step for valve of level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Digital SSI sensor port.
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 For External Enable (interface 5) sensor interface selection, SSI configuration is displayed as shown below to en-
ter details from sensor data sheet. Type 65 = Binary SSI sensor and Type 66= Gray Code SSI sensor
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 On load, settings are retrieved from the valve. Speed/Velocity Control Valve Calibration

 Speed/Velocity Control Valve Calibration step is launched after Speed/Velocity Control Sensor Configuration step
as displayed below:
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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, speed is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, speed is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Set Min Speed’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference speed value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min speed is greater than max speed and home speed
is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min speed parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Speed’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter max reference speed value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max speed is less than min speed.
 On ‘Done’ click, max speed parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max speed is displayed.\

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max speed are set.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 202 Force/Pressure Control Sensor Configuration

 After Speed/Velocity control valve calibration step, on Force/Pressure control sensor configuration step below inter-
faces are listed for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Analog sensor port.

 For level 3,4 valve, the interfaces available for selection

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 For ‘7pin Connector Pins D and E’ (interface 0) sensor interface selection, there shall be provision to select the raw
signal coming on physical pins as either mV or mA.

 For Pressure Port A (interface 11), Pressure Port T (interface 12), Pressure Port P (interface 13) and Pressure Port B
(interface 14), the user is prompted with the confirmation for recalibrating pressure sensors

 For Bus Object 1 (interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (interface 8) sensor interface selection, Force/Velocity control Type64
sensor configuration step is displayed as shown below.
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 After Speed/Velocity control valve calibration step, on Force/Pressure control sensor configuration step below inter-
faces are listed for valve level 2 or higher (KBS2, KBS 3, KBS4) with Digital SSI sensor port.

 For level 3,4 valve, the possible interfaces available for selection
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 For SSI Port (interface 6, only possible with Digital feedback sensing valve) sensor interface selection, the following
options are displayed to either select Type 65 or Type 66.

 After sensor sub type selection, Force/Pressure control SSI configuration step is launched with content listed below
for entering details from sensor data sheet. Type 65 = Binary SSI sensor and Type 66= Gray Code SSI sensor
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 If interface selection is same as the interface selection Speed/Velocity Control Sensor Configuration, following warn-
ing message is displayed. Force/Pressure Control Valve Calibration

 For interface 0 to interface 14, Force/Pressure Control Valve Calibration step is launched after Force/Pressure
Control Sensor Configuration step as displayed below.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max pressure are set.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 215 Force/Pressure Control Differential Input– Calibrate <Interface 1>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 1 of selected differ-
ential interface is displayed as shown below:

 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 1 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as dis-
played below.

 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.
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 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below

 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box. Force/Pressure Control Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2>

 For selection of interface 15 to interface 26, a confirmation dialog for recalibration of interface 2 of selected differential
interface is displayed as shown below:

 On Yes Click, Differential Input –Calibrate Interface 2 step is launched after Sensor Configuration step as displayed
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Set Min Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and
home pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Pressure’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box. Force/Pressure Control Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Inter-
 For interface 15 to interface 26, Differential Input – Capture Working Range <Differential Interface> step is launched
after Differential Input – Calibrate <Interface 2> step as displayed below:
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Enable Valve Spool Control’ Click, a warning message is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘System is Safe’ click, valve spool control is enabled

Increment (+), decrement (-) and Zero buttons are enabled.

 On increment (+) click, pressure is incremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
 On decrement (-) click, pressure is decremented by percentage value entered in the text box highlighted below
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 On ‘Disable Valve’ click, valve spool control is disabled.

 Raw signal feedback is displayed only for valve with Analog sensor port.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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 On ‘Set Min Difference’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter min reference pressure value is displayed.

 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether min pressure is greater than max pressure and home
pressure is set to 0 if it is negative in value.
 On ‘Done’ click, min pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Max Difference’ click, below confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog to enter maximum reference pressure value is displayed.
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 On ‘Cancel’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 The value entered is checked for a valid number and whether max pressure is less than min pressure.
 On ‘Done’ click, max pressure parameters for respective interface are set for the value entered in the text box.
 On ‘Set Home/Zero Offset’ click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as shown below.

 On ‘No’ click, valve calibration step is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, below confirmation dialog with calculated min and max position is displayed.

 On ‘No’ click, previous confirmation dialog is displayed.

 On ‘Yes’ click, the new min and max pressure are set.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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20.4.8. Command Input Configuration

 For DPC, DSC, DFPC selection on Application Configuration step, after Valve Calibration step following command in-
put interfaces are displayed for valve with analog sensor port.

