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1. Name: _________________________________ 2. Sex: ___________

3. Birthday (m/d/y): _________________________ 4. Age: ___________

5. Permanent Address: ___________________________________________________


6. E-mail address: _______________________________________________________

7. Contact No: ______________________ 8. Civil Status: ___________


9. Program graduated at DOSCST: __________________________

10. Year Graduated: _________________

11. Reason(s) for taking the course(s) or pursuing degree(s). You may check  more

than one answer.

 Good grades in high school

 Influence of parents or relatives

 Peer influence

 Inspired by a role model

 Strong passion for the profession

Prospect for immediate employment

 Status or prestige of the profession

 Affordable for the family

 Prospect of career advancement

 Prospect of attractive compensation

 Scholarship grants

 Opportunity for employment abroad

 Availability of course offering in chosen institution

 No particular choice or no better idea

 High grades in the course or subject area(s) related to the course

Other, please specify: ______________________________________________

12. Were you working while studying in college?  Yes  No

13. Were you a scholar in college?  Yes  No

14. If YES, what scholarship did you avail? ____________________________________


(Employment here refers to any type of work performed or services rendered in

exchanged for compensation under a contact of hire which create the employer and

employee relations)

15. Have you been employed?  Yes  No

If Yes, please proceed to Question 17.

If No, please proceed to Question 16 and Questions 42-43, and kindly return the

questionnaire to the enumerator.

16. Please state reason(s) why you are not yet employed. You may check  more than

one answer.

 Advance or further studies

 Family concerns and decided not to find a job

 No job opportunity  Did not look for a job

 Health-related reasons  Lack of work experience

Other reason(s), please specify _______________________________________

17. Are you presently employed?  Yes  No

If Yes, proceed to Question 19.

If No, proceed to Question 18 and Questions 42-43, and kindly return the

questionnaire to the enumerator.

18. Please state reason(s) why you are not currently employed. You may check  more

than one answer.

 Advance or further studies

 Family concerns and decided not to find a job

 No job opportunity

 Did not look for a job

 Health-related reasons

 Lack of work experience

Other reason(s), please specify _______________________________________


19. Name of the Organization:______________________________________________

20. Section/Division______________________________________________________

21. Place of Work:

 within Davao Oriental  outside Davao Oriental but within Davao Region

 Abroad  outside Davao Region but within the Philippines

22. Sector of Employment:

 Public or Government Agency  Private or Non-Government Organization

23. Major line of business you are presently employed. Please check  only one


 Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry

 Hotels and Restaurants

 Fishing

 Transport Storage and Communication

 Mining and Quarrying

 Financial Intermediation

 Manufacturing

 Real State, Renting and Business Activities

 Electricity, Gas and Water Supply

 Education

 Construction

 Health and Social Work

 Private Households with Employed Persons

 Extra-territorial Organizations and bodies

 Wholesale and Retail Trade, repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and

personal and household goods

 Public Administration and Defense; Compulsory Social Security

 Other community, Social and personal Service Activities

24. Present employment Status:

 Regular – Permanent

 Casual

 Part-time
 Regular – Temporary/Probationary

 Contractual/Job Order

 Self-employed

25. If self-employed, what skills acquired in college were you able to apply in your


 Entrepreneurial Skills  Innovativeness

 Management skills  Marketing skills

 Communication skills  Information Technology Skills

Others, please specify: _____________________________________________


26. Is this your first job after college?  Yes  No

If Yes, please answer Questions 27 – 33 for First Job Column Only and

proceed to Questions 34 – 35.

If No, please answer Questions 27–33 for both First Job and Present Job and

proceed to Questions 34-36.

