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Jeff Du

IM 6- 11AP
Intern Mentor Countywide Presentation

On December 5th, I completed my countywide presentation at Howard High School (It was originally at

Long Reach but it was moved to Howard). I thought that I did a really solid job, especially compared with

my first few attempts. The Smart Speaking Seminar, combined with the multiple classroom presentations,

really allowed me to refine my speaking and presenting skills as well as effectively deliver the

information. Afterwards, I had to give feedback and and evaluate three other students in my presenting

group, as well as time others. Listening to other people talk about their experiences in the field of law

really interested me, as I got to see what others were doing in their positions. The field of law is also very

expansive and emcompasses a lot of different fields, so learning about what others were researching in

their respective fields was insightful and informative. After watching some of the presentations, I’m very

glad that I had the opportunity to participate in so many different presentation events beforehand as to

refine my craft and improve my delivery. I still think that I talked a bit fast at times because I was slightly

nervous, but I think overall, especially compared to the Smart Speaking Event, I slowed down

dramatically and was able to more effectively deliver my information.

I think my favorite part of the even was networking with the other interns, whether it be talking

with them about their experiences or just life activities in general. It was interesting to learn about the

Intern Mentor Programs of other Howard County schools and how they function. Besides my fellow

intern Faith, I talked to students from Oakland Mills, Hammond, Atholton, and Centennial, among others,

who interned in various fields of immigration law from criminal to business to public defending. I

thoroughly enjoyed the experience and look forward to future countywide Intern Mentor activities.

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