 For CANbus command input interface, following command input modes are displayed.
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 For “7pin Connector pins D and E” input interface, following command input modes are displayed.
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 For interface selection same as feedback interface selection, a warning is displayed to change the interface selection.

 For DPQ selection on Application configuration step, following command input interfaces are displayed for valve with
analog sensor port.
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 For ‘CANbus Command Input DSC-RPDO1 and DFPC – RPDO2’ selection, OD Index -
0x6580 sub index 0x1 takes speed/velocity control setpoint over CANbus Command and OD Index -
0x6500, sub index 0x1 takes force/pressure control setpoint over CANbus Command.
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 1 and DFPC – Amp Connector +/- 10 V’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sensor
Input 1 is used for speed/velocity control and -10 to 10 V from 7 pin Din connector pin D/E is used for force/pressure
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 1 and DFPC – Amp Connector 0 to 10 V’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sensor
Input 1 is used for speed/velocity control and 0 to 10 V from 7 pin Din connector pin D/E is used for force/pressure
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 1 and DFPC – Amp Connector 4 to 20 mA’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sen-
sor Input 1 is used for speed/velocity control and 4 to 20 mA from 7 pin Din connector pin D/E is used for
force/pressure control
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 1 and DFPC – Amp Connector +/- 10 mA’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sensor
Input 1 is used for speed/velocity control and -10 to 10 mA from 7 pin Din connector pin D/E is used for force/pressure
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 1 and DFPC – Amp Connector +/- 15 mA’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sensor
Input 1 is used for speed/velocity control and -15 to 15 mA from 7 pin Din connector pin D/E is used for force/pressure
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 For ‘DSC – Analog Sensor Input 2 and DFPC – Analog Sensor Input 1’ selection, 4 to 20 mA from Analog Sensor In-
put 2 is used for speed/velocity control and 4 to 20 mA from Analog sensor Input 1 is used for force/pressure control.
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 For DPQ selection on Application configuration step, following command input interfaces are displayed for valve with
Digital/SSI sensor port.
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 If CANbus command is selected and Bus Object 1 (interface 7) or Bus Object 2 (interface 8) is selected for either
Speed/Velocity Control sensor Configuration or Force/Pressure Control Sensor Configuration step, following warning
message is displayed.

 For command input other than CANbus command, if same interface is selected on either Speed/Velocity Control Sen-
sor Configuration or Force/Pressure Control Sensor Configuration step, following warning message is displayed. User
must select another command input.
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20.4.9. Calibration Completion

 Calibration Completion is the last step of configuration of Valve.

 For DPC, DSC and DFPC, Calibration completion step appears after Valve Calibration step.
 For DPQ, Calibration completion step appears after Force/Pressure Control Valve Calibration step.

 On ‘Finish’ Click, if ‘Close the Wizard and Open the DS408 Graphical Configurator’ is checked, DS408 Graphics will
be launched.
 On ‘Finish’ Click, if ‘Close the Wizard and Open the DS408 Graphical Configurator’ is not checked, Tile mode home
screen is displayed.
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20.4.10. Help Button

 In all the steps, help shall be provided as (?) and associated popup should be visible when respective button is
clicked. (Example shown below)
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20.5. System Notifications

On System Notifications click, notifications are displayed as below:

 On Warning Click, all warning messages are displayed

 On Error Click, all warning messages are displayed
 On Critical Click, all warning messages are displayed
 On Information Click, all warning messages are displayed
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20.6. Settings
On Settings click, settings are displayed as below:
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20.7. Diagnostics
On Diagnostics click, diagnostics are displayed as below:
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20.8. User Guide

On User Guide click, user manual is displayed.

20.9. Advanced Mode

On Advanced Mode click, tile mode home screen is closed and advanced mode screen is displayed.

20.10. Set Factory Defaults

On Set Factory Defaults click, a confirmation dialog is displayed as below:

On Yes Click, all user settings and configuration are erased and service password is reset to Eaton default.

Warning: To save your settings, Please save your parameters to a DCF file from OD configurator. All user settings are lost on
Factory reset.