27. How long did it take to land on your job?

Duration First Job Present Job

Less than a month  

1 to 6 months  

7 to 11 months  

1 year to less than 2 years  

2 years to less than 3 years  

3 years to less than 4 years  

Others, please specify: ________________________________________

28. How did you find your job?

First Job Present Job

Response to an advertisement  

As walk-in applicant  

Recommended by someone  

Information from friends  

Arranged by school job placement officer  

Family business  

Job Fair of Public Employment

Service Office (PESO)  

Others, please specify: _____________________________________________

29. What were your reasons for accepting the job? You may check  more than one


Reasons First Job Present Job

For experience  

Peer influence  

Salaries and benefits  

Career challenge  

Family income  

Related to special skills and interest  

Related to course or program of study  

Proximity to residence  

Other reason/s, please specify: _______________________________________

30. What is your job level?

Job Level First Job Present Job

Job Order  

Clerical or Rank and File  

Professional, Technical or Supervisory  

Managerial or Executive  

Self-Employed  

31. How long have you stayed in your job?

Duration First Job Present Job

Less than a month  

1 to 6 months  

7 to 11 months  

1 year to less than 2 years  

2 years to less than 3 years  

3 years to less than 4 years  

Others, please specify: _____________________________________________

32. What is your initial gross monthly income?

Monthly Income Range First Job Present Job

Php5,000 – Php9,999  

Php10,000 – Php14,999  
Php15,000 – Php19,999  

Php20,000 – Php24,999  

Php25,000 – Php29,999  

Php30,000 – Php34,999  

Php35,000 – Php39,999  

Php40,000 – Php49,999  

Php50,000 and above  

33. What are the reason(s) for staying on the job? Please rank from 1 to 7 using 1 as

the most significant reason.

Reasons First Job Present Job

Salaries and benefits _____ _____

Career challenge _____ _____

Related to my special skill and interest _____ _____

Related to course or program of study _____ _____

Proximity to residence _____ _____

Peer Influence _____ _____

Family Influence _____ _____

Other reason(s), please specify and rank: _______________________________

34. Do you intend to stay in the same job/profession?  Yes  No

35. How satisfied are you with your present job?

 Very much satisfied  Much satisfied

 A little satisfied  Not satisfied at all

---- Question 36 is applicable only to Respondents who answered No for Question 26 ----

36. What were your reasons for changing your job? Please rank from 1 to 7 using 1 as

the most significant reason.

_____ Salaries and benefits

_____ Related to my special skills and interest

_____ Career challenge

_____ Proximity to residence

_____ Related to my course or program of study

_____ Peer Influence

_____ Family Influence

Other reason(s), please specify and rank: _______________________________


37. Was the curriculum you had in college relevant to your first job?

 Yes  No

Please skip Question 38 if your present job is your first job.

38. Was the curriculum you had in college relevant to your present job?

 Yes  No

39. What competencies learned in college did you find useful in your job? Please rank

from 1 to 7 using 1 as the most useful.

Competencies Rank

Communication Skills _____

Human Relations Skills _____

Entrepreneurial Skills _____

Information Technology skills _____

Problem-Solving Skills _____

Critical thinking skills _____

Research Skills _____

Creativity & Innovative Skills _____

Others skills, please specify and rank: _________________________________

40. What core values learned in college did you find useful/applicable in your job?

Please rank from 1 to 12 using 1 as the most useful/applicable.

Core Values Rank

God-centered _____

Social Responsibility _____

Thinking critically and creatively _____

Discipline _____

Competent _____

Committed _____

Collaborative _____

Resilient _____

Sustainable _____

Excellence _____

Innovation _____
41. Was your course at DOSCST relevant to your present job? Please check the
appropriate box of your answer.

Strongly Strongly
Relevance Agree Disagree
Agree Disagree

Enhanced academic knowledge

Improved problem-solving skills

Improved research skills

Improved learning efficiency

Improved communication skills

Improved information technology skills

Enhanced team spirit

Improved Human Relation skills

Influence entrepreneurial skills

Applied critical thinking skills

42. Which of the following represent strengths and weaknesses of the course you have

taken in DOSCST? Please check  the appropriate box of your answer.

Major Minor Minor Major

Strength Strength Weakness Weakness

Range of courses offered

Number of optional subjects

Relevance of the program

to your professional

Extracurricular activities

Problem solving

Inter-disciplinary learning

Work placement/attachment

Teaching/Learning environment

Quality of Delivery

Teacher Student Relationship

Library and Laboratory

43. List suggestions to further improve your course curriculum.

---------------------------------------- End of the Questionnaire ----------------------------------------

Kindly return this questionnaire to the enumerator. Thank you very much.

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