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Department of Education

Region VIII
Division of Samar
District of Daram I
Senior High School Department
Midterm Examination

Name: _________________________________________ Section: _____________

Teacher: _Ms. MA. ANGELICA C. OBREGON_ Date: ________________ Score: _________

I. Choose the best answer from the given options. Write the capital letter of your answer on
the space provided. No erasure!

____ 1. Politics refers to the study of state and government. In the other hand, political science describes the
processes by which people and institutions exercise and resist power.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 2. The word Political Science came from the Latin words “Polis” and “Scire”. It means “city” and “to
know” respectively.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 3. The science of politics deals with basic knowledge and understanding of the state and the principles
and ideals which underlie its organization and activities. It also deals with those relations among men and
groups which are subject to control by the state.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 4. There are four (4) stages in the study of Political Science. It includes the following: religious stage,
physical stage, developed stage and modern stage.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 5. Niccolo Machiavelli was considered the father of Political Science. He also wrote the infamous “The
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 6. State is a legal concept and considered tangible. Nation is an ethnic concept and is intangible.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 7. A nation can composed many states. A state can composed many nations.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 8. A government can exist even it is not a state. A state can exist even without a government.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 9. The Philippines practiced a federal form of government. The country also has a presidential form of
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE
____ 10. The Philippine government exercised check and balanced. It refers to the doctrine and practice of
dispersing political power and creating mutual accountability among political entities.
a. Both statements are TRUE c. Only the first statement is TRUE
b. Both statements are FALSE d. Only the first statement is FALSE

II. Identify the meaning of the following statements. Write your answer in ALL SMALL
LETTERS on the blank.
__________ 11. The freedom of the state to carry out its activities without subjection or control by other
__________ 12. The most essential and indispensable element of the state.
__________ 13. A theory of state origin wherein it states that men agreed among themselves to live under
one civil society or body politic.
__________ 14. A form of government wherein the executive is dependent to the legislative branch.
__________ 15. The doctrine and practice of dividing the powers of a government among different branches
to guard against abuse of authority.
__________ 16. The Philippines water boundary in the north.
__________ 17. The southernmost island in the Philippines.
__________ 18. The only Christian country in Southeast Asia.
__________ 19. The name given by Bernardo dela Torre to the Philippines.
__________ 20. This anthropologist theorized that the first man to inhabit the Philippines came via the series
of migration.
__________ 21. This theory of Filipino origin explains that the pre-historic people of SEA belong to the same
racial origin as evidenced by the existence of base culture or common cultural traits.
__________ 22. He holds the highest power during pre-colonial government of the Philippines.
__________ 23. If the Datu don’t have any children, who will inherit the position?
__________ 24. A land that was given to a Spanish officer who helped in the pacification of the natives.
__________ 25. The president of the Royal Audiencia.

III. Modified True or False. Write the word YES if it implies a correct statement. If it connotes a
wrong statement, change the word/ phrase of the underline word to make it into a correct
statement. NO ERASURE!
__________ 26. The first governor-general of the Spanish colonized Philippines was Miguel Lopez de Legazpi.
__________ 27. Alcadia is a pacified province headed by the cabildo.
__________ 28. All laws that were implemented were made by the Spanish Cortes and publish under the
colonial code entitled Law of the Indios.
__________ 29. The constitution under American Commonwealth government was the 1935 constitution.
__________ 30. In the beginning of the Commonwealth government, the constitution provided for a bicameral
__________ 31. Following the occupation of US to the Philippines, United States established a civil
__________ 32. Under the Tydings-McDuffie Law, the Philippines were able to draft a new constitution
wherein Filipinos now held governmental positions.
__________ 33. The term of office of the president under the commonwealth government was 4 years with
__________ 34. Japanese military government in the Philippines was headed by Gen. Honna of the Japanese
Imperial Army.
__________ 35. The 1943 constitution was adopted by the Preparatory Commission for Philippine
Independence (PCPI) led by Dr. Jose P. Laurel.
__________ 36. The legislative branch under the second republic was known as Philippine Assembly.
__________ 37. Single term for 6 years was the term of office of the president under the second republic.
__________ 38. Under the 1943 constitution, the legislative was more powerful than the other 2 branches of
the government.
__________ 39. The central government in a unitary system is much more powerful than the central
government in a federal system.
__________ 40. The Commonwealth government was used as a preparation for the Philippines self-
governance after an effective twenty-year transition.

IV. Supply the needed information. Write your answers in CAPITAL LETTERS.
A. Functions of Government
41. 42.
B. Forms of government as to number of persons exercising power
43. 44. 45.
C. Theories of Filipino Origins
46. 47. 48.
D. Kinds of Encomienda
49. 50.

Bonus +5
How many sides does a circle have? What are those?

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