20.11. About AxisPro

About AxisPro click, displays the about box as below:

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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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21. References
 CiA Standard, “CAN Physical Layer for Industrial Applications,” CAN in Automation Draft
Standard 102, Ver 2.0 Apr. 1994.
 CiA Standard, “CANopen Application Layer and Communication Profile,” CAN in Auto-
mation Draft Standard 301, Ver 4.2 Dec. 2007.
 CiA Standard, “CANopen Electronic Data Sheet Specification,” CAN in Automation Draft
Standard Proposal 306, Ver 1.1 Jun. 2001.
 CiA Standard, “Device Profile Fluid Power Technology – Proportional Valves and Hy-
drostatic Transmissions,” CAN in Automation Draft Standard 408, Ver 1.5.2 Jan. 2005.
 VDMA Standard, “Profile Fluid Power Technology - Proportional Valves and Hydrostatic
Transmissions,” VDMA Fluid Power Committee, Ver 1.5, Nov. 2001.
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and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

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Appendix 1: Sensor Interfaces & Calibration

AxisPro™ controllers contain various sensor interfaces that may be enabled and calibrated per application needs. Several
interfaces are configurable for more than one type, though only one type may be active at one time per interface. Not all in-
terfaces described in this section are present on each valve. See the valve’s model code for the device capabilities. Some
interfaces are calibrated at the factory and are read-only.
The access and calibration of these sensors is in accordance with the DS408 Actual Value Conditioning mechanism.
The following table lists the possible sensor interfaces and their default type and unit. If the interface type is changed, the
calibration and unit are specific to the new type and the default table below does not apply.

Interface Raw value AVC converted Type Supported Sign Description

selection location value location types location
0 [2005sF] [2020s1], [6210s1] [2160s1] 0, 2, 67, -2, -3 [2161s1] Input Pins D/E
1 [2005s10] [2020s2], [6211s1] [2160s2] 0, 2, 67, -26 [2161s2] Sensor port - input 1
2 [2005s11] [2020s3], [6212s1] [2160s3] 0, 2, 67, -26 [2161s3] Sensor port - input 2
3 [2005s12] [2020s4], [6213s1] [2160s4] 0, 2, 67, -26 [2161s4] Sensor port - input 3
4 [2005s13] [2020s5], [6214s1] [2160s5] 0, 2, 67, -26 [2161s5] Sensor port - input 4
5 [2005s14] [2020s6], [6215s1] [2160s6] 0, 2, 67, -27 [2161s6] External Enable Pin C
6 [2005s15] [2020s7], [6216s1] [2160s7] 0, 65, 66 [2161s7] SSI bus input
7 [2005s16] [2020s8], [6217s1] [2160s8] 0, 64 [2161s8] CAN bus input 1 (free object)
8 [2005s17] [2020s9], [6218s1] [2160s9] 0, 64 [2161s9] CAN bus input 2 (free object)
9 - [2020sA],[6219s1] [2160sA] 0, 64, -4, [2161sA] Speed Input 1
For type 64, Encoder interface this object
gives increment or decrement count portion
of the signal.
10 - [2020sB], [621As1] [2160sB] 0, -4, 64 [2161sB] Speed Input 2
For type 64, For Count,direction type &
Phase AB type encoders the AVC converted
value is the frequency portion of the signal
11 - [2020sC], [621Bs1] [2160sC] 0, 2 [2161sC] Pressure Port A input
12 - [2020sD], [621Cs1] [2160sD] 0, 2 [2161sD] Pressure Port T input
13 - [2020sE], [621Ds1] [2160sE] 0, 2 [2161sE] Pressure Port P input
14 - [2020sF], [621Es1] [2160sF] 0, 2 [2161sF] Pressure Port B input
15 - [2020s10], [621Fs1] [2160s10] -20 [2161s10] Difference between Sensor port input 1 &
input 2
16 - [2020s11] [2160s11] -21 [2161s11] Difference between Sensor port input 1 &
input 3
17 - [2020s12] [2160s12] -22 [2161s12] Difference between Sensor port input 1 &
input 4
18 - [2020s13] [2160s13] -23 [2161s13] Difference between Sensor port input 2 &
input 3
19 - [2020s14] [2160s14] -24 [2161s14] Difference between Sensor port input 2 &
input 4
20 - [2020s15] [2160s15] -25 [2161s15] Difference between Sensor port input 3 &
input 4
21 - [2020s16] [2160s16] -10 [2161s16] Difference between Pressure Port P & Port A
22 - [2020s17] [2160s17] -11 [2161s17] Difference between Pressure Port P & Port B
23 - [2020s18] [2160s18] -12 [2161s18] Difference between Pressure Port P & Port T
24 - [2020s19] [2160s19] -13 [2161s19] Difference between Pressure Port A & Port B
25 - [2020s1A] [2160s1A] -14 [2161s1A] Difference between Pressure Port A & Port T
26 - [2020s1B] [2160s1B] -15 [2161s1B] Difference between Pressure Port B & Port T

Table A1-1 Sensor interface options

Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 249

Interface type number Description

0 No conversion
1 Valve Spool Position (LVDT)
2 Pressure (analog)
64 Incremental position encoder
65 Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) binary
66 Synchronous Serial Interface (SSI) gray coded
67 Position (analog)
-1 Solenoid current sense
-2 Voltage on Pins D/E (mV)
-3 Amperage on Pins D/E (uA)
-4 Speed input (frequency)
-5 Quadrature encoder (Phase A & B signals)
-6 Quadrature encoder (speed and direction signals)
-10 Difference between Pressure Port P & Port A
-11 Difference between Pressure Port P & Port B
-12 Difference between Pressure Port P & Port T
-13 Difference between Pressure Port A & Port B
-14 Difference between Pressure Port A & Port T
-15 Difference between Pressure Port B & Port T
-20 Difference between Sensor port input 1 & input 2
-21 Difference between Sensor port input 1 & input 3
-22 Difference between Sensor port input 1 & input 4
-23 Difference between Sensor port input 2 & input 3
-24 Difference between Sensor port input 2 & input 4
-25 Difference between Sensor port input 3 & input 4
-26 Input microamperes (uA)
-27 Voltage on Pin C (mV)

Table A1-2 Sensor interface supported types

The correct sensor interface should be selected and configured to an appropriate type for the device control mode being
Type 2 and 67 may be calibrated by setting the interface minimum, interface maximum, reference minimum, and reference
maximum values to create a point slope form which rescales the input to the desired type.

e.g. If an analog position sensor of a cylinder is connected to the sensor port input 2, which is initially a 4-20mA current in-
put, then to rescale the amperage to units of position, the following setup is required:

1. Set the device in INIT ort DISABLED mode

2. Set the interface selection number [6201s0] to 1 (selecting sensor port input 2 – see table above)
3. Set the interface type [6202s0] to 67 (selecting analog position sensor type)
4. Set the minimum current value (in uA) that is produced by the sensor (interface minimum) [6233s1] ex. 4000 = 4mA
5. Set the maximum current value (in uA) that is produced by the sensor (interface maximum) [6234s1] ex. 20000 = 20mA
6. Set the position reference value that corresponds to the interface minimum [6230s1]. This is the minimum measured cyl-
inder position and can be a negative value. E.g. -1200000um corresponds to 4mA sensor output
7. Set the position reference value that corresponds to the interface maximum [6231s1]. This is the maximum measured cyl-
inder position and can be a negative value. e.g. 1200000um corresponds to 20mA sensor output
8. Check the result of the point slope conversion of sensor port input 2 in [6204s1]. The value is also available in [6211s1]
when the interface selection number is other than 1.
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 250

A1.1 On-board Pressure Sensors

The on-board pressure sensors, available on AxisPro™ KBS3DG4V* and KBS4DG4V* model codes can be
The valve interface type for each of the sensors is preset to type 2 (pressure type) in object [6202s0]. Ensure
the valve interface sign for each of the sensors is set to 1 (positive resulting value) in [6203s0].

Each port can be individually calibrated by using the Actual Value Conditioning block for the valve’s sensor in-
terfaces. The table below lists the objects which need to be accessed to calibrate each sensor. Change the
interface selection object [6201s0] from 10 to 13 then reading raw ADC values [200Ds5 to 8]. Below steps re-
main the same for all ports, with the exception that the interface selection is updated and the raw ADC reading
for pressures changes subindex.

Pressure sensor Selected by Raw ADC values Resulting Value

[6201s0] value set to
Pressure A 10 [200Ds5] [621As1]
Pressure T 11 [200Ds6] [621Bs1]
Pressure P 12 [200Ds7] [621Cs1]
Pressure B 13 [200Ds8] [621Ds1]
Table A1-1 Pressure Sensor Objects

This procedure assumes the default pressures of 0 decibar and 1000 decibar are the calibration rig pressures.
If the rig pressures are measured during calibration to be other than these pressures, the values for min and
max calibration pressures must also be changed. [Drive AVC Pressure Min @ [6220s1]; Drive AVC Pressure
Max @ [6221s1]
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 251


Disable valve via Enable wire (disconnect or

set to 0V) or by changing Device local from
then sending a “1” to device control word
object [6040s0]

No pressure should be applied on any port

for 0 bar pressure calibration

Select the pressure interface selection by writing

to object [6201s0] with value 10 for pressure A

Read the object [200Ds5] with +/-tol

Write the object [6224s1] with count read

from object [200Ds5]

Apply the 100 bar pressure on

port A
write the object [2201s0]
with the count
Read the object [200Ds5] with +/-tol B

Write the object [6225s1] with count read

from object [200Ds5]

Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 252

Read from object [621As1]

If object [621As1] NO B
=1000 decibar? +/-tol

Optional: Commit to EEPROM


On-board pressure sensors may also be calibrated by directly accessing the objects per the following table.
These objects do not require the selected interface (object [6201s0]) to be changed.

Pressure Interface Interface Calibration Calibration ADC signal for ADC signal for
sensor type object sign object min pressure max pressure calibration min calibration
pressure max pressure
Pressure A [2160sB] [2161sB] [2162s9] [2163s9] [2166s9] [2167s9]
Pressure T [2160sC] [2161sC] [2162sA] [2163 sA] [2166sA] [2167sA]
Pressure P [2160sD] [2161D] [2162sB] [2163sB] [2166sB] [2167sB]
Pressure B [2160sE] [2161sE] [2162sC] [2163sC] [2166sC] [2167sC]
Table A1-2 Pressure Sensor Calibration Objects
Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 253

On-board pressure sensors may be continuously monitored for out-of-range signals by comparing raw ADC
signal with high and low limits. The range-checking limits must be set to ensure calibrated pressure values are
always within the operating range after tolerances are considered. These limits are meant to lie at the extents
of sensor and hardware conditioning circuit ratings with a 2% margin applied, however wider tolerance may be
required to prevent spurious or intermittent fault triggering. The objects that define the on-board pressure sen-
sor range-checking limits are as follows:

Pressure Object for out-of- Default high limit Object for out-of- Default low limit
sensor range high limit val- (ADC signal) range low limit value (ADC signal)
Pressure A [2004s18] 11805 [2004s1A] 4441
Pressure T [2004s1C] 11805 [2004s1E] 4441
Pressure P [2004s20] 11805 [2004s22] 4441
Pressure B [2004s24] 11805 [2004s26] 4441
Table A1-3 Pressure Sensor Range Objects

A1.2 Quad sensor input decoding:

Quadrature encoders (also known as incremental encoders or optical encoders) are used for position and speed detection
of rotating motion systems. Quadrature encoders enable closed loop control of many motor control applications. There two
types of Quad decoding supported by AxisPro:
o Phase A/Phase B encoder type
o Count and Direction encoder type.

Both types require use of the two speed inputs with respect to Table 5-8.
Speed 1 Connect the Phase A signal
Speed 2 Connect the Phase B signal

Table A1-4 phase_A and phase_B encoders type configuration

Speed 1 The direction signal of the quadrature encoder

Speed 2 The count signal of the quadrature encoder

Table A1-5 count and direction encoders’ type

The selection of encoder type is done by writing object [2001s11] with one of the following options:
“0” for count and direction
“1” for phase_A and phase_B

Also to achieve stable frequency/velocity values, an exponentially weighted filter can be configured [2001s12]. The maxi-
mum value is 9999 which corresponds to 99.99% weighting per the following formula.

New filtered value = (old filtered value * weight) + (new raw value * [1-weight])

Note: With this type of simple filter, there is significant impact on frequency/velocity rise/fall times (limited acceleration) due
to the filter weighting. Choose the smallest filter constant that the application can tolerate.

[2001s11] Incremental Encoder Type

[2001s12] Incremental Encoder Speed Filter constant

Table A1-6 configuration parameters for QEI

[6218s1] Counter value for number of pulses

[6219s1] Linear/angular Velocity in term of milliHz

Table A1-7 result of QEI input decoding values

Title: AxisPro™ Industrial Valve
and Pro-FX™: Configure User Manual

Eaton Hydraulics Inc. Revision: 14.10.28

7945, Wallace Road Revised: Oct 2014
Eden Prairie, MN 55344 Page: 254

A1.3 Temperature Sensors

All AxisPro™ models contain a temperature sensor mounted to the electronic PCB. This sensor’s resulting
value can be calibrated. Default calibration is in degrees Celsius.
AxisPro™ models with on-board pressure sensors, available on AxisPro™ KBS3DG4V* and KBS4DG4V*
model codes have a temperature sensor built-in to the Pressure T sensor. This sensor’s resulting value can be
calibrated. Default calibration is in degrees Celsius.

Temperature Gain Offset Raw ADC values Resulting Value

Electronics PCB [2003s8] [2003s7] [200DsA] [2005s1]
Port T [2003s2] [2003s1] [200Ds9] [2005sA]

Resulting Value = Raw ADC value * Gain – Offset

Note: The electronics PCB temperature will experience self-heating by the adjacent electronics circuitry de-
pending on use. The sensor may also experience heating from thermal conduction from the hydraulics and/or
solenoid depending on operation, thus the operating conditions should take this into account as the sensor
should be expected to produce higher than ambient temperature reading inside the electronic enclosure.